Riddle me this Dems

How do you figure on doing that? By decree, Mr. Stalin?

By having the Fed target 0% inflation rather than 2% inflation.

Are you really under the impression that the Fed targets 2% inflation?

As of recently they announced 2% PCE inflation as their medium term target: FRB: Press Release--Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement of longer-run goals and policy strategy--January 25, 2012

Of course I'd be better if rather than being allowed to choose their own target, as long as it's consistent with "price stability and maximum employment", there was an explicit target in the Federal Reserve Act (like what happens in most other developed countries). Of course rather than an inflation target, an NGDP level target would be superior.
By having the Fed target 0% inflation rather than 2% inflation.

Are you really under the impression that the Fed targets 2% inflation?

As of recently they announced 2% PCE inflation as their medium term target: FRB: Press Release--Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement of longer-run goals and policy strategy--January 25, 2012

Of course I'd be better if rather than being allowed to choose their own target, as long as it's consistent with "price stability and maximum employment", there was an explicit target in the Federal Reserve Act (like what happens in most other developed countries). Of course rather than an inflation target, an NGDP level target would be superior.

I don't put a lot of weight in these statistics. PCE usually adjusts even lower than CPI, which is a highly flawed method of computing inflation.

What are your thoughts on the plutocratic gap in CPI computing?
Are you really under the impression that the Fed targets 2% inflation?

As of recently they announced 2% PCE inflation as their medium term target: FRB: Press Release--Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement of longer-run goals and policy strategy--January 25, 2012

Of course I'd be better if rather than being allowed to choose their own target, as long as it's consistent with "price stability and maximum employment", there was an explicit target in the Federal Reserve Act (like what happens in most other developed countries). Of course rather than an inflation target, an NGDP level target would be superior.

I don't put a lot of weight in these statistics. PCE usually adjusts even lower than CPI, which is a highly flawed method of computing inflation.

What are your thoughts on the plutocratic gap in CPI computing?

I don't think it's anywhere near as big as people like to claim. I am a bit uncomfortable with the use of geometric weighting to offset substitution effects, but I don't think it's a huge issue.

That's one advantage of an NGDP target. You don't have to pick a price index to target. There's only one NGDP, the total dollar value of all goods and services in the economy.
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

l unempoyment is down, gaining jobs, consumer confidence is riasing,stocks are up, despite GOP attempt to bring down the economy.

What do you mean?

Do you fear that lowering unemployment will cause recession?

Stocks are up? So can we invest out Social Security in US Equities or are stock and Wall Street evil?
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

Because it exists in the real world and is not a controlled test-tube experiment in which single variables can be isolated.
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

Because it exists in the real world and is not a controlled test-tube experiment in which single variables can be isolated.

Not much of a theory then is it? Why would Democrats tell us that it works like that?
Because there is one way that variables can be controlled: examine them over a large expanse of time so that all other variables cancel out. That's how we verify that demand-side economics works and supply-side economics doesn't: we look at economic performance during the 40 years when demand-side determined economic policy in the U.S., and compare it to the decades before and after when it didn't.
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

l unempoyment is down, gaining jobs, consumer confidence is riasing,stocks are up, despite GOP attempt to bring down the economy.

What do you mean?

If the evil republicans are all about making as much money as they can, what purpose would it serve to kill their golden goose?

Oh, wait!!
I get it!!
You were just acting stupidly....

Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

l unempoyment is down, gaining jobs, consumer confidence is riasing,stocks are up, despite GOP attempt to bring down the economy.

What do you mean?

Do you fear that lowering unemployment will cause recession?

Stocks are up? So can we invest out Social Security in US Equities or are stock and Wall Street evil?

if you want to leave Senior Citizens broke and on the street. Even if I believed in evil, inanimate objects can't be evil. No, I don't believe people who want to make money are evil, I do have a problem with putting someone's retirement in the hands of people who's only concern is making money for him/her self. And I do have a problem with people on wall street who bribe,cheat and steal money from people both illegally and legally.
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

l unempoyment is down, gaining jobs, consumer confidence is riasing,stocks are up, despite GOP attempt to bring down the economy.

What do you mean?

If the evil republicans are all about making as much money as they can, what purpose would it serve to kill their golden goose?

Oh, wait!!
I get it!!
You were just acting stupidly....


who said the golden goose was America? most of the super rich bet against America. They make money despite the troubles of America.
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

Remember this gem from Princess Nancy....
to paraphrase...We get more bang for the buck with unemployment checks.
She said for every dollar issued in bennies the economy gets like $2.00 back.
Dems insist that unemployment, food stamps and deficits stimulate the economy, we have all three in record breaking numbers, why then does the economy continue to suck Alaskan moosecock?

Remember this gem from Princess Nancy....
to paraphrase...We get more bang for the buck with unemployment checks.
She said for every dollar issued in bennies the economy gets like $2.00 back.

She's a selfish, self-serving ****. Who ya gonna believe?
l unempoyment is down, gaining jobs, consumer confidence is riasing,stocks are up, despite GOP attempt to bring down the economy.

What do you mean?

If the evil republicans are all about making as much money as they can, what purpose would it serve to kill their golden goose?

Oh, wait!!
I get it!!
You were just acting stupidly....


who said the golden goose was America? most of the super rich bet against America. They make money despite the troubles of America.

What happened to Truthseeker419? Did you eliminate him?
Look at Europe and claim that your preferred policies are working, and I'll laugh in your face.

We are not europe. Don't act like every dumb ass conservative on the screen. You're smarter than that.

Thank you. However, my point stands. The American left wants to model our economy after the European model: Lots of entitlements, very progressive taxation.

The only problem is -- it's not working there. There is no reasonable way to assume it would work here.

I see your post was summarily ignored, daveman....

Not surprising...
Because there is one way that variables can be controlled: examine them over a large expanse of time so that all other variables cancel out. That's how we verify that demand-side economics works and supply-side economics doesn't: we look at economic performance during the 40 years when demand-side determined economic policy in the U.S., and compare it to the decades before and after when it didn't.

So FDR's average 20% unemployment for 7 years was stimulating the economy?
Because there is one way that variables can be controlled: examine them over a large expanse of time so that all other variables cancel out. That's how we verify that demand-side economics works and supply-side economics doesn't: we look at economic performance during the 40 years when demand-side determined economic policy in the U.S., and compare it to the decades before and after when it didn't.

So, what 40 year period are you referring to when demand-side economics worked? 1940-1980? Those last few years under Carter did kinda suck, didn't they? And the supply-side years under Reagan through Bush43 were pretty good, up until 2007.
We are not europe. Don't act like every dumb ass conservative on the screen. You're smarter than that.

Thank you. However, my point stands. The American left wants to model our economy after the European model: Lots of entitlements, very progressive taxation.

The only problem is -- it's not working there. There is no reasonable way to assume it would work here.

I see your post was summarily ignored, daveman....

Not surprising...

Europe's problem isn't it's entitlement/taxation policies. Europe's problem is that it swooned for the same fuckers America did.
It's really quite simple to make inflation illegal. Consider how Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time. He made it illegal for anyone to report a train was not on time, and hung anyone who did.

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