Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The De Blasio line. Democrats destroy everything they touch.


Complaints of “soiled” subways are piling up, with skeeved straphangers reporting more cars caked with garbage, food spills and human waste so far in 2019 than in all of 2017, according to MTA data.

Having already blown past the 1,504 reports logged in 2017, this year’s 1,623 complaints as of the end of August are on pace to obliterate 2018’s year-end tally of 2,058, the agency said — to the surprise of absolutely no New Yorkers.
Back in the 80's I rode the bus for five years.
Pure fucking misery and took forever to get anywhere.

I earned, by suffering through that, my luxury SUV I now drive.
I would have titled this thread "Riding Mass Transit Is Like Having Sex With A Woman Who Just Had Sex With 30 Random People"

I hate mass transit.
The light rail in Mpls. is filled with homeless at all hours.
They are welcomed by the city council so they can stay warm.
Train to nowhere: Twin Cities light rail becomes home for the homeless
Nothing like a train car that smells of vomit and human waste with addicts passed out for hours, to attract new commuters.

I will drive my personal vehicle and absord the extra costs. Screw mass transit.

Do they allow concealed carry on those, or are they posted?
According to this its allowed.

The Drive: Yes, it's legal to carry a gun on the bus — if you have a permit
The light rail in Mpls. is filled with homeless at all hours.
They are welcomed by the city council so they can stay warm.
Train to nowhere: Twin Cities light rail becomes home for the homeless
Nothing like a train car that smells of vomit and human waste with addicts passed out for hours, to attract new commuters.

I will drive my personal vehicle and absord the extra costs. Screw mass transit.

Do they allow concealed carry on those, or are they posted?
According to this its allowed.

The Drive: Yes, it's legal to carry a gun on the bus — if you have a permit


Now if MN would only get a reciprocity deal on the books. I have to unload and put it in the trunk any time I cross the big river.
Mass transit is a very expensive baby sitting device for the homeless, seniors, juvenile delinquents, mentally impaired etc.
I had to work for a time as a public bus driver. Most of the passengers just used it as a mobile lounge and general time waster.

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