Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car

"BART officials said they have never had an issue like the incident on Monday afternoon when a man brandished not one but two chainsaws as he rode a train, all while muttering threats to other passengers."

It's why the Left want to force you to take Mass Transit.

BART Rider Arrested After Brandishing Chainsaws On Train

So we can have a man with an assault weapon go in the trains and do a mass killing, we love it. Are the white men going crazy or what hey.

I call shenanigans.

Where is any normal person advocating for a crazy person to brandish a chainsaw on public transportation? Link?

Obviously a crazy person. I am more interested in the 3 white nationalist getting arrested.
BART Rider Arrested After Brandishing Chainsaws On Train keep listening.

This has nothing to do with any white nationalists - the article mentions none.

Lame posters gonna lame post.
I used to love taking the trolley into downtown for work. It almost always a nice comfortable ride that allowed me to read and relax before having to be "on" at work.
Penelope, did ever read a history book written before 1965 and or do watch fake news MSNBC and fake news CNN daily? I ask that because you are obviously a clueless idiot.

I know the history of the US and no I do not watch faux fox news. Debate what I have said in my post, if you can!

Um.... You're points have already been countered and bested. Not sure if your realize that. In effect you are the fighter who has been knocked cold and you are on the floor of the Ring challenging the person who just knocked you cold to a fight.

My experience with self-deprecating white women is that they try to use a form of Reverse Racism to attract sexual attention from Minority males for whom they have developed a preference for whatever reason.

For more information on this matter you can check out a post in Badlands entitled.

Why is it always fat ugly white women?

I would give you a direct link to it but this Forum doesn't provide a linking tool.


First of all, I'm not fat, and I have been married for over 30 years, so that is not it. What else do you have ? Yes you can link a thread, I have done it, but I do not have to visit the badlands unless I have something to post there, and I have no interest in that topic.

No one is ordering you to do anything.
I simply made an observation based on years of past experience.

Odd that you would take it so personally.

You should not however be surprised when others faile to join you in self-deprecation.

The idea that social quality can be attached to skin color is absurd. Anything that appears to indicate that particular phenomenon should be seen for what it is..deception.

I am constantly amazed by the lopsided energy of the self haters. They sit and wait patiently for news episodes that fit a very specific set of predetermined parameters.

Ignoring days and even weeks rich with exculpatory accounts that indicate otherwise they lurch forward and come to places like this in an attempt to take that one lonely episode and stretch it out to a one-size-fits-all generalization. When they are called to account they often whine, complain and self-deprecate. (Ahem)

Many of them run to the moderators complaining that someone had the nerve to disagree with them and that person must be a racist or some kind of rule-breaking Terror threat.... And should immediately be banned!!

All in all self-deprecation is an extremely unimpressive way to make any kind of point with anyone. It's something best done in the mirror in the privacy of One's Own home. Bringing it to public display invariably has ulterior motives even if we choose to deny them.

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I rode mass transit years ago in my twenties.

The trick was to appear more nuts than the other passengers. Thousand yard stare works wonders.

Saw some unique human behavior and a couple of arrests.

I gladly pay extra to drive my gas guzzling vehicle alone with a nice cup of coffee. Screw mass transit.
Got my thigh felt up by some perv on the bus once. That's about it. I've managed to keep a car most of my life.
I have to imagine that the commuter rail line running from the exurbs north of the Twin Cities is a far more pleasant ride than the inner city buses I used to take.
Reclining seats, WIFI, quiet business crowd.
My old bus line went through the roughest part of N Mpls.
Never had a personal incident though.
I do have a fond memory of my Grandpa taking me on the bus from the lakes of South Mpls, where we lived when I was 4 and we would go wander downtown watching all the people and new construction.
We did that at least once a week.
I used to love taking the trolley into downtown for work. It almost always a nice comfortable ride that allowed me to read and relax before having to be "on" at work.

I thought at the Castro District brothels its the clients that are "on" you.....

Sorry, that was too easy....
I used to love taking the trolley into downtown for work. It almost always a nice comfortable ride that allowed me to read and relax before having to be "on" at work.

I thought at the Castro District brothels its the clients that are "on" you.....

Sorry, that was too easy....

It’s a living. :lol:
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I rode mass transit years ago in my twenties.

The trick was to appear more nuts than the other passengers. Thousand yard stare works wonders.

Saw some unique human behavior and a couple of arrests.

I gladly pay extra to drive my gas guzzling vehicle alone with a nice cup of coffee. Screw mass transit.
Got my thigh felt up by some perv on the bus once. That's about it. I've managed to keep a car most of my life.
I have to imagine that the commuter rail line running from the exurbs north of the Twin Cities is a far more pleasant ride than the inner city buses I used to take.
Reclining seats, WIFI, quiet business crowd.
My old bus line went through the roughest part of N Mpls.
Never had a personal incident though.

I rode mass transit for years when I lived in Houston. I recall one morning when I was working two jobs and going to college that I fell asleep in the back of the bus on the way into the City. This was a park and ride that didn’t pick up outbound passengers at that point in the morning. So I woke up and we were half way back to Kingwood (north Houston). I’m the only one on the bus besides the driver and she has turned off all of the lights….

I had to think…do I walk up to the front and scare the shit out of this driver or do I just stay in my seat in the darkness and wait until we get back to the park and ride lot and explain to her what happened? I waited and we had a good laugh about it.

The trains in Miami were pretty nice.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
You sound like a fucking retard
I rode mass transit years ago in my twenties.

The trick was to appear more nuts than the other passengers. Thousand yard stare works wonders.

Saw some unique human behavior and a couple of arrests.

I gladly pay extra to drive my gas guzzling vehicle alone with a nice cup of coffee. Screw mass transit.
Got my thigh felt up by some perv on the bus once. That's about it. I've managed to keep a car most of my life.
I have to imagine that the commuter rail line running from the exurbs north of the Twin Cities is a far more pleasant ride than the inner city buses I used to take.
Reclining seats, WIFI, quiet business crowd.
My old bus line went through the roughest part of N Mpls.
Never had a personal incident though.

I rode mass transit for years when I lived in Houston. I recall one morning when I was working two jobs and going to college that I fell asleep in the back of the bus on the way into the City. This was a park and ride that didn’t pick up outbound passengers at that point in the morning. So I woke up and we were half way back to Kingwood (north Houston). I’m the only one on the bus besides the driver and she has turned off all of the lights….

I had to think…do I walk up to the front and scare the shit out of this driver or do I just stay in my seat in the darkness and wait until we get back to the park and ride lot and explain to her what happened? I waited and we had a good laugh about it.

The trains in Miami were pretty nice.
Had my best naps on the bus.
Never overslept the stop though.
Always managed to keep a death grip on my little backpack also.
Outside of the Northeast Corridor, mass transit is more expensive that giving riders free taxi rides. The fact that mass transit is 80% subsidized is well hidden by its proponents.
"BART officials said they have never had an issue like the incident on Monday afternoon when a man brandished not one but two chainsaws as he rode a train, all while muttering threats to other passengers."

It's why the Left want to force you to take Mass Transit.

BART Rider Arrested After Brandishing Chainsaws On Train

So we can have a man with an assault weapon go in the trains and do a mass killing, we love it. Are the white men going crazy or what hey.
Why don't you ask that question to a black man in Chicago on a Sat. night that's brandishing a pistol? :smoke:
One problem for mass transit in the Twin Cities is the sprawl of the metro region now covers 11 counties. Including two in western WI. Most commutes are suburb to suburb with mass transit geared to downtown's. Forces many to rely on their vehicles.
Bad planning by the Met Council(unelected body BTW) tries to force commuter lanes and pay lanes which remain empty with some drivers cheating to pass.
Buses get stuck in the same mess as the cars. The regions growth is far outpacing construction.

Took over 20 years and an act of Congress to finally build the new Stillwater bridge to WI.
"BART officials said they have never had an issue like the incident on Monday afternoon when a man brandished not one but two chainsaws as he rode a train, all while muttering threats to other passengers."

It's why the Left want to force you to take Mass Transit.

BART Rider Arrested After Brandishing Chainsaws On Train

So we can have a man with an assault weapon go in the trains and do a mass killing, we love it. Are the white men going crazy or what hey.
I don't think a white, black, Asian man is going to take a Bart Train with a AK for one. Two People and Cops would take attention to the person..Say since you are white try it and let us know how it works for you.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
In your racist post you left out the other races in the world. Or do you have a problem with white men. I don't so grow up and quit the Kool Aid its getting to you.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
Geez, you are so unoriginal.
Native Americans are people born in America. That even includes highspanic anchor babies.
You’re thinking of indigenous.
The indigenous slaughtered previous indigenous with no option of reservations so you’re an ignorant hypocrite.
Judeo/Christian philosophy is at the root of the platform that allows you your ignorant dissent.
You are a quintessential democrat dupe.
You post is funny because I am the Other race and it appears you are not.

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