Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 30 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car

Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
Geez, you are so unoriginal.
Native Americans are people born in America. That even includes highspanic anchor babies.
You’re thinking of indigenous.
The indigenous slaughtered previous indigenous with no option of reservations so you’re an ignorant hypocrite.
Judeo/Christian philosophy is at the root of the platform that allows you your ignorant dissent.
You are a quintessential democrat dupe.
You post is funny because I am the Other race and it appears you are not.
What other race? The high hurdles? My post was not race-relevant. It was of a historical nature.
the black race has the higher murder /criminal rate--undeniable
the white race is a lot better when it comes to not murdering--undeniable
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
Geez, you are so unoriginal.
Native Americans are people born in America. That even includes highspanic anchor babies.
You’re thinking of indigenous.
The indigenous slaughtered previous indigenous with no option of reservations so you’re an ignorant hypocrite.
Judeo/Christian philosophy is at the root of the platform that allows you your ignorant dissent.
You are a quintessential democrat dupe.
My folks were hear and living before there was a USA and we moved around a lot since land was not owned but a place you put your tent. For some the Tribes were just not the same as the Spanish and White man but we caught on and some joined the White Tribes. There was much intermarriage and joining of family History. For some reason most of us off spring look and acted white, and even today you can not id us. I did a history of my back ground and found that the true Americans are really not identifiable and even those who think they are English are not. Pure bloods died when they got off the ship with the first marriage in some cases.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
Geez, you are so unoriginal.
Native Americans are people born in America. That even includes highspanic anchor babies.
You’re thinking of indigenous.
The indigenous slaughtered previous indigenous with no option of reservations so you’re an ignorant hypocrite.
Judeo/Christian philosophy is at the root of the platform that allows you your ignorant dissent.
You are a quintessential democrat dupe.
You post is funny because I am the Other race and it appears you are not.
What other race? The high hurdles? My post was not race-relevant. It was of a historical nature.
You were the one that used the word Whitey, .
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
Geez, you are so unoriginal.
Native Americans are people born in America. That even includes highspanic anchor babies.
You’re thinking of indigenous.
The indigenous slaughtered previous indigenous with no option of reservations so you’re an ignorant hypocrite.
Judeo/Christian philosophy is at the root of the platform that allows you your ignorant dissent.
You are a quintessential democrat dupe.
My folks were hear and living before there was a USA and we moved around a lot since land was not owned but a place you put your tent. For some the Tribes were just not the same as the Spanish and White man but we caught on and some joined the White Tribes. There was much intermarriage and joining of family History. For some reason most of us off spring look and acted white, and even today you can not id us. I did a history of my back ground and found that the true Americans are really not identifiable and even those who think they are English are not. Pure bloods died when they got off the ship with the first marriage in some cases.
If your folks were here before the US then you’re at least 200 years old.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
Geez, you are so unoriginal.
Native Americans are people born in America. That even includes highspanic anchor babies.
You’re thinking of indigenous.
The indigenous slaughtered previous indigenous with no option of reservations so you’re an ignorant hypocrite.
Judeo/Christian philosophy is at the root of the platform that allows you your ignorant dissent.
You are a quintessential democrat dupe.
You post is funny because I am the Other race and it appears you are not.
What other race? The high hurdles? My post was not race-relevant. It was of a historical nature.
You were the one that used the word Whitey, .
No, not I.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
Sure just like Kennady in Nam, Truman in Korea, FDR WWII, Wilson WWI, Read your History and quit skipping pages.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
Geez, you are so unoriginal.
Native Americans are people born in America. That even includes highspanic anchor babies.
You’re thinking of indigenous.
The indigenous slaughtered previous indigenous with no option of reservations so you’re an ignorant hypocrite.
Judeo/Christian philosophy is at the root of the platform that allows you your ignorant dissent.
You are a quintessential democrat dupe.
My folks were hear and living before there was a USA and we moved around a lot since land was not owned but a place you put your tent. For some the Tribes were just not the same as the Spanish and White man but we caught on and some joined the White Tribes. There was much intermarriage and joining of family History. For some reason most of us off spring look and acted white, and even today you can not id us. I did a history of my back ground and found that the true Americans are really not identifiable and even those who think they are English are not. Pure bloods died when they got off the ship with the first marriage in some cases.
If your folks were here before the US then you’re at least 200 years old.
Read you history god you don't read well. There was a birth rate don't you know.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
I forgot to mention Clinton bombing fake tanks somewhere in Europe Carters screw up in Iran, The Rosavelt in Cuba, As I said read History page by page.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
but black nationalists/black KILLERS are ok???!!!!!!?????!!
White supremacists murder about 5 people per YEAR
blacks murder over 8 every DAY
and you worry about/hate WS???
makes NO sense--none--except if you are racist............?
She did not read about Angela Davis who killed 4 people during a bank robbery.
Penelope, why do you hate Whitey? Do you feel it is racist to attack Whitey as you do out of jealousy because we invented modern life, or do you feel that it is in your DNA as a sub-human, "missing link" to attack anything that exposing the reality that a large segment of society, generally democrats are simply offspring of idiots?

I don't mind normal white people, I'm one, but I despise white nationalist and white mass killers.

We invented modern life, by killing Native Americans, and putting them on reservations and allowing them to become citizens in 1924, and black slavery and our interfering in all other countries, such as Reagan in Central America, and Bush Jr in Iraq and Afghanistan, (not to mention Vietnam) and Syria. Really that is what we brought to the globe , our legacy. The mass killers that shoot up schools and blow up buildings are white home grown citizens. I'm taking Roofs and McVeigh , etc.

Then we hate immigration. This Christian nation (maj) has sure got a lot of problems with non white non Christian, are you just scared you are going to become a minority.

We have nasty history, which is just getting worst by right wing nuts.

PS: the bomber is white, the shooter if white, and now this is a white male.
yes--you skipped a lot of history
....the NAs were murdering/TORTURING/killing/raping/stealing land/displacing/decimating/etc other tribes long before evil whitey came over

this is not 1850 anymore will farmer Dave plows a few acres and builds a sod house
please get into reality

blacks murder at many times the rate of whites
the blacks have a bigger problem/critical problem of murdering than whites do
the numbers are undeniable

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