Rigged Polls Put Trump Support at 40%

Then where did the EC "polls" I just posted come from? You're playing a silly game, your precious polls assured you your old hag would win...guess what? They were dead wrong
You mean the one Reuters collection of polls from October 15? Don't embarrass yourself.

Now I want you to tell me how far from 40% you think Trump's approval is.

I just told you (and posted EC polls) I don't believe your damn polls, I didn't during the election either...YOU tell me...who won?
Polls showed Clinton beating Trump by 2-4% in the popular vote. The only way for you to prove poll inaccuracy is by peddling the voter fraud fake news that you guys love to type up.

The polls showed her winning, stop playing a silly game

Aaaaaand? Election was decided by half of a percent vote margin in battleground states. Trump's falling popularity is not in a margin of error.

Not all people who vote for Trump are stupid, bu he did attract quite a lot of ignorant lemmings like yourself and OP who are now busy denying the very methodology of measuring popular opinions.
Falling popularity when he isn't even in office yet? You're too stupid to understand the ramifications of that. LOL!

He's not in the public eye? He's not tweeting lunacy every fucking day?
He's under the microscope, who do you think you're kidding. The tweets get omg bullshit from leftists snowflake "reporters" and no positive press. But I don't believe polls anyway.

So the highest rated cable news network is giving him negative press now too?
Aaaaaand? Election was decided by half of a percent vote margin in battleground states. Trump's falling popularity is not in a margin of error.

Not all people who vote for Trump are stupid, bu he did attract quite a lot of ignorant lemmings like yourself and OP who are now busy denying the very methodology of measuring popular opinions.
Falling popularity when he isn't even in office yet? You're too stupid to understand the ramifications of that. LOL!

Oh yes of course how can we forget that only in-office presidents can have approval. :rolleyes:

Now get on back on the stupid wagon, your brainless corpse is scaring the children.
He's not been in a position to do anything. Go suck on some roadkill, junior. The polls were bullshit all along and you sucked them up and here you are for more!
Aaaaaand? Election was decided by half of a percent vote margin in battleground states. Trump's falling popularity is not in a margin of error.

Not all people who vote for Trump are stupid, bu he did attract quite a lot of ignorant lemmings like yourself and OP who are now busy denying the very methodology of measuring popular opinions.
Falling popularity when he isn't even in office yet? You're too stupid to understand the ramifications of that. LOL!

Oh yes of course how can we forget that only in-office presidents can have approval. :rolleyes:

Now get on back on the stupid wagon, your brainless corpse is scaring the children.
He's not been in a position to do anything. Go suck on some roadkill, junior. The polls were bullshit all along and you sucked them up and here you are for more!

lol to listen to you idiots poor ol' Trump (when he is not saving all those american jobs and driving record market growth of course) has been minding his own little business in the Trump tower since election.

This is a preview of what next 4 years will be like - you better lube up, caring water for this clown will be a real pain in the ass.
A pain? You have nothing but insults. That's what the left has been reduced to. Whiny insulting little bitches. No one needs to carry his water, he's giving you boys a golden shower.

Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to waste time pointing out your stupid, petty posting. I call that win - win.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.
Oh, spare us, Donnie. You won the election. You've got your four year tour, "Gilligan." The polls don't matter any more. Just do whatever the hell you're going to do. Oh, maybe what you want to do is tweet about polls?
These idiots still pursue their lying stacked polls that are already completely discredited as they gave Hillary a 98% chance of winning the election, a statistical near certainty.

Why does any one pay ANY credence to these bullshit polls?

Answer: Because they are useful idiots and/or these discredited polls are useful for the political Establishment to delegitimize Trump so they can maintain their multinational corporate crony networks and power.

Trump blasts 'rigged' polls of his public approval | Daily Mail Online
I expect FAUX News will be able to find a poll where Donald Trump will score at 90%+. perhaps among their own viewers.
Polls that show the majority of Americans thought Obama had us on the wrong path was rigged.
Polls that show Hillary would win in a landslide were not rigged. (How'd that work out?)
Polls that show 40% support for are rigged.

Got it.
Falling popularity when he isn't even in office yet? You're too stupid to understand the ramifications of that. LOL!

Oh yes of course how can we forget that only in-office presidents can have approval. :rolleyes:

Now get on back on the stupid wagon, your brainless corpse is scaring the children.
He's not been in a position to do anything. Go suck on some roadkill, junior. The polls were bullshit all along and you sucked them up and here you are for more!
Falling popularity when he isn't even in office yet? You're too stupid to understand the ramifications of that. LOL!

Oh yes of course how can we forget that only in-office presidents can have approval. :rolleyes:

Now get on back on the stupid wagon, your brainless corpse is scaring the children.
He's not been in a position to do anything. Go suck on some roadkill, junior. The polls were bullshit all along and you sucked them up and here you are for more!

lol to listen to you idiots poor ol' Trump (when he is not saving all those american jobs and driving record market growth of course) has been minding his own little business in the Trump tower since election.

This is a preview of what next 4 years will be like - you better lube up, caring water for this clown will be a real pain in the ass.
A pain? You have nothing but insults. That's what the left has been reduced to. Whiny insulting little bitches. No one needs to carry his water, he's giving you boys a golden shower.

Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to point out your stupid, petty posting.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.
Who bitched? You! I'm here making fun of you. I said the polls have no meaning to me, I didn't pay attention to them all election and now I should?

How's that roadkill comin'?
Oh yes of course how can we forget that only in-office presidents can have approval. :rolleyes:

Now get on back on the stupid wagon, your brainless corpse is scaring the children.
He's not been in a position to do anything. Go suck on some roadkill, junior. The polls were bullshit all along and you sucked them up and here you are for more!
Oh yes of course how can we forget that only in-office presidents can have approval. :rolleyes:

Now get on back on the stupid wagon, your brainless corpse is scaring the children.
He's not been in a position to do anything. Go suck on some roadkill, junior. The polls were bullshit all along and you sucked them up and here you are for more!

lol to listen to you idiots poor ol' Trump (when he is not saving all those american jobs and driving record market growth of course) has been minding his own little business in the Trump tower since election.

This is a preview of what next 4 years will be like - you better lube up, caring water for this clown will be a real pain in the ass.
A pain? You have nothing but insults. That's what the left has been reduced to. Whiny insulting little bitches. No one needs to carry his water, he's giving you boys a golden shower.

Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to point out your stupid, petty posting.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.
Who bitched?

You are a dumbass

Rigged Polls Put Trump Support at 40%

This whole thread is about polling denial.

See how it works? You say dambass nonsense, I call you dumbass.
Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to waste time pointing out your stupid, petty posting. I call that win - win.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.

There are pompous assholes the world around....^^^^^^^^^^^^
He's not been in a position to do anything. Go suck on some roadkill, junior. The polls were bullshit all along and you sucked them up and here you are for more!
He's not been in a position to do anything. Go suck on some roadkill, junior. The polls were bullshit all along and you sucked them up and here you are for more!

lol to listen to you idiots poor ol' Trump (when he is not saving all those american jobs and driving record market growth of course) has been minding his own little business in the Trump tower since election.

This is a preview of what next 4 years will be like - you better lube up, caring water for this clown will be a real pain in the ass.
A pain? You have nothing but insults. That's what the left has been reduced to. Whiny insulting little bitches. No one needs to carry his water, he's giving you boys a golden shower.

Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to point out your stupid, petty posting.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.
Who bitched?

You are a dumbass

Rigged Polls Put Trump Support at 40%

This whole thread is about polling denial.

See how it works? You say dambass nonsense, I call you dumbass.
Polling denial? Oh lordy....

And right after the election where they were all proven wrong. Stuck on stupid!
Always keep in mind that news organization polls are nothing more than damage-assessments of their fake news. CNN wouldn't know how to contact a conservative to poll if their lives depended on it and WaPo has been at war with Trump for a year and a half. What's hilarious is that Trump can counter days of their lies and deceit in a 20 second tweet. :lol:
lol to listen to you idiots poor ol' Trump (when he is not saving all those american jobs and driving record market growth of course) has been minding his own little business in the Trump tower since election.

This is a preview of what next 4 years will be like - you better lube up, caring water for this clown will be a real pain in the ass.
A pain? You have nothing but insults. That's what the left has been reduced to. Whiny insulting little bitches. No one needs to carry his water, he's giving you boys a golden shower.

Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to point out your stupid, petty posting.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.
Who bitched?

You are a dumbass

Rigged Polls Put Trump Support at 40%

This whole thread is about polling denial.

See how it works? You say dambass nonsense, I call you dumbass.
Polling denial? Oh lordy....

And right after the election where they were all proven wrong. Stuck on stupid!

This is EXATLY the dumbass polling denial I'm talking about.

National poll average did correctly show Clinton's popular win within 1% margin.That is remarkably accurate.

State polling was less accurate, but to now say that because of an election that was decided by mere 0.5% in the battleground states the whole concept of polling popular opinion is now not valid is supremely stupid.
Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to waste time pointing out your stupid, petty posting. I call that win - win.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.

There are pompous assholes the world around....^^^^^^^^^^^^

Yea, you keep talking about poll rigging conspiracies and I'll keep treating you like a pompous asshole
A pain? You have nothing but insults. That's what the left has been reduced to. Whiny insulting little bitches. No one needs to carry his water, he's giving you boys a golden shower.

Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to point out your stupid, petty posting.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.
Who bitched?

You are a dumbass

Rigged Polls Put Trump Support at 40%

This whole thread is about polling denial.

See how it works? You say dambass nonsense, I call you dumbass.
Polling denial? Oh lordy....

And right after the election where they were all proven wrong. Stuck on stupid!

This is EXATLY the dumbass polling denial I'm talking about.

National polls did correctly show Clinton's popular win within 1% margin.

State polling was less accurate, but to now say that because of an election that was decided by mere 0.5% in the battleground states the whole concept of polling popular opinion is now not valid is supremely stupid.
Liar. They had her way up until a day or two before when they had to save their asses. Trump wasn't given a realistic chance.

Ironically, it's probably why he won because he ran around all over the country holding rallies, towards the end, two and three a day. While Hillary was snoozing in confidence.
Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to waste time pointing out your stupid, petty posting. I call that win - win.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.

There are pompous assholes the world around....^^^^^^^^^^^^

Yea, you keep talking about poll rigging conspiracies and I'll keep treating you like a pompous asshole
Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to point out your stupid, petty posting.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.
Who bitched?

You are a dumbass

Rigged Polls Put Trump Support at 40%

This whole thread is about polling denial.

See how it works? You say dambass nonsense, I call you dumbass.
Polling denial? Oh lordy....

And right after the election where they were all proven wrong. Stuck on stupid!

This is EXATLY the dumbass polling denial I'm talking about.

National polls did correctly show Clinton's popular win within 1% margin.

State polling was less accurate, but to now say that because of an election that was decided by mere 0.5% in the battleground states the whole concept of polling popular opinion is now not valid is supremely stupid.
Liar. They had her way up until a day or two before when they had to save their asses.

Idiot, these are easily verified facts.

Final Results -- -- -- 48.2 46.1 Clinton +2.1
RCP Average 11/1 - 11/7 -- -- 46.8 43.6 Clinton +3.2

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
The pseudocons predicted a Romney landslide.

The libtards predicted a Clinton landslide.

Trump is still a fucking asshole.
Idiot, these are easily verified facts.

Final Results -- -- -- 48.2 46.1 Clinton +2.1
RCP Average 11/1 - 11/7 -- -- 46.8 43.6 Clinton +3.2

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Read em and weep, botboy:

Well if you Trumpsters start talking about something non-petty, non-stupid, I won't have to waste time pointing out your stupid, petty posting. I call that win - win.

You can start by quitting ridiculous bitching about polling just because you happen to not like some results.

There are pompous assholes the world around....^^^^^^^^^^^^

Yea, you keep talking about poll rigging conspiracies and I'll keep treating you like a pompous asshole
Who bitched?

You are a dumbass

Rigged Polls Put Trump Support at 40%

This whole thread is about polling denial.

See how it works? You say dambass nonsense, I call you dumbass.
Polling denial? Oh lordy....

And right after the election where they were all proven wrong. Stuck on stupid!

This is EXATLY the dumbass polling denial I'm talking about.

National polls did correctly show Clinton's popular win within 1% margin.

State polling was less accurate, but to now say that because of an election that was decided by mere 0.5% in the battleground states the whole concept of polling popular opinion is now not valid is supremely stupid.
Liar. They had her way up until a day or two before when they had to save their asses.

Idiot, these are easily verified facts.

Final Results -- -- -- 48.2 46.1 Clinton +2.1
RCP Average 11/1 - 11/7 -- -- 46.8 43.6 Clinton +3.2

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
I was posting the election forecasts of two major outlets for months: Ya Like Polls, Do Ya?

Right up until October 11, they had Clinton at 87 percent chance of winning.

And then FBI Director Comey pressed his face right up to the glass on our TVs to tell us he was investigating the emails on Boner's laptap.
Any poll that would have Trumps approval as high as 40% must be rigged

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