Right of return

I want my great grandfather's property in Belarus.

Or I want to get paid for it. :cool:
Anything else,PF, GeorgePhillip? Speak up. Don't get toungue-tied.
It wouldn't work....besides, it says.........

"... that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible."

Pals wouldn't know how to do the "live at peace" part!
Anything else,PF, GeorgePhillip? Speak up. Don't get toungue-tied.


You have to be kidding.....RIGHT

This is nothing more than a propaganda piece put out by what I assume are Zionists, I say assume as I really have little other choice in the matter as there is no documentation that allows me to source either the site or the authors of the piece. I have always been suspicious of articles that are like this as in my opinion they forfeit legitimacy so I took my time and examined the site to the best of my ability. Aside from a statement of purpose which could be written by anybody there are no other references.

You may ask legitimately why then do I assume that it is a Zionist article. I do so for these reasons, first it is obviously biased towards Israel, more on this later and second because it uses language that I have typically seen used by Christian Zionists , an example of this is the fact that they constantly reference the West Bank as Judea and Samaria. As I said in my experience only Zionists do this !

Now lets deal with the article, which is misleading at best. It is right that the words RIGHT OF RETURN are not mentioned in the resolution it self, but you really cannot expect us to believe that is not what they are referring to in the first quote that they give, that would be disingenuous. Than the article goes on to equate the number of Palestinian refugees from the British Mandate to the number of Jewish Refugees from the Arab world. The scope of UN Resolution dealt with the question of the refugees in what had been known as the British Mandate and therefore to include all of the Jewish Refugees is not relevant to the discussion !

Historically there are questions that are now arising as to weather the Palestinians left there homes voluntarily. Recently released documents and revised histories tend to tell a different story. It seems as if Jewish Authorities ( Ben Gurion ) at the time of the war were talking about and through the actions of the Irgun and the IDF of CLEANSING Israeli Territories of Palestinians. If you wish to verify this just google THE NEW HISTORIANS. These actions were an intensification of the terrorist actions that were undertaken by the various Jewish Militias that took place even before the 1948 war.

The credibility of this article is again undermined in that it does not mention UN Resolution 273 in which Israel again recognizes the RIGHT OF RETURN in exchange for admission the the UN. Don't you think that the article should have mentioned that also.

PS If people wish to examine the credibility of the article they should examine also examine the links that are provided at the bottom of it. They all seem to be pro Israeli articles.


Don't Palestinian Arabs have a Right of Return based on UN General Assembly Resolution 194?
The third session of the General Assembly refused to accept any decision altering the Partition Resolution of the preceding year, nor did it decide on ways of its implementation. Instead, on November 12, 1948, with Resolution 194 (III)it decided to set up a United Nations Conciliation Commission, reiterated the decision on internationalization of Jerusalem, and laid down several principles on the refugee question.

Since the War of Independence was still going on, most of Resolution 194 deals with seeking a diplomatic solution to the conflict, including setting up an international Conciliation Commission to mediate between the parties. The refugees are mentioned only in Article 11, which resolved:

... that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible.
Article 11 also instructed the Conciliation Commission:

... to facilitate the repatriation, resettlement and economic and social rehabilitation of the refugees and the payment of compensation.
Palestinian Arabs constantly repeat claims of rights based on Resolution 194, in particular the right to return to lands that are now part of the State of Israel. That position has no basis, certainly not in Resolution 194. General Assembly resolutions, unlike those of the Security Council, are non-binding and essentially are only suggestions. Resolution 194 does not use the language of "rights" or "right of return". The resolution does not specify the nationality of the refugees; recall that the Palestinian Arab refugees, who voluntarily left Israel at the urging of their leaders, are approximately equal in number to the Jews who fled persecution from Arab countries. Any "right of return" or right to compensation is equally present in Resolution 194 for Arabs and Jews. Since the resolution also specifies that its recommendations would apply to refugees who wish "to live at peace with their neighbors," Arabs would be excluded. It was the Arabs who began the war in 1947 and they continue to be at war with Israel today.

The present-day insistance on a "Right of Return" by Palestinians is a transparent attempt to eliminate Israel by means other than war. If all the refugee Palestinian Arabs, and their descendents, are given the right to return to Israel, then Israel quickly becomes a country with a Jewish minority. The majority Arabs would put an end to Israel without delay. Therefore, any ultimate resolution of this issue will certainly be in terms of limited return (perhaps limited to the few living Arabs who actually once resided in Israel) plus a forumula of compensation for both Arabs and Jews who were displaced by events surrounding the 1948 War of Independence.

Sources and additional reading on this topic:
General Assembly Resolution 194
Resolution 194 Refugees
Camp David: Facts and Final Status Issues
UN Resolutions 194 and 242
Soap Bubble #194
Who Wants to Be a Palestinian Refugee?

ISRAEL 1948-1967
Select Another Topic Israel's First Years ======= Law of Return UN Resolution 194 Israel's Borders Israel & Arab Countries West Bank Annexed Holy Sites Desecrated Tripartite Agreement The Early 1950s ======= Abdullah Assassination Fedayeen Qibya 1953 Egypt-Soviet Arms Deal Kfar Kassem 1956 The Sinai Campaign ====== Sinai 1956 Khan Yunis 1956 Sinai Campaign Results The PLO ====== PLO Founding Yasser Arafat PLO Activity The Six Day War of 1967 ====== Six Day War Background Start of Six Day War Six Day War Course Six Day War Result USS Liberty Settlements after 1967 UN Resolution 242 ======= Index

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The family took the financial settlement after the PLO accepted responsibility and apologized
You want a pound of flesh too?
...recall that the Palestinian Arab refugees, who voluntarily left Israel at the urging of their leaders,..

Who were those leaders and what forms off communication did they use.
The family took the financial settlement after the PLO accepted responsibility and apologized
You want a pound of flesh too?
They were right to accept the settlement and they should have demanded a head for an eye.
UN Resolution 194

According to UN Res 194

Speaking of the UN....

1. "A U.N. media official is under fire after tweeting a graphic image of an injured child and attributing it to recent Israeli air strikes on Gaza. While the photo, at first glance, certainly offers up a tragic sense of what war costs the men, women and children who live through it, the image is apparently years old and had nothing to do with Israeli actions.

2. Khulood Badawi, who Honest Reporting says works as an Information and Media Coordinator for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, is responsible for sending the photo out on Twitter. In a message disparaging to Israel, she wrote, “Palestine is bleeding. Another child killed by #Israel. Another father carrying his child to a grave in #Gaza.”

3. Here’s the problem: The photo is apparently from 2006 and has no relation whatsoever to Israel (or violence for that matter). While it was sent on March 10, the tweet is still present on Badawi’s account and has been shared by many other users, including activist and filmmaker Diana Alzeer.

4. the photo, “…was proven to have originated in 2006 and to have had nothing at all to do with Israeli action. This photo is now the top tweet for #Gaza, with over 300 retweets. It is completely false.”
Khulood Badawi Falsely Attributes Bloody Photo to Israeli Air Strikes | TheBlaze.com

Seems rare to find anything from the UN vis-a-vis Israel less than...jaundiced.
The family took the financial settlement after the PLO accepted responsibility and apologized
You want a pound of flesh too?

A pound of flesh? Quoting Shakespeare's Shylock? Was the anti semitic slur intentional?
The family took the financial settlement after the PLO accepted responsibility and apologized
You want a pound of flesh too?

Civilized people do not shoot hostages - an old innocent man (an American tourist) in a wheelchair - in the name of freedom. The worse part is:

Leon Klinghoffer's body washed ashore in Syria, and was found on October 15 and returned to the United States. An autopsy showed that Leon had died by drowning, and not by the bullets that had been fired into him. Four months after his death, Marilyn Klinghoffer died of colon cancer. They were survived by their two daughters, Ilsa and Lisa. The two daughters later sued the PLO (Klinghoffer vs. PLO, 1990 and 1991) for their role in the hijacking and murder of their father, and the suit was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount of money
UN Resolution 194

According to UN Res 194

It is all irrelevant. Even if we were to suppose 194 did establish a right of return, to claim that right some one who had left would have had to apply to the Israeli government or Israeli courts as an individual to be allowed to live in Israel or to claim his/her property or receive compensation for it. The Arabs who left did not do this, so they effectively abandoned whatever rights they may have had. Three generations later, the grandchild of an Arab who left during the war cannot claim what his grandfather had abandoned.
UN Resolution 194

According to UN Res 194

It is all irrelevant. Even if we were to suppose 194 did establish a right of return, to claim that right some one who had left would have had to apply to the Israeli government or Israeli courts as an individual to be allowed to live in Israel or to claim his/her property or receive compensation for it. The Arabs who left did not do this, so they effectively abandoned whatever rights they may have had. Three generations later, the grandchild of an Arab who left during the war cannot claim what his grandfather had abandoned.

Of course that is a pantload.

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