Right on Harry Reid!


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Reid predicts death of filibuster

The dems lost because of money in m politics, if money was removed from m politics, Hillary would have had a huge advantage!
Blame Comey, the Koch brothers, big backers of Trump

I mean this guy is hitting ALL the talking points, keep doing that!!!!!!!!!!!

Its working so well!
"“And that’s how I kind of felt during my career,” Reid said. “I’m sure there are people more capable than I, better looking than me, better educated than me, smarter than me." ....

Yep.. and more honest, decent, competent and capable of walking while chewing bubble gum.

"“They have Trump, I understand that. But I don’t think the Democratic Party is in that big of trouble,” Reid said

WTF? The Democrats hold the fewest number of elected offices they've held since the 1920's and he doesn't think that's "big of trouble" ? What's it going to take Harry? Democrats committing mass suicide in the streets?

"I mean, if Comey kept his mouth shut, we would have picked up a couple more Senate seats and we probably would have elected Hillary."

In other words, if they could have kept the plebs in the dark regarding the depth and breadth of Hillary's corruption, the suckers would have voted the Democrats back into power; The Democrat Party Victory Strategy has been revealed. :eek:

So long Harry you corrupt, lying scumbag.
Me thinkest Reid is a bit senile...

Probably a head injury due to that ass whipping he got from the mob.

Yes, because the majority party always wants to give away its hard won tools for managing Congress. :rolleyes:

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