Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

The supreme court will always side with the law .. not the anti American democrat
If Trump was truly serious about getting a handle on the problem of illegal immigration and not just blowing smoke up the skirts of his base he would find a way to get the issue of sanctuary cities, counties and states before the Supreme Court.

There is absolutely zero doubt that ignoring the laws you don't like, as the Jim Crow era governors of the South did
at one time, and applying the law in an ala carte way, is not legal or Constitutional.

So why is someone like Michelle Lujan Grisham getting away with coming down on militia members in her state (and I am not especially enamored with militias in general and don't even own a gun)?
They are attempting to aid our Border Patrol in enforcing the law. She is demonizing them for it. Where is the justice?

Militias need to be destroyed. Militia members blew up the federal building in OKC. Militias are a threat to this country.

Militias have been given no authority to enforce laws so detaining people is kidnapping. Even the Border Patrol says people should call rather than taking the law into their own hands.
Ya and democrats call BP kidnappers..

At the end of the day we will be taking our country back.

Maybe a exception needs to be made for American invaders such as yourself.

I've not invaded anyone, moron, so what the fuck are you talking about?

ANd for the love of God, try to actually make your fucking point, if you have the brain power to do so, moron.

We have been invaded by with supremacists and neo-nazis who have taken over the Republican Party.

If your kind left the country, the national IQ would double.

Wow. Stupider than I thought.

"With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

To be clear, you are the lying asshole I was talking about.

You are the lying little asshole., Filth like you is a national disgrace.

You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis
If Trump was truly serious about getting a handle on the problem of illegal immigration and not just blowing smoke up the skirts of his base he would find a way to get the issue of sanctuary cities, counties and states before the Supreme Court.

There is absolutely zero doubt that ignoring the laws you don't like, as the Jim Crow era governors of the South did
at one time, and applying the law in an ala carte way, is not legal or Constitutional.

So why is someone like Michelle Lujan Grisham getting away with coming down on militia members in her state (and I am not especially enamored with militias in general and don't even own a gun)?
They are attempting to aid our Border Patrol in enforcing the law. She is demonizing them for it. Where is the justice?

Militias need to be destroyed. Militia members blew up the federal building in OKC. Militias are a threat to this country.

Militias have been given no authority to enforce laws so detaining people is kidnapping. Even the Border Patrol says people should call rather than taking the law into their own hands.
Ya and democrats call BP kidnappers..

At the end of the day we will be taking our country back.

I've not invaded anyone, moron, so what the fuck are you talking about?

ANd for the love of God, try to actually make your fucking point, if you have the brain power to do so, moron.

We have been invaded by with supremacists and neo-nazis who have taken over the Republican Party.

If your kind left the country, the national IQ would double.

Wow. Stupider than I thought.

"With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

To be clear, you are the lying asshole I was talking about.

You are the lying little asshole., Filth like you is a national disgrace.

You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis
Why can’t white people talk about other races like black people talk about other races?? It’s a free country
Militias need to be destroyed. Militia members blew up the federal building in OKC. Militias are a threat to this country.

Militias have been given no authority to enforce laws so detaining people is kidnapping. Even the Border Patrol says people should call rather than taking the law into their own hands.
Ya and democrats call BP kidnappers..

At the end of the day we will be taking our country back.

We have been invaded by with supremacists and neo-nazis who have taken over the Republican Party.

If your kind left the country, the national IQ would double.

Wow. Stupider than I thought.

"With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

To be clear, you are the lying asshole I was talking about.

You are the lying little asshole., Filth like you is a national disgrace.

You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis
Why can’t white people talk about other races like black people talk about other races?? It’s a free country

If you want to talk about other races, you have every Right to do so. You will not gain majority sentiment; you may even have to defend your Rights, but if you want to say it then you have every Right to do so.

BTW, whether I agree with you or not, I will fight to the death to protect your Right to say it. Will you do so for me? Read some of the earlier posts here. IIRC, it was on this thread that another poster threatened me with censorship.
Ya and democrats call BP kidnappers..

At the end of the day we will be taking our country back.

Wow. Stupider than I thought.

"With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

To be clear, you are the lying asshole I was talking about.

You are the lying little asshole., Filth like you is a national disgrace.

You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis
Why can’t white people talk about other races like black people talk about other races?? It’s a free country

If you want to talk about other races, you have every Right to do so. You will not gain majority sentiment; you may even have to defend your Rights, but if you want to say it then you have every Right to do so.

BTW, whether I agree with you or not, I will fight to the death to protect your Right to say it. Will you do so for me? Read some of the earlier posts here. IIRC, it was on this thread that another poster threatened me with censorship.
We are a country of a culture built by white Americans blacks can assimilate or not, but I will make fun of there culture Perpetrated by whites or blacks
Disagree. Your standard of living is not at all better, as you don't get public health care and you lose coverage if you quit your job, you do not get good mass transit, and you do not get good air quality when there is no emission gasoline tax.
The US cost of living is not lower, except that food is subsidized and some European areas are very crowded.
How much house you have is not good, but bad because it means urban sprawl. You pay less for cars and gasoline because you are not being taxed for the road maintenance and emissions. You let the poor people who don't have a car pay for the road maintenance.
People without cars walk absolutely everywhere they go? Well I never knew that! Fascinating.

First of all, I never said anything remotely like that.
What I said is that by not paying for road maintenance through higher fuel taxes, you get poor people who do not use roads, to help pay for them.
Of course people without cars do not walk everywhere.
The take mass transit, like trains and trolleys. But even buses do not cause significant road wear like cars do. Mass transit also causes a tiny fraction of as much emissions, deaths, etc.
Poor people don’t use roads lol are you on crack?? Haha

A lot of people do not have cars because they can't afford them.
This is especially true in crowded places like NYC, San Francisco, etc., where parking and insurance is expensive.
This is especially true with the young, like students, and the elderly who are retired.
Disagree. Your standard of living is not at all better, as you don't get public health care and you lose coverage if you quit your job, you do not get good mass transit, and you do not get good air quality when there is no emission gasoline tax.
The US cost of living is not lower, except that food is subsidized and some European areas are very crowded.
How much house you have is not good, but bad because it means urban sprawl. You pay less for cars and gasoline because you are not being taxed for the road maintenance and emissions. You let the poor people who don't have a car pay for the road maintenance.
People without cars walk absolutely everywhere they go? Well I never knew that! Fascinating.

First of all, I never said anything remotely like that.
What I said is that by not paying for road maintenance through higher fuel taxes, you get poor people who do not use roads, to help pay for them.
Of course people without cars do not walk everywhere.
The take mass transit, like trains and trolleys. But even buses do not cause significant road wear like cars do. Mass transit also causes a tiny fraction of as much emissions, deaths, etc.
Poor people don’t use roads lol are you on crack?? Haha

A lot of people do not have cars because they can't afford them.
This is especially true in crowded places like NYC, San Francisco, etc., where parking and insurance is expensive.
This is especially true with the young, like students, and the elderly who are retired.
But you do know poor people have cars .. right?? Lol
We have millions of Europeans that would come here and do this farm work. Maybe not for the wage Mexicans do it for but they will assimilate. And add value to our country..
Latinos are to subservient, they never protest democrats, most are doing something illegal, and they don’t invest in America most use us and move back home

sounds as if you think everyone south of our border is the same. they aren't
hispanic people have played important roles in the growth and creation of our country.
but the mexican people are not the same as the people from honduras for example
Yes they have destroyed every neighborhood they moved in to.. that was once white..gtfo with your garbage

That is not true.
Most neighborhoods that turn Hispanic end up having lower crime, more friendly, and better restaurants.
That's a flat lie. Crime map says the more hispanic the higher the crime. I remember when Santa Ana was a kitchy little white art community. Now you are more likely to get your throat slit than your purse stolen.

Santa Ana, California Crime

One city or even one state is not very representative.

This appears to be saying that Hispanics are less criminal than average.

How about Egleston Square in Boston ,, used to be white middle class then Puerto Ricans move in and create a Latin Kings .. lol just murder, drugs, robbery

I doubt they could have afforded to move into a middle class neighborhood.
More likely is that the neighborhood ran down, became less expensive, and therefore attracted a poorer resident who was more likely to be involved in crime.
How about Egleston Square in Boston ,, used to be white middle class then Puerto Ricans move in and create a Latin Kings .. lol just murder, drugs, robbery

I doubt they could have afforded to move into a middle class neighborhood.
More likely is that the neighborhood ran down, became less expensive, and therefore attracted a poorer resident who was more likely to be involved in crime.
So you can’t answer my question
Disagree. Your standard of living is not at all better, as you don't get public health care and you lose coverage if you quit your job, you do not get good mass transit, and you do not get good air quality when there is no emission gasoline tax.
The US cost of living is not lower, except that food is subsidized and some European areas are very crowded.
How much house you have is not good, but bad because it means urban sprawl. You pay less for cars and gasoline because you are not being taxed for the road maintenance and emissions. You let the poor people who don't have a car pay for the road maintenance.
People without cars walk absolutely everywhere they go? Well I never knew that! Fascinating.

First of all, I never said anything remotely like that.
What I said is that by not paying for road maintenance through higher fuel taxes, you get poor people who do not use roads, to help pay for them.
Of course people without cars do not walk everywhere.
The take mass transit, like trains and trolleys. But even buses do not cause significant road wear like cars do. Mass transit also causes a tiny fraction of as much emissions, deaths, etc.
Poor people don’t use roads lol are you on crack?? Haha

A lot of people do not have cars because they can't afford them.
This is especially true in crowded places like NYC, San Francisco, etc., where parking and insurance is expensive.
This is especially true with the young, like students, and the elderly who are retired.
But you do know poor people have cars .. right?? Lol

Poor people have fewer cars than wealthy do.
Insurance, maintenance, parking, etc., can cost a whole lot of money.
The poorest segments of our society are students and elderly retired, and most of them do not have cars because they can't afford them.
How about Egleston Square in Boston ,, used to be white middle class then Puerto Ricans move in and create a Latin Kings .. lol just murder, drugs, robbery

I doubt they could have afforded to move into a middle class neighborhood.
More likely is that the neighborhood ran down, became less expensive, and therefore attracted a poorer resident who was more likely to be involved in crime.
So you can’t answer my question

You did not ask a question.
You claimed a correlation between Hispanics moving in and the neighborhood going down hill.
But you did not establish which happened first, so you did not prove causation.
People without cars walk absolutely everywhere they go? Well I never knew that! Fascinating.

First of all, I never said anything remotely like that.
What I said is that by not paying for road maintenance through higher fuel taxes, you get poor people who do not use roads, to help pay for them.
Of course people without cars do not walk everywhere.
The take mass transit, like trains and trolleys. But even buses do not cause significant road wear like cars do. Mass transit also causes a tiny fraction of as much emissions, deaths, etc.
Poor people don’t use roads lol are you on crack?? Haha

A lot of people do not have cars because they can't afford them.
This is especially true in crowded places like NYC, San Francisco, etc., where parking and insurance is expensive.
This is especially true with the young, like students, and the elderly who are retired.
But you do know poor people have cars .. right?? Lol

Poor people have fewer cars than wealthy do.
Insurance, maintenance, parking, etc., can cost a whole lot of money.
The poorest segments of our society are students and elderly retired, and most of them do not have cars because they can't afford them.
Are you say poor people don’t have cars yes or no?? And what bubble do you live in I’m going to send you internet connection lol
How about Egleston Square in Boston ,, used to be white middle class then Puerto Ricans move in and create a Latin Kings .. lol just murder, drugs, robbery

I doubt they could have afforded to move into a middle class neighborhood.
More likely is that the neighborhood ran down, became less expensive, and therefore attracted a poorer resident who was more likely to be involved in crime.
So you can’t answer my question

You did not ask a question.
You claimed a correlation between Hispanics moving in and the neighborhood going down hill.
But you did not establish which happened first, so you did not prove causation.
Egleston Square was a white neighborhood in Boston middle class to poor,, then turned Latin and they made a documentary on Latin Kings .. call me crazy I think crime went up lol
If Trump was truly serious about getting a handle on the problem of illegal immigration and not just blowing smoke up the skirts of his base he would find a way to get the issue of sanctuary cities, counties and states before the Supreme Court.

There is absolutely zero doubt that ignoring the laws you don't like, as the Jim Crow era governors of the South did
at one time, and applying the law in an ala carte way, is not legal or Constitutional.

So why is someone like Michelle Lujan Grisham getting away with coming down on militia members in her state (and I am not especially enamored with militias in general and don't even own a gun)?
They are attempting to aid our Border Patrol in enforcing the law. She is demonizing them for it. Where is the justice?

Militias need to be destroyed. Militia members blew up the federal building in OKC. Militias are a threat to this country.

Militias have been given no authority to enforce laws so detaining people is kidnapping. Even the Border Patrol says people should call rather than taking the law into their own hands.
Ya and democrats call BP kidnappers..

At the end of the day we will be taking our country back.

I've not invaded anyone, moron, so what the fuck are you talking about?

ANd for the love of God, try to actually make your fucking point, if you have the brain power to do so, moron.

We have been invaded by with supremacists and neo-nazis who have taken over the Republican Party.

If your kind left the country, the national IQ would double.

Wow. Stupider than I thought.

"With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

To be clear, you are the lying asshole I was talking about.

You are the lying little asshole., Filth like you is a national disgrace.

You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

Why everyone wants to be so dishonest (on both sides) regarding this issue is way beyond me.

Having been IN a civilian militia since 1987, I saw first hand what happened when the wallists (those who have made a religion out of wall worship) came in and co-opted the civilian militias over that one issue.

In order to understand the militia (as envisioned by the founders) we must return to the primary reason we have a Second Amendment. As Justice Joseph Story of the United States Supreme Court opined:

"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."

- Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1833 (Justice Story was nominated by founding father James Madison)

If you are IN the militia, the primary function you serve is to serve the foundational principles as codified in the Constitution (i.e. the Bill of Rights for example.) Instead of doing that, the wallists co-opted the civilian militias and forced them to begin chanting nonsense about borders, walls, etc.

In defending the wall worship manure, the wallists declared war against the Bill of Rights. Their war against the Fourth Amendment, for example, wants everyone to be subject to the pee test, blood test, hair sample, DNA sample, criminal background check, credit check, MVR check, driver's license, National ID Card, E-Verify, gun license, fishing license, occupation license... 24 / 7 / 365 womb to the tomb monitoring. They cannot apply this just to foreigners; it applies equally across the board due to the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Since those former militia types want to have every detail of their lives at the disposal of an illegal government emanating out of Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, they have demanded an end to their own privacy and anonymity. Since information is the ultimate weapon, the people who used to make up the militia (and are now hooked into wall worship) are little more than lackeys for the government. They are incapable of protecting the Constitution.

Instead, they are being led around by neo-nazis and parroting socialist solutions while leaving their posts and not protecting the Bill of Rights. Those people have done more to dismantle the Constitution than the left could do in over 200 years of our Republic's existence... and they did it in less than two decades.

All of this back and forth is entertaining, but what IS simply IS. Yeah, in early America, racism was the baliwick of the Democrats (who supported white racism.) Today the blacks have taken over the Democrats and they are pushing black racism. The whites, organized under former Democrat, Donald Trump, are pushing the National Socialist party line and a bastardized form of white racism.

There is no point in denying any of it. You're simply going to join one or the other of those extreme views OR you will get involved with a militia group that understands the Constitution and start worrying about Liberty. The immigration / race issue is important, but is being used as a diversionary tactic to get everyone to agree to ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT without knowing how they ended up with it.

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