Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

We use to shot them off our lands years ago.. gtfo of you now want to put us in jail for pointing a gun at them.. embarrassing

You are a embarrassing thug.
No I talk like we used to talk!

Like a white supremacist.
What race doesn’t think it’s supreme ??
Most people do not assume that are supreme., Just you White Supremacists & your hero Hitler.

To whom do you think you are superior?
I grew up around every race except white, and they all told me they were better then whites.. why can’t whites be equal and say the same back
You are a embarrassing thug.
No I talk like we used to talk!

Like a white supremacist.
What race doesn’t think it’s supreme ??
Most people do not assume that are supreme., Just you White Supremacists & your hero Hitler.

To whom do you think you are superior?
I grew up around every race except white, and they all told me they were better then whites.. why can’t whites be equal and say the same back
You are lying. Outside of your ilk, I never heard anyone saying their race was superior.
No I talk like we used to talk!

Like a white supremacist.
What race doesn’t think it’s supreme ??
Most people do not assume that are supreme., Just you White Supremacists & your hero Hitler.

To whom do you think you are superior?
I grew up around every race except white, and they all told me they were better then whites.. why can’t whites be equal and say the same back
You are lying. Outside of your ilk, I never heard anyone saying their race was superior.
It’s in most hip hop music, when they treat white women as property and pray on them,, of r CHANNELS LIKE bet, magazines like hey that openly promote superiority .. do you live in a bubble?
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
Sadly, the militia, nor any other "civilian" group or individual can do a "citizen's arrest" if what they are doing isn't a felony, which crossing the border isn't.
If the federal government would make it a felony, then a citizen's arrest would be appropriate.
They did it 5,700 times
You are NOT for American sovereignty. What you promote is neo-nazi National Socialism wherein the state owns and controls production and labor. Our God given, unalienable, inherent, absolute, irrevocable and natural Rights take a back seat to a freaking wall. So much for the Bill of Rights. You think there is only one way to solve the problem, but cannot see the downside of what happens IF you could actually win.

I condemn both the wallists AND the Democrats. The idea was that of the left before they conned dumb asses into supporting it. So, you have nothing against people coming here "legally" as you mistakenly call it. If America is taken over "legally" then it's all good??? What freaking stupidity! Currently 12 percent of the federal legislators are immigrants or the children of immigrants. Of those, 11 out of the 12 first generation immigrants are Democrats. Of the second generation immigrants 39 are Democrats and 13 Republicans with 1 Independent. We're losing representation, but it's all legal like and all, so apparently it's all good. Right?

Immigrants or children of immigrants make up at least 12% of Congress
I don't know what your particular mental problem is but you make no distinction between legal immigration (immigration that is controlled, vetted and we know who we are taking in ) and illegal immigration (we don't know who these people are, what their background is, how many are pouring into the country and whether they can support themselves or not, and not surprisingly low educated and low skilled workers frequently can't).

A wall is just a barrier that makes it easier to keep the people who shouldn't be here out. No reason to pee your pants in consternation over it. Many nations put walls to very good use. Grow up.

The stupidity of wallists theology is to keep everyone out unless they come in by some "legal" means which is code for citizen. Once these people become citizens, they are more than 3 times more likely to become Democrats than Republicans. Mr. Blair, you are destroying America. You neither understand the Constitution nor would you want to.

Your double talking, nonsensical mantra that was thought up by neo-nazis (that I can name them by name and affiliation) may fool those of limited intelligence, but what you are engaged in helps only the Democrats... and by and large, they don't give a shit about sovereignty.
I am destroying America? What is you plan to save the country?
You don't seem rational or sane enough to have one.
Who is "they" in your post?

The word "they" isn't in the post. What is it you have a concern with?

Are you really so stupid, that you can't make a connection between your use of "their" and my use of "they"?

Or are you just playing really stupid games?

You are the one playing games. I can't read your freaking mind. Do you have a specific question?

You stated that "they must have their permission".

Who's permission are you talking about, that is more important than our democratically enacted laws?

I don't believe in democracy, but when the people elect a governor, he is the head honcho in the Executive department of that state. Sorry they misinformed you, but every decision is NOT made by mob rule.

The Governor does not have the legal power to disregard the laws of this nation. That is not his job.

You dont' believe in democracy? What do you consider a legitimate source of authority or rights then, and why does the American people not have it?
It has been explained to you that the United States Supreme Court (under a conservative Chief Justice) held that being in the United States without documentation is not a crime. Get a life already, would you?
Either someone is in the country legally or they are not. If they are not here legally they should be removed immediately.

Whether they are carrying documentation or not at some particular point is irrelevant but you keep bringing it up like you just discovered the wheel.

Quit clogging the boards with your absolute bullshit! Your lunacy is not helpful.
Attack. Divert. Troll.

Never seen so much on any thread in this forum.

Don't understand why truly thinking posters are even bothering wasting their time.
The Governor does not have the legal power to disregard the laws of this nation. That is not his job.
Leftist shitbags rationalize sanctuary policy by saying it's not their job to enforce federal law but that's not really the issue at all. No one is asking the governor of New Mexico to conduct ICE raids or check the status of suspected illegals.
It's an absurd straw man lie.

When a state directly orders employees NOT to speak or communicate with federal immigration officers under any circumstances, for instance, that crosses a line and sanctuary officials have gone from a hands off stance to actively
opposing US federal law.

MIchelle Lujan Grisham doesn't get to decide which laws she wants to follow or not. That's what Jim Crow politicians did.
She isn't entitled to pick and choose in an ala carte manner which laws she will deign to observe.

That's an absolute break down of law and order and the matter should be brought up to the Supreme Court. I can't believe it isn't illegal and improper to simply ignore the laws you don't wish to obey. Fucking leftists liars!
The Governor does not have the legal power to disregard the laws of this nation. That is not his job.
Leftist shitbags rationalize sanctuary policy by saying it's not their job to enforce federal law but that's not really the issue at all. No one is asking the governor of New Mexico to conduct ICE raids or check the status of suspected illegals.
It's an absurd straw man lie.

When a state directly orders employees NOT to speak or communicate with federal immigration officers under any circumstances, for instance, that crosses a line and sanctuary officials have gone from a hands off stance to actively
opposing US federal law.

MIchelle Lujan Grisham doesn't get to decide which laws she wants to follow or not. That's what Jim Crow politicians did.
She isn't entitled to pick and choose in an ala carte manner which laws she will deign to observe.

That's an absolute break down of law and order and the matter should be brought up to the Supreme Court. I can't believe it isn't illegal and improper to simply ignore the laws you don't wish to obey. Fucking leftists liars!

I am sure that you have a link documenting where a state has ordered employees not to speak to a federal immigration official, but you just haven't been able to find the time to post it. never mind. I'm sure that somebody on Fox news told you that.
I am sure that you have a link documenting where a state has ordered employees not to speak to a federal immigration official, but you just haven't been able to find the time to post it. never mind. I'm sure that somebody on Fox news told you that.
"Two years after New Mexico’s largest county barred local law enforcement from cooperating with immigration authorities, its leaders learned that the policy was being subverted from within." US immigration agents find ways around ‘sanctuary’ policies – Boston Herald

What does "barred from cooperating with immigration authorities" mean to you?
San Francisco country employees are banned from speaking with federal agents. I'm sure they could say hello to one another. Not so much after that.
I am sure that you have a link documenting where a state has ordered employees not to speak to a federal immigration official, but you just haven't been able to find the time to post it. never mind. I'm sure that somebody on Fox news told you that.
"Two years after New Mexico’s largest county barred local law enforcement from cooperating with immigration authorities, its leaders learned that the policy was being subverted from within." US immigration agents find ways around ‘sanctuary’ policies – Boston Herald

What does "barred from cooperating with immigration authorities" mean to you?
San Francisco country employees are banned from speaking with federal agents. I'm sure they could say hello to one another. Not so much after that.

Totally false. They simply do not hold people in their jails for violating federal law. In short, if the feds are not there to do their job and take them into custody when the county releases them, the county is not going to do their job for them. You are a virtual encyclopedia of misinformation.
Attack. Divert. Troll.

Never seen so much on any thread in this forum.

Don't understand why truly thinking posters are even bothering wasting their time.
And I was just thinking it was calming down and getting semi-reasonable.
You are NOT for American sovereignty. What you promote is neo-nazi National Socialism wherein the state owns and controls production and labor. Our God given, unalienable, inherent, absolute, irrevocable and natural Rights take a back seat to a freaking wall. So much for the Bill of Rights. You think there is only one way to solve the problem, but cannot see the downside of what happens IF you could actually win.

I condemn both the wallists AND the Democrats. The idea was that of the left before they conned dumb asses into supporting it. So, you have nothing against people coming here "legally" as you mistakenly call it. If America is taken over "legally" then it's all good??? What freaking stupidity! Currently 12 percent of the federal legislators are immigrants or the children of immigrants. Of those, 11 out of the 12 first generation immigrants are Democrats. Of the second generation immigrants 39 are Democrats and 13 Republicans with 1 Independent. We're losing representation, but it's all legal like and all, so apparently it's all good. Right?

Immigrants or children of immigrants make up at least 12% of Congress
I don't know what your particular mental problem is but you make no distinction between legal immigration (immigration that is controlled, vetted and we know who we are taking in ) and illegal immigration (we don't know who these people are, what their background is, how many are pouring into the country and whether they can support themselves or not, and not surprisingly low educated and low skilled workers frequently can't).

A wall is just a barrier that makes it easier to keep the people who shouldn't be here out. No reason to pee your pants in consternation over it. Many nations put walls to very good use. Grow up.

The stupidity of wallists theology is to keep everyone out unless they come in by some "legal" means which is code for citizen. Once these people become citizens, they are more than 3 times more likely to become Democrats than Republicans. Mr. Blair, you are destroying America. You neither understand the Constitution nor would you want to.

Your double talking, nonsensical mantra that was thought up by neo-nazis (that I can name them by name and affiliation) may fool those of limited intelligence, but what you are engaged in helps only the Democrats... and by and large, they don't give a shit about sovereignty.
I am destroying America? What is you plan to save the country?
You don't seem rational or sane enough to have one.

You questioning my sanity while you contribute to your own demise would be downright funny if not so idiotic. You shouldn't rattle my cage. With your limited IQ, it would be too much for you.

First off let's straighten out your dumb-assery. The United States Supreme Court ruled that is it not a crime to be in the United States without papers. If you don't like it, take it up with them, but quit screwing with me. I didn't make the freaking ruling.

Second point, IF the federal government has jurisdiction, you should be able to point us to that section of the Constitution. It don't exist. States have rights.

Third point, Mexico's government put out comic books teaching their citizens how to avoid the immigration authorities. The Muslims have an ideology that is incompatible with our foundational principles. So, you're going to do a background check and trust those people to give you the straight skinny on their citizens??? REALLY? The damn idiocy by which you argue your case is laughable.

Once a person is here, whether you like it or not; whether you agree with it or not, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that they have a guarantee of the "equal protection of the laws" by virtue of the 14th Amendment. It does not matter whether or not they have human registration papers.

FWIW, YOUR side supports the 14th Amendment; I fight it and maintain that it was illegally ratified. You are only getting caught up in your own web of deceit.

My plan to save the country? We were doing it before 9 / 11 when the left flipped people like you and conned your dumb asses into nullifying the Bill of Rights and propping up the 14th and 16th Amendments. You should have made that determination BEFORE you started screwing yourself out of your unalienable Rights. Before your brainwashed asses came along, the patriots were winning the freaking war.
Totally false. They simply do not hold people in their jails for violating federal law. In short, if the feds are not there to do their job and take them into custody when the county releases them, the county is not going to do their job for them. You are a virtual encyclopedia of misinformation.
And you are a virtual encyclopedia of imagination.
Everyone knows a dump like San Francisco won't hold prisoners for the feds. But if the feds happen to call the county sheriff and just inquire about a certain prisoner being held and a release date the policy is to tell him to fuck off (but perhaps not in those exact words).

Yes. Simply releasing information to federal agents is considered "doing the job of the federal government" and they are ordered not to comply.
That is going far beyond simply not doing the work ICE should be doing to actual hostile proactive non cooperation that intentionally violates federal immigration law. So in a very real sense sanctuary cities and counties are intentionally and
diligently breaking the law when they are sworn to uphold it.
It has been explained to you that the United States Supreme Court (under a conservative Chief Justice) held that being in the United States without documentation is not a crime. Get a life already, would you?
Either someone is in the country legally or they are not. If they are not here legally they should be removed immediately.

Whether they are carrying documentation or not at some particular point is irrelevant but you keep bringing it up like you just discovered the wheel.

Quit clogging the boards with your absolute bullshit! Your lunacy is not helpful.

YOUR lunacy is what is destroying the country. Anyone who doesn't walk around like a Zombie, chanting your National Socialist mantra is someone you consider batshit crazy. Then again, maybe you know better and are lying to us or you're really plain stupid and just projecting.

You don't pack the gear to be in a serious and civil conversation. You have to go off the reservation because you realize that you don't have the right answers. Mob rule only works for a short time, son. The founders warned that a democracy soon wastes and exhausts itself... much the way you just did.
Totally false. They simply do not hold people in their jails for violating federal law. In short, if the feds are not there to do their job and take them into custody when the county releases them, the county is not going to do their job for them. You are a virtual encyclopedia of misinformation.
And you are a virtual encyclopedia of imagination.
Everyone knows a dump like San Francisco won't hold prisoners for the feds. But if the feds happen to call the county sheriff and just inquire about a certain prisoner being held and a release date the policy is to tell him to fuck off (but perhaps not in those exact words).

Yes. Simply releasing information to federal agents is considered "doing the job of the federal government" and they are ordered not to comply.
That is going far beyond simply not doing the work ICE should be doing to actual hostile proactive non cooperation that intentionally violates federal immigration law. So in a very real sense sanctuary cities and counties are intentionally and
diligently breaking the law when they are sworn to uphold it.

Despite links to the rulings proving you wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt, you continue to dabble in outright LIES.

Keep posting the same lies over and over - isn't that a National Socialist strategy?

Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” Joseph Goebbels

How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’-
The Governor does not have the legal power to disregard the laws of this nation. That is not his job.
Leftist shitbags rationalize sanctuary policy by saying it's not their job to enforce federal law but that's not really the issue at all. No one is asking the governor of New Mexico to conduct ICE raids or check the status of suspected illegals.
It's an absurd straw man lie.

When a state directly orders employees NOT to speak or communicate with federal immigration officers under any circumstances, for instance, that crosses a line and sanctuary officials have gone from a hands off stance to actively
opposing US federal law.

MIchelle Lujan Grisham doesn't get to decide which laws she wants to follow or not. That's what Jim Crow politicians did.
She isn't entitled to pick and choose in an ala carte manner which laws she will deign to observe.

That's an absolute break down of law and order and the matter should be brought up to the Supreme Court. I can't believe it isn't illegal and improper to simply ignore the laws you don't wish to obey. Fucking leftists liars!

Local officials are under no obligation to enforce federal laws. The Supreme Court made it clear that immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility. It has nothing to do with Jim Crow laws.

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