Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

Yup, a roving band of heavily armed men tracking "enemies" in the desert and making up all their own rules as they go along--what could possibly go wrong?
Instead of spending his time vilifying these dispossessed, poor, and powerless people, maybe Trump could have spent his energy pulling together folks who could do something about this. We need changes made yesterday today our immigration laws, but this administration is just making it harder for people to share ideas and come to a workable compromise. Instead, we get vigilantes roving the border with guns and extremists here screaming for blood. We are getting farther and farther away from a solution.
Good thing you tow weren’t around for the revolution you would have threw John Adams in jail or killed him lol
As soon as you revolutionaries came to my house bearing torches and a bucket of tar and sack of feathers, though, I would have taken your side fast.

check your history jt, even the colonial militia operated with authority. it may not have been legal as the king wasnt the authority, but it was a chain of command
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.

probably the most famous was capt church of rehobeth because of the king philip war. but there were hundreds. even then operating outside authority was a crime.

i think these guys are facing legal troubles
Of course groups like this are outside the law, but if they haven't hurt anyone, I wonder who would complain? BP seems to tolerate them. The articles say they have held onto border jumpers before until the BP arrives.
Good thing you tow weren’t around for the revolution you would have threw John Adams in jail or killed him lol
As soon as you revolutionaries came to my house bearing torches and a bucket of tar and sack of feathers, though, I would have taken your side fast.

check your history jt, even the colonial militia operated with authority. it may not have been legal as the king wasnt the authority, but it was a chain of command
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.

probably the most famous was capt church of rehobeth because of the king philip war. but there were hundreds. even then operating outside authority was a crime.

i think these guys are facing legal troubles
Of course groups like this are outside the law, but if they haven't hurt anyone, I wonder who would complain? BP seems to tolerate them. The articles say they have held onto border jumpers before until the BP arrives.

m'am, BP only tolerates groups operating with authority. the rest are run off or arrested. even drs without borders is required to have permission(authority).

You know what i did when i did my 2 week stint along the border?
we cleaned out camp sites, packed out trash, maintained aid stations for bp. guided a few folks in to thosse aid stations tooo
we would never have been ordered to a mission as this group did. if we had done this we would all be in a desert jailhouse.

What we do is search and rescue. thats our main purpose and what we train for 95% of the time.
As soon as you revolutionaries came to my house bearing torches and a bucket of tar and sack of feathers, though, I would have taken your side fast.

check your history jt, even the colonial militia operated with authority. it may not have been legal as the king wasnt the authority, but it was a chain of command
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.

probably the most famous was capt church of rehobeth because of the king philip war. but there were hundreds. even then operating outside authority was a crime.

i think these guys are facing legal troubles
Of course groups like this are outside the law, but if they haven't hurt anyone, I wonder who would complain? BP seems to tolerate them. The articles say they have held onto border jumpers before until the BP arrives.

m'am, BP only tolerates groups operating with authority. the rest are run off or arrested. even drs without borders is required to have permission(authority).

You know what i did when i did my 2 week stint along the border?
we cleaned out camp sites, packed out trash, maintained aid stations for bp. guided a few folks in to thosse aid stations tooo
we would never have been ordered to a mission as this group did. if we had done this we would all be in a desert jailhouse.

What we do is search and rescue. thats our main purpose and what we train for 95% of the time.
The article said they would alert BP to illegals jumping the border. I guess you're right, they hadn't been actually "arresting" them and holding them at gunpoint before.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

says the cowardly liar hiding behind his computer screen.....
I have a record that proves I’m a one man militia in Boston and any of you libs in Boston want to find out let me know

check your history jt, even the colonial militia operated with authority. it may not have been legal as the king wasnt the authority, but it was a chain of command
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.

probably the most famous was capt church of rehobeth because of the king philip war. but there were hundreds. even then operating outside authority was a crime.

i think these guys are facing legal troubles
Of course groups like this are outside the law, but if they haven't hurt anyone, I wonder who would complain? BP seems to tolerate them. The articles say they have held onto border jumpers before until the BP arrives.

m'am, BP only tolerates groups operating with authority. the rest are run off or arrested. even drs without borders is required to have permission(authority).

You know what i did when i did my 2 week stint along the border?
we cleaned out camp sites, packed out trash, maintained aid stations for bp. guided a few folks in to thosse aid stations tooo
we would never have been ordered to a mission as this group did. if we had done this we would all be in a desert jailhouse.

What we do is search and rescue. thats our main purpose and what we train for 95% of the time.
The article said they would alert BP to illegals jumping the border. I guess you're right, they hadn't been actually "arresting" them and holding them at gunpoint before.

tell you this:
i fetched coffee for several bp agents and thanked them for allowing me to do so.
"Approximately half the states maintain laws regulating private militias. Generally, these laws prohibit the parading and exercising of armed private militias in public, but do not forbid the formation of private militias."


Second Amendment - Private Militias

these guys were operating in public, in direct defiance of nm law.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
Why are they wearing masks?
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.

I dunno, Lady, if that concerns you, why not ask them, not me! I'd guess so that they cannot be identified and targeted by Mexican nationals or left-wingnut radicals here in this country. Hard to say who is more dangerous, Mexican drug gangs or the flippant kooks who assault old people simply for wearing a MAGA ball cap.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
Why are they wearing masks?
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.

It looks like the nm gov did not authorize this group.
no chain of command.
With no chain of command it is nothing more than a vigilant group.

If NM doesn't want citizen vigilante groups defending our borders then the governor should get off his flabby ass and start doing his job that he is there to do.
“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
Why are they wearing masks?
“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.

It looks like the nm gov did not authorize this group.
no chain of command.
With no chain of command it is nothing more than a vigilant group.
Yup, a roving band of heavily armed men tracking "enemies" in the desert and making up all their own rules as they go along--what could possibly go wrong?
Instead of spending his time vilifying these dispossessed, poor, and powerless people, maybe Trump could have spent his energy pulling together folks who could do something about this. We need changes made yesterday today our immigration laws, but this administration is just making it harder for people to share ideas and come to a workable compromise. Instead, we get vigilantes roving the border with guns and extremists here screaming for blood. We are getting farther and farther away from a solution.

I am not going to defend President Trump.

He is, however, just another in a long list of so-called leaders to use the bborder for political gain, while doing nothing about it.
its been going on so long it is normal now
Obama deported more illegals than any other President before him. There was not enough emphasis on penalizing employers who hire illegals, though. Until that happens, I will agree with you that the government is talking out one side of its mouth and facilitating cheap labor on the other.

Oh BTW. How come Obama is this really nice guy when he separated families and deported illegal immigrants in record numbers????

Keep swallowing, old lady. Remember to cup the balls while you're at it.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
Why are they wearing masks?
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.

It looks like the nm gov did not authorize this group.
no chain of command.
With no chain of command it is nothing more than a vigilant group.

If NM doesn't want citizen vigilante groups defending our borders then the governor should get off his flabby ass and start doing his job that he is there to do.

so you are advocating against the rule of law.

that never goes well
They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.
CRC support of murder. Not surprising at all.
"Approximately half the states maintain laws regulating private militias. Generally, these laws prohibit the parading and exercising of armed private militias in public, but do not forbid the formation of private militias."


Second Amendment - Private Militias

these guys were operating in public, in direct defiance of nm law.

Those laws are illegal because they nullify Federal Law and the Constitution. Corrupt courts, and corrupt politicians allow them to stand. There is absolutely NO reason private citizens need the government's permission to congregate as an armed force. NONE.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
Vigilante justice seldom goes well. What happened to the thousands of National Guard and military personnel Trump ordered to the border? Was that completely ineffective? What are those people doing?
What government funded militia has ever done good for protecting Americas borders? This privately funded one looks like it works.. the CONSTITUTION allows militias, they must be protected by law.. Barr has our backs
I doubt if Barr has your backs.
Come and stop us
"Us"? You are out there? Or are you just talking tough behind your nice safe keyboard?
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
Why are they wearing masks?
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.

It looks like the nm gov did not authorize this group.
no chain of command.
With no chain of command it is nothing more than a vigilant group.
Yup, a roving band of heavily armed men tracking "enemies" in the desert and making up all their own rules as they go along--what could possibly go wrong?
Instead of spending his time vilifying these dispossessed, poor, and powerless people, maybe Trump could have spent his energy pulling together folks who could do something about this. We need changes made yesterday to our immigration laws, but this administration is just making it harder for people to share ideas and come to a workable compromise. Instead, we get vigilantes roving the border with guns and extremists here screaming for blood. We are getting farther and farther away from a solution.

BULL. Where do you get off characterizing a bunch of people-- -- -- HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS each year that:
  • You don't know
  • Have never seen nor met
  • Haven't the first clue why they are here?
Sure some of them are POOR, they are MEXICANS. Sure many of them are English literate, they are MEXICANS. Sure many of them are uneducated, unskilled and dirty and full of disease, they are MEXICANS. I'd like to help every person in this world, but IT'S A BIG FRICKING WORLD, Honey, and we are just one country.

A majority of the world thinks and would be better off living HERE under our living standard, but THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT OUR RESPONSIBILITY.


I am SICK AND TIRED of people acting like it is a blessing and honor to us to take anyone in with open arms unasked, just because they show up here and totally ignore the:
ALL OF THIS HAS TO COME FROM SOMEWHERE, and it all comes out of resources that could have been better used for our own people.

Please don't insult me by suggesting that none of these people are here for crime, robbery, theft, murder, and drug trafficking.

THERE IS A LEGAL PROCESS for immigrating legally here. When my grandparents came here from Europe,they went through Ellis Island and were checked for disease, asked where they were going, given tests, asked for documentation, skills, and how they planned TO SUPPORT THEMSELVES.

If the immigration system doesn't work well, takes too long for deserving people, the solution is to FIX IT, not break down our border wall, walk away and just pay no attention to who comes here or why. In another ten years at this rate, we will be OVERRUN with Mexicans and it won't be America anymore, we will be annexed to Mexico with 400 billion poor, uneducated, unskilled people in this country living at low wages. And all of them speaking Spanish.

I'm frankly sick and tired of everytime I go out, I run into people speaking a foreign language.

That may be YOUR vision for this country, but it sure as hell isn't mine, nor my parents, nor their parents, nor the founders of this country. Immigrate to America, you do it LEGALLY, and you come here to be AN AMERICAN and adopt OUR CULTURE, values and ways, not bring yours. Just like every other generation before us.
Last edited:
“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
Why are they wearing masks?
“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.

It looks like the nm gov did not authorize this group.
no chain of command.
With no chain of command it is nothing more than a vigilant group.
Yup, a roving band of heavily armed men tracking "enemies" in the desert and making up all their own rules as they go along--what could possibly go wrong?
Instead of spending his time vilifying these dispossessed, poor, and powerless people, maybe Trump could have spent his energy pulling together folks who could do something about this. We need changes made yesterday today our immigration laws, but this administration is just making it harder for people to share ideas and come to a workable compromise. Instead, we get vigilantes roving the border with guns and extremists here screaming for blood. We are getting farther and farther away from a solution.

I am not going to defend President Trump.

He is, however, just another in a long list of so-called leaders to use the bborder for political gain, while doing nothing about it.
its been going on so long it is normal now
Obama deported more illegals than any other President before him. There was not enough emphasis on penalizing employers who hire illegals, though. Until that happens, I will agree with you that the government is talking out one side of its mouth and facilitating cheap labor on the other.
No he didn’t they called a catch a deportation.. but they were released.. fake news everyone knows this.. you democrats lack proper information
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
Why are they wearing masks?
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.

It looks like the nm gov did not authorize this group.
no chain of command.
With no chain of command it is nothing more than a vigilant group.
You want to label patriots protecting America go right ahead

Funny (and sad really) how much more quickly and easily the American liberal finds it to label and denigrate their own people before a foreigner (and a criminal invader). Just remember, WE AREN'T THE PEOPLE WITH A PROBLEM. We aren't invading another country. We are just minding our own business. Want some contrast, go try crossing over into Mexico illegally without a passport, AND SEE WHERE IT GETS YOU.

THERE WON'T BE any throngs of well-wishers standing around with open arms looking to shower you with rewards. Must be that BAD WIRING in some people's heads that ultimately makes them become leftists.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
Vigilante justice seldom goes well. What happened to the thousands of National Guard and military personnel Trump ordered to the border? Was that completely ineffective? What are those people doing?
Last I heard fetching coffee for the border patrol. However they should be issued live ammo and ordered to shoot to kill any assholes caught invading our country. That is after all the original purpose for having a standing military or even a federal government in the first place. WTF do people think "provide for the common defence" means anyway? It's right up front in the preamble fer pity sake!
You're a perfect example of why we should not have a "legal" unorganized militia of citizens between 17 and 45.
They are not "invaders," they are not armed, they are not carrying bubonic plague, and they will not rape your daughter.
Jesus Christ, YOU are the one who should be locked up, not them!
Yeah well once I was armed with a fully automatic dreaded military assault weapon, shipped to a foreign country and told it was quite okay to shoot it's inhabitants. So just how is it not okay to shoot assholes invading our country? They sure as hell were not invited and they damn well know they are not welcome otherwise they'd present themselves at a legitimate port of entry. Last I heard that was an invader, not a friggin immigrent.
Today maybe you should try reaching around, grabbing the nape of your neck, giving a good hard and sharp yank and extract your head from your ass. You'll be amazed what it does to hear and see and give your tiny little brain some input for a change.
The war's over, dude. They're refugees and economic migrants, and I agree with you that we need to find ways to stop them from coming illegally. Murdering them is not the solution.
You are the reason women weren’t alllowed to vote let men do their jobs and protect you.. you have a big mouth until shit hits the fan and you are begging milita men to save your big mouth
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
Why are they wearing masks?
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.

It looks like the nm gov did not authorize this group.
no chain of command.
With no chain of command it is nothing more than a vigilant group.
Yup, a roving band of heavily armed men tracking "enemies" in the desert and making up all their own rules as they go along--what could possibly go wrong?
Instead of spending his time vilifying these dispossessed, poor, and powerless people, maybe Trump could have spent his energy pulling together folks who could do something about this. We need changes made yesterday today our immigration laws, but this administration is just making it harder for people to share ideas and come to a workable compromise. Instead, we get vigilantes roving the border with guns and extremists here screaming for blood. We are getting farther and farther away from a solution.

I am not going to defend President Trump.

He is, however, just another in a long list of so-called leaders to use the bborder for political gain, while doing nothing about it.
its been going on so long it is normal now

I'm sorry, I must have missed something. Hasn't it been president Trump who has been trying to get appropriations for the wall? It wasn't Hillary, It wasn't Barry. It wasn't Bush or Gore or Clinton. And it certainly won't be Jeb or Ted or Kerry or Joe Biden. Bitch to your congressman.
It looks like the nm gov did not authorize this group.
no chain of command.
With no chain of command it is nothing more than a vigilant group.
Yup, a roving band of heavily armed men tracking "enemies" in the desert and making up all their own rules as they go along--what could possibly go wrong?
Instead of spending his time vilifying these dispossessed, poor, and powerless people, maybe Trump could have spent his energy pulling together folks who could do something about this. We need changes made yesterday today our immigration laws, but this administration is just making it harder for people to share ideas and come to a workable compromise. Instead, we get vigilantes roving the border with guns and extremists here screaming for blood. We are getting farther and farther away from a solution.
Good thing you tow weren’t around for the revolution you would have threw John Adams in jail or killed him lol
As soon as you revolutionaries came to my house bearing torches and a bucket of tar and sack of feathers, though, I would have taken your side fast.

check your history jt, even the colonial militia operated with authority. it may not have been legal as the king wasnt the authority, but it was a chain of command
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.
Who said that these men don’t? Do you have a name? Do you know anything about them?? Stop your ad hominem.
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.

probably the most famous was capt church of rehobeth because of the king philip war. but there were hundreds. even then operating outside authority was a crime.

i think these guys are facing legal troubles
Of course groups like this are outside the law, but if they haven't hurt anyone, I wonder who would complain? BP seems to tolerate them. The articles say they have held onto border jumpers before until the BP arrives.

m'am, BP only tolerates groups operating with authority. the rest are run off or arrested. even drs without borders is required to have permission(authority).

You know what i did when i did my 2 week stint along the border?
we cleaned out camp sites, packed out trash, maintained aid stations for bp. guided a few folks in to thosse aid stations tooo
we would never have been ordered to a mission as this group did. if we had done this we would all be in a desert jailhouse.

What we do is search and rescue. thats our main purpose and what we train for 95% of the time.
The article said they would alert BP to illegals jumping the border. I guess you're right, they hadn't been actually "arresting" them and holding them at gunpoint before.

tell you this:
i fetched coffee for several bp agents and thanked them for allowing me to do so.
You can fetch me coffee to boy

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