Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

While I can't help wondering how many conservatives who currently oppose Obama's plans for more Syrian bloodletting would vote the same way if Dick Cheney was currently living in the White House, it's pretty obvious many partisans on both sides value Israeli interests in the Middle East over Syria's, Iraq's, or Iran's:

"President Barack Obama may have drawn his seemingly regretted 'red line' around Syria’s chemical weapons, but it was neither he nor the international community that turned the spotlight on their use.

"That task fell to Israel.

"It was an Israeli general who claimed in April that Damascus had used chemical weapons, forcing Obama into an embarrassing demurral on his stated commitment to intervene should that happen.

"According to the Israeli media, it was also Israel that provided the intelligence that blamed the Syrian president, Bashar Al Assad, for the latest chemical weapons attack, near Damascus on August 21, triggering the clamour for a US military response.

"It is worth remembering that Obama’s supposed 'dithering' on the question of military action has only been accentuated by Israel’s 'daring' strikes on Syria – at least three since the start of the year.

"It looks as though Israel, while remaining largely mute about its interests in the civil war raging there, has been doing a great deal to pressure the White House into direct involvement in Syria."

Israel Still Angling for Attacks on Syria and Iran » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
While I can't help wondering how many conservatives who currently oppose Obama's plans for more Syrian bloodletting would vote the same way if Dick Cheney was currently living in the White House, it's pretty obvious many partisans on both sides value Israeli interests in the Middle East over Syria's, Iraq's, or Iran's:
While I can't help wondering how many conservatives who currently oppose Obama's plans for more Syrian bloodletting would vote the same way if Dick Cheney was currently living in the White House, it's pretty obvious many partisans on both sides value Israeli interests in the Middle East over Syria's, Iraq's, or Iran's:
Agreed. Our Staunch ally there is surrounded...And Obama could give a shit about them. BB Netenyahu has already stated he doesn't TRUST Obama. I Don't blame him one bit. Not many in THIS country do either.
While I can't help wondering how many conservatives who currently oppose Obama's plans for more Syrian bloodletting would vote the same way if Dick Cheney was currently living in the White House, it's pretty obvious many partisans on both sides value Israeli interests in the Middle East over Syria's, Iraq's, or Iran's:
Agreed. Our Staunch ally there is surrounded...And Obama could give a shit about them. BB Netenyahu has already stated he doesn't TRUST Obama. I Don't blame him one bit. Not many in THIS country do either.
While I would vote to impeach, convict, and remove Obama from office in a heartbeat, it would not influence my presidential vote in 2016 since I don't "choose" between Republican OR Democrat. However, for those of you who do, how would Joe Biden running as an incumbent in 2016 influence your decision to impeach Barry BEFORE he can "reform" Social Security?
Agreed. Our Staunch ally there is surrounded...And Obama could give a shit about them. BB Netenyahu has already stated he doesn't TRUST Obama. I Don't blame him one bit. Not many in THIS country do either.
While I would vote to impeach, convict, and remove Obama from office in a heartbeat, it would not influence my presidential vote in 2016 since I don't "choose" between Republican OR Democrat. However, for those of you who do, how would Joe Biden running as an incumbent in 2016 influence your decision to impeach Barry BEFORE he can "reform" Social Security?

Neither do I. INDIVIDUAL MERIT. Parties are dangerous to this Republic. Wisdom of George Washington in his Farewell Speech...

"It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against another....it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

In other words? The will of the individual...negated for parties...special interests over that of the CITIZEN.

WE are living it. Sadly.

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