Right wingers: Would you support repealing all laws requiring business permits???

When did you stop ass-raping your German Shepherd, bucs90?


But you still cant simply say if you support requiring a business to get freaking permission from a govt to simply exist???? Seems like it'd be an easy anwser for right wingers.

Its a simple question. If you were mayor of your city, would you force people's businesses to get the govt's permission to merely exist?
Ok. So....I suppose the overall answer from right wingers is: Yes, you SHOULD have to ask for permission from big daddy government before you are allowed to open a business.

Afterall, right wingers are all for being pro-business, small government, freedom, etc, etc........just as long as they can regulate what their locals are allowed to do with their business and bedroom.

you just gotta love liberal thinking, its all over the place with the assumption "I am correct" therefore "how could we ever be wrong".

completely insane.
Right wingers: Would you support repealing all laws requiring business permits??? .

Not a right winger, but my answer is abso-fucking-lutely. And while you are at it remove confiscatory taxation, restore Capitalism and Free Enterprise.

Right wingers: Would you support repealing all laws requiring business permits??? .

Not a right winger, but my answer is abso-fucking-lutely. And while you are at it remove confiscatory taxation, restore Capitalism and Free Enterprise.


So you'd be fine if a strip club opened on your street? Next to a liquor store and gun shop????

Also....you'd say just end taxing all together? How would we function without some type of government? Should people even govern themselves at all? Or just have a free-for-all, survivial of the fittest and luckiest society?
Absolutely...In fact, I'll take that one further and throw in with Milton Friedman...

I'm all for abolishing every single professional licensing law/regulation...The entire state of Colorado has been built with absolutely no general contractor licensing.

Licensing/registration is just a big protection racket shakedown scam.

I agree 100%.
Pretty simple question here. Almost every city and county has laws requiring you to get a business permit to...well, open and operate a business.

Right wingers: I ask you, being ideologically consistent, would you support your local city or county repealing this law? So anyone could open a business without a business permit??

Surely you would NOT support the idea that in our great country, one must GET THE GOVERNMENTS PERMISSION to simply open a business. Right?

Should our government be THAT powerful? To be able to grant, or withold, permission to simply open a beloved private sector business?

I suspect, if you are ideologically consistent, you'll begin to rally the local governments to repeal all laws requiring a business permit.

Yes. If I'm going to sell you a box of pencils, why do I need to ask government's approval to do that?
Pretty simple question here. Almost every city and county has laws requiring you to get a business permit to...well, open and operate a business.

Right wingers: I ask you, being ideologically consistent, would you support your local city or county repealing this law? So anyone could open a business without a business permit??

Surely you would NOT support the idea that in our great country, one must GET THE GOVERNMENTS PERMISSION to simply open a business. Right?

Should our government be THAT powerful? To be able to grant, or withold, permission to simply open a beloved private sector business?

I suspect, if you are ideologically consistent, you'll begin to rally the local governments to repeal all laws requiring a business permit.

Certainly I would support that. Why should anyone need to get the government's permission to run a business?
Right wingers: Would you support repealing all laws requiring business permits??? .
PNot a right winger, but my answer is abso-fucking-lutely. And while you are at it remove confiscatory taxation, restore Capitalism and Free Enterprise.p.
So you'd be fine if a strip club opened on your street? Next to a liquor store and gun shop????Also....you'd say just end taxing all together? How would we function withoutsome type of government? Should people even govern themselves at all? Or just have a free-for-all, survivial of the fittest and luckiest society?

Lol there are already many places with all those places next to one another and I believe they got permits.
If you don't need the government's permission to abort a baby why should you need the government's permission to start a business.
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6. BIFURCATION: (either-or, black or white, all or nothing fallacy) assumes that two categories are mutually exclusive and exhaustive, that is, something is either a member of one or the other, but not both or some third category.


So when asked should we have this law...or not...your vote would be "present" like Obama? Not acceptable.

So...should you have to ask the govt for permission to open a business in your own city?

Toad, the only people who would support 'repealing all laws' regarding business permits are the narco-Libertarians, and they are of course more Left that 'right winger' - even though they refuse to admit it.

You're talking about me, nimrod. How am I a "left-winger?"
Pretty simple question here. Almost every city and county has laws requiring you to get a business permit to...well, open and operate a business.

Right wingers: I ask you, being ideologically consistent, would you support your local city or county repealing this law? So anyone could open a business without a business permit??

Surely you would NOT support the idea that in our great country, one must GET THE GOVERNMENTS PERMISSION to simply open a business. Right?

Should our government be THAT powerful? To be able to grant, or withold, permission to simply open a beloved private sector business?

I suspect, if you are ideologically consistent, you'll begin to rally the local governments to repeal all laws requiring a business permit.

I could just as well ask the left wing if they would support the legalization of infanticide. If you kill babies six or seven or eight months after conception why not make it legal for the mother to hire someone to kill them after a year or two? See where skewed understanding of ideological consistency will get you?
If you kill babies six or seven or eight months after conception why not make it legal for the mother to hire someone to kill them after a year or two?

So seriously, you don't know the difference between a woman removing a baby from her body and a woman going after a baby with a pair of scissors? And you're chastising the left?
Pretty simple question here. Almost every city and county has laws requiring you to get a business permit to...well, open and operate a business.

Right wingers: I ask you, being ideologically consistent, would you support your local city or county repealing this law? So anyone could open a business without a business permit??

Surely you would NOT support the idea that in our great country, one must GET THE GOVERNMENTS PERMISSION to simply open a business. Right?

Should our government be THAT powerful? To be able to grant, or withold, permission to simply open a beloved private sector business?

I suspect, if you are ideologically consistent, you'll begin to rally the local governments to repeal all laws requiring a business permit.

Ever wonder why earthquakes don't kill 300,000 people in America?

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