Rightist Cretin Receives a Lifetime Ban From Delta After Yelling At Female Passengers

A degenerate conservative shitbag Trump supporter, feeling emboldened from the GOP stolen election, decided to prance around a Delta jet and yell obscenities to the female passengers on the flight, calling them "Hillary bitches."

Watch the deranged faggot here:

But...as soon as Delta reviewed the video, which had gone viral last week, they sent out an internal memo to their employees announcing that the conservative fuckwit will never be allowed to fly Delta for as long as he lives.

Here's the memo:


I will make SURE to fly Delta whenever I can. Really proud of companies like this when they stand up to rightist asshole scum.

Has anyone noticed how badly these Trump voting cretins are acting even though their man won? They sure do have a strange way of celebrating.

Another video taken out of context. The guy is certainly acting like a jackass, but was obviously provoked in some way. Hillary bitches need to be put in their place.

^^^Listen to this shit! :laugh2:

The mental gymnastics you're putting yourself through in my recent threads about Trump voters behaving like deplorables is truly a sight to behold.

He wasn't "provoked" in any way you mouthbreathing moron, he was "provoked" by a TRUMP WIN, which emboldened this inbred shitbag to fly off the handle whenever he has 2 sips of beer in public.
In my opinion, this guy's tantrum was also no favor to the rest of Trump's fan base and getting banned from one airline is this guy's only punishment when it isn't the only airline that there is? I am labeling this yet another slap on the wrist.

God bless you and our new leader and the rest of his fan base always!!!

Brexit had the same effect over here. You can see these little weasels on the telly every night. And they are so fucking angry it is unreal.
Its like learning to put a cross in a box has opened up new vistas for them to spread their hate.
I think that might fall under the heading of discrimination and the airline could be sued. After all if you can sue a baker for not wanting to make a cake for a gay wedding you could sue over this.
Love your Alt-Right mis-information there.
I think that might fall under the heading of discrimination and the airline could be sued. After all if you can sue a baker for not wanting to make a cake for a gay wedding you could sue over this.
Perhaps you could explain the link between people wanting to buy a cake and a drunk abusing other travellers.
I really cant see it.

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