Rights of white in the USA


Nov 26, 2020
United States
Hi, everyone
I wanna to talk about American rights and selectivity in their respect. I know that everyone's tired of this issue as the stuff of legend. Here is another one.
I emigrated from Poland to the USA several years ago. This happened because my cousin left me his small business here. But I faced many bureaucratic and social complications. At that time an online-consultant helped me. Despite I hadn't ever met him, he was remaining my only friend in the United States for a long time. My consultant occurred to be a social worker living in rather poor small town. A white, cisgender man, he raised alone an underaged daughter after his wife passed. Even this sounds like coming out.
I only found out yesterday that my online-friend committed suicide. His former mother-in-law wrote me. His neighbor drove him to suicide. By strange quirk of fate, this black young woman settled nearby together with her girlfriend. First they just lived a noisy life with big blowouts and crowded parties. The neighbor's brother was a policeman, so they had no problems with law. My friend had no choice but to tolerate this behavior and seek for a quieter place to live at. It was rather hard. There are too few people wishing to buy a house somewhere backwoods. The fewer would pay for it a sum enough for the down payment on a better place.
Besides, the neighbor started bothering his daughter pitting her against her father and inspiring a sense of guilt for her 'slaver ancestors.' As a result, she set on my friend his peers from the HHS because he allegedly didn't create the necessary conditions for raising his daughter as a strong woman fully aware of her rights. At the same time, it turned out that almost entire of front yard and a part of my friend's house belonged to this lady, for he allegedly owed her a lot of money during the latter home renovation. Speaking of which, the house was barely renovated for its residents had been seeking for the opportunity to leave it. Meanwhile, the daughter repeated to DCFS everything the neighbor girl taught her.
It was enough. This scandalous lady turned to have some decent connections among lawyers and various human rights activists. One of them, another black one was working at Joe Biden's Ohio campaign office. He certainly is a brilliant lawyer. My friend lost in all courts and appeals. After that, he sent his daughter to her grandmother and shot himself in a living-room. His former mother-in-law found him. She came to find out, what's going on and why he doesn't answer her calls. This elderly lady kindly answered my latter email and told me about that tragedy.
I'm still shocked. I believed America is a stronghold of democracy and human rights before I came here. But actually, everything is turned upside down. A man can be deprived his family, can be thrown out on the street, can be convicted on fabricated charges, and driven to suicide. The only cause for all of those vile things might be his personal dislike of a color of skin, sexual identity, or religion. And yet, a white American's rights are respected much more negligent, than rights of people of color. The last thing I experienced myself while doing inheritance paperwork and other bureaucracy moments. Indeed, on several occasions I was rejected, meanwhile another emigrant was met half-way just because of his skin color.
Regret to write this, but America is not the land of opportunity. And it never was. Neither Dems, not Joe Biden himself can help. It is necessary to pay more attention to inner problems. However, no high and mighty are interested in that. Today I've read that white men in the USA commit suicide two-and-a-half times as often as black men, by the way. This phenomenon has been called deaths of despair. Just think about it while expressing your sympathies to the BLM next time.
Interesting first post from you. Not saying it didn't happen, but....strange to me.

Anyway, welcome to usmb.

Oh, and fuck BLM..Black Loot Murder.
From outside the US, it looks like this entire debate about race and identity has really become toxic in the US.

I'd appreciate if people on all sides focused on some basic values again: That all people were created equal, regardless of skin color, sexual orientation or gender, and deserve the same (God given, if you like) rights.

That classic racism, the discrimination of non-whites based on skin color, violates this basic value is a given, but I believe that "empowering minorities" by making them proud on their minority identity is not any more helpful -- you cannot ease hostility with more hostility, all you'll get is an increase of hostility. What we need is an identity that encompasses all of us, regardless of skin color. And the only way to achieve that, on the long run, is community, regular encounters and cooperation in everyday life between people who mistrust each other because of perceived alienness.

But alas, I'm dreaming.
I wanna to talk about American rights and selectivity in their respect. I know that everyone's tired of this issue as the stuff of legend. Here is another one.
Respect, I'll address that shortly. Thanks for the opportunity and soap box pulpit I'm about to preach from.

First, as you can see here

We want to be Ed.....
Some of us do, respect

But here

Interesting first post from you. Not saying it didn't happen, but....strange to me.

Anyway, welcome to usmb.

Oh, and fuck BLM..Black Loot Murder.
Some, not so much

I'll take your *confession*, as it were, at face value.

Avail yourself of the text of the Declaration of Independence, I'll help; the most important aspect is; all men are created equal and have certain UNalienable rights, Endowed by their Creator- in other words, rights are inherent. (look it up if you're unsure of the meaning of inherent) and I'm not religious, so don't go there. There are no caveats in the word "all". It doesn't say anything other than what it says- and it is the Truth. All else is knowledge. Truth is constant, knowledge evolves. The phrase I quoted is a life philosophy rooted in Truth-

"American rights", as you call them are INalienable rights, determined by the courts, and referred to as grants, privileges and immunities. Those are tangible and can be rescinded, given and taken, bought and sold. UNalienable rights are not tangible, and all men have them. They can only be restricted or ignored, both of which are DISrespectful- to the restricted and the restricter.

There in lies the problem you encountered and every problem we, in the US, have. In order to respect another one must have self respect- in order to have self respect one must show respect to others-

Too, we live in a monkey see monkey do world. When leader monkeys (I'll address that as well, shortly) act a fool, it stands to reason follower monkeys will act a fool. On a political message board it's glaringly obvious.

Leader monkeys. I say that since most US citizens refer to elected servants as leaders, which is incorrect. "We the people" are supposed to be the masters, i.e., leaders and the Empty Suit elected are servants. By title, they are representative(s)- re present a tive- that is to present the wants and desires of another.

Our Public Education System, which is about as disrespectful as an entity can be is, no.1, unconstitutional, (which is disrespectful) which is a foundation of disrespect used as a building block and what you've pointed out in your story is the epitome of improper, state mandated, (forced) education. No.2, the building block of education has to be founded in Truth, (see above for Truth definition). Trying to build on something that evolves is building on shifting sand.

The question has to be; What can "I" do? The answer is; leave your space a little better than you found it-

No POTUS, or elected Empty Suit, is going to stop you. Forget what their rules say, (that's what the leader monkeys do) and live life your own way. You win when you do that.
Racial issues come up quite frequently here. And i always wonder how much of a racist nation we really are? What metric would apply? I suppose in our defense, we have been the world's melting pot, always some race getting into it with another......

From outside the US, it looks like this entire debate about race and identity has really become toxic in the US.

I'd appreciate if people on all sides focused on some basic values again: That all people were created equal, regardless of skin color, sexual orientation or gender, and deserve the same (God given, if you like) rights.

That classic racism, the discrimination of non-whites based on skin color, violates this basic value is a given, but I believe that "empowering minorities" by making them proud on their minority identity is not any more helpful -- you cannot ease hostility with more hostility, all you'll get is an increase of hostility. What we need is an identity that encompasses all of us, regardless of skin color. And the only way to achieve that, on the long run, is community, regular encounters and cooperation in everyday life between people who mistrust each other because of perceived alienness.

But alas, I'm dreaming.

Yes, I respectfully feel that you are dreaming.

Some people (including me) feel that -- sadly -- some cultures are incompatible.

We saw this in Yugoslavia. Now that it has been divided, each group is much happier.
From outside the US, it looks like this entire debate about race and identity has really become toxic in the US.

I'd appreciate if people on all sides focused on some basic values again: That all people were created equal, regardless of skin color, sexual orientation or gender, and deserve the same (God given, if you like) rights.

That classic racism, the discrimination of non-whites based on skin color, violates this basic value is a given, but I believe that "empowering minorities" by making them proud on their minority identity is not any more helpful -- you cannot ease hostility with more hostility, all you'll get is an increase of hostility. What we need is an identity that encompasses all of us, regardless of skin color. And the only way to achieve that, on the long run, is community, regular encounters and cooperation in everyday life between people who mistrust each other because of perceived alienness.

But alas, I'm dreaming.

Yes, I respectfully feel that you are dreaming.

Some people (including me) feel that -- sadly -- some cultures are incompatible.

We saw this in Yugoslavia. Now that it has been divided, each group is much happier.

Hm, but all the English, Irish, German, Italian and Polish, later even Chinese or Japanese who migrated to America seem to get along pretty well, after some initial problems each time a new wave of people arrived.

Apparently, it's possible.
Some people (including me) feel that -- sadly -- some cultures are incompatible.

They would be more compatible in the US if people stopped pitting them against each other for political gain and profit. It's called divide and conquer and this is a repeat. The mistake is that the Democratic Party played it to the hilt and can't just walk away and say things like you should all get along now.

That isn't how it works.

Also, not helpful is the number of other nation-states that would enjoy a civil war. The Democratic Party didn't give a hot damn about that providing that it benefited them in some way.
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Hi, everyone
I wanna to talk about American rights and selectivity in their respect. I know that everyone's tired of this issue as the stuff of legend. Here is another one.
I emigrated from Poland to the USA several years ago. This happened because my cousin left me his small business here. But I faced many bureaucratic and social complications. At that time an online-consultant helped me. Despite I hadn't ever met him, he was remaining my only friend in the United States for a long time. My consultant occurred to be a social worker living in rather poor small town. A white, cisgender man, he raised alone an underaged daughter after his wife passed. Even this sounds like coming out.
I only found out yesterday that my online-friend committed suicide. His former mother-in-law wrote me. His neighbor drove him to suicide. By strange quirk of fate, this black young woman settled nearby together with her girlfriend. First they just lived a noisy life with big blowouts and crowded parties. The neighbor's brother was a policeman, so they had no problems with law. My friend had no choice but to tolerate this behavior and seek for a quieter place to live at. It was rather hard. There are too few people wishing to buy a house somewhere backwoods. The fewer would pay for it a sum enough for the down payment on a better place.
Besides, the neighbor started bothering his daughter pitting her against her father and inspiring a sense of guilt for her 'slaver ancestors.' As a result, she set on my friend his peers from the HHS because he allegedly didn't create the necessary conditions for raising his daughter as a strong woman fully aware of her rights. At the same time, it turned out that almost entire of front yard and a part of my friend's house belonged to this lady, for he allegedly owed her a lot of money during the latter home renovation. Speaking of which, the house was barely renovated for its residents had been seeking for the opportunity to leave it. Meanwhile, the daughter repeated to DCFS everything the neighbor girl taught her.
It was enough. This scandalous lady turned to have some decent connections among lawyers and various human rights activists. One of them, another black one was working at Joe Biden's Ohio campaign office. He certainly is a brilliant lawyer. My friend lost in all courts and appeals. After that, he sent his daughter to her grandmother and shot himself in a living-room. His former mother-in-law found him. She came to find out, what's going on and why he doesn't answer her calls. This elderly lady kindly answered my latter email and told me about that tragedy.
I'm still shocked. I believed America is a stronghold of democracy and human rights before I came here. But actually, everything is turned upside down. A man can be deprived his family, can be thrown out on the street, can be convicted on fabricated charges, and driven to suicide. The only cause for all of those vile things might be his personal dislike of a color of skin, sexual identity, or religion. And yet, a white American's rights are respected much more negligent, than rights of people of color. The last thing I experienced myself while doing inheritance paperwork and other bureaucracy moments. Indeed, on several occasions I was rejected, meanwhile another emigrant was met half-way just because of his skin color.
Regret to write this, but America is not the land of opportunity. And it never was. Neither Dems, not Joe Biden himself can help. It is necessary to pay more attention to inner problems. However, no high and mighty are interested in that. Today I've read that white men in the USA commit suicide two-and-a-half times as often as black men, by the way. This phenomenon has been called deaths of despair. Just think about it while expressing your sympathies to the BLM next time.
2 and half times????!!!!!! ....
1. you don't know much about the US
2. whites are FIVE times the population of blacks--

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