Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Sure. Why not?

Because pussies like you sue to make sure they couldn't

tapatalk post

At least you’re consistent in your ignorance.

A complaint filed alleging an Establishment Clause violation can be made only against a public sector entity, such as a law or policy making body, not against private citizens.

And when a public sector entity is found to be in violation of the Establishment Clause, and the offending measure invalidated accordingly, it does not disallow private citizens to pray in the offending venue, nor does it manifest a violation of religious expression by private citizens, as many on the right have incorrectly maintained.

There is no Establishment Clause

tapatalk post
Go where, into a closet (inner room)? No thanks, BTDT.

I mean cherry-pick a bible verse and pervert it for your agenda (which, we both know you understood but decided to play stupid for some reason).

Considering the bible has more than a few mentions about homosexuality (which your flaunt proudly), I'm shocked you would want to go down this path.

Incidentally, you do realize that the bible has quite a bit on hypocrisy as well, don't you?

Go right ahead and "pick some cherries".

Yes, I do know there is quite a bit about hypocrisy in the bible. And?

And you don't find it slightly appalling that you would cherry-pick a verse and intentionally pervert it while flaunting homosexuality for a lifetime?

And for the record - I'm not one of those "hell fire and brimstone" idiots who will use the bible to attack you. I fully believe Jesus loves you exactly as you are. But I guarantee you he doesn't appreciate you perverting his words and the hypocrisy.

And apparently (not to mention, sadly), you two cannot see that a mayor does not lose his citizenship - and thus his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights - simply because he won an election.

A mayor can lead a prayer any fucking time he wants - and as a matter of fact - the mayor of my great city does damn near monthly. If you don't like it, you are free not to listen to it and participate.

Read it carefully.

Prayer in the Public Schools and the Establishment Clause

There are so many flaws in your "logic" here, I don't even know where to begin.

  • The 1st Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .". Is a mayor "congress"? :cuckoo:

  • Furthermore, ignoring the first glaring fact for a moment, is a mayor praying "establishing a religion"? :cuckoo:

  • Further still, you're completely irrelevant court cases in the link are all school-related. Are you under the impression that a mayor operates inside of a school or something? :cuckoo:
Considering I have a 100% rate of absolutely tearing you apart like a rapid pit bull with a kitten every time you broach the Constitution, I'm stunned you don't steer completely clear of that document at all costs.
Because pussies like you sue to make sure they couldn't

tapatalk post

At least you’re consistent in your ignorance.

A complaint filed alleging an Establishment Clause violation can be made only against a public sector entity, such as a law or policy making body, not against private citizens.

And when a public sector entity is found to be in violation of the Establishment Clause, and the offending measure invalidated accordingly, it does not disallow private citizens to pray in the offending venue, nor does it manifest a violation of religious expression by private citizens, as many on the right have incorrectly maintained.

There is no Establishment Clause

tapatalk post

Your ignorance is as willful as it is consistent.

The First Amendment's Establishment Clause prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion, or non-religion over religion.

Establishment Clause | LII / Legal Information Institute

I think that thanatos cannot see the difference between me as a person praying, and me as a mayor trying to lead a prayer at a government meeting.

That is not unconstitutional you know

tapatalk post

Perhaps you could eschew your ignorance for a change and research instead which situations where that might be un-Constitutional and in which situations it might not.
I think that thanatos cannot see the difference between me as a person praying, and me as a mayor trying to lead a prayer at a government meeting.


And apparently (not to mention, sadly), you two cannot see that a mayor does not lose his citizenship - and thus his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights - simply because he won an election.

A mayor can lead a prayer any fucking time he wants - and as a matter of fact - the mayor of my great city does damn near monthly. If you don't like it, you are free not to listen to it and participate.
As a private citizen, a mayor can pray all he wants.....and many probably do....however, in his OFFICIAL capacity as a government official, he cannot LEAD a prayer....he represents the government and the government cannot favor one religion over another or even religion over no religion.

It's not that hard, really.
And apparently (not to mention, sadly), you two cannot see that a mayor does not lose his citizenship - and thus his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights - simply because he won an election.

A mayor can lead a prayer any fucking time he wants - and as a matter of fact - the mayor of my great city does damn near monthly. If you don't like it, you are free not to listen to it and participate.

Read it carefully.

Prayer in the Public Schools and the Establishment Clause

There are so many flaws in your "logic" here, I don't even know where to begin.

  • The 1st Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .". Is a mayor "congress"? :cuckoo:

  • Furthermore, ignoring the first glaring fact for a moment, is a mayor praying "establishing a religion"? :cuckoo:

  • Further still, you're completely irrelevant court cases in the link are all school-related. Are you under the impression that a mayor operates inside of a school or something? :cuckoo:
Considering I have a 100% rate of absolutely tearing you apart like a rapid pit bull with a kitten every time you broach the Constitution, I'm stunned you don't steer completely clear of that document at all costs.

Maybe you are right....those Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan mayors should also lead prayers at their City meetings.

And apparently (not to mention, sadly), you two cannot see that a mayor does not lose his citizenship - and thus his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights - simply because he won an election.

A mayor can lead a prayer any fucking time he wants - and as a matter of fact - the mayor of my great city does damn near monthly. If you don't like it, you are free not to listen to it and participate.
As a private citizen, a mayor can pray all he wants.....and many probably do....however, in his OFFICIAL capacity as a government official, he cannot LEAD a prayer....he represents the government and the government cannot favor one religion over another or even religion over no religion.

It's not that hard, really.

He absolutely can - he does not lose his 1st Amendment rights the day he is elected.

Furthermore buffoon - the Constitution clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .". It does not restrict a state, governor, local, or mayor from establishing a religion in their respective territories. It says Congress. Do you really not comprehend that a mayor is not Congress?

But hey, you never let your lack of knowledge about the Constitution get in the way of your fucked up and perverted ideology!

There are so many flaws in your "logic" here, I don't even know where to begin.

  • The 1st Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .". Is a mayor "congress"? :cuckoo:

  • Furthermore, ignoring the first glaring fact for a moment, is a mayor praying "establishing a religion"? :cuckoo:

  • Further still, you're completely irrelevant court cases in the link are all school-related. Are you under the impression that a mayor operates inside of a school or something? :cuckoo:
Considering I have a 100% rate of absolutely tearing you apart like a rapid pit bull with a kitten every time you broach the Constitution, I'm stunned you don't steer completely clear of that document at all costs.

Maybe you are right....those Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan mayors should also lead prayers at their City meetings.

If a muslim get elected to office and wants to lead a muslim prayer, have it! I won't participate (just like you don't have to participate if an American mayor wants to lead a Christian prayer). That's the beauty of FREEDOM - something you oppressive libtards loathe...
And apparently (not to mention, sadly), you two cannot see that a mayor does not lose his citizenship - and thus his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights - simply because he won an election.

A mayor can lead a prayer any fucking time he wants - and as a matter of fact - the mayor of my great city does damn near monthly. If you don't like it, you are free not to listen to it and participate.
As a private citizen, a mayor can pray all he wants.....and many probably do....however, in his OFFICIAL capacity as a government official, he cannot LEAD a prayer....he represents the government and the government cannot favor one religion over another or even religion over no religion.

It's not that hard, really.

He absolutely can - he does not lose his 1st Amendment rights the day he is elected.

Furthermore buffoon - the Constitution clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .". It does not restrict a state, governor, local, or mayor from establishing a religion in their respective territories. It says Congress. Do you really not comprehend that a mayor is not Congress?

But hey, you never let your lack of knowledge about the Constitution get in the way of your fucked up and perverted ideology!

Fine...and that includes any muslim, buddhist, hindu, pagan, satanic prayer. :D
There are so many flaws in your "logic" here, I don't even know where to begin.

  • The 1st Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .". Is a mayor "congress"? :cuckoo:

  • Furthermore, ignoring the first glaring fact for a moment, is a mayor praying "establishing a religion"? :cuckoo:

  • Further still, you're completely irrelevant court cases in the link are all school-related. Are you under the impression that a mayor operates inside of a school or something? :cuckoo:
Considering I have a 100% rate of absolutely tearing you apart like a rapid pit bull with a kitten every time you broach the Constitution, I'm stunned you don't steer completely clear of that document at all costs.

Maybe you are right....those Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan mayors should also lead prayers at their City meetings.

If a muslim get elected to office and wants to lead a muslim prayer, have it! I won't participate (just like you don't have to participate if an American mayor wants to lead a Christian prayer). That's the beauty of FREEDOM - something you oppressive libtards loathe...

Who says an American mayor would lead a christian prayer?

And apparently (not to mention, sadly), you two cannot see that a mayor does not lose his citizenship - and thus his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights - simply because he won an election.

A mayor can lead a prayer any fucking time he wants - and as a matter of fact - the mayor of my great city does damn near monthly. If you don't like it, you are free not to listen to it and participate.

Read it carefully.

Prayer in the Public Schools and the Establishment Clause
Really? This debate has been hashed out thoroughly. Everyone understands.
You are wasting keystrokes.
Maybe you are right....those Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan mayors should also lead prayers at their City meetings.

If a muslim get elected to office and wants to lead a muslim prayer, have it! I won't participate (just like you don't have to participate if an American mayor wants to lead a Christian prayer). That's the beauty of FREEDOM - something you oppressive libtards loathe...

Who says an American mayor would lead a christian prayer?

It's done all the time.
More likely a non denominational prayer.
And apparently (not to mention, sadly), you two cannot see that a mayor does not lose his citizenship - and thus his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights - simply because he won an election.

A mayor can lead a prayer any fucking time he wants - and as a matter of fact - the mayor of my great city does damn near monthly. If you don't like it, you are free not to listen to it and participate.

Read it carefully.

Prayer in the Public Schools and the Establishment Clause

There are so many flaws in your "logic" here, I don't even know where to begin.

  • The 1st Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .". Is a mayor "congress"? :cuckoo:

  • Furthermore, ignoring the first glaring fact for a moment, is a mayor praying "establishing a religion"? :cuckoo:

  • Further still, you're completely irrelevant court cases in the link are all school-related. Are you under the impression that a mayor operates inside of a school or something? :cuckoo:
Considering I have a 100% rate of absolutely tearing you apart like a rapid pit bull with a kitten every time you broach the Constitution, I'm stunned you don't steer completely clear of that document at all costs.

Because aside from being an angry snotty militant lesbian, she is also a flaming far left moonbat lib. And far left wing moonbat libs are prone to standing in the middle of the room full of people screaming that it is everyone else that is wrong...And now here is the hypocrisy.....She is also a capitalist.

And apparently (not to mention, sadly), you two cannot see that a mayor does not lose his citizenship - and thus his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights - simply because he won an election.

A mayor can lead a prayer any fucking time he wants - and as a matter of fact - the mayor of my great city does damn near monthly. If you don't like it, you are free not to listen to it and participate.
As a private citizen, a mayor can pray all he wants.....and many probably do....however, in his OFFICIAL capacity as a government official, he cannot LEAD a prayer....he represents the government and the government cannot favor one religion over another or even religion over no religion.

It's not that hard, really.

Says WHOM?.....Since there is no criminal law governing such things, there is little recourse for the objector other than to enlist the help of some smarmy lefty lawyer or the A-Fucking CLU
Maybe you are right....those Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan mayors should also lead prayers at their City meetings.

If a muslim get elected to office and wants to lead a muslim prayer, have it! I won't participate (just like you don't have to participate if an American mayor wants to lead a Christian prayer). That's the beauty of FREEDOM - something you oppressive libtards loathe...

Who says an American mayor would lead a christian prayer?

You might want to take note of that word "if" that prefaced the part which got you all bent out of shape.
As a private citizen, a mayor can pray all he wants.....and many probably do....however, in his OFFICIAL capacity as a government official, he cannot LEAD a prayer....he represents the government and the government cannot favor one religion over another or even religion over no religion.

It's not that hard, really.

He absolutely can - he does not lose his 1st Amendment rights the day he is elected.

Furthermore buffoon - the Constitution clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . .". It does not restrict a state, governor, local, or mayor from establishing a religion in their respective territories. It says Congress. Do you really not comprehend that a mayor is not Congress?

But hey, you never let your lack of knowledge about the Constitution get in the way of your fucked up and perverted ideology!

Fine...and that includes any muslim, buddhist, hindu, pagan, satanic prayer. :D

I know you're hoping for an argument out of me, but you're not going to get one. I agree with your last statement here 100%.

I'm certain no politician will ever be dumb enough to attempt either a satanic prayer or a muslim prayer in public - but if they want to - more power to them.

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