Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Ignorant means of lack of knowledge which I do not have in this instance Hey dummy First Amendment right to worship First Amendment rights that says the government cannot force Church or religion to change its believes 21 that the government says is appropriate since no one is killed in property is in don't want from them there is no need for government to even be into the marriage business I really don't f****** care of homosexuals marry I do give a s*** that you try and force the Church in to recognizing it they don't need to. You see the one ignoring here right now is you should be used as you normally are a stupid f***

tapatalk post

My ability to get a legal marriage license does not have any effect on a church what so ever.

Churches will never be forced to perform ANY marriage against the tenants of their faith, just as they never have been.

So they can pray in a courthouse or school?

tapatalk post

Sure. Why not?
Ignorant means of lack of knowledge which I do not have in this instance Hey dummy First Amendment right to worship First Amendment rights that says the government cannot force Church or religion to change its believes 21 that the government says is appropriate since no one is killed in property is in don't want from them there is no need for government to even be into the marriage business I really don't f****** care of homosexuals marry I do give a s*** that you try and force the Church in to recognizing it they don't need to. You see the one ignoring here right now is you should be used as you normally are a stupid f***

tapatalk post

My ability to get a legal marriage license does not have any effect on a church what so ever.

Churches will never be forced to perform ANY marriage against the tenants of their faith, just as they never have been.

So they can pray in a courthouse or school?

tapatalk post

What does that have to do with what I just said?

You can pray anywhere you want to. Jesus doesn't like it, but whatever.
"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

Mathew 6:6
So they can pray in a courthouse or school?

tapatalk post

Sure. Why not?

Because pussies like you sue to make sure they couldn't

tapatalk post

At least you’re consistent in your ignorance.

A complaint filed alleging an Establishment Clause violation can be made only against a public sector entity, such as a law or policy making body, not against private citizens.

And when a public sector entity is found to be in violation of the Establishment Clause, and the offending measure invalidated accordingly, it does not disallow private citizens to pray in the offending venue, nor does it manifest a violation of religious expression by private citizens, as many on the right have incorrectly maintained.
"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

Mathew 6:6

It would seem their own dogma is as much at odds with most fundamentalist Christians as is the Constitution.

Says the girl who has displayed the most overwhelming ignorance of the Constitution... :lol:

The next time CCJ reads the U.S. Constitution will be the first time she has ever read it.
"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

Mathew 6:6

It would seem their own dogma is as much at odds with most fundamentalist Christians as is the Constitution.

It's like that Commandment about bearing false witness....many of them cannot get past that one.
"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

Mathew 6:6

Really? You really want to go there SW? Simply unbelievable...

Go where, into a closet (inner room)? No thanks, BTDT.

I mean cherry-pick a bible verse and pervert it for your agenda (which, we both know you understood but decided to play stupid for some reason).

Considering the bible has more than a few mentions about homosexuality (which your flaunt proudly), I'm shocked you would want to go down this path.

Incidentally, you do realize that the bible has quite a bit on hypocrisy as well, don't you?

I think that thanatos cannot see the difference between me as a person praying, and me as a mayor trying to lead a prayer at a government meeting.


And apparently (not to mention, sadly), you two cannot see that a mayor does not lose his citizenship - and thus his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights - simply because he won an election.

A mayor can lead a prayer any fucking time he wants - and as a matter of fact - the mayor of my great city does damn near monthly. If you don't like it, you are free not to listen to it and participate.
"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

Mathew 6:6

It would seem their own dogma is as much at odds with most fundamentalist Christians as is the Constitution.

It's like that Commandment about bearing false witness....many of them cannot get past that one.

Because you find a truth upsetting and inconvenient bodecea, doesn't make that truth "false". It's sad that you are so unnerved by facts which are backed up with volumes of data. It's always ideology over reality with the left.
It says arms genius. Arms is another word for guns. You clearly lied about your military service if you don't know this.

So which is it bodecea - did you lie about your military service or are you lying about the 2nd Amendment. I just proved you're lying about one of them. Which is it?

1. weapons and ammunition; armaments.
"they were subjugated by force of arms"
synonyms: weapons, weaponry, firearms, guns, ordnance, artillery, armaments, munitions, matériel More

Hmmm....sounds like you need someone to interpret that. Because you also have "artillery" in your definition. Does that mean we are allowed artillery due to the 2nd Amendment?

Ah....duh! It amazes me how Dumbocrats need even the most basic things explained to them.

The 2nd Amendment did NOT say muskets. It did NOT say revolvers. It did NOT say handguns. It says "the RIGHT of the PEOPLE to keep and bear ARMS shall not be infringed".

Which part of this do you not understand? I've even posted the exact definition of arms for you. Good grief...

Bodey is reaching..That's all.
Really? You really want to go there SW? Simply unbelievable...

Go where, into a closet (inner room)? No thanks, BTDT.

I mean cherry-pick a bible verse and pervert it for your agenda (which, we both know you understood but decided to play stupid for some reason).

Considering the bible has more than a few mentions about homosexuality (which your flaunt proudly), I'm shocked you would want to go down this path.

Incidentally, you do realize that the bible has quite a bit on hypocrisy as well, don't you?

Go right ahead and "pick some cherries".

Yes, I do know there is quite a bit about hypocrisy in the bible. And?
I think that thanatos cannot see the difference between me as a person praying, and me as a mayor trying to lead a prayer at a government meeting.


And apparently (not to mention, sadly), you two cannot see that a mayor does not lose his citizenship - and thus his Constitutional 1st Amendment rights - simply because he won an election.

A mayor can lead a prayer any fucking time he wants - and as a matter of fact - the mayor of my great city does damn near monthly. If you don't like it, you are free not to listen to it and participate.

Read it carefully.

Prayer in the Public Schools and the Establishment Clause

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