Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

I can sympathize with libertarian and economic conservatives for whom core social conservative issues are a dangerous distraction, but the religious conservatives, who are the biggest single block in the conservative movement cannot simply set aside their commitment to traditional marriage and right-to-life for mere political expediency.

These are folks who are Christians before they are citizens; in fact, preservation of traditional Christian values in the civil legal code is, for many of them, the principal reason they are active in politics at all.

What is more, a voter who deeply believes that gay marriage and abortion are violations of divine law and therefore an existential threat to American society, is unable to look away from these issues now in hopes of electing a more congenial government for future action. Murder is murder. If you think abortion is murder, you can't ignore it and you can't compromise.

This was the situation which the GOP risked in letting the religious right sit at the political table. Reagan was deeply apprehensive about such a move. He spoke warmly of the religious right and expressed sympathy with their agenda, but he did not propose any of the laws which he believed would be inexpedient for the Republican Party. This was not cynicism, it was a practical politician viewing the religious right as a voting block to be weighed in the context of a larger coalition that was the GOP.

Subsequent developments gave the religious right a formal seat at the policy table. This has been a major component of Republican success. Now, however, the political winds are shifting and what was once a precious asset is rapidly becoming a national liability.

The problem is not easily resolved. As one Israeli commentator observed (and Likud has had a similar issue with the haredim) "you invite the religious conservatives into the tent on Monday and on Friday they are asking 'what are you doing in my tent'".
If it is just a piece of fucking paper? Why are their panties so wadded up about getting it? Civil Unions offer the same rights, what is wrong with those?

Well, to start with they don't offer the same rights. IRS Recognizes all Marriages but not Civil Unions

Secondly, when you say things like "I can have marriage but you can have Civil Unions" that's called "Separate but Equal" and in case you weren't aware, that's unconstitutional.

Now, if you want to remove the word marriage from all legal, civil marriages and call them civil unions for everyone, gay or straight, I'd be fine with that.

If a civil union gave gay couples EXACTLY THE SAME rights as a man/woman marriage, would that be satisfactory? yes or no. No rhetoric, just a yes or no.
If it is just a piece of fucking paper? Why are their panties so wadded up about getting it? Civil Unions offer the same rights, what is wrong with those?

Well, to start with they don't offer the same rights. IRS Recognizes all Marriages but not Civil Unions

Secondly, when you say things like "I can have marriage but you can have Civil Unions" that's called "Separate but Equal" and in case you weren't aware, that's unconstitutional.

Now, if you want to remove the word marriage from all legal, civil marriages and call them civil unions for everyone, gay or straight, I'd be fine with that.
See that's the problem. It isn't about toleration for you people, or equal rights. It is about equal social recognition. Even if we gave you guys civil unions, with the same rights(which I disagree with), you wouldn't take that, but it isn't only about equal rights, it is about equal social recognition. Society at large must accept your lifestyle, must place on it the same social value as heterosexual marriage, a value it doesn't have.

"Normal people (heterosexuals) have no moral obligation to support the homosexual agenda. Homosexuals do not have the "right" to inflict their deviant sexual fetishes on the rest of society. The issue is not what people do in their bedrooms, but rather what they want to normalize in society. This is the reason homosexuals insist on promoting gay marriage, allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military, flood the media with sympathetic portrayals of homosexual characters and engage in debaucherous displays of public homosexuality with their parades. They don't simply want the right to engage in homosexual behavior (which they already have, and have had for centuries - homosexuality has always existed as a minority sexual perversion behind closed doors), rather they want homosexuality to be considered just as acceptable as heterosexuality."

GQ makes straight celebs kiss for gay tolerance
If it is just a piece of fucking paper? Why are their panties so wadded up about getting it? Civil Unions offer the same rights, what is wrong with those?

Well, to start with they don't offer the same rights. IRS Recognizes all Marriages but not Civil Unions

Secondly, when you say things like "I can have marriage but you can have Civil Unions" that's called "Separate but Equal" and in case you weren't aware, that's unconstitutional.

Now, if you want to remove the word marriage from all legal, civil marriages and call them civil unions for everyone, gay or straight, I'd be fine with that.
See that's the problem. It isn't about toleration for you people, or equal rights. It is about equal social recognition. Even if we gave you guys civil unions, with the same rights(which I disagree with), you wouldn't take that, but it isn't only about equal rights, it is about equal social recognition. Society at large must accept your lifestyle, must place on it the same social value as heterosexual marriage, a value it doesn't have.

"Normal people (heterosexuals) have no moral obligation to support the homosexual agenda. Homosexuals do not have the "right" to inflict their deviant sexual fetishes on the rest of society. The issue is not what people do in their bedrooms, but rather what they want to normalize in society. This is the reason homosexuals insist on promoting gay marriage, allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military, flood the media with sympathetic portrayals of homosexual characters and engage in debaucherous displays of public homosexuality with their parades. They don't simply want the right to engage in homosexual behavior (which they already have, and have had for centuries - homosexuality has always existed as a minority sexual perversion behind closed doors), rather they want homosexuality to be considered just as acceptable as heterosexuality."

GQ makes straight celebs kiss for gay tolerance

very good summary of the entire gay marriage debate.
Gay shit is all the left talks about. They have an unhealthy obsession with gay shit.

Yeah...all gay threads are started by Lefties...and gay lefties at that. :eusa_whistle:

I don't know who starts threads on this board. All I know is in real life the left is obsessed with bringing homosexuality into ever aspect of life.

homosexuality and infanticide--------the platfom of the left.
If it is just a piece of fucking paper? Why are their panties so wadded up about getting it? Civil Unions offer the same rights, what is wrong with those?

Well, to start with they don't offer the same rights. IRS Recognizes all Marriages but not Civil Unions

Secondly, when you say things like "I can have marriage but you can have Civil Unions" that's called "Separate but Equal" and in case you weren't aware, that's unconstitutional.

Now, if you want to remove the word marriage from all legal, civil marriages and call them civil unions for everyone, gay or straight, I'd be fine with that.

If a civil union gave gay couples EXACTLY THE SAME rights as a man/woman marriage, would that be satisfactory? yes or no. No rhetoric, just a yes or no.

No problem with that....but all those laws (Federal, state, local) and statutes will have to have their language changed from "married" and "marriage" to "civil unions". Do you think that is necessary?
I can sympathize with libertarian and economic conservatives for whom core social conservative issues are a dangerous distraction, but the religious conservatives, who are the biggest single block in the conservative movement cannot simply set aside their commitment to traditional marriage and right-to-life for mere political expediency.

These are folks who are Christians before they are citizens; in fact, preservation of traditional Christian values in the civil legal code is, for many of them, the principal reason they are active in politics at all.

What is more, a voter who deeply believes that gay marriage and abortion are violations of divine law and therefore an existential threat to American society, is unable to look away from these issues now in hopes of electing a more congenial government for future action. Murder is murder. If you think abortion is murder, you can't ignore it and you can't compromise.

This was the situation which the GOP risked in letting the religious right sit at the political table. Reagan was deeply apprehensive about such a move. He spoke warmly of the religious right and expressed sympathy with their agenda, but he did not propose any of the laws which he believed would be inexpedient for the Republican Party. This was not cynicism, it was a practical politician viewing the religious right as a voting block to be weighed in the context of a larger coalition that was the GOP.

Subsequent developments gave the religious right a formal seat at the policy table. This has been a major component of Republican success. Now, however, the political winds are shifting and what was once a precious asset is rapidly becoming a national liability.

The problem is not easily resolved. As one Israeli commentator observed (and Likud has had a similar issue with the haredim) "you invite the religious conservatives into the tent on Monday and on Friday they are asking 'what are you doing in my tent'".

I want you to first put aside every personal belief that you have all of them then tell me why the f*** we should?

tapatalk post
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Well, to start with they don't offer the same rights. IRS Recognizes all Marriages but not Civil Unions

Secondly, when you say things like "I can have marriage but you can have Civil Unions" that's called "Separate but Equal" and in case you weren't aware, that's unconstitutional.

Now, if you want to remove the word marriage from all legal, civil marriages and call them civil unions for everyone, gay or straight, I'd be fine with that.

If a civil union gave gay couples EXACTLY THE SAME rights as a man/woman marriage, would that be satisfactory? yes or no. No rhetoric, just a yes or no.

No problem with that....but all those laws (Federal, state, local) and statutes will have to have their language changed from "married" and "marriage" to "civil unions". Do you think that is necessary?

So as Iceman said, its all about the word. you want forced social acceptance of your aberrant lifestyle. You want the government to engage in mandatory thought control with penalties for anyone who dares stray and express a contradictory view----Duck Dynasty is the latest example of punishment for anyone who does not express complete acceptance of gays as normal. The first amendment no longer exists.
Well, to start with they don't offer the same rights. IRS Recognizes all Marriages but not Civil Unions

Secondly, when you say things like "I can have marriage but you can have Civil Unions" that's called "Separate but Equal" and in case you weren't aware, that's unconstitutional.

Now, if you want to remove the word marriage from all legal, civil marriages and call them civil unions for everyone, gay or straight, I'd be fine with that.

If a civil union gave gay couples EXACTLY THE SAME rights as a man/woman marriage, would that be satisfactory? yes or no. No rhetoric, just a yes or no.

No problem with that....but all those laws (Federal, state, local) and statutes will have to have their language changed from "married" and "marriage" to "civil unions". Do you think that is necessary?

So in other words you want more than just the right you want the name you want the status you want to be normal. Sweetheart I hate to tell you this your gay by definition you're minority again not of the norm

tapatalk post
If a civil union gave gay couples EXACTLY THE SAME rights as a man/woman marriage, would that be satisfactory? yes or no. No rhetoric, just a yes or no.

No problem with that....but all those laws (Federal, state, local) and statutes will have to have their language changed from "married" and "marriage" to "civil unions". Do you think that is necessary?

So in other words you want more than just the right you want the name you want the status you want to be normal. Sweetheart I hate to tell you this your gay by definition you're minority again not of the norm

tapatalk post
Haven't said that at all....just pointing ALL that has to be gone thru legally in order to change all civil "marriages" to civil "unions."

But I am fascinated by you calling me a minority....gee, really? And that changes anything........how?
Someone on another site quoted a Buddhist saying:

2 monks were walking along when they came upon a woman standing on a river bank. One of the monks offered to carry her across and did so. Reaching the other side the monk set her down and she thanked the monk. The monks continued walking along. A few hours later the monk who didn't carry the woman said to the monk who did, "You shouldn't have carried the woman across." The monk replied, "Are you still carrying her? I let her go hours ago." :)
No problem with that....but all those laws (Federal, state, local) and statutes will have to have their language changed from "married" and "marriage" to "civil unions". Do you think that is necessary?

So in other words you want more than just the right you want the name you want the status you want to be normal. Sweetheart I hate to tell you this your gay by definition you're minority again not of the norm

tapatalk post
Haven't said that at all....just pointing ALL that has to be gone thru legally in order to change all civil "marriages" to civil "unions."

But I am fascinated by you calling me a minority....gee, really? And that changes anything........how?

marriage for man/woman couples, civil unions for gays. With equal rights in every since of the word.

But thats not what you want, is it?

Why not come clean and admit your real agenda?
No problem with that....but all those laws (Federal, state, local) and statutes will have to have their language changed from "married" and "marriage" to "civil unions". Do you think that is necessary?

So in other words you want more than just the right you want the name you want the status you want to be normal. Sweetheart I hate to tell you this your gay by definition you're minority again not of the norm

tapatalk post
Haven't said that at all....just pointing ALL that has to be gone thru legally in order to change all civil "marriages" to civil "unions."

But I am fascinated by you calling me a minority....gee, really? And that changes anything........how?

Let me Put this in another way then when I say minority I don't mean a minority in the country I mean a minority on the planet. The reason for that is because homosexuality is not the norm. Your obsession to be seen as normal is absurd. I personally don't understand it I am normal it is prettty f****** boring.

tapatalk post
So in other words you want more than just the right you want the name you want the status you want to be normal. Sweetheart I hate to tell you this your gay by definition you're minority again not of the norm

tapatalk post
Haven't said that at all....just pointing ALL that has to be gone thru legally in order to change all civil "marriages" to civil "unions."

But I am fascinated by you calling me a minority....gee, really? And that changes anything........how?

Let me Put this in another way then when I say minority I don't mean a minority in the country I mean a minority on the planet. The reason for that is because homosexuality is not the norm. Your obsession to be seen as normal is absurd. I personally don't understand it I am normal it is prettty f****** boring.

tapatalk post

Again....how does my being a minority change anything?
Haven't said that at all....just pointing ALL that has to be gone thru legally in order to change all civil "marriages" to civil "unions."

But I am fascinated by you calling me a minority....gee, really? And that changes anything........how?

Let me Put this in another way then when I say minority I don't mean a minority in the country I mean a minority on the planet. The reason for that is because homosexuality is not the norm. Your obsession to be seen as normal is absurd. I personally don't understand it I am normal it is prettty f****** boring.

tapatalk post

Again....how does my being a minority change anything?

Simple question.

Would you be happy if the government just dropped the use of the term marriage or any version of it from any official use and you were free to do whatever you wanted in terms of marriage (within the bounds of consent of course?)

Yes or no?

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