Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.

But here's what he has to say about your candidate. The guy you're putting on a pedestal. here you go bubba:
Colin Kaepernick Just Went Beastmode On Hillary Clinton

"Colin Kaepernick Just Went Beastmode On Hillary Clinton

San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who recently refused to stand during the national anthem at a preseason game, just unloaded on Hillary Clinton. “We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate,” he said, referring to the 15,000 emails Clinton “wiped” from her private, unsecured server she used during her tenure as secretary of State. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has publicly stated that the Department of Justice doesn’t plan to press any charges against Clinton for illegally using a private server that was less secure than a Gmail account. Lynch’s announcement came on the heels of a secret meeting she had with Bill Clinton aboard a private jet on a tarmac in Phoenix."

Can I laugh at you now?

TA DA :2up::2up:

Not really. I do not support Hillary any more than Trump. You are gloating over nothing Idjit.
well I guess you have to be in the thread that was against righties and the guy targeted as not righty shit on clinton. Sorry that's fuking hilarious.

I'm sorry for you that Trump is such an easy target. His flaws are so out front and obvious that one doesn't have to dig deep to see them.

Hillary's are a bit more in depth and requires actual research to weed them out. Instead the moron RWers focus in on superficial crap like email supervision, how the attack in Benghazi was characterized and the contributions to the Clinton Foundation. She has plenty of flaws but just the normal policy and issue variety. Trying to paint her as "crooked" is ridiculous because she is just run of the mill as being honest or dishonest in Washington DC.

Crazy RWers are lock step in their stupidity. It probably comes from the "do and believe as you are told" mantra espoused by the Christian religion. Muslims are even worse,...but not by much.

I show more venom towards the Christian Fundamentalists of course because they stole the platform of the republican party and drove it straight into the dirt. The libs didn't ruin my party...idiots like YOU did.

Do you think Dwight David Eisenhower would endorse Donald Trump? Right! I won't either.
and yet you can't stop talking about him. You can't see the irony at all cause you're too stupid.
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.

What does political correctness have to do with it, wheelchair boy?

Ummm. Everything ! But hey . Let's here Ya twist things into a pretzel that he's not guilty of first degree violation of political correctness .

Attacking Kaepernick for being a mindless jock who doesn't appreciate how good he has it has nothing to do with "political correctness." This is just another stupid liberal trick

CK is not "mindless". He has his opinion and is knowingly taking this moderate measure to express it. Obviously he believes that too many people of color are killed unnecessarily by the police Who among us believes that some or even most of these killings are necessary? So rather than stand at the anthem he rejects the status quo and uses what little audience he has. Are his views on the killing of innocent blacks by the police wrong? Has he done any harm? If not then why all the fuss?
well explain why there isn't outrage over black on black killings that happen nightly in towns like Chicago and Detroit. Where's the fking outrage? I have it and you call me a racist. so, CK is allowed to do what he did and I couldn't care less. I'm not his next employer.
The alt right are screaming! Just read their nonsense.
sounds like CK is screaming. you aren't very observant are you.
That is your own screaming that you are projecting on others. The alt right got called out and they can't handle it.
still waiting for the link that validates that. haven't seen it yet.
The whole thread with your ilk screaming. Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.
The alt right are screaming! Just read their nonsense.
sounds like CK is screaming. you aren't very observant are you.
That is your own screaming that you are projecting on others. The alt right got called out and they can't handle it.
still waiting for the link that validates that. haven't seen it yet.
The whole thread with your ilk screaming. Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.
not one person on the right has done any of what was stated in the OP. Quote one!
Not really. I do not support Hillary any more than Trump. You are gloating over nothing Idjit.
well I guess you have to be in the thread that was against righties and the guy targeted as not righty shit on clinton. Sorry that's fuking hilarious.

I'm sorry for you that Trump is such an easy target. His flaws are so out front and obvious that one doesn't have to dig deep to see them.

Hillary's are a bit more in depth and requires actual research to weed them out. Instead the moron RWers focus in on superficial crap like email supervision, how the attack in Benghazi was characterized and the contributions to the Clinton Foundation. She has plenty of flaws but just the normal policy and issue variety. Trying to paint her as "crooked" is ridiculous because she is just run of the mill as being honest or dishonest in Washington DC.

Crazy RWers are lock step in their stupidity. It probably comes from the "do and believe as you are told" mantra espoused by the Christian religion. Muslims are even worse,...but not by much.

I show more venom towards the Christian Fundamentalists of course because they stole the platform of the republican party and drove it straight into the dirt. The libs didn't ruin my party...idiots like YOU did.

Do you think Dwight David Eisenhower would endorse Donald Trump? Right! I won't either.
and yet you can't stop talking about him. You can't see the irony at all cause you're too stupid.
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.

What does political correctness have to do with it, wheelchair boy?

Ummm. Everything ! But hey . Let's here Ya twist things into a pretzel that he's not guilty of first degree violation of political correctness .

Attacking Kaepernick for being a mindless jock who doesn't appreciate how good he has it has nothing to do with "political correctness." This is just another stupid liberal trick

CK is not "mindless". He has his opinion and is knowingly taking this moderate measure to express it. Obviously he believes that too many people of color are killed unnecessarily by the police Who among us believes that some or even most of these killings are necessary? So rather than stand at the anthem he rejects the status quo and uses what little audience he has. Are his views on the killing of innocent blacks by the police wrong? Has he done any harm? If not then why all the fuss?
well explain why there isn't outrage over black on black killings that happen nightly in towns like Chicago and Detroit. Where's the fking outrage? I have it and you call me a racist. so, CK is allowed to do what he did and I couldn't care less. I'm not his next employer.

Where does this fucking canard come from? Of course there is outrage over this. Lots of it. That you happen to ignore it is not their problem.

Moreover, if there WEREN'T outrage over this, would that justify police killing of unarmed blacks?
Not really. I do not support Hillary any more than Trump. You are gloating over nothing Idjit.
well I guess you have to be in the thread that was against righties and the guy targeted as not righty shit on clinton. Sorry that's fuking hilarious.

I'm sorry for you that Trump is such an easy target. His flaws are so out front and obvious that one doesn't have to dig deep to see them.

Hillary's are a bit more in depth and requires actual research to weed them out. Instead the moron RWers focus in on superficial crap like email supervision, how the attack in Benghazi was characterized and the contributions to the Clinton Foundation. She has plenty of flaws but just the normal policy and issue variety. Trying to paint her as "crooked" is ridiculous because she is just run of the mill as being honest or dishonest in Washington DC.

Crazy RWers are lock step in their stupidity. It probably comes from the "do and believe as you are told" mantra espoused by the Christian religion. Muslims are even worse,...but not by much.

I show more venom towards the Christian Fundamentalists of course because they stole the platform of the republican party and drove it straight into the dirt. The libs didn't ruin my party...idiots like YOU did.

Do you think Dwight David Eisenhower would endorse Donald Trump? Right! I won't either.
and yet you can't stop talking about him. You can't see the irony at all cause you're too stupid.
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.

What does political correctness have to do with it, wheelchair boy?

Ummm. Everything ! But hey . Let's here Ya twist things into a pretzel that he's not guilty of first degree violation of political correctness .

Attacking Kaepernick for being a mindless jock who doesn't appreciate how good he has it has nothing to do with "political correctness." This is just another stupid liberal trick

CK is not "mindless". He has his opinion and is knowingly taking this moderate measure to express it. Obviously he believes that too many people of color are killed unnecessarily by the police Who among us believes that some or even most of these killings are necessary? So rather than stand at the anthem he rejects the status quo and uses what little audience he has. Are his views on the killing of innocent blacks by the police wrong? Has he done any harm? If not then why all the fuss?
well explain why there isn't outrage over black on black killings that happen nightly in towns like Chicago and Detroit. Where's the fking outrage? I have it and you call me a racist. so, CK is allowed to do what he did and I couldn't care less. I'm not his next employer.
How do you there is not outrage? The blacks have no need to listen to the alt right on race. Judas Priest, that would be like the gypsies listening to the fascists. Or the LGBTQ listening to the socon alt right.
The alt right are screaming! Just read their nonsense.
sounds like CK is screaming. you aren't very observant are you.
That is your own screaming that you are projecting on others. The alt right got called out and they can't handle it.
still waiting for the link that validates that. haven't seen it yet.
The whole thread with your ilk screaming. Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.
not one person on the right has done any of what was stated in the OP. Quote one!

I could find about 30 in this thread. If you were honest, you could, too.
The alt right are screaming! Just read their nonsense.
sounds like CK is screaming. you aren't very observant are you.
That is your own screaming that you are projecting on others. The alt right got called out and they can't handle it.
still waiting for the link that validates that. haven't seen it yet.
The whole thread with your ilk screaming. Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.
BTW, cause you or one of you'se creates a thread doesn't mean it happened. so stay in lalalalalala land my man, I really don't give two shites.
well I guess you have to be in the thread that was against righties and the guy targeted as not righty shit on clinton. Sorry that's fuking hilarious.

I'm sorry for you that Trump is such an easy target. His flaws are so out front and obvious that one doesn't have to dig deep to see them.

Hillary's are a bit more in depth and requires actual research to weed them out. Instead the moron RWers focus in on superficial crap like email supervision, how the attack in Benghazi was characterized and the contributions to the Clinton Foundation. She has plenty of flaws but just the normal policy and issue variety. Trying to paint her as "crooked" is ridiculous because she is just run of the mill as being honest or dishonest in Washington DC.

Crazy RWers are lock step in their stupidity. It probably comes from the "do and believe as you are told" mantra espoused by the Christian religion. Muslims are even worse,...but not by much.

I show more venom towards the Christian Fundamentalists of course because they stole the platform of the republican party and drove it straight into the dirt. The libs didn't ruin my party...idiots like YOU did.

Do you think Dwight David Eisenhower would endorse Donald Trump? Right! I won't either.
and yet you can't stop talking about him. You can't see the irony at all cause you're too stupid.
What does political correctness have to do with it, wheelchair boy?

Ummm. Everything ! But hey . Let's here Ya twist things into a pretzel that he's not guilty of first degree violation of political correctness .

Attacking Kaepernick for being a mindless jock who doesn't appreciate how good he has it has nothing to do with "political correctness." This is just another stupid liberal trick

CK is not "mindless". He has his opinion and is knowingly taking this moderate measure to express it. Obviously he believes that too many people of color are killed unnecessarily by the police Who among us believes that some or even most of these killings are necessary? So rather than stand at the anthem he rejects the status quo and uses what little audience he has. Are his views on the killing of innocent blacks by the police wrong? Has he done any harm? If not then why all the fuss?
well explain why there isn't outrage over black on black killings that happen nightly in towns like Chicago and Detroit. Where's the fking outrage? I have it and you call me a racist. so, CK is allowed to do what he did and I couldn't care less. I'm not his next employer.
How do you there is not outrage? The blacks have no need to listen to the alt right on race. Judas Priest, that would be like the gypsies listening to the fascists. Or the LGBTQ listening to the socon alt right.
cause I watch the news. never any protest after 40 are shot in a weekend in Chicago. NEVER. Name one protest? One cop kills a criminal and there are dozens. That's how I know.
The alt right are screaming! Just read their nonsense.
sounds like CK is screaming. you aren't very observant are you.
That is your own screaming that you are projecting on others. The alt right got called out and they can't handle it.
still waiting for the link that validates that. haven't seen it yet.
The whole thread with your ilk screaming. Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.
BTW, cause you or one of you'se creates a thread doesn't mean it happened. so stay in lalalalalala land my man, I really don't give two shites.
Yup, the debt is coming to be paid at election day, and you are going to weep, little peep.
The alt right are screaming! Just read their nonsense.
sounds like CK is screaming. you aren't very observant are you.
That is your own screaming that you are projecting on others. The alt right got called out and they can't handle it.
still waiting for the link that validates that. haven't seen it yet.
The whole thread with your ilk screaming. Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.
not one person on the right has done any of what was stated in the OP. Quote one!

I think it was 3 posts in where someone wished he would have a career ending injury .
sounds like CK is screaming. you aren't very observant are you.
That is your own screaming that you are projecting on others. The alt right got called out and they can't handle it.
still waiting for the link that validates that. haven't seen it yet.
The whole thread with your ilk screaming. Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.
not one person on the right has done any of what was stated in the OP. Quote one!

I could find about 30 in this thread. If you were honest, you could, too.
well post one post number then. I haven't seen any at all. Everyone stated he has the right to do what he did. Not sure what you're looking at. But if there are 30 you could give me one to show you're correct.
Not really. I do not support Hillary any more than Trump. You are gloating over nothing Idjit.
well I guess you have to be in the thread that was against righties and the guy targeted as not righty shit on clinton. Sorry that's fuking hilarious.

I'm sorry for you that Trump is such an easy target. His flaws are so out front and obvious that one doesn't have to dig deep to see them.

Hillary's are a bit more in depth and requires actual research to weed them out. Instead the moron RWers focus in on superficial crap like email supervision, how the attack in Benghazi was characterized and the contributions to the Clinton Foundation. She has plenty of flaws but just the normal policy and issue variety. Trying to paint her as "crooked" is ridiculous because she is just run of the mill as being honest or dishonest in Washington DC.

Crazy RWers are lock step in their stupidity. It probably comes from the "do and believe as you are told" mantra espoused by the Christian religion. Muslims are even worse,...but not by much.

I show more venom towards the Christian Fundamentalists of course because they stole the platform of the republican party and drove it straight into the dirt. The libs didn't ruin my party...idiots like YOU did.

Do you think Dwight David Eisenhower would endorse Donald Trump? Right! I won't either.
and yet you can't stop talking about him. You can't see the irony at all cause you're too stupid.
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.

What does political correctness have to do with it, wheelchair boy?

Ummm. Everything ! But hey . Let's here Ya twist things into a pretzel that he's not guilty of first degree violation of political correctness .

Attacking Kaepernick for being a mindless jock who doesn't appreciate how good he has it has nothing to do with "political correctness." This is just another stupid liberal trick

CK is not "mindless". He has his opinion and is knowingly taking this moderate measure to express it. Obviously he believes that too many people of color are killed unnecessarily by the police Who among us believes that some or even most of these killings are necessary? So rather than stand at the anthem he rejects the status quo and uses what little audience he has. Are his views on the killing of innocent blacks by the police wrong? Has he done any harm? If not then why all the fuss?
well explain why there isn't outrage over black on black killings that happen nightly in towns like Chicago and Detroit. Where's the fking outrage? I have it and you call me a racist. so, CK is allowed to do what he did and I couldn't care less. I'm not his next employer.

There is plenty of outrage nationally over what is happening in Chicago EVERY NIGHT on the tube. On EVERY major network.

I call YOU a racist? Really? Where? When?
sounds like CK is screaming. you aren't very observant are you.
That is your own screaming that you are projecting on others. The alt right got called out and they can't handle it.
still waiting for the link that validates that. haven't seen it yet.
The whole thread with your ilk screaming. Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.
BTW, cause you or one of you'se creates a thread doesn't mean it happened. so stay in lalalalalala land my man, I really don't give two shites.
Yup, the debt is coming to be paid at election day, and you are going to weep, little peep.
or not.
well I guess you have to be in the thread that was against righties and the guy targeted as not righty shit on clinton. Sorry that's fuking hilarious.

I'm sorry for you that Trump is such an easy target. His flaws are so out front and obvious that one doesn't have to dig deep to see them.

Hillary's are a bit more in depth and requires actual research to weed them out. Instead the moron RWers focus in on superficial crap like email supervision, how the attack in Benghazi was characterized and the contributions to the Clinton Foundation. She has plenty of flaws but just the normal policy and issue variety. Trying to paint her as "crooked" is ridiculous because she is just run of the mill as being honest or dishonest in Washington DC.

Crazy RWers are lock step in their stupidity. It probably comes from the "do and believe as you are told" mantra espoused by the Christian religion. Muslims are even worse,...but not by much.

I show more venom towards the Christian Fundamentalists of course because they stole the platform of the republican party and drove it straight into the dirt. The libs didn't ruin my party...idiots like YOU did.

Do you think Dwight David Eisenhower would endorse Donald Trump? Right! I won't either.
and yet you can't stop talking about him. You can't see the irony at all cause you're too stupid.
What does political correctness have to do with it, wheelchair boy?

Ummm. Everything ! But hey . Let's here Ya twist things into a pretzel that he's not guilty of first degree violation of political correctness .

Attacking Kaepernick for being a mindless jock who doesn't appreciate how good he has it has nothing to do with "political correctness." This is just another stupid liberal trick

CK is not "mindless". He has his opinion and is knowingly taking this moderate measure to express it. Obviously he believes that too many people of color are killed unnecessarily by the police Who among us believes that some or even most of these killings are necessary? So rather than stand at the anthem he rejects the status quo and uses what little audience he has. Are his views on the killing of innocent blacks by the police wrong? Has he done any harm? If not then why all the fuss?
well explain why there isn't outrage over black on black killings that happen nightly in towns like Chicago and Detroit. Where's the fking outrage? I have it and you call me a racist. so, CK is allowed to do what he did and I couldn't care less. I'm not his next employer.

There is plenty of outrage nationally over what is happening in Chicago EVERY NIGHT on the tube. On EVERY major network.

I call YOU a racist? Really? Where? When?
post up a link that has a story on it then. just one. Other than 40 shot. show me the report of the protests. One fk or you're just a fking liar.
I'm sorry for you that Trump is such an easy target. His flaws are so out front and obvious that one doesn't have to dig deep to see them.

Hillary's are a bit more in depth and requires actual research to weed them out. Instead the moron RWers focus in on superficial crap like email supervision, how the attack in Benghazi was characterized and the contributions to the Clinton Foundation. She has plenty of flaws but just the normal policy and issue variety. Trying to paint her as "crooked" is ridiculous because she is just run of the mill as being honest or dishonest in Washington DC.

Crazy RWers are lock step in their stupidity. It probably comes from the "do and believe as you are told" mantra espoused by the Christian religion. Muslims are even worse,...but not by much.

I show more venom towards the Christian Fundamentalists of course because they stole the platform of the republican party and drove it straight into the dirt. The libs didn't ruin my party...idiots like YOU did.

Do you think Dwight David Eisenhower would endorse Donald Trump? Right! I won't either.
and yet you can't stop talking about him. You can't see the irony at all cause you're too stupid.
Ummm. Everything ! But hey . Let's here Ya twist things into a pretzel that he's not guilty of first degree violation of political correctness .

Attacking Kaepernick for being a mindless jock who doesn't appreciate how good he has it has nothing to do with "political correctness." This is just another stupid liberal trick

CK is not "mindless". He has his opinion and is knowingly taking this moderate measure to express it. Obviously he believes that too many people of color are killed unnecessarily by the police Who among us believes that some or even most of these killings are necessary? So rather than stand at the anthem he rejects the status quo and uses what little audience he has. Are his views on the killing of innocent blacks by the police wrong? Has he done any harm? If not then why all the fuss?
well explain why there isn't outrage over black on black killings that happen nightly in towns like Chicago and Detroit. Where's the fking outrage? I have it and you call me a racist. so, CK is allowed to do what he did and I couldn't care less. I'm not his next employer.
How do you there is not outrage? The blacks have no need to listen to the alt right on race. Judas Priest, that would be like the gypsies listening to the fascists. Or the LGBTQ listening to the socon alt right.
cause I watch the news. never any protest after 40 are shot in a weekend in Chicago. NEVER. Name one protest? One cop kills a criminal and there are dozens. That's how I know.

You lie . Criminals get shot every day with little attention . But when cops are on video shooting guys who haven't done anything , then you have problems .
The alt right are going to get stunned in this election like the bear.

and yet you can't stop talking about him. You can't see the irony at all cause you're too stupid.
Attacking Kaepernick for being a mindless jock who doesn't appreciate how good he has it has nothing to do with "political correctness." This is just another stupid liberal trick

CK is not "mindless". He has his opinion and is knowingly taking this moderate measure to express it. Obviously he believes that too many people of color are killed unnecessarily by the police Who among us believes that some or even most of these killings are necessary? So rather than stand at the anthem he rejects the status quo and uses what little audience he has. Are his views on the killing of innocent blacks by the police wrong? Has he done any harm? If not then why all the fuss?
well explain why there isn't outrage over black on black killings that happen nightly in towns like Chicago and Detroit. Where's the fking outrage? I have it and you call me a racist. so, CK is allowed to do what he did and I couldn't care less. I'm not his next employer.
How do you there is not outrage? The blacks have no need to listen to the alt right on race. Judas Priest, that would be like the gypsies listening to the fascists. Or the LGBTQ listening to the socon alt right.
cause I watch the news. never any protest after 40 are shot in a weekend in Chicago. NEVER. Name one protest? One cop kills a criminal and there are dozens. That's how I know.

You lie . Criminals get shot every day with little attention . But when cops are on video shooting guys who haven't done anything , then you have problems .
like who have the shot that didn't do anything? name me one.
I'm sorry for you that Trump is such an easy target. His flaws are so out front and obvious that one doesn't have to dig deep to see them.

Hillary's are a bit more in depth and requires actual research to weed them out. Instead the moron RWers focus in on superficial crap like email supervision, how the attack in Benghazi was characterized and the contributions to the Clinton Foundation. She has plenty of flaws but just the normal policy and issue variety. Trying to paint her as "crooked" is ridiculous because she is just run of the mill as being honest or dishonest in Washington DC.

Crazy RWers are lock step in their stupidity. It probably comes from the "do and believe as you are told" mantra espoused by the Christian religion. Muslims are even worse,...but not by much.

I show more venom towards the Christian Fundamentalists of course because they stole the platform of the republican party and drove it straight into the dirt. The libs didn't ruin my party...idiots like YOU did.

Do you think Dwight David Eisenhower would endorse Donald Trump? Right! I won't either.
and yet you can't stop talking about him. You can't see the irony at all cause you're too stupid.
Ummm. Everything ! But hey . Let's here Ya twist things into a pretzel that he's not guilty of first degree violation of political correctness .

Attacking Kaepernick for being a mindless jock who doesn't appreciate how good he has it has nothing to do with "political correctness." This is just another stupid liberal trick

CK is not "mindless". He has his opinion and is knowingly taking this moderate measure to express it. Obviously he believes that too many people of color are killed unnecessarily by the police Who among us believes that some or even most of these killings are necessary? So rather than stand at the anthem he rejects the status quo and uses what little audience he has. Are his views on the killing of innocent blacks by the police wrong? Has he done any harm? If not then why all the fuss?
well explain why there isn't outrage over black on black killings that happen nightly in towns like Chicago and Detroit. Where's the fking outrage? I have it and you call me a racist. so, CK is allowed to do what he did and I couldn't care less. I'm not his next employer.
How do you there is not outrage? The blacks have no need to listen to the alt right on race. Judas Priest, that would be like the gypsies listening to the fascists. Or the LGBTQ listening to the socon alt right.
cause I watch the news. never any protest after 40 are shot in a weekend in Chicago. NEVER. Name one protest? One cop kills a criminal and there are dozens. That's how I know.

The HEADLINES ARE the "protest" you DERP@!

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