So lads the CDC with it's actual experts might know more than the half wits that ye are quoting... Any one who quotes Donald Trump should be laughed at...

I think we should panic, ignore the experts and do the populist thing because there is an election round the corner and the perception of doing something is more important than actually doing something...

Which part of 'Listen to the f*cking experts do you idiots not get....' Your opinion is f*cking usless and more so dangerious... There is people hire and ready for this thing and you panicking and coming up with usless f*cking noise to make you feel happy is not helpiung the people who actually know what they are doing.

So take your 94% poll and stick were the sun don't shine becuse right now we need to be listening to the smartest guys on this topic and that is not f*cking ye...

The same "experts" who say GLOBAL WARMING is why Obozo is shutting down the coal industry and going after oil and NG next? There's a difference between grant-hungry pinheads selling out to a hoax and a disease that could decimate entire cities here. Face it, your "experts" are as fucking corrupt as their benefactors in the Rat party.

So that is all you got. Hey dumby
Global warming is a hoax says Louisiana congressional hopeful Lenar Whitney PolitiFact


So your issue is that you don't believe in evidence based arguments... So whats the point of saying anything to you because you believe fairy stories and is all hoax... Are you sitting there in your underwear and a tin hat waiting for the aliens to do probes on you...

There is plenty of bloody evidence to believe the world is warming. Actually there is more scientists believe the world is 6,000 yrs old than believe the earth is not warming(both very small)... So you are with the guys who think the dinosaurs are are all make believe...

So lets not use you in going forward in the science of epidemiology...
So lads the CDC with it's actual experts might know more than the half wits that ye are quoting... Any one who quotes Donald Trump should be laughed at...

I think we should panic, ignore the experts and do the populist thing because there is an election round the corner and the perception of doing something is more important than actually doing something...

Which part of 'Listen to the f*cking experts do you idiots not get....' Your opinion is f*cking usless and more so dangerious... There is people hire and ready for this thing and you panicking and coming up with usless f*cking noise to make you feel happy is not helpiung the people who actually know what they are doing.

So take your 94% poll and stick were the sun don't shine becuse right now we need to be listening to the smartest guys on this topic and that is not f*cking ye...

That's right. We should be listening to the Ebola Czar. Mr. Klain would come up to the microphone and speak of the best, Mr. Klain <looking around> , Oh, Mr Klain, expert Czar, could you comment on the quaran.... Czar Klain? You here? Oh, wise one, speak up and set us straight.... Oh, hell...I think we're in trouble here. :talktothehand::disbelief:

As soon as I see your education and body of research in the field of epidemiology you can tell us how it is... Until that your knowledge of epidemiology is the equivalent to watching Outbreak the movie...

Are you still looking for the monkey that started it?
We saw how well "self-monitoring" worked with the NBC editor exposed to ebola.....2 days after staying in her apartment, SHE WENT OUT FOR CHINESE FOOD! Has our culture become so self-absorbed and self-centered we value our "freedoms" over the welfare of thousands of others?

And yet not a single person who interacted with her caught Ebola, did they?

You people are a bunch of "Chicken Littles" screaming that the sky is falling when it isn't.
We saw how well "self-monitoring" worked with the NBC editor exposed to ebola.....2 days after staying in her apartment, SHE WENT OUT FOR CHINESE FOOD! Has our culture become so self-absorbed and self-centered we value our "freedoms" over the welfare of thousands of others?

And yet not a single person who interacted with her caught Ebola, did they?

You people are a bunch of "Chicken Littles" screaming that the sky is falling when it isn't.
Tell that to West Africa.
That had absolutely nothing to do with anything regarding the election, but you already knew that.

You drunk? Christie was Romney's keynote speaker at the convention. Then he appears with Barry the Fairy after the hurricane and when asked about Romney said something like "I don't care about him".....Obozo completely compromised Christie, which his adoring press corps made a major issue and he won reelection. Next time try knowing what you're talking about.
So lads the CDC with it's actual experts might know more than the half wits that ye are quoting... Any one who quotes Donald Trump should be laughed at...

I think we should panic, ignore the experts and do the populist thing because there is an election round the corner and the perception of doing something is more important than actually doing something...

Which part of 'Listen to the f*cking experts do you idiots not get....' Your opinion is f*cking usless and more so dangerious... There is people hire and ready for this thing and you panicking and coming up with usless f*cking noise to make you f straight.... Oh, hell...I think we're in trouble here. :talktothehand::disbelief:

As soon as I see your education and body ofeel happy is not helpiung the people who actually know what they are doing.

So take your 94% poll and stick Oh, wise one, speak up and set us
research in the field of epidemiology you can tell us how it is... Until that your knowledge of epidemiology is the equivalent to watching Outbreak the movie...

Are you still looking for the monkey that started it?
So lads the CDC with it's actual experts might know more than the half wits that ye are quoting... Any one who quotes Donald Trump should be laughed at...

I think we should panic, ignore the experts and do the populist thing because there is an election round the corner and the perception of doing something is more important than actually doing something...

Which part of 'Listen to the f*cking experts do you idiots not get....' Your opinion is f*cking usless and more so dangerious... There is people hire and ready for this thing and you panicking and coming up with usless f*cking noise to make you feel happy is not helpiung the people who actually know what they are doing.

So take your 94% poll and stick were the sun don't shine becuse right now we need to be listening to the smartest guys on this topic and that is not f*cking ye...

The same "experts" who say GLOBAL WARMING is why Obozo is shutting down the coal industry and going after oil and NG next? There's a difference between grant-hungry pinheads selling out to a hoax and a disease that could decimate entire cities here. Face it, your "experts" are as fucking corrupt as their benefactors in the Rat party.

So that is all you got. Hey dumby
Global warming is a hoax says Louisiana congressional hopeful Lenar Whitney PolitiFact


So your issue is that you don't believe in evidence based arguments... So whats the point of saying anything to you because you believe fairy stories and is all hoax... Are you sitting there in your underwear and a tin hat waiting for the aliens to do probes on you...

There is plenty of bloody evidence to believe the world is warming. Actually there is more scientists believe the world is 6,000 yrs old than believe the earth is not warming(both very small)... So you are with the guys who think the dinosaurs are are all make believe...

So lets not use you in going forward in the science of epidemiology...

Your "evidence" is a JOKE....not even worth speaking to at this point....only you moonbats are even bothering to mention it anymore because you'll get laughed at. And I'd imagine it's you sitting in your underwear today.....and I bet it's smelly and full of holes...same as your opinions.
That had absolutely nothing to do with anything regarding the election, but you already knew that.

You drunk? Christie was Romney's keynote speaker at the convention. Then he appears with Barry the Fairy after the hurricane and when asked about Romney said something like "I don't care about him".....Obozo completely compromised Christie, which his adoring press corps made a major issue and he won reelection. Next time try knowing what you're talking about.

Romney cost Romney the election, no one else. If you have conclusive proof that Christie's appearance with Obama cost Romney the election then please provide it, otherwise try knowing what you're talking about.
We saw how well "self-monitoring" worked with the NBC editor exposed to ebola.....2 days after staying in her apartment, SHE WENT OUT FOR CHINESE FOOD! Has our culture become so self-absorbed and self-centered we value our "freedoms" over the welfare of thousands of others?

And yet not a single person who interacted with her caught Ebola, did they?

You people are a bunch of "Chicken Littles" screaming that the sky is falling when it isn't.
Tell that to West Africa.

Is the United States part of West Africa?
Romney cost Romney the election, no one else. If you have conclusive proof that Christie's appearance with Obama cost Romney the election then please provide it, otherwise try knowing what you're talking about.

"conclusive proof"? :laugh: I could waste my time researching the subject and you would never read it, try to pretend you never saw it, or pick out a tiny piece of it to criticize. Why would I waste my time when I realize you're a leftist and not very bright but I'll humor myself by schooling you....this one is free:

Romney Camp Blames Christie for Election Loss -- NYMag

Romney cost Romney the e
lection, no one else. If you have conclusive proof that Christie's appearance with Obama cost Romney the election then please provide it, otherwise try knowing what you're talking about.

"conclusive proof"? :laugh: I could waste my time researching the subject and you would never read it, try to pretend you never saw it, or pick out a tiny piece of it to criticize. Why would I waste my time when I realize you're a leftist and not very bright but I'll humor myself by schooling you....this one is free:

Romney Camp Blames Christie for Election Loss -- NYMag


Obama has the payoff for the Sandy photo-op delivered to the New Jersey Governor's Mansion.
It's unfortunate but the title of this thread is true. And it tarnishes Christie's best feature: tenacity. We crave a tenacious leader who will stand up to patent absurdities on either side of the aisle. Alas, even Christie is so afraid of lawsuits that he backs down. His defense could have simple been "I'd be opening up the state to lawsuits from people infected with ebola from failure to be cautious.

We need someone to slap the punks, not someone who becomes a punk at the first bluff.

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