RINO Extraordinaires John Kasich and Jeff Flake Floated as Possible Biden Cabinet Members

Ergo, The Lincoln Project.

A Politico report has identified alleged “conservatives” that the Biden campaign is considering for Cabinet posts should he win the election. John Kasich and Jeff Flake were two of the most notable.

Other possible Republicans include Meg Whitman, the CEO of Quibi and former CEO of eBay, current governor of Massachusetts Charlie Barker, and former representative from Pennsylvania Charlie Dent.

Whitman and Kasich were speakers at the Democratic National Convention back in August.

RINO Extraordinaires John Kasich and Jeff Flake Floated as Possible Biden Cabinet Members - Big League Politics

RINOs really gall my ass, Billy. Thank god for the DNC so there is something I hate more than the way the GOP has or attracts so many assholes with an R after their name who suck face with the Ds.

I'd like to shove a charcoal igniter up the weasel dickhead mealy-mouth Kasich, Flake and Romney's asses and plug it in.
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote

The "popular vote,"-- -- that's kinda like a fortune cookie or horoscope that says good luck's on the way! The popular vote does not actually exist other than as a statistic for statisticians to tabulate and democrats to bitch about as popular voting is not used nor counted beyond the STATE level.

Hillary's popular vote counts for about as much as her word that she turned in all legitimate government emails on her server.
Kasick is a gun-grabbing piece of shit. I want him and everyone else who voted for the 1994 "assault weapons" ban to be publicly executed by beheading.

And yes, I am serious!!!!!!!

The best argument for gun control is letting the gun nuts talk and express their crazy.
...and attempted "gun control" (confiscation) is a good way to get population control. Just sayin.

You will lose that battle.

Joe lost the battle with life and reality at least 30-40 years ago.
Ergo, The Lincoln Project.

A Politico report has identified alleged “conservatives” that the Biden campaign is considering for Cabinet posts should he win the election. John Kasich and Jeff Flake were two of the most notable.

Other possible Republicans include Meg Whitman, the CEO of Quibi and former CEO of eBay, current governor of Massachusetts Charlie Barker, and former representative from Pennsylvania Charlie Dent.

Whitman and Kasich were speakers at the Democratic National Convention back in August.

RINO Extraordinaires John Kasich and Jeff Flake Floated as Possible Biden Cabinet Members - Big League Politics
Everyone knew these traitors were infiltrated Marxist in the Republican Party.

During the primary, John Kasich barely carried his own state.

Jeff Flake resigned instead of facing defeat the following election cycle.

They both were outed back during B. Hussein's reign and ... they are not the only ones to infiltrate the Republican Party.
I would say that the crazy will break out in another rash...

Remember the Tea Party? Haven't heard much from them lately.
Or the Militia Movement in the 1990's.
What I'm saying is how do we get Repubs to go back to being reality based, to being a party that puts country before party? Is it possible for them to break out of the right wing sound bubble and stop believing the lies people like Limbaugh spew every weekday? I don't think it is. Therefore, I am not optimistic about the future of the country. Because it is impossible to effectively govern ourselves when 35% of the population, the Trumpleton's, are willfully misinformed.
Most of it is defensive, a reaction against criticism of Trump. Once Trump is no longer complaining of his terrible treatment everyday, and once Trump is no longer the leader of this country, the media won't be criticizing him and the majority of the defensive arguments will end. Maybe not on a board like here, where half of them haven't gotten over Obama, yet, but in the country as a whole, I think most folks will stop repeating a lot of alt-right positions. Most folks aren't extreme unless they're seriously provoked. Trump supporters have been convinced they've been attacked.
I would say that the crazy will break out in another rash...

Remember the Tea Party? Haven't heard much from them lately.
Or the Militia Movement in the 1990's.
What I'm saying is how do we get Repubs to go back to being reality based, to being a party that puts country before party? Is it possible for them to break out of the right wing sound bubble and stop believing the lies people like Limbaugh spew every weekday? I don't think it is. Therefore, I am not optimistic about the future of the country. Because it is impossible to effectively govern ourselves when 35% of the population, the Trumpleton's, are willfully misinformed.
Most of it is defensive, a reaction against criticism of Trump. Once Trump is no longer complaining of his terrible treatment everyday, and once Trump is no longer the leader of this country, the media won't be criticizing him and the majority of the defensive arguments will end. Maybe not on a board like here, where half of them haven't gotten over Obama, yet, but in the country as a whole, I think most folks will stop repeating a lot of alt-right positions. Most folks aren't extreme unless they're seriously provoked. Trump supporters have been convinced they've been attacked.

When Trump is gone, the left wing media will continue to attack Republicans and purr like a kitten for Democrats just like they have for at least 40 years, which is how long I've followed politics.

That this started under Trump is another lie
Have to give credit to those Republicans who jumped ship.

From that I guess we must extrapolate that since almost no democrats ever "jump ship," that must mean that democrats are never wrong or do anything worth "jumping" from! :smoke:
I would say that the crazy will break out in another rash...

Remember the Tea Party? Haven't heard much from them lately.
Or the Militia Movement in the 1990's.
What I'm saying is how do we get Repubs to go back to being reality based, to being a party that puts country before party? Is it possible for them to break out of the right wing sound bubble and stop believing the lies people like Limbaugh spew every weekday? I don't think it is. Therefore, I am not optimistic about the future of the country. Because it is impossible to effectively govern ourselves when 35% of the population, the Trumpleton's, are willfully misinformed.
Most of it is defensive, a reaction against criticism of Trump. Once Trump is no longer complaining of his terrible treatment everyday, and once Trump is no longer the leader of this country, the media won't be criticizing him and the majority of the defensive arguments will end. Maybe not on a board like here, where half of them haven't gotten over Obama, yet, but in the country as a whole, I think most folks will stop repeating a lot of alt-right positions. Most folks aren't extreme unless they're seriously provoked. Trump supporters have been convinced they've been attacked.

When Trump is gone, the left wing media will continue to attack Republicans and purr like a kitten for Democrats just like they have for at least 40 years, which is how long I've followed politics.

That this started under Trump is another lie
Ergo, The Lincoln Project.

A Politico report has identified alleged “conservatives” that the Biden campaign is considering for Cabinet posts should he win the election. John Kasich and Jeff Flake were two of the most notable.

Other possible Republicans include Meg Whitman, the CEO of Quibi and former CEO of eBay, current governor of Massachusetts Charlie Barker, and former representative from Pennsylvania Charlie Dent.

Whitman and Kasich were speakers at the Democratic National Convention back in August.

RINO Extraordinaires John Kasich and Jeff Flake Floated as Possible Biden Cabinet Members - Big League Politics

RINOs really gall my ass, Billy. Thank god for the DNC so there is something I hate more than the way the GOP has or attracts so many assholes with an R after their name who suck face with the Ds.

I'd like to shove a charcoal igniter up the weasel dickhead mealy-mouth Kasich, Flake and Romney's asses and plug it in.
I wrote this earlier in the thread.

"What I'm saying is how do we get Repubs to go back to being reality based, to being a party that puts country before party? Is it possible for them to break out of the right wing sound bubble and stop believing the lies people like Limbaugh spew every weekday? I don't think it is. Therefore, I am not optimistic about the future of the country. Because it is impossible to effectively govern ourselves when 35% of the population, the Trumpleton's, are willfully misinformed."

Turns out, you fit perfectly in that description of a disinformed, radicalized follower of Trumpery who I suspect will never again possess a belief system that is not largely influenced by the shit made up by the Hannity's of the world.
I would say that the crazy will break out in another rash...

Remember the Tea Party? Haven't heard much from them lately.
Or the Militia Movement in the 1990's.
What I'm saying is how do we get Repubs to go back to being reality based, to being a party that puts country before party? Is it possible for them to break out of the right wing sound bubble and stop believing the lies people like Limbaugh spew every weekday? I don't think it is. Therefore, I am not optimistic about the future of the country. Because it is impossible to effectively govern ourselves when 35% of the population, the Trumpleton's, are willfully misinformed.
Most of it is defensive, a reaction against criticism of Trump. Once Trump is no longer complaining of his terrible treatment everyday, and once Trump is no longer the leader of this country, the media won't be criticizing him and the majority of the defensive arguments will end. Maybe not on a board like here, where half of them haven't gotten over Obama, yet, but in the country as a whole, I think most folks will stop repeating a lot of alt-right positions. Most folks aren't extreme unless they're seriously provoked. Trump supporters have been convinced they've been attacked.

When Trump is gone, the left wing media will continue to attack Republicans and purr like a kitten for Democrats just like they have for at least 40 years, which is how long I've followed politics.

That this started under Trump is another lie

Funny how you feel differently about being called a racist than you do when your enemies are called racists ...
I would say that the crazy will break out in another rash...

Remember the Tea Party? Haven't heard much from them lately.
Or the Militia Movement in the 1990's.
What I'm saying is how do we get Repubs to go back to being reality based, to being a party that puts country before party? Is it possible for them to break out of the right wing sound bubble and stop believing the lies people like Limbaugh spew every weekday? I don't think it is. Therefore, I am not optimistic about the future of the country. Because it is impossible to effectively govern ourselves when 35% of the population, the Trumpleton's, are willfully misinformed.
Most of it is defensive, a reaction against criticism of Trump. Once Trump is no longer complaining of his terrible treatment everyday, and once Trump is no longer the leader of this country, the media won't be criticizing him and the majority of the defensive arguments will end. Maybe not on a board like here, where half of them haven't gotten over Obama, yet, but in the country as a whole, I think most folks will stop repeating a lot of alt-right positions. Most folks aren't extreme unless they're seriously provoked. Trump supporters have been convinced they've been attacked.

When Trump is gone, the left wing media will continue to attack Republicans and purr like a kitten for Democrats just like they have for at least 40 years, which is how long I've followed politics.

That this started under Trump is another lie

Funny how you feel differently about being called a racist than you do when your enemies are called racists ...
? You lost me.
Ergo, The Lincoln Project.

A Politico report has identified alleged “conservatives” that the Biden campaign is considering for Cabinet posts should he win the election. John Kasich and Jeff Flake were two of the most notable.

Other possible Republicans include Meg Whitman, the CEO of Quibi and former CEO of eBay, current governor of Massachusetts Charlie Barker, and former representative from Pennsylvania Charlie Dent.

Whitman and Kasich were speakers at the Democratic National Convention back in August.

RINO Extraordinaires John Kasich and Jeff Flake Floated as Possible Biden Cabinet Members - Big League Politics

RINOs really gall my ass, Billy. Thank god for the DNC so there is something I hate more than the way the GOP has or attracts so many assholes with an R after their name who suck face with the Ds.

I'd like to shove a charcoal igniter up the weasel dickhead mealy-mouth Kasich, Flake and Romney's asses and plug it in.
I wrote this earlier in the thread.

"What I'm saying is how do we get Repubs to go back to being reality based, to being a party that puts country before party? Is it possible for them to break out of the right wing sound bubble and stop believing the lies people like Limbaugh spew every weekday? I don't think it is. Therefore, I am not optimistic about the future of the country. Because it is impossible to effectively govern ourselves when 35% of the population, the Trumpleton's, are willfully misinformed."

Turns out, you fit perfectly in that description of a disinformed, radicalized follower of Trumpery who I suspect will never again possess a belief system that is not largely influenced by the shit made up by the Hannity's of the world.
Toob ain't your average guy, though, don't you agree? If you base your perceptions on this board, sure, we're all going to hell. But as soon as you step outside, the noise level definitely drops.
You talk like a cultist.
Cite an example of my cultist talk.

Maybe you'd like to explain what you find so repulsive about adding moderate members of the opposing party to an admin?

Cite where I said anything of that nature.

Like I said, you talk like a teenager. Even making shit up like a child would as evidenced by the two quotes above.
More lockdowns.
Killing the energy industry.
Raising taxes.
Instituting new draconian regulations.
Arresting religious people while releasing rioters without bail/charges.
You consider Joe's platform cultist in nature?

I consider your detachment from reality cultist in nature.
So you can't cite a SINGLE example haha

Go back to bed loser. DISMISSED
Where'd you go gramps?

Now you sound like a whiny adolescent.

I want to see you defend your fatuous assertion that Biden plans to "kill the energy industry."

The floor is yours.
I'm at work being productive. You?

This would be excellent.

As opposed to the myopic talk radio presidency, we'd have an administration that can see the big picture.

Here's hoping.
It's pre election bait designed to get votes from McCain/Romney types.
Looks like it worked on you.

If you think the Biden administration (the greatly hoped for Biden administration)
is going to bring in republicans after spending the last three months beating them up in the streets
you must be even dumber than you appear...a neat trick.

It's moot point in any event. John Kasich puts himself even farther out on a limb while someone saws
away on it.
...and attempted "gun control" (confiscation) is a good way to get population control. Just sayin.

You will lose that battle.

Hey, ask David Koresh how that all worked out for him...

Oh, wait.

View attachment 405958

Someone get the marshmallows!!!

Hey did you hear the Branch Davidians broke up into two sects? Orthodox and Extra Crispy!!!
ya they found 2 spent rounds in Lon Horiuchi's hooch at this also.
And who was the AG when this all went down?
ya they found 2 spent rounds in Lon Horiuchi's hooch at this also.
And who was the AG when this all went down?

Janet Reno...

Frankly, the Davidians killed themselves, and good riddance. Saved us a whole lot of welfare and crime.

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