RINO Kasich to speak at DNC on behalf of Biden

This tells you everything you need to know about that RINO asshole.

When Slick Willy says you did a good job then everybody knows you are a fuck up.


Thank god we didn't nominate this clown in 16. I knew then he was flaky.
But you see this proves how bad Trump is. The fact the right is speaking out against him says a lot. He's done a lot for the right. The only people who hate Trump are moderate Republicans. You call them rinos.

Wrong. The political class hates Trump. We call them traitors.

Thank god we didn't nominate this clown in 16. I knew then he was flaky.
But you see this proves how bad Trump is. The fact the right is speaking out against him says a lot. He's done a lot for the right. The only people who hate Trump are moderate Republicans. You call them rinos.
You consider someone who supports common sense approaches to issues as far right conservative extremists? Left wing Repubs are Democrats in disguise in this modern political world. Moderate to Conservative Democrats from many decades ago. Influenced by the Prog politicians on many issues.

Thank god we didn't nominate this clown in 16. I knew then he was flaky.
But you see this proves how bad Trump is. The fact the right is speaking out against him says a lot. He's done a lot for the right. The only people who hate Trump are moderate Republicans. You call them rinos.
No such thing as a moderate republican, those that call themselves that are nothing more than democrats in disguise. Kasich hated Trump in 16 and nothing has changed. WE the people don't like "moderate" scumbags. We liked Trump and still do. The book I am reading about the republican civil war shows WHY McCain and Romney lost so badly. We don't want milquetoast flakes like Kasich and Romney

Sorry but an extreme righty can't win. Don't forget Trump said a bunch of things that us liberals and independents loved. That's how he was able to con so many into voting for him. For example he said Bush lied us into Iraq. Then he said on 60 minutes that he would raise taxes on the rich.

He was campaigning as a completely different kind of republican. More moderate. But then he got in and went extreme right to reward the people who got him elected.

But this has turned off moderates that Trump is going to need and they aren't voting for him this time.
Its called populist. I don't need extreme right I need nationalistic and populist. Someone who helps the working class. He has pretty much governed as he campaigned. Could be a little more populist and nationalist of course but it's better than Clinton or Biden
But you see this proves how bad Trump is. The fact the right is speaking out against him says a lot. He's done a lot for the right. The only people who hate Trump are moderate Republicans. You call them rinos

Has nothing to do with Trump. Kasich kissed Obama's ass long before Trump came along. He is a lying creep.
I like Chris Christie. He is a more moderate Republican. He could win if he wasn't so corrupt.

Quiet a mouthful there. LOL. You have to throw in not being such a huge hypocrite also. The reason Christie and Trump never got along was because they were too much alike. Everything is about them.
You mean that they would both close down a bridge in order to punish their political opponents? Sure.

But now, Christie would be a moderate Republican he wouldn't play politicis with EVERYTHING like Trump has.

And no one other than Trump would play the race card like Trump has.

Trade war with Asians? Lock Mexican kids in cages? Call KKK'ers good people. Say blacks live in shit holes and defend the cops who murder them? Tell Muslim politicians to go back where they came from? Trump is almost blatantly playing the race card. You'd have to be dumb or lying to say you don't notice it.

Trump appeals to ignorance, greed and racism. And religion.

Thank god we didn't nominate this clown in 16. I knew then he was flaky.
But you see this proves how bad Trump is. The fact the right is speaking out against him says a lot. He's done a lot for the right. The only people who hate Trump are moderate Republicans. You call them rinos.
You consider someone who supports common sense approaches to issues as far right conservative extremists? Left wing Repubs are Democrats in disguise in this modern political world. Moderate to Conservative Democrats from many decades ago. Influenced by the Prog politicians on many issues.
What common sense approach to what?

Thank god we didn't nominate this clown in 16. I knew then he was flaky.
But you see this proves how bad Trump is. The fact the right is speaking out against him says a lot. He's done a lot for the right. The only people who hate Trump are moderate Republicans. You call them rinos.
No such thing as a moderate republican, those that call themselves that are nothing more than democrats in disguise. Kasich hated Trump in 16 and nothing has changed. WE the people don't like "moderate" scumbags. We liked Trump and still do. The book I am reading about the republican civil war shows WHY McCain and Romney lost so badly. We don't want milquetoast flakes like Kasich and Romney

Sorry but an extreme righty can't win. Don't forget Trump said a bunch of things that us liberals and independents loved. That's how he was able to con so many into voting for him. For example he said Bush lied us into Iraq. Then he said on 60 minutes that he would raise taxes on the rich.

He was campaigning as a completely different kind of republican. More moderate. But then he got in and went extreme right to reward the people who got him elected.

But this has turned off moderates that Trump is going to need and they aren't voting for him this time.
Its called populist. I don't need extreme right I need nationalistic and populist. Someone who helps the working class. He has pretty much governed as he campaigned. Could be a little more populist and nationalist of course but it's better than Clinton or Biden

Clinton gave us the best 8 years I lived through so far.

Thank god we didn't nominate this clown in 16. I knew then he was flaky.
But you see this proves how bad Trump is. The fact the right is speaking out against him says a lot. He's done a lot for the right. The only people who hate Trump are moderate Republicans. You call them rinos.
No such thing as a moderate republican, those that call themselves that are nothing more than democrats in disguise. Kasich hated Trump in 16 and nothing has changed. WE the people don't like "moderate" scumbags. We liked Trump and still do. The book I am reading about the republican civil war shows WHY McCain and Romney lost so badly. We don't want milquetoast flakes like Kasich and Romney

Sorry but an extreme righty can't win. Don't forget Trump said a bunch of things that us liberals and independents loved. That's how he was able to con so many into voting for him. For example he said Bush lied us into Iraq. Then he said on 60 minutes that he would raise taxes on the rich.

He was campaigning as a completely different kind of republican. More moderate. But then he got in and went extreme right to reward the people who got him elected.

But this has turned off moderates that Trump is going to need and they aren't voting for him this time.
Its called populist. I don't need extreme right I need nationalistic and populist. Someone who helps the working class. He has pretty much governed as he campaigned. Could be a little more populist and nationalist of course but it's better than Clinton or Biden

Clinton gave us the best 8 years I lived through so far.


Clinton inherited Reagan's great economic boom. However, while Clinton was an asshole and a scumbag he did have enough political savvy to know to let Newt and the Republicans run things. He signed all but one of the items in Newt's "Contract for America". The one he didn't sign (goddamn him) was the balanced budget requirement.

Piss on Clinton. Piss on Obama. Piss on Biden. Piss on all Democrats, the scum of this country.

Thank god we didn't nominate this clown in 16. I knew then he was flaky.
But you see this proves how bad Trump is. The fact the right is speaking out against him says a lot. He's done a lot for the right. The only people who hate Trump are moderate Republicans. You call them rinos.
No such thing as a moderate republican, those that call themselves that are nothing more than democrats in disguise. Kasich hated Trump in 16 and nothing has changed. WE the people don't like "moderate" scumbags. We liked Trump and still do. The book I am reading about the republican civil war shows WHY McCain and Romney lost so badly. We don't want milquetoast flakes like Kasich and Romney

Sorry but an extreme righty can't win. Don't forget Trump said a bunch of things that us liberals and independents loved. That's how he was able to con so many into voting for him. For example he said Bush lied us into Iraq. Then he said on 60 minutes that he would raise taxes on the rich.

He was campaigning as a completely different kind of republican. More moderate. But then he got in and went extreme right to reward the people who got him elected.

But this has turned off moderates that Trump is going to need and they aren't voting for him this time.
Its called populist. I don't need extreme right I need nationalistic and populist. Someone who helps the working class. He has pretty much governed as he campaigned. Could be a little more populist and nationalist of course but it's better than Clinton or Biden

Clinton gave us the best 8 years I lived through so far.


Clinton inherited Reagan's great economic boom. However, while Clinton was an asshole and a scumbag he did have enough political savvy to know to let Newt and the Republicans run things. He signed all but one of the items in Newt's "Contract for America". The one he didn't sign (goddamn him) was the balanced budget requirement.

Piss on Clinton. Piss on Obama. Piss on Biden. Piss on all Democrats, the scum of this country.
Obama handed trump a country in great order. Now it’s a mess. Clinton did the same to Bush. Republicans can’t lead.
I remember when Joe Lieberman came to the GOP convention when obozo was running

Thank god we didn't nominate this clown in 16. I knew then he was flaky.

Yes republicans have been forcing all the moderates out of their party.

So now you're left with a smaller party that is so far right wing, moderates and Independents like me run from your party in horror of what you've become.

Guess where all those moderates and Independents go?

Right to the democrats.

You leave us absolutely no choice but to vote for Biden.

trump can't win on his far right base alone. Biden can't win on the far left vote alone either.

Both parties need moderates and Independents like me to win any election.

Keep throwing people out of your party. It's your choice but you will have to live with the consequences of that blunder.
Moderates and Conservatives have become an anathema to the Trump party....

Thank god we didn't nominate this clown in 16. I knew then he was flaky.
But you see this proves how bad Trump is. The fact the right is speaking out against him says a lot. He's done a lot for the right. The only people who hate Trump are moderate Republicans. You call them rinos.
No such thing as a moderate republican, those that call themselves that are nothing more than democrats in disguise. Kasich hated Trump in 16 and nothing has changed. WE the people don't like "moderate" scumbags. We liked Trump and still do. The book I am reading about the republican civil war shows WHY McCain and Romney lost so badly. We don't want milquetoast flakes like Kasich and Romney

Sorry but an extreme righty can't win. Don't forget Trump said a bunch of things that us liberals and independents loved. That's how he was able to con so many into voting for him. For example he said Bush lied us into Iraq. Then he said on 60 minutes that he would raise taxes on the rich.

He was campaigning as a completely different kind of republican. More moderate. But then he got in and went extreme right to reward the people who got him elected.

But this has turned off moderates that Trump is going to need and they aren't voting for him this time.
Its called populist. I don't need extreme right I need nationalistic and populist. Someone who helps the working class. He has pretty much governed as he campaigned. Could be a little more populist and nationalist of course but it's better than Clinton or Biden

Clinton gave us the best 8 years I lived through so far.


Clinton inherited Reagan's great economic boom. However, while Clinton was an asshole and a scumbag he did have enough political savvy to know to let Newt and the Republicans run things. He signed all but one of the items in Newt's "Contract for America". The one he didn't sign (goddamn him) was the balanced budget requirement.

Piss on Clinton. Piss on Obama. Piss on Biden. Piss on all Democrats, the scum of this country.
Obama handed trump a country in great order. Now it’s a mess. Clinton did the same to Bush. Republicans can’t lead.

You are confused.

Poverty was worse when Obama left office than it was when he took office.

Family income was lower when Obama left office than when he took office.

Debt was substantially higher when Obama left office than it was when he took office. Nothing to show for it.

Taxes were higher when Obama left office than it was when he took office.

Health care costs were substanitally higher when Obama left office than it was when he took office mostly due to that disasterous Obamacare.

The military was weaker when Obama left office than it was when he took office.

The economic growth under the Obama administration was lower than under the Bush administration.

However, the Iranian Mullahs had a lot more money when Obama left office than they had before he was in office.

Hunter Biden's cocaine supplier was doing much better since that his number one client had so much money from the Chicoms and Ukrainians.

Obama was absolutely without any doubt the worst President this country ever had and Biden is a fucking joke.

Thank god we didn't nominate this clown in 16. I knew then he was flaky.
But you see this proves how bad Trump is. The fact the right is speaking out against him says a lot. He's done a lot for the right. The only people who hate Trump are moderate Republicans. You call them rinos.
No such thing as a moderate republican, those that call themselves that are nothing more than democrats in disguise. Kasich hated Trump in 16 and nothing has changed. WE the people don't like "moderate" scumbags. We liked Trump and still do. The book I am reading about the republican civil war shows WHY McCain and Romney lost so badly. We don't want milquetoast flakes like Kasich and Romney

Sorry but an extreme righty can't win. Don't forget Trump said a bunch of things that us liberals and independents loved. That's how he was able to con so many into voting for him. For example he said Bush lied us into Iraq. Then he said on 60 minutes that he would raise taxes on the rich.

He was campaigning as a completely different kind of republican. More moderate. But then he got in and went extreme right to reward the people who got him elected.

But this has turned off moderates that Trump is going to need and they aren't voting for him this time.
Its called populist. I don't need extreme right I need nationalistic and populist. Someone who helps the working class. He has pretty much governed as he campaigned. Could be a little more populist and nationalist of course but it's better than Clinton or Biden

Clinton gave us the best 8 years I lived through so far.
I was talking about Hillary not Bill. She was NO WHERE NEAR where Bill was.
Kasich and Biden? You could have heard that conversation hundreds of times in the old peoples homes before Cuomo killed most of them.
Establishment in full bloom this year...................going full speed ahead to ensure they don't get called out for being WHORES to the lobbyist..............they are the best whores money can buy..........

Poor Swamp................Well hell............we stopped one from getting back in.................BYE SESSIONS.

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