*Rino McCarthy Set To Be Speaker*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. If true we can see who owns politics in DC.
2. Liberals own every inch.
3. If they lead the GOP then they own DC.
4. So *WE THE PEOPLE* are screwed up the ass with no lube.
5. Dry fucked.


You knew it was coming.

You knew it was coming.
Sorry bout that,''

1. Yes I knew.
2. But many here have no opinion on it.
3. And furthermore are brain dead to most thoughts.
4. I'm just pointing out the obvious, which most people never knew.
5. And after reading my post, still, *never knew*.

Basically....as hard as it might be to accept....we get what we collectively deserve.
Sorry bout that,

1. But how in the hell can these RINO's ever sneek up on a mirror, and look themselves in the eyes?
2. Thats the monumental question of *ALL TIME*.

Sorry bout that,

1. If true we can see who owns politics in DC.
2. Liberals own every inch.
3. If they lead the GOP then they own DC.
4. So *WE THE PEOPLE* are screwed up the ass with no lube.
5. Dry fucked.

You ought to revolt against the GOP

Make ‘em pay
Sorry 'bout that.

1. He's better than nothing
2. Be glad it's not Pelosi again
3. In the future, pray for a better one.
4. Learn basic English grammar.

Sorry 'bout that.
Sorry bout that,

1. Anyone would be better than Pelosi, the lowest of the low political hack would be better, Hitlery.
2. What a mess in American Politics, i've never seen things so screwed up.
3. America being dry fucked is what America has coming.
4. We are getting numb to it.
5. Bu then there's this:

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If they lead the GOP then they own DC.
Agreed. The only question that remains to us is how we will move forward. It's becoming crystal clear to even the most disconnected on the Right that the games in DC will never benefit our nation so those games have to be vigorously resisted. It will require dedicated effort to organize likeminded citizens to PEACEFULLY stand and make it clear that the same old same old can either end, or those who fancy themselves as our betters are going to have to make good on their efforts by coming down HARD on peaceful protesters.

If these thugs are given ANY opportunity to cast us as violent "insurrectionists" then the struggle is over before it can even begin.
The secret to success, if it's even still possible, is to force these Marxist criminals to use violence and mass arrests against Americans who are obviously using peaceful protests to make their voice heard. If DC's Schutzstaffel comes at peaceful Americans they will not be able to use media propaganda to explain away what millions of Americans will be able to see for themselves. In the final analysis, dedicated civil disobedience can cripple these thugs. We just have to be aware that they will put their own agents provocateur in our midst to give an excuse for their violent crackdowns.

Each citizen is going to have to decide for themselves if freedom is worth the struggle. They just need to know that this tyranny we are seeing is never going to resolve itself and leave them untouched. The choice is to stand together against these thugs or to meet them at our doors, alone.
RINOs wanted McCarthy before they ended up settling for another RINO lowlife, Paul Ryan. That was after McCarthy got caught in some scandal which I can't remember. We need to bring that scandal back. It worked the first time.
RINOS do not have to be perfect actors. Just muddy the water enough to keep the movement going left. So, every few crumbs left, a crumb to the right may occur. We have had a lot of RINOS.
Sorry bout that,

1. We as a nation are being led into the preverbal ditch.
2. American people on average are good decent folks.
3. But are being led by fools, who's agenda are unwise.
4. Its like the evil ways of the elected officials are whatever they collectively decide, and they decide all sorts of evil, even tho, we the people are set against.
5. The people of America are being rail roaded, into the ditch, and the leaders who are driving the train wreck are just laughing out load like crazy bastards!
6. I see that this nations doomed, and what comes after might be the same.
7. People can't self regulate politically in any nation, even if we have a bullet proof constitution to guide them, those in power will inevitably fuck it up.
8. I know that to be self evident.


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