RIP Alan Turing

Basically, none of the people involved in the top secret project were given credit while they were alive. Because they were all sworn to secrecy that lasted for decades.
But the lying media and Hollyweird puts out the false narrative that Alan Turing alone was singled out not to receive recognition for his part in helping to win the war due to his being a perverted homo..
If his contribution to the war effort was known at the time, he wouldn’t have been hounded the way he was
The issue with Turing is that this was a guy who saved the world and yet was hounded for his sexuality.

There will be a Turing in Florida or Russia or Hungary who is being oppressed today. The battle is not yet over.
The issue with Turing is that this was a guy who saved the world and yet was hounded for his sexuality.

There will be a Turing in Florida or Russia or Hungary who is being oppressed today. The battle is not yet over.
likely in Russia or Hungary…Iran, NK etc or maybe one of the Commonwealth States still subject to the Queen that did this

but not by the govt of Flordia

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