RIP Gene Cernan, last man to walk on the moon


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Gene Cernan, last man to walk on moon, dies

Eugene "Gene" Cernan, a retired Navy captain, was one of 14 astronauts that NASA chose in October 1963. His cause of death was not immediately known.

He piloted the Gemini 9 mission alongside command pilot Tom Stafford, and was the second American to walk in space.

Cernan was one of only two astronauts to fly to the moon on two occasions, the second time as commander of Apollo 17, the last mission to the moon. In total, Cernan spent more than 73 hours on the satellite's surface.

Apollo's moon-landing mission was on the surface for three days. Cernan and crewmate Harrison H. "Jack" Schmitt complete excursions to nearby craters and the Taurus-Littrow mountains.

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Back when we really were great. RIP
We still are. RIP
Obama killed our space program, and it's your fault because you voted for him.
No he didn't idiot. At least you didn't contest that America is still great. Anyways it's very disrespectful to use this thread for your bullshit.

I'll contest it. 19 trillion dollars says, "No we aren't still great".
Both the first man to walk on the moon and the last man to walk on the moon went to the same University.....Purdue
Back when we really were great. RIP
We still are. RIP
Obama killed our space program, and it's your fault because you voted for him.
No he didn't idiot. At least you didn't contest that America is still great. Anyways it's very disrespectful to use this thread for your bullshit.

I'll contest it. 19 trillion dollars says, "No we aren't still great".
Then move away. It'll be good for you and for the U.S.
FOX's Neil Cavuto had a real nice show all about Cernan last night.

It showed his history both before and after the space program with some really great shots of our guys on the moon.

God does the Earth look magnificent from the moon.

Hell of a man. RIP
A lost era...imagine where we would be if the same emphasis and priority was given to the space program. The sheer number of products, materials and inventions during that time...not to mention mining the moon. The vast quantities of helium 3 could fuel the cargo vehicles back and forth
I always thought it made us better human beings knowing that there were people on earth who had walked on the moon. It was something special about mankind

Of the 12 astronauts who had walked on the moon, only six are still alive

It will be sad when the last one dies
I always thought it made us better human beings knowing that there were people on earth who had walked on the moon. It was something special about mankind

Of the 12 astronauts who had walked on the moon, only six are still alive

It will be sad when the last one dies

Hell. I watched every shot that went up from my front yard. Those first Mercury boys were celebrities.

Everyone wanted to be seen with those guys and they got the red carpet treatment when they made it back to earth.

I can still see Walter Cronkite at his desk when the first Redstone rocket lifted those guys into space.

He and his team must have been pretty close because he damned near got thrown from his chair from the vibration that baby put out.

Those sure were the days for our space program.
I always thought it made us better human beings knowing that there were people on earth who had walked on the moon. It was something special about mankind

Of the 12 astronauts who had walked on the moon, only six are still alive

It will be sad when the last one dies

Hell. I watched every shot that went up from my front yard. Those first Mercury boys were celebrities.

Everyone want to be seen with those guys and they got the red carpet treatment when they made it back to earth.

I can still see Walter Cronkite at his desk when the first Redstone rocket lifted those guys into space.

He and his team must have been pretty close because he damned near got thrown from his chair from the vibration that baby put out.

Those sure were the days for our space program.

I remember when they sent Ham the Chimp up in space

Astronauts used to be Rock Stars. They were the best our nation had to offer. Now, I would be hard pressed to name a single one. But I guess that must be good because it means space flights are now considered no big deal

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