Why I Trust NASA on Man-made Climate Change

You posted a thread, saying you "trusted NASA," based upon the fact that they have sent people to the moon, and returned them successfully.

. . . and yet?

NASA has oodles and oodles of information and data, linked to its research, both from the moon mission, and many, MANY other missions near-Earth space missions and deep space missions, which they keep classified.

A lot of the public can't imagine why, nor can they imagine why NASA has been caught doctoring photos of their missions, and temperature data. .. . and yet? This is just a fact, they have been doing this, and they do admit to it. It is admitted, there are all sorts of articles about it, and they give long winded "scientific justifications," for it, and they make sound like a reasonable thing to do, but all of this is well known.

The same is true about the data. They reduce the historical temperature data, and they increase the current temperature data sets. This easily gives them the disaster scenarios they desire.

Is this to say nothing NASA is telling us is true? Of course not. Is this to say there is no GW, or that there is not some contribution of mankind, again, of course not.

But only a fool trusts a government agency that depends on tax-payer funding, to show something which will get it more tax-payer funding if it shows that very thing it gets rewarded with more funding if it can prove.

You ain't none too bright if you haven't figure that one out, IMO.

We can move the thread to the climate change forum. . . and have that debate, about the temperatures and their accuracy, but, there is a government, and global government agenda, tightly intertwined with the global investment class on this agenda. And that here are already lots of threads on that if you looked, that is sort of off the topic and the financial and power motivations for NASA to manipulate and keep classified its information from the public its knowledge of data, is the topic.

If you want to trust the international propaganda on this narrative? Fine, you can. . but, as I already noted? You are colossally naive if you believe their propaganda, even when NASA comes right out and ADMITS, that they manipulate images and data. And anyone that wants the truth? Too bad, its classified. Though the fact check sites will call this FALSE, they will go on to say, yeah, its true BUT. . . :rolleyes:

They manipulate data, and they classify shit, all the time. They don't tell us why they do this kind of garbage, but they do.

Everyone knows, that you trust everything the government does, and all of the actions of the global corporations, and that you don't question mass media, ever.

You love to slurp up mass media, like it is one of your favorite drugs. I get that.


Conspiracy Debunked: NASA Photoshops Images for Good Reason​

Why and how NASA and NOAA manipulate climate data​

Was Global Warming Data 'Faked' to 'Fit Climate Change Fictions'?​

That adjustments are made to records of climate is neither a scoop, nor a secret, nor a controversy.

God Bless NASA!
I keep wondering where all the money went. Is there a deep state group that siphons off the billions that go into these scams? Hmm...

More questions.

The scientific research being published in the scientific media is of the highest quality ... do you think it's dirt cheap maintaining weather stations on the Antarctic Plateau? ... it's not, it's damn expensive ...

Anti-research is the same as anti-science ...
There is no fucking Climate Calamity.
Just weather calamities. Nothing to see here.

Key findings​

  • Between 2017 and 2021, severe weather caused $121.4 billion in property damages in the U.S. That averages to $940 per household and business. We estimate that more than three-quarters (75.8%) of these weather-related damages were covered by insurance, for a total of $92.0 billion. That leaves an estimated $29.4 billion not covered by property insurance.
  • Flash floods were the biggest cause of weather-related property damage. During the period analyzed, flash floods caused $49.1 billion in property damages. That’s followed by hurricanes, which caused $36.1 billion in damages, and tornadoes, which caused $7.1 billion in damages.
  • Weather-related property damages in Texas reached $58.3 billion. That’s the highest amount of damage in any state. Flash flooding, which caused $44.8 billion in weather-related damages in the state, was the leading cause.
  • Hurricane-prone Louisiana had the highest amount of weather-related damages per household and business. If spread across each household and business in the state, Louisiana properties had $15,166 in weather-related damages between 2017 and 2021, with hurricanes as the No. 1 culprit. Texas and Oregon were next at $5,585 and $2,192 per property, respectively.

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