Rip gop

The RINO version of the GOP? Good, we should have long ago buried them.

Expect these central planners in "conservative" clothing to be primaried out of office. Doesn't matter what the party is called, it matters what the they stand for.

The art of compromise has been lost...

Thank God! Look what 100 years of compromise has gotten us. $17 trillion of debt, over $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities, a massive entitlement state, and government that has so overstepped its enumerated powers that the founders would be dumbfounded how we have not yet rising up in revolt.

Your compromise has fucked us all. Time fiscal sanity, and end to the central planners, and a return to the ideals that made America the greatest experiment in the history of the world.
Democrats have been saying that since the 1850s.

the GOP is still around.

It be nice if we got all the corrupt people out. But unfortunately, the American people are corrupt.

I predict huge defeats for the GOP in 2014.

Conservatives are waking up. Times change, just like when the Whig party went under in the US, so will the GOP.

Im not going to predict elections. No point. so much time between now and then and the American people are extremely fickle.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are a number of Republicans primaried though.
The art of compromise has been lost by the far right. What is happening is that moderate Republicans are leaving the party. You will get your conservative party, but it will only account for 30% of the voting public. Good luck winning elections with those numbers. With people like Cruz representing Texas, it won't be long until Texas and much of the South turns blue. You guys lost the battle a long time ago. It happened when you demanded less government at all costs rather than more effective government.

I agree with almost everything you say here.
The only except I take personally (and I'm no Republican anymore - I'm a recovering Republican) is that I do support less government AND more efficient government. Not just one OR the other. But my idea of an acceptably smaller government is certainly still waaaaay tooooo large for the libertarian leaners on the far right.
Your compromise has fucked us all. Time fiscal sanity, and end to the central planners, and a return to the ideals that made America the greatest experiment in the history of the world.

Selective memory alert!!!!

Compromise has been the cornerstone of this "Grand Experiment" since day one.
If the GOP loses votes, and there's no real reason to believe they will, it will because they have no backbone and there is really no difference between the GOPP and the DNC now.

The Tea Party is the only thing standing against a one-party government.

The Tea Party may just be the only thing standing against a SANE government.
Big difference.
Being able to disagree and still work out a meaningful compromise in not One-Party government. It's sane government.

"My Way or the Highway" is a simpleton's idea of government.

How do you compromise with evil?

You either turn away from it or become it.
I predict not much change in 2014. Republicans get a couple senate seats, not enough to take control. Dems get some house seats, not enough to take control. It's not a presidential year, so turnout will be depressed a bit, which helps Republicans. But it won't be depressed anything near like 2010.

2016, now that will be a very bad year for Republicans.

In any case, predictions of the imminent demise of the GOP are fantasy. They'll be a force for decades, just a force which is gradually declining into a regional Bible Belt party.
I will vote GOP is a fiscal conservative and social moderate is the candidate.. Hell, I would vote for a fiscal conservative DEM.. last election for Prez I voted for Johnson, the Conservative party candidate... Party don't matter.. it is the stance and action

Yea, that way we can keep the deficit down from elevating another $3 trillion next year to only $2 trillion.

Keep up the good work! :clap2:

As opposed to your solution of standing on the sidelines and mocking everyone else?
Your ardent desire for self-destruction is admirable....stupid....but admirable...

The Patriots who stood up to the Mexican butcher at the Alamo were also on a "fools errand" and were prepared to give their lives for something they believed in. They may have been "STUPID" but they are remembered as HEROES.

And, just remember before you max out on your hate and name-calling that the place where those heroes gave their lives to the cause is still AMERICAN and NOT Mexican.

Don't you find that admirable?

Do these people REALLY look in the mirror and see "heros" and "founding fathers" ???
What a joke.

These John Bircher, neo-confederates wage a mean-spirited, personal vendetta against a president because they REALLY didn't vote for him, and all of a sudden they become "heros" ???

Personal vendetta? You seriously believe that nonsense?

We don't like the President's policies. The Policies are destroying the Republic.

I have nothing against the President. I pray for him frequently.
You are already down, kid.

Let's see if you can get up, Frank.
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The RINO version of the GOP? Good, we should have long ago buried them.

Expect these central planners in "conservative" clothing to be primaried out of office. Doesn't matter what the party is called, it matters what the they stand for.

The art of compromise has been lost by the far right. What is happening is that moderate Republicans are leaving the party. You will get your conservative party, but it will only account for 30% of the voting public. Good luck winning elections with those numbers. With people like Cruz representing Texas, it won't be long until Texas and much of the South turns blue. You guys lost the battle a long time ago. It happened when you demanded less government at all costs rather than more effective government.

Less government is more effective government. I work with Bureaucrats. They create work that doesn't accomplish anything but keep themselves busy.

For example, today I recieved a third fax marked urgent from a bureaucrat asking me to send a response back ASAP. I, of course, had not sent a response because the fax also says "If you do not respond, this is what we will be doing." I had no problem with them doing what they were going to do if I sent no response. So naturally I sent no response. But apparently, despite saying they would take certain actions if I didn't respond, they chose not to take any action whatsoever until I responded, other than to keep harassing me about some non-important matter.

They sent three faxes. And then about two or three phone calls yesterday. I made it a point to tell them if you wanted me to respond, don't tell me what you will do if I don't.

My time has been wasted because of this. Their time has been wasted. They have done something of zero importantance and this burdens the tax payers and in my opinion it burdens them too.

Imagine what we could do if we truly did scale back the size of government. Thousands of work hours would be free to contribute to creating instead of just managing. We could do work that produced greater wealth for all people instead of busy work so we can collect a pay check that really doesn't produce more for society.

I don't care what your political idealogy. We have to cut back on the government. Either we do it voluntarily now. Or we are going to have to do so in a far more painful way down the road. We cannot continue to spend more and more money we don't have. We can't keep expecting the American people to work more and more for the government just so a few politicians can make themselves fat on our dime. There is absolutely nothing practical about the situation.

The American people have to work until April to pay off their obligations to the Federal government. Doesn't matter if you are rich, poor, or middle class. That isn't right. Heck, taking 10% of our income isn't right. But they take nearly 3 times that. And that doesn't even consider the state and local governments.

The Federal Government was designed as a government of limited jurisdiction for a reason. Every time we empower the Federal Government to do something they never had jurisdiction to do, even if they are geniunely trying to do a good thing with the power, they are acting corruptly.

The more we expect the government to fix our problems. The less we as Americans will step up and actually fix them ourselves. That doesn't help anyone.

Instead, we have this false view that we can never fail. It doesn't matter what happens, we are too big to fail. But pride always leads to a fall. It may not be immediately, but a fall must come. That is an Eternal law just as much as the Law of Gravity is. Pride proceeds a fall. We have a choice. We can humble ourselves. Or we will be humbled by Nature and Nature's God.

And the bigger they are, the harder they will fall. The Fall of Rome lead us to the Dark Ages. Can you imagine what the Fall of the US will lead to?
the teaparty needs to start theor own party OUTSIDE & INDEPENDENT of the GOP, THEN they'd get more cred & wouldn't have to worry about being left to twist in the wind by establ. Repubs when the rubber hits the road.
If the GOP loses votes, and there's no real reason to believe they will, it will because they have no backbone and there is really no difference between the GOPP and the DNC now.

The Tea Party is the only thing standing against a one-party government.

The Tea Party may just be the only thing standing against a SANE government.
Big difference.
Being able to disagree and still work out a meaningful compromise in not One-Party government. It's sane government.

"My Way or the Highway" is a simpleton's idea of government.

How do you compromise with evil?

You either turn away from it or become it.

You're pretty judgmental for a Christian.
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Matthew 7:1-6
Avatar thinks Jesus would be a libertarian, which certainly is not supported by Mormon history or doctrine.
The Tea Party may just be the only thing standing against a SANE government.
Big difference.
Being able to disagree and still work out a meaningful compromise in not One-Party government. It's sane government.

"My Way or the Highway" is a simpleton's idea of government.

How do you compromise with evil?

You either turn away from it or become it.

You're pretty judgmental for a Christian.
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Matthew 7:1-6

Yes. im totally judgmental. Because I have the audacity to say delibrately making our health care system worse is evil. Im judgmental because I say it's evil to make our children pay for our waste. Im judgmental because I say it's evil to rob from the workers to give to the politicians. Im judgmental to say it's evil to pay off Senators with pork to help their reelection campaign.

And when our political "leaders" suggesting killing a particular group of people because they have a different idea for politics, you will continue talking about Compromise instead of fighting for what's right.
Avatar thinks Jesus would be a libertarian, which certainly is not supported by Mormon history or doctrine.

Our Heavenly Father gave us the free agency to choose our destiny. He also gave us wisdom. Giving up our liberty and empowering a government has never worked out well. The First example of it in the scriptures is the tower of Babel. It's worked about the same way since.

So yes. I have no doubt that Jesus would be for liberty. He created it. He endowed us with it. And He expects us to willingly chose to do the right.
For the record: Jesus didn't spend one second worrying about liberty. He (through Paul) told slaves to repect and obey their masters.

The zealots tried to get him to use his influence to start a rebellion against the Roman occupation. He declined.

I destest this absurd and decidedly unChristian habit of projecting one's own political inclinations onto Christ. A special place in hell has been reserved. The pharasees tried this same crap. Equating their rules with God's rules. Jesus didn't care for it.

Yes, personal vendetta - the Tea Party has been waging this personal vendetta since day 1. If you personally have no vendetta - then I question why you would align yourself with those who do.
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For the record: Jesus didn't spend one second worrying about liberty. He (through Paul) told slaves to repect and obey their masters.

The zealots tried to get him to use his influence to start a rebellion against the Romann occupation. He declined.

I destest this absurd and decidedly unChristian habit of projecting one's own political inclinations onto Christ. A special place in hell has been reserved. The pharasees tried this same crap. Equating their rules with God's rules. Jesus didn't care for it.

Yes, personal vendetta - the Tea Party has been waging this personal vendetta since day 1. If you personally have no vendetta - then I question why you would align yourself with those who do.

There is no personal vendetta. You Obama supporters have been claiming there is since day one because you cant concieve of the possibility that someone might not like your incredibly foolish and dangerous policies. You can't accept the possibility Obama's policies are responsible for your unhappy lives. So you are still blaming Bush and Republicans despite the fact that you've gotten almost everything you've asked for since Obama was elected.

People are going to die because of your support for these reckless policies. Do you even comprehend this? People are going to suffer because you can't admit that you are wrong. You have to make excuses: "We hate him because he is black." "We have a personal Vendetta against him because we think he is a muslim" or other bull crap accusations like that. Anything you can do to avoid the truth.

But you know what. The truth isnt going to hurt you. Being wrong isn't a bad thing. It's remaining wrong when all the evidence points the other way that causes problems.

And yes. Christ was all about liberty. HE CREATED US WITH LIBERTY. He is the way, THE TRUTH, And the Life. It is through the Truth that we are made free.

Christ's entire mission was to provide us liberty. He began His mortal ministry reading this scripture:

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

To preach the acceptable year of the Lord" (Luke 4:18-19)

His mission was to free us from bondage. Didn't spend one second worrying about it? That was His Constant thought. He loved liberty so much that He let himself be crucified so that we might be delivered from bondage.

But because He works differently than you do, you failed to see that. You seem to think that liberty comes through government. We have to rebel and fight a political battle. That isn't where liberty comes from.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Cor 3:17)

Christ works different than the world. The following sums it up nicely:

The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature. - Born of God, Ezra Taft Benson

Clearly we need to change the hearts of men and turn them to Christ before we will be politically free again. We are at the mercy of the politicians and bureaucrats because of our sins. We are a corrupt and proud people. Until we fix the inner vessel, the outer vessel cannot be fixed.

I would invite you to study the scriptures. You can't be more wrong about Christ's mission. He can and will set us free.
Real Christians offer themselves for God to use for HIS purposes. They don't try to use God for THEIR purposes.

Big difference.

"You will know them by their fruit."

Read the Bible more.

I will continue to pray for you and those like you.
How do you compromise with evil?

You either turn away from it or become it.

You're pretty judgmental for a Christian.
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Matthew 7:1-6

Yes. im totally judgmental. Because I have the audacity to say delibrately making our health care system worse is evil. Im judgmental because I say it's evil to make our children pay for our waste. Im judgmental because I say it's evil to rob from the workers to give to the politicians. Im judgmental to say it's evil to pay off Senators with pork to help their reelection campaign.

And when our political "leaders" suggesting killing a particular group of people because they have a different idea for politics, you will continue talking about Compromise instead of fighting for what's right.

I'm not a big lover of Obamacare, specifically the mandate. But to keep the healthcare system the way it is seems not be the answer either and if kept as it is will also hurt your children and their children and so on. Compared to other nations it is outrageously expensive. Conservatives have done nothing to make it better and by that I mean completive pricing compared to the rest of the world. The cost is so bad that it not only hurts our citizens but hinder US companies from being competitive on the world stage. There is absolutely nothing good about the costs, nothing. Our heathcare system is driven by greed.
I've read many economist predict the cost of healthcare will cause the next great financial collapse of the US.
Isn't that an evil situation also?

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