Rip gop

What ails the GOP is their 2003 Tax cut coupled with their unfunded Iraqi war - their belief they can have it their way irregardless the consequences ... has finally caught up with them.

* RIP.


You mean the tax cuts that Obama continued?

The game is simple, keep tax rates low, entitlements flowing, and throw money at everything that moves on the planet. Then stand back and laugh as you watch conservatives cry in vain over the future consequences of fiscal insanity. Who the hell cares if you are living it up? Anyone who objects is a killjoy and an obstructionist fear monger.

the rates were trivially increased with the sequester - to balance the budget, rates for incomes above 100K should be progressively raised and will be per a rejuvenated Democrat party either before the 2014 elections or shortly thereafter.

Let's really stick it to those making 100k.
According to Sir Isaac Newton, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So, gloat, liberals, all you want. Your days of reckoning and the equal and opposite reaction are not that far off.

Also, keep in mind that just about the same time Sir Isaac Newton revealed his theory to the world, there was this insolent newcomer, Galileo, who dared to stand up to the Establishment and proclaim that outrageous claim that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Yeah, gloat and crucify those who are not boot lickers for the Establishment, but keep in mind the movement and the following that was caused by the most famous person who was crucified 2000 years ago.

This is not meant to compare the Tea Party and Ted Cruz to Jesus, but it is as valid as you can get comparing the likes of mouldy has beens, like John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Chuck Shumer, etc. to the pharisees who stabbed their own people in the back screaming to the Romans: "Crucify him!"

Why these ancient fossils insist on free loading on taxpayers as a career?

The RINO version of the GOP? Good, we should have long ago buried them.

Expect these central planners in "conservative" clothing to be primaried out of office. Doesn't matter what the party is called, it matters what the they stand for.

Your ardent desire for self-destruction is admirable....stupid....but admirable...

The RINO version of the GOP? Good, we should have long ago buried them.

Expect these central planners in "conservative" clothing to be primaried out of office. Doesn't matter what the party is called, it matters what the they stand for.

Your ardent desire for self-destruction is admirable....stupid....but admirable...

You were saying something about stupid:

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
I think the Republican Party is going to be fine. The GOP brand is too valuable to let it be pissed away by a bunch of radicals. They will miss the 10-12% or so of their party that they are going to have to cut loose. Even among Republicans, the Tea Party only gets a 27% approval rating. And what percentage of those who approve - are staunch enough Tea Party supporters to leave the GOP in retaliation for the GOP casting the Tea Party aside?
But whatever they lose, they can probably largely offset by picking up moderates who have left the party because of all the kowtowing to the far right radicals.

I welcome three strong parties and wish the far right all the happiness in the world in the Libertarian, John Birch, or whatever else society or party they choose to go to.

The GOP could set themselves up as the pivotal moderate/middle ground party by picking off moderate Democrats leaving only the radicalized left in the Democratic Party and the radicalized right in the neo-confederacy Tea Party.

Might be some growing pain involved - but it could turn out very well for the Republican Party.

The RINO version of the GOP? Good, we should have long ago buried them.

Expect these central planners in "conservative" clothing to be primaried out of office. Doesn't matter what the party is called, it matters what the they stand for.

Your ardent desire for self-destruction is admirable....stupid....but admirable...

The Patriots who stood up to the Mexican butcher at the Alamo were also on a "fools errand" and were prepared to give their lives for something they believed in. They may have been "STUPID" but they are remembered as HEROES.

And, just remember before you max out on your hate and name-calling that the place where those heroes gave their lives to the cause is still AMERICAN and NOT Mexican.

Don't you find that admirable?
Democrats have been saying that since the 1850s.

the GOP is still around.

It be nice if we got all the corrupt people out. But unfortunately, the American people are corrupt.

Conservatives are waking up to the fact that they have no voice in government, and never really had any. Reagan is their poster child, yet Dick Cheney once said that Reagan proved that deficits don't matter anymore.

When has the GOP given conservatives something to cheer about?

Horse crap. They were cheering for weeks over the shut down and the ceiling.

Then they were brought back to reality.
If the GOP loses votes, and there's no real reason to believe they will, it will because they have no backbone and there is really no difference between the GOPP and the DNC now.

The Tea Party is the only thing standing against a one-party government.
If the GOP loses votes, and there's no real reason to believe they will, it will because they have no backbone and there is really no difference between the GOPP and the DNC now.

The Tea Party is the only thing standing against a one-party government.

The Tea Party may just be the only thing standing against a SANE government.
Big difference.
Being able to disagree and still work out a meaningful compromise in not One-Party government. It's sane government.

"My Way or the Highway" is a simpleton's idea of government.
If the GOP loses votes, and there's no real reason to believe they will, it will because they have no backbone and there is really no difference between the GOPP and the DNC now.

The Tea Party is the only thing standing against a one-party government.

The Tea Party may just be the only thing standing against a SANE government.
Big difference.
Being able to disagree and still work out a meaningful compromise in not One-Party government. It's sane government.

"My Way or the Highway" is a simpleton's idea of government.

There is nothing sane about the govt spending levels right now.
I've been a Rush listener going back to his start on radio and when he was on CNN.

He was an idiot regarding the shutdown. He and others in the GOP screwed us long term by shutting down the government over a losing cause of stopping obamacare.

The shutdown screwed GOP supporters that work in the government and were laid off. Many DoD contractors were out of work when their FY14 contracts were put on hold because the GOP helped shutdown the government.

I saw so-called conservatives going on FOXNews talking up the stock market during the shutdown while ignoring the thousands out of work that support the DoD, many conservatives. Guess what we don't like rich assholes celebrating some shutdown making them money when we are out of work because of them.

I will never give a dime to the GOP, never again. Fuck them, they are just a tad bit better than the scum on the left.
The RINO version of the GOP? Good, we should have long ago buried them.

Expect these central planners in "conservative" clothing to be primaried out of office. Doesn't matter what the party is called, it matters what the they stand for.

Your ardent desire for self-destruction is admirable....stupid....but admirable...

The Patriots who stood up to the Mexican butcher at the Alamo were also on a "fools errand" and were prepared to give their lives for something they believed in. They may have been "STUPID" but they are remembered as HEROES.

And, just remember before you max out on your hate and name-calling that the place where those heroes gave their lives to the cause is still AMERICAN and NOT Mexican.

Don't you find that admirable?

Do these people REALLY look in the mirror and see "heros" and "founding fathers" ???
What a joke.

These John Bircher, neo-confederates wage a mean-spirited, personal vendetta against a president because they REALLY didn't vote for him, and all of a sudden they become "heros" ???
If the GOP loses votes, and there's no real reason to believe they will, it will because they have no backbone and there is really no difference between the GOPP and the DNC now.

The Tea Party is the only thing standing against a one-party government.

The Tea Party may just be the only thing standing against a SANE government.
Big difference.
Being able to disagree and still work out a meaningful compromise in not One-Party government. It's sane government.

"My Way or the Highway" is a simpleton's idea of government.

There is nothing sane about the govt spending levels right now.

I agree.

Two insanes don't make a sane.
Lefties are at their craziest (and scariest) when they think they won a political victory. Next thing you know they will explode in 3rd world anger and try to arrest the opposition party. Note the radical left petition to arrest republicans for sedition. Don't sell lefties short because they act crazy. These people are dangerous.

The RINO version of the GOP? Good, we should have long ago buried them.

Expect these central planners in "conservative" clothing to be primaried out of office. Doesn't matter what the party is called, it matters what the they stand for.

The art of compromise has been lost by the far right. What is happening is that moderate Republicans are leaving the party. You will get your conservative party, but it will only account for 30% of the voting public. Good luck winning elections with those numbers. With people like Cruz representing Texas, it won't be long until Texas and much of the South turns blue. You guys lost the battle a long time ago. It happened when you demanded less government at all costs rather than more effective government.

Yep, get rid of all the RINO's and moderates and anyone who doesn't follow Mark Levin.

Think of all the money the party will save, holding their conventions at a La Quinta Inn.

^ that
I will vote GOP is a fiscal conservative and social moderate is the candidate.. Hell, I would vote for a fiscal conservative DEM.. last election for Prez I voted for Johnson, the Conservative party candidate... Party don't matter.. it is the stance and action

Yea, that way we can keep the deficit down from elevating another $3 trillion next year to only $2 trillion.

Keep up the good work! :clap2:

Democrats have been saying that since the 1850s.

the GOP is still around.

It be nice if we got all the corrupt people out. But unfortunately, the American people are corrupt.

Conservatives are waking up to the fact that they have no voice in government, and never really had any. Reagan is their poster child, yet Dick Cheney once said that Reagan proved that deficits don't matter anymore.

When has the GOP given conservatives something to cheer about?

people, especially rw'ers, keep glossing over this:

Democrats have been saying that since the 1850s.

the GOP is still around.

It be nice if we got all the corrupt people out. But unfortunately, the American people are corrupt.

Speak for yourself.

I do. Im very much aware of my flaws.

You appear to be blind to yours though. You are one of the most corrupt people on this board.
democrats have been saying that since the 1850s.

The gop is still around.

It be nice if we got all the corrupt people out. But unfortunately, the american people are corrupt.

conservatives are waking up to the fact that they have no voice in government, and never really had any. Reagan is their poster child, yet dick cheney once said that reagan proved that deficits don't matter anymore.

When has the gop given conservatives something to cheer about?

Sure idiot.

Liberals in the Senate won't pass a budget because they don't want to negotiate in open with the HoR, it is just CRA after CRA with goodies thrown in for liberals.

Just because a couple fools in the GOP fell for the Democrap shutdown trap doesn't mean Obama was some saint working with the GOP during the shutdown. Obama and Reid pretty much told the GOP "F You" over obamacare because it was jammed down the American's throats when Democraps owned the HoR.

Democraps lost the HoR over obamacare, idiot. If Obama was really going to compromise then he would actually repeal parts or delay parts of obamacare for Americans....but he didn't because he an asshole.

The RINO version of the GOP? Good, we should have long ago buried them.

Expect these central planners in "conservative" clothing to be primaried out of office. Doesn't matter what the party is called, it matters what the they stand for.

The art of compromise has been lost by the far right. What is happening is that moderate Republicans are leaving the party. You will get your conservative party, but it will only account for 30% of the voting public. Good luck winning elections with those numbers. With people like Cruz representing Texas, it won't be long until Texas and much of the South turns blue. You guys lost the battle a long time ago. It happened when you demanded less government at all costs rather than more effective government.

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