Rip gop

You're pretty judgmental for a Christian.
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Matthew 7:1-6

Yes. im totally judgmental. Because I have the audacity to say delibrately making our health care system worse is evil. Im judgmental because I say it's evil to make our children pay for our waste. Im judgmental because I say it's evil to rob from the workers to give to the politicians. Im judgmental to say it's evil to pay off Senators with pork to help their reelection campaign.

And when our political "leaders" suggesting killing a particular group of people because they have a different idea for politics, you will continue talking about Compromise instead of fighting for what's right.

I'm not a big lover of Obamacare, specifically the mandate. But to keep the healthcare system the way it is seems not be the answer either and if kept as it is will also hurt your children and their children and so on. Compared to other nations it is outrageously expensive. Conservatives have done nothing to make it better and by that I mean completive pricing compared to the rest of the world. The cost is so bad that it not only hurts our citizens but hinder US companies from being competitive on the world stage. There is absolutely nothing good about the costs, nothing. Our heathcare system is driven by greed.
I've read many economist predict the cost of healthcare will cause the next great financial collapse of the US.
Isn't that an evil situation also?

No No No
You missed the point.
God only considers things "evil" if Avatar considers them evil.
It's hilarious that these baggers think the GOP is just gonna bow out and let the Tea Party take their primary establishment picks.

They are already talking about changing their primary process. Not long before Tea Party candidates go the way of Ron Paul in their primaries.

As I have said, you guys are toast.
Democrats have been saying that since the 1850s.

the GOP is still around.

It be nice if we got all the corrupt people out. But unfortunately, the American people are corrupt.

Conservatives are waking up to the fact that they have no voice in government, and never really had any. Reagan is their poster child, yet Dick Cheney once said that Reagan proved that deficits don't matter anymore.

When has the GOP given conservatives something to cheer about?

Horse crap. They were cheering for weeks over the shut down and the ceiling.

Then they were brought back to reality.

They had no plan and no answers and no support and no resolve, then they caved like a school girl on prom night. :clap2:
It's hilarious that these baggers think the GOP is just gonna bow out and let the Tea Party take their primary establishment picks.

They are already talking about changing their primary process. Not long before Tea Party candidates go the way of Ron Paul in their primaries.

As I have said, you guys are toast.

Power and money rule. Therefore, the GOP is toast.

Corporate America much prefers the status quo and will choose Hillary next go round.
It's hilarious that these baggers think the GOP is just gonna bow out and let the Tea Party take their primary establishment picks.

They are already talking about changing their primary process. Not long before Tea Party candidates go the way of Ron Paul in their primaries.

As I have said, you guys are toast.

This is the view I take.

The GOP brand is way too valuable to let some radicals piss it away.
Republicans will do what they have to do to protect themselves. The Tea Partiers will wail and gnash teeth, but in the end, they will disappear and be absorbed into a few dozen other existing splinter groups.
I've been a Rush listener going back to his start on radio and when he was on CNN.

He was an idiot regarding the shutdown. He and others in the GOP screwed us long term by shutting down the government over a losing cause of stopping obamacare.

The shutdown screwed GOP supporters that work in the government and were laid off. Many DoD contractors were out of work when their FY14 contracts were put on hold because the GOP helped shutdown the government.

I saw so-called conservatives going on FOXNews talking up the stock market during the shutdown while ignoring the thousands out of work that support the DoD, many conservatives. Guess what we don't like rich assholes celebrating some shutdown making them money when we are out of work because of them.

I will never give a dime to the GOP, never again. Fuck them, they are just a tad bit better than the scum on the left.
Rush was on CNN ? I don't think so.
I've been a Rush listener going back to his start on radio and when he was on CNN.

He was an idiot regarding the shutdown. He and others in the GOP screwed us long term by shutting down the government over a losing cause of stopping obamacare.

The shutdown screwed GOP supporters that work in the government and were laid off. Many DoD contractors were out of work when their FY14 contracts were put on hold because the GOP helped shutdown the government.

I saw so-called conservatives going on FOXNews talking up the stock market during the shutdown while ignoring the thousands out of work that support the DoD, many conservatives. Guess what we don't like rich assholes celebrating some shutdown making them money when we are out of work because of them.

I will never give a dime to the GOP, never again. Fuck them, they are just a tad bit better than the scum on the left.
Rush was on CNN ? I don't think so.

I heard Rush on the radio today, seemingly backtracking a bit regarding what he had said in the clip provided.

My take is that Rush started something he could not finish, which is a conservative revival. After all, he was from the era of the two party system that seems to have been nothing but an illusion, a notion that has vanished altogether since the GOP always capitulates on anything meaningful. There are no conservative victories the GOP can be proud of and people are beginning to understand this.
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It's hilarious that these baggers think the GOP is just gonna bow out and let the Tea Party take their primary establishment picks.

They are already talking about changing their primary process. Not long before Tea Party candidates go the way of Ron Paul in their primaries.

As I have said, you guys are toast.

I don't think the Tea Party has any chance of reforming the system.

Congress has a lower turnover rate than those in the former USSR government. In fact, Harry Reid had a 9% approval rating right before he was elected....again.

These folks are intractable cancers. Congress has a 5% approval rating but most will still keep their old jobs.

That is why I have always said, those on the left detest democracy and know how to subvert it.
It's hilarious that these baggers think the GOP is just gonna bow out and let the Tea Party take their primary establishment picks.

They are already talking about changing their primary process. Not long before Tea Party candidates go the way of Ron Paul in their primaries.

As I have said, you guys are toast.

I don't think the Tea Party has any chance of reforming the system.

Congress has a lower turnover rate than those in the former USSR government. In fact, Harry Reid had a 9% approval rating right before he was elected....again.

These folks are intractable cancers. Congress has a 5% approval rating but most will still keep their old jobs.

That is why I have always said, those on the left detest democracy and know how to subvert it.

Yeah and it's just eh left!!!! :lol:
Why is it always "the other guys"! A little intellectual dishonesty with oneself maybe? Hmmmm! :D
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It's hilarious that these baggers think the GOP is just gonna bow out and let the Tea Party take their primary establishment picks.

They are already talking about changing their primary process. Not long before Tea Party candidates go the way of Ron Paul in their primaries.

As I have said, you guys are toast.

This is the view I take.

The GOP brand is way too valuable to let some radicals piss it away.
Republicans will do what they have to do to protect themselves. The Tea Partiers will wail and gnash teeth, but in the end, they will disappear and be absorbed into a few dozen other existing splinter groups.

You really think so? I don't.

Out of 535 members of Congress, there are only two Independents. Both are Senators and both caucus with the Dems. Where are the independent Conservatives? Every self-identifying Tea-Partier in Congress has an "R" next his/her name.

As it stands right now, even with all the animosity being displayed towards the GOP leadership, it doesn't appear any member of the TP caucus is set to bolt anytime soon.
I know the business community is pretty disgusted with the Tea Party and there was talk last week of them pulling funding from the more radical element within the GOP (I assume that to be TPM). That being the case, the Tea Party is going to probably rely on grassroots funding. They could also hope to get funds from the GOP. The question is, will the establishment GOP help fund TPM?
Any thoughts on this?
In America, fiscal conservatism has no meaning at all. Well, it has for families, businesses, even states (to some extent)... but not for the federal government.

America prints the US Dollar and the world loves the US Dollar. So the US governments can do virtually whatever they want with deficits and debt.

Everybody, including big GOP donors, are angry with the Tea Party shutdown because they don’t want this international monetary status quo to be endangered. Some are also angry with Tea Party’s isolationism (see Peter King, McCain and others)

The mandatory austerity and debt-brake amendments in the Eurozone (forced by a german-inspired European Central Bank that can barely do anything other than keeping price stability) are unthinkable in America. A US default is unthinkable.

So social conservatism has been defeated, fiscal conservatism is meaningless... and US millennials narrowly favor socialism (1). Tough times ahead for the Republican Party.

(1) The so-called social democracies in Europe are not sustainable without high taxes on consumption and labour income
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The gop's central conundrum is that people expect the govt to solve problems ... but they do not necessarily want the govt to be bigger. Reagan sold them a bill of goods that the govt was actually smaller, and to his credit (sort of) he blockgranted stuff. People are still not throwing the towel in on Obamacare, because they're being sold a notion that private insurors will cover more people, which may or may not be true, but the govt has also expanded medicaid.

The TPM mantra is govt is your enemy and always bad ... and that's being rejected by anywhere between 60-75% depending on the specific issue.

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