RIP Superstar Billy Graham


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
One of the all-time greats, victorious over Bruno Sammartino to win the WWWF world heavyweight championship back in 1977.

He was a member of the tremendous wrestling Graham family that included Dr. Jerry and Crazy Luke Graham.

Managed by the one and only Grand Wizard of Wrestling.

One of the all-time greats, victorious over Bruno Sammartino to win the WWWF world heavyweight championship back in 1977.

He was a member of the tremendous wrestling Graham family that included Dr. Jerry and Crazy Luke Graham.

Managed by the one and only Grand Wizard of Wrestling.

I wonder what constitutes 'unfortunate health issues'?
It's an odd turn of phrase~
Mr. Graham's liver and kidneys have been giving out for a while, presumably at least in part due to his steroid usage during his career.
It's unfortunate as the body can respond very wwll without that stuff. These pro wrestlers were like rockstars, they lived hard and died yoing. Graham outlived many of the biggest names in the 80s.
His in ring persona that he played so well helped change the business of ''pro rasslin'' from just a niche in the entertainment business to what it is today. He had the over the top charisma and look that caught even the non fans attention. His name was known by all rich and poor. He was truly a Super Star.
Here is Superstar Graham chatting with Vince McMahon about his upcoming confrontation against Peter Maiavia , the Rock's grandfather who was a Samoan cannibal.

It's unfortunate as the body can respond very wwll without that stuff. These pro wrestlers were like rockstars, they lived hard and died yoing. Graham outlived many of the biggest names in the 80s.
In all sports when steroids were mainstreamed and we as fans did not so much know it, the use was massive. Roids must have been cruder.
Here is his biggest moment the win for the world title versus Bruno Sammartino. The crowds reaction is something you don't see anymore in pro rasslin :)
it was Superstar Billy Graham who discovered a young Bob Backlund

7 years later, Graham succumbed to Backlund's wrestling abilities and fell at his feet as Backlund became WWF Champion


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