CDZ Rise of Populism Watchlist


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
The rise of right wing populism across the globe seems to be the hot topic in international politics. It has been alleged that Russia is backing populist candidates in order to disrupt the western order. I'll let you judge that for yourself, but here is a list of high profile populist candidates running in upcoming elections.

France - Marine Le Pen, National Front
Germany - Abrecht Glaser, Alternative for Germany
Netherlands - Geert Wilders, Party for Freedom
Serbia - Vojislav Seselj, Radical Party
New Zealand - Winston Peters
Czech Republic - Andrej Babis, ANO
Norway - Siv Jensen, Progress Party

Populist candidates recently elected
Hungary - Janos Ader, Hungarian Civic Alliance, President of Hungary
Phillipines - Rodrigo Duterte, PDP-Laban, President of the Phillipines
United States - Donald Trump, Republican Party, President of the United States

Are we seeing the foundations of a new world order?
Maybe, maybe not. What we're seeing is a backlash towards certain ideals that are viewed by many to be detrimental if not destructive to many peoples ways of life. From a historical and sociological aspect this it to be expected, like a pendulum ultimately it has to swing back one way or the other. Of course if it coincides to at least some degree (real or imagined) with certain power base's then that power base will support and encourage it. Whether or not the pendulum swings back towards the right to any real degree at this time is yet to be seen considering the amount of sociopolitical force that can successfully applied to stop or slow it. This process has been going on since diverse social groups with differing ideologies and desires existed.
It would make economic sense for Putin to use these methods. He doesnt have the cash to fund wars on any scale at all.
Are we seeing the foundations of a new world order?

I think what we're witnessing is:
  • Resistance to change
  • Reactions in response to "average" people's unwillingness to adapt
  • Demonstrations of just how little the so-called masses really know about the world in which they live and how to thrive in it

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