Rising Israel Serbia ties

Jews have always been pro-Ottoman Empire in the past, and pro-Turkey in general these days, so it's only natural they would want good relations with the former Ottoman conquests as well, at least the 'conservatives' ultra-Orthodox do, which is why the right wing and Orthodox Jews refuse to recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide even now and are providing support and weapons to Muslims currently planning another Armenian genocide.

Seems a significant number of Israelis want to relive the 'Good Old Days' when they marched arm in arm with their Muslim saviors rampaging and looting all those evul Xian Europeans and Indian Hindus. I hope the wiser heads prevail over the Jewish racists.
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Jews have always been pro-Ottoman Empire in the past, and pro-Turkey in general these days, so it's only natural they would want good relations with the former Ottoman conquests as well, at least the 'conservatives' ultra-Orthodox do, which is why the right wing and Orthodox Jews refuse to recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide even now and are providing support and weapons to Muslims currently planning another Armenian genocide.

Seems a significant number of Israelis want to relive the 'Good Old Days' when they marched arm in arm with their Muslim saviors rampaging and looting all those evul Xian Europeans and Indian Hindus. I hope the wiser heads prevail over the Jewish racists.
Another anti Jewish post from you. Number 2, that I know of.

Keep up the ignorance.
Another anti Jewish post from you. Number 2, that I know of.

Keep up the ignorance.

Yes, all those anti-Jewish sources must have tipped you off.

Keep up the bigoted whining. And, keep watching this current fad of slobbering all over your Muslim heroes now pretending to be your New Best Friends Forever again as you revive your fantasies of once again riding on their backs in more waves of conquests and wars against Da Evul Xians. Given your history of eventual losing and having to flee to Christian countries for survival, I predict it wont; be long before Israeli refugees end up flooding the U.S. demanding special treatment for themselves, same pattern as always.

You think Erdogan is another Ottoman Dynasty? lol
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Serbia moved their consulate to Jerusalem in 2020. hopefully more European nations will recognize Jerusalem as our capital soon.
Jews have always been pro-Ottoman Empire in the past, and pro-Turkey in general these days, so it's only natural they would want good relations with the former Ottoman conquests as well, at least the 'conservatives' ultra-Orthodox do, which is why the right wing and Orthodox Jews refuse to recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide even now and are providing support and weapons to Muslims currently planning another Armenian genocide.

Seems a significant number of Israelis want to relive the 'Good Old Days' when they marched arm in arm with their Muslim saviors rampaging and looting all those evul Xian Europeans and Indian Hindus. I hope the wiser heads prevail over the Jewish racists.
You are shocked that Muslims massacred Christians?
Yes, all those anti-Jewish sources must have tipped you off.

Keep up the bigoted whining. And, keep watching this current fad of slobbering all over your Muslim heroes now pretending to be your New Best Friends Forever again as you revive your fantasies of once again riding on their backs in more waves of conquests and wars against Da Evul Xians. Given your history of eventual losing and having to flee to Christian countries for survival, I predict it wont; be long before Israeli refugees end up flooding the U.S. demanding special treatment for themselves, same pattern as always.

You think Erdogan is another Ottoman Dynasty? lol
Exactly what " special treatment?" Another example of a BIG MOUTH SHEGETZ
You are shocked that Muslims massacred Christians?

You're shocked that Jews helped them at every opportunity for for over 1,200 years, and probably would again, like they're doing with their Turkish New BFF's in Armenia again? OR are you just going along with the Big Lie as per your right wing racist cultists fed you as a kid?
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You're shocked tha tJews helped them at every opportunity for for over 1,200 years, and probably would again, like they're doing with their Turkish New BFF's in Armenia again?
Tit for Tat.
Every Muslim and Christian King and leader used Jews to run their nations for 1,000 years.
Serbia moved their consulate to Jerusalem in 2020. hopefully more European nations will recognize Jerusalem as our capital soon.

And as soon as the Iran and Russian threat is over its back to same old shit different day, and you're back to throwing up 'The Holocaust' to hide your dirty laundry under and begging Da Evil Xians to save your asses again.
Tit for Tat.
Every Muslim and Christian King and leader used Jews to run their nations for 1,000 years.

You worked for the elites, which is why the middle and lower classes owe you nothing, not even respect, until the end of the 18th Century and most of you finally left the cultists to join the modern world..
You worked for the elites, which is why the middle and lower classes owe you nothing, not even respect, until the end of the 18th Century and most of you finally left the cultists to join the modern world..
You would work for the elites also of your had the talent.
I almost always worked for the Managing Director on my projects.
You would work for the elites also of your had the talent.
I almost always worked for the Managing Director on my projects.

I always found ways to work for myself; I hated company politics and the suck ass vermin who do well in big companies, and still do. Enjoy being a weaselly toady.
And as soon as the Iran and Russian threat is over its back to same old shit different day, and you're back to throwing up 'The Holocaust' to hide your dirty laundry under and begging Da Evil Xians to save your asses again.
I would think even a fool like you would know Erdogan is a enemy of Israel. If you are that stupid you don't know that I can only laugh at you
I would think even a fool like you would know Erdogan is a enemy of Israel. If you are that stupid you don't know that I can only laugh at you

You're the moron who apparently is clueless about Israels' current love fest with Turkey. And I've already posted evidence of that from several Israeli sources, so you have nothing but your indoctrination to spout.
You're the moron who apparently is clueless about Israels' current love fest with Turkey. And I've already posted evidence of that from several Israeli sources, so you have nothing but your indoctrination to spout.
like i said I can only laugh at you. Erdogan condemned Bahrain and the UAE for recognizing Israel. I believe i posted about that.

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