
He got in an argument with his girlfriend because she had found pornography on his cell phone and under the terms of his lifetime probation, he wasn't allowed to possess pornography. He ended that argument by whooping her ass.

He went to jail for that. After he got out of jail he was broke and homeless. Then he tried to commit suicide at McDonalds by overdosing on gabapentin. That's why he was in the mental hospital for about a month.

I saw an interview with his girlfriend. She indicated that he called her from the mental hospital the day he was discharged. That was against the law because of a court protection order that said he couldn't contact her in any way. In the call he was upset that he was being discharged from the mental hospital.

Of course he would rather have three square meals a day and a nice bed to sleep in at the mental hospital than go hungry and sleep on the street.

For a guy like him who is used to either living in some shithole prison or being homeless on the streets, being a patient in the hospital is like living in the lap of luxury.

So he was very upset about that.

He then went to the fleabag motel where his girlfriend was living and working as a maid. She wouldn't let him stay with her because he had beaten her up and there was a protection order that he was violating again just by contacting her.

So he was broke, homeless, and jobless again.

That's when he walked 4 miles to the scene of the riot to continue his crime spree.
Not disputing what you say but I was wanting a link for where you read this
I tend to believe that Russia and China have ensured that we haven't experienced WW3 because of their nuclear detterent to US aggression.

There was no Muslim terrorist threat in the world until America bombed Iraq in 90, based on lies and false pretenses.

Shouldn't you be over 'there' debating on behalf of your NRA?

Your complete ignorance of history is astounding.
Look at my earlier analysis. Yes he was not really qualified to carry that AR. However, it is a good thing he did have it or else he would have been killed by the Communists.
Just curious, How is it that you can say that Kyle was not qualified to carry that AR? Looks to me like he handled it, and the situation he was in completely appropiately....
Just saying Concerned American Donald has a point, regardless of whether you agree with his politics.

When we saw what happened to George Zimmerman after that whole scandal, he got into trouble, time after time, despite him being found not guilty. It is a personality type that goes looking for trouble.

It is a factual observation, this kid got too caught up in the drama both sides are selling, when, as young as he is, he should be thinking about investing his time and energy in developing his KSA's for his future. What would Dave Ramsey say about this kid?

Are you actually trying to say that someone who attended a Trump rally is predisposed to put himself in a position to have to kill people?

That's crazy....
Just curious, How is it that you can say that Kyle was not qualified to carry that AR? Looks to me like he handled it, and the situation he was in completely appropiately....

By not qualified I simply meant he did not have any formal training or even any significant range time.

However, he did a great job without any training. Better than many much better trained people including myself.
There is that. The left keeps describing him as "homeless" to get sympathy, without mentioning that the reason he couldn't go home was a court order, if I recall correctly.
He was homeless because of choices he made...off his meds, a sexual predator, and in violation of parole...and had a restraining order from his former girlfriend and place to live.

Who in their right mind was going house him or even employ him?
Are you actually trying to say that someone who attended a Trump rally is predisposed to put himself in a position to have to kill people?

That's crazy....
No, I am absolutely not saying that.

. . .however, I have long maintained, that the Deep State, is either in cahoots, or has used Trump, and his movement as political patsies in far larger, far longer range societal transformation plan. A deep political, cultural revolution, if you will. It has not hestitated to try to get folks to put themselves, voluntarily in those positions. Or to fortuitously use events, by the controlled media, to its advantage.

Why else is this trial being politicized, and not only been allowed on TEE VEE, but purposely being broadcast on all stations, and being purposely distorted by partisans on all sides?

Now, there are many, who will say, there is no such thing as "mind control," or partisan conditioning. Fine, they can believe what they want.

I do not take sides, I look at events in their larger cultural context, and what they mean to their larger affects, on law, politics & nation government.

This link has a lot of editorial in it, which you can ignore if you wish, you can start at;


November 17, 1991

"In the United States of America there is a hidden government about which YOU KNOW NOTHING. "

No, I am absolutely not saying that.

. . .however, I have long maintained, that the Deep State, is either in cahoots, or has used Trump, and his movement as political patsies in far larger, far longer range societal transformation plan. A deep political, cultural revolution, if you will. It has not hestitated to try to get folks to put themselves, voluntarily in those positions. Or to fortuitously use events, by the controlled media, to its advantage.

Why else is this trial being politicized, and not only been allowed on TEE VEE, but purposely being broadcast on all stations, and being purposely distorted by partisans on all sides?

Now, there are many, who will say, there is no such thing as "mind control," or partisan conditioning. Fine, they can believe what they want.

I do not take sides, I look at events in their larger cultural context, and what they mean to their larger affects, on law, politics & nation government.

This link has a lot of editorial in it, which you can ignore if you wish, you can start at;


November 17, 1991

"In the United States of America there is a hidden government about which YOU KNOW NOTHING. "

I wouldn’t be surprised if that photo was photoshopped…
As I said, which side wins will be of no consequence.
America is ready to start the shooting and the Qanon extremist faction is already asked when it can start?

Save you moonbat insulting and spamming for some fellow American who cares.
Extremists like you are off my radar before you even get your ass in gear.
Total moron alert!
12 random people in Kenosha found Kyle not guilty. That should tell you some things. Mostly that they didn’t like their city turned into a burnt out husk by BLM thugs and they hated that asshat Binger.
12 random people in Kenosha found Kyle not guilty. That should tell you some things. Mostly that they didn’t like their city turned into a burnt out husk by BLM thugs and they hated that asshat Binger.
Guns and police were a part of the necessity of a not guilty verdict.

The cover may not have been blown on the judge's unlawful actions had he directed the jury to bring back the minimal guilty verdict on at least one charge. A suspended sentence could have been legitimate. A not guilty verdict wasn't and it's going to be the cause of the unrest that will lead to unrestrained violence being very likely.

Some leftist gungoon asshole is going to shoot a rightist gungoon asshole.

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