RNC steals Paul's delegates

Honestly I was for Paul, liked his policies. However, just like last time he faded fast in the stretch.
The killer though was when Rand endorsed Romney. Something was not right there.
With that in mind, Ron Paul should have pulled out of the race sooner and endorsed Gary Johnson since his policies are almost identical.

Would have done no good.nobody has heard of Johnson.
As I said before, has Paul's delegates not been disenfranchised he would have been nominated from the floor and assured a speaking spot at the convention.

God forbid Paul be given the opportunity to chastise you war-mongering, Fed-loving, Nanny state Mittiots on national TV, right?
It's fun to make you froth at the mouth.

I'm not 'frothing', I'm laughing at you fools who think shooting yourselves in the foot was a good thing.


Oh yeah.Yer dropping f-bombs all over the place. I bet yer laughing...
Yeah I believe that..
You Paul people are so pissed off you could snap railroad pikes between your butt cheeks
It's fun to make you froth at the mouth.

I'm not 'frothing', I'm laughing at you fools who think shooting yourselves in the foot was a good thing.


Oh yeah.Yer dropping f-bombs all over the place. I bet yer laughing...
Yeah I believe that..
You Paul people are so pissed off you could snap railroad pikes between your butt cheeks

I would imagine that if somebody fraudulently silenced YOUR vote you'd be a little pissed off, too. And I wouldn't blame you.

But it's the blatant hypocrisy that you Mittiots exhibit that pisses me off even more than the disenfranchisement. You've destroyed any semblance of righteousness or fair play in the Republican Party, making you even WORSE than the Dems because at least they're HONEST about it.
I'm not 'frothing', I'm laughing at you fools who think shooting yourselves in the foot was a good thing.


Oh yeah.Yer dropping f-bombs all over the place. I bet yer laughing...
Yeah I believe that..
You Paul people are so pissed off you could snap railroad pikes between your butt cheeks

I would imagine that if somebody fraudulently silenced YOUR vote you'd be a little pissed off, too. And I wouldn't blame you.

But it's the blatant hypocrisy that you Mittiots exhibit that pisses me off even more than the disenfranchisement. You've destroyed any semblance of righteousness or fair play in the Republican Party, making you even WORSE than the Dems because at least they're HONEST about it.

The point is moot. Number one, Paul would not have won the nomination. Two, had he won, he would have gotten trounced in the general election. It would have been John Mc Cain all over again. Why do you think the former chair Michael Steele is out of a job? He got bounced under pressure from the conservative wing of the GOP. The RINO's wanted Mc Cain...That non-combative go with the flow shit is OVER. Romney is far more aggressive. Not enough for me. However, adding Ryan to the ticket makes it much stronger.
BTW, Sarah Palin is right where she needs to be. A behind the scenes mover and shaker
The point is moot. Number one, Paul would not have won the nomination. Two, had he won, he would have gotten trounced in the general election. It would have been John Mc Cain all over again. Why do you think the former chair Michael Steele is out of a job? He got bounced under pressure from the conservative wing of the GOP. The RINO's wanted Mc Cain...That non-combative go with the flow shit is OVER. Romney is far more aggressive. Not enough for me. However, adding Ryan to the ticket makes it much stronger.
BTW, Sarah Palin is right where she needs to be. A behind the scenes mover and shaker

The greatest expression of self deluded nonsense since Truthmatters launched her latest "I dont lie" thread.

Topped only by the king of self delusion:
This from a child who thinks working any job they can to feed his family is below him.......
Last edited:
Oh yeah.Yer dropping f-bombs all over the place. I bet yer laughing...
Yeah I believe that..
You Paul people are so pissed off you could snap railroad pikes between your butt cheeks

I would imagine that if somebody fraudulently silenced YOUR vote you'd be a little pissed off, too. And I wouldn't blame you.

But it's the blatant hypocrisy that you Mittiots exhibit that pisses me off even more than the disenfranchisement. You've destroyed any semblance of righteousness or fair play in the Republican Party, making you even WORSE than the Dems because at least they're HONEST about it.

The point is moot. Number one, Paul would not have won the nomination. Two, had he won, he would have gotten trounced in the general election. It would have been John Mc Cain all over again. Why do you think the former chair Michael Steele is out of a job? He got bounced under pressure from the conservative wing of the GOP. The RINO's wanted Mc Cain...That non-combative go with the flow shit is OVER. Romney is far more aggressive. Not enough for me. However, adding Ryan to the ticket makes it much stronger.
BTW, Sarah Palin is right where she needs to be. A behind the scenes mover and shaker

It's not about whether or not he got the nomination, it's about cheating him out of the opportunity to speak at the convention. You candy-asses just couldn't stand the idea of that old man making your war-mongering, Federal Reserve loving, NDAA supporting 'leaders' look like the big government cronies they really are.

The point is moot. Number one, Paul would not have won the nomination. Two, had he won, he would have gotten trounced in the general election. It would have been John Mc Cain all over again. Why do you think the former chair Michael Steele is out of a job? He got bounced under pressure from the conservative wing of the GOP. The RINO's wanted Mc Cain...That non-combative go with the flow shit is OVER. Romney is far more aggressive. Not enough for me. However, adding Ryan to the ticket makes it much stronger.
BTW, Sarah Palin is right where she needs to be. A behind the scenes mover and shaker

The greatest expression of self deluded nonsense since Truthmatters launched her latest "I dont lie" thread.

Topped only by the king of self delusion:
This from a child who thinks working any job they can to feed his family is below him.......
Oh? Care to elaborate? Or is this just a drive by post?
I would imagine that if somebody fraudulently silenced YOUR vote you'd be a little pissed off, too. And I wouldn't blame you.

But it's the blatant hypocrisy that you Mittiots exhibit that pisses me off even more than the disenfranchisement. You've destroyed any semblance of righteousness or fair play in the Republican Party, making you even WORSE than the Dems because at least they're HONEST about it.

The point is moot. Number one, Paul would not have won the nomination. Two, had he won, he would have gotten trounced in the general election. It would have been John Mc Cain all over again. Why do you think the former chair Michael Steele is out of a job? He got bounced under pressure from the conservative wing of the GOP. The RINO's wanted Mc Cain...That non-combative go with the flow shit is OVER. Romney is far more aggressive. Not enough for me. However, adding Ryan to the ticket makes it much stronger.
BTW, Sarah Palin is right where she needs to be. A behind the scenes mover and shaker

It's not about whether or not he got the nomination, it's about cheating him out of the opportunity to speak at the convention. You candy-asses just couldn't stand the idea of that old man making your war-mongering, Federal Reserve loving, NDAA supporting 'leaders' look like the big government cronies they really are.

Speak? To what end? And about what?
Did I not mention earlier that Paul would be a great asset to a GOP administration?
Did not I not suggest he would be a great candidate in the Romney cabinet?
Speak? What difference would it make?
Most know Paul's positions. They are in fact well known. Most conservatives agree with those positions.
I do not understand the mentality of Paul supporters. It's as though their lives have had a chunk taken out of them because of this. Makes no sense to me.
The point is moot. Number one, Paul would not have won the nomination. Two, had he won, he would have gotten trounced in the general election. It would have been John Mc Cain all over again. Why do you think the former chair Michael Steele is out of a job? He got bounced under pressure from the conservative wing of the GOP. The RINO's wanted Mc Cain...That non-combative go with the flow shit is OVER. Romney is far more aggressive. Not enough for me. However, adding Ryan to the ticket makes it much stronger.
BTW, Sarah Palin is right where she needs to be. A behind the scenes mover and shaker

It's not about whether or not he got the nomination, it's about cheating him out of the opportunity to speak at the convention. You candy-asses just couldn't stand the idea of that old man making your war-mongering, Federal Reserve loving, NDAA supporting 'leaders' look like the big government cronies they really are.

Speak? To what end? And about what?
Did I not mention earlier that Paul would be a great asset to a GOP administration?
Did not I not suggest he would be a great candidate in the Romney cabinet?
Speak? What difference would it make?
Most know Paul's positions. They are in fact well known. Most conservatives agree with those positions.
I do not understand the mentality of Paul supporters. It's as though their lives have had a chunk taken out of them because of this. Makes no sense to me.

To his vision of a TRULY smaller, liberty-loving government, for one. To an end of the nation-building, budget-busting dreams of the Neo-Con elites. About any damned thing he wanted to say.

He was marginalized, ridiculed and ignored during the debates, getting about 5-10% of the airtime of the other candidates. It seems that the Establishment Republicans fear his words like a vampire fears the dawn.

Like I said... Chickenshits.
It's not about whether or not he got the nomination, it's about cheating him out of the opportunity to speak at the convention. You candy-asses just couldn't stand the idea of that old man making your war-mongering, Federal Reserve loving, NDAA supporting 'leaders' look like the big government cronies they really are.

Speak? To what end? And about what?
Did I not mention earlier that Paul would be a great asset to a GOP administration?
Did not I not suggest he would be a great candidate in the Romney cabinet?
Speak? What difference would it make?
Most know Paul's positions. They are in fact well known. Most conservatives agree with those positions.
I do not understand the mentality of Paul supporters. It's as though their lives have had a chunk taken out of them because of this. Makes no sense to me.

To his vision of a TRULY smaller, liberty-loving government, for one. To an end of the nation-building, budget-busting dreams of the Neo-Con elites. About any damned thing he wanted to say.

He was marginalized, ridiculed and ignored during the debates, getting about 5-10% of the airtime of the other candidates. It seems that the Establishment Republicans fear his words like a vampire fears the dawn.

Like I said... Chickenshits.
Ok..To address your last sentence. Paul's policies or platform if you will are things I support.
However, in the debates Paul came across as emotional. When challenged on a point his voice became high pitched almost to the point of being shrill. In my opinion a president should always sound and appear calm. To the point where whatever is said to him is exactly what he expected someone to say or state, even if it comes as a total surprise.
This is why I think Paul would be better suited as a behind the scenes guy or even a cabinet member. Perhaps a Chief of Staff.
One other thing...Earlier I mentioned Michael Steele. HE was part of that very GOP establishment that was into the "big tent" thing. IMO that shows a lack of leadership and a willingness to settle into a comfort zone which is code for taking the path of least resistance.
It is this "politics before core party platform" that has LOST elections for republicans.
I couldn't care less how a President sounds, I care about how a President THINKS.

Part of the reason Ron Paul came off that way in the debates was the fact that he didn't get to respond to the questions he wanted to respond to, and had to take what few opportunities that came his way to address a multitude of subjects.

And in between those infrequent opportunities he was subjected to some of the most vile and baseless attacks that Santorum and Gingrich could manufacture.
I couldn't care less how a President sounds, I care about how a President THINKS.

Part of the reason Ron Paul came off that way in the debates was the fact that he didn't get to respond to the questions he wanted to respond to, and had to take what few opportunities that came his way to address a multitude of subjects.

And in between those infrequent opportunities he was subjected to some of the most vile and baseless attacks that Santorum and Gingrich could manufacture.

Well that is fine for you. However real world says otherwise.
Please do not tell me Paul didn't get a fair shake. That is an excuse.
In debates, each participant gets an equal amount of time to answer questions and in the case of some debates, a set amount of time for rebuttal.
This is why debates have moderators.
Ok, notwithstanding your descriptors of the alleged attacks, this is precisely what I am referring to. In the face of uncertainty or stress the Chief Executive is supposed to be above that. To behave in a certain manner which presents control and calm.
The one thing that separates a President from most others is his intelligence. Becoming emotional and raising one's voice is a FAIL..
It matters not how pissed off the guy got how stressful the situation, he MUST behave in manner which dignifies the Office.
I couldn't care less how a President sounds, I care about how a President THINKS.

Part of the reason Ron Paul came off that way in the debates was the fact that he didn't get to respond to the questions he wanted to respond to, and had to take what few opportunities that came his way to address a multitude of subjects.

And in between those infrequent opportunities he was subjected to some of the most vile and baseless attacks that Santorum and Gingrich could manufacture.

Well that is fine for you. However real world says otherwise.
Please do not tell me Paul didn't get a fair shake. That is an excuse.
In debates, each participant gets an equal amount of time to answer questions and in the case of some debates, a set amount of time for rebuttal.
This is why debates have moderators.
Ok, notwithstanding your descriptors of the alleged attacks, this is precisely what I am referring to. In the face of uncertainty or stress the Chief Executive is supposed to be above that. To behave in a certain manner which presents control and calm.
The one thing that separates a President from most others is his intelligence. Becoming emotional and raising one's voice is a FAIL..
It matters not how pissed off the guy got how stressful the situation, he MUST behave in manner which dignifies the Office.

This guy is a troll... he's not even a good one. It is actually more of a poor reflection on the person debating him, than it is on him. If he pisses you off so much that you can't not reply to him... I suggest you put him on ignore.

Do not argue with an idiot they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience ~ Not sure who originally said that. But it's true.
I couldn't care less how a President sounds, I care about how a President THINKS.

Part of the reason Ron Paul came off that way in the debates was the fact that he didn't get to respond to the questions he wanted to respond to, and had to take what few opportunities that came his way to address a multitude of subjects.

And in between those infrequent opportunities he was subjected to some of the most vile and baseless attacks that Santorum and Gingrich could manufacture.

Well that is fine for you. However real world says otherwise.
Please do not tell me Paul didn't get a fair shake. That is an excuse.
In debates, each participant gets an equal amount of time to answer questions and in the case of some debates, a set amount of time for rebuttal.
This is why debates have moderators.
Ok, notwithstanding your descriptors of the alleged attacks, this is precisely what I am referring to. In the face of uncertainty or stress the Chief Executive is supposed to be above that. To behave in a certain manner which presents control and calm.
The one thing that separates a President from most others is his intelligence. Becoming emotional and raising one's voice is a FAIL..
It matters not how pissed off the guy got how stressful the situation, he MUST behave in manner which dignifies the Office.

Whatever... Here's the breakdown from the Sept. 22 debate...

Here are your statistics on the GOP Presidential Debate:

Total Talking Time
Romney 12:09
Perry 11:10
Huntsman 07:41
Santorum 07:06
Cain 06:23
Bachmann 06:13
Gingrich 05:44
Ron Paul 04:33
Johnson 04:10
Total 1:05:09

*Note: This is uninterrupted talking time, except for audience cheer/applause in the middle of a response as this goes against their official response time. Does not include moderators' time for questions/interactions.

% of Total Talk Time
Romney 18.65%
Perry 17.14%
Huntsman 11.79%
Santorum 10.90%
Cain 9.80%
Bachmann 9.54%
Gingrich 8.80%
Ron Paul 6.98%
Johnson 6.40%

The rest of the debates followed the same scripted pattern. Flavor of the week vs. Mitt.
I couldn't care less how a President sounds, I care about how a President THINKS.

Part of the reason Ron Paul came off that way in the debates was the fact that he didn't get to respond to the questions he wanted to respond to, and had to take what few opportunities that came his way to address a multitude of subjects.

And in between those infrequent opportunities he was subjected to some of the most vile and baseless attacks that Santorum and Gingrich could manufacture.

Well that is fine for you. However real world says otherwise.
Please do not tell me Paul didn't get a fair shake. That is an excuse.
In debates, each participant gets an equal amount of time to answer questions and in the case of some debates, a set amount of time for rebuttal.
This is why debates have moderators.
Ok, notwithstanding your descriptors of the alleged attacks, this is precisely what I am referring to. In the face of uncertainty or stress the Chief Executive is supposed to be above that. To behave in a certain manner which presents control and calm.
The one thing that separates a President from most others is his intelligence. Becoming emotional and raising one's voice is a FAIL..
It matters not how pissed off the guy got how stressful the situation, he MUST behave in manner which dignifies the Office.

Whatever... Here's the breakdown from the Sept. 22 debate...

Here are your statistics on the GOP Presidential Debate:

Total Talking Time
Romney 12:09
Perry 11:10
Huntsman 07:41
Santorum 07:06
Cain 06:23
Bachmann 06:13
Gingrich 05:44
Ron Paul 04:33
Johnson 04:10
Total 1:05:09

*Note: This is uninterrupted talking time, except for audience cheer/applause in the middle of a response as this goes against their official response time. Does not include moderators' time for questions/interactions.

% of Total Talk Time
Romney 18.65%
Perry 17.14%
Huntsman 11.79%
Santorum 10.90%
Cain 9.80%
Bachmann 9.54%
Gingrich 8.80%
Ron Paul 6.98%
Johnson 6.40%

The rest of the debates followed the same scripted pattern. Flavor of the week vs. Mitt.
you cry more than a child who dropped thier icecream
Well that is fine for you. However real world says otherwise.
Please do not tell me Paul didn't get a fair shake. That is an excuse.
In debates, each participant gets an equal amount of time to answer questions and in the case of some debates, a set amount of time for rebuttal.
This is why debates have moderators.
Ok, notwithstanding your descriptors of the alleged attacks, this is precisely what I am referring to. In the face of uncertainty or stress the Chief Executive is supposed to be above that. To behave in a certain manner which presents control and calm.
The one thing that separates a President from most others is his intelligence. Becoming emotional and raising one's voice is a FAIL..
It matters not how pissed off the guy got how stressful the situation, he MUST behave in manner which dignifies the Office.

Whatever... Here's the breakdown from the Sept. 22 debate...

Here are your statistics on the GOP Presidential Debate:

Total Talking Time
Romney 12:09
Perry 11:10
Huntsman 07:41
Santorum 07:06
Cain 06:23
Bachmann 06:13
Gingrich 05:44
Ron Paul 04:33
Johnson 04:10
Total 1:05:09

*Note: This is uninterrupted talking time, except for audience cheer/applause in the middle of a response as this goes against their official response time. Does not include moderators' time for questions/interactions.

% of Total Talk Time
Romney 18.65%
Perry 17.14%
Huntsman 11.79%
Santorum 10.90%
Cain 9.80%
Bachmann 9.54%
Gingrich 8.80%
Ron Paul 6.98%
Johnson 6.40%

The rest of the debates followed the same scripted pattern. Flavor of the week vs. Mitt.
you cry more than a child who dropped thier icecream

Tough shit, moron. If you don't like what I post, don't read it.

Just because the facts are inconvenient to your skewed worldview doesn't mean they're not facts, it just means that you're a closed-minded Mittiot.

First and foremost -- The Republican National Convention of 2012 is over.

Second -- sometimes life doesn't work out to be totally fair to all the participants.

You are a Neocon !!!!!!! You hate freedom cause you dont want legal drugs!!!!!!! errrrr I mean support Jew hating!!!! err I mean Support Paul!


I believe in the Constitution; therefore I must be a racist since the Constitution used to count blacks as 3/5ths of a person.

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