RNC steals Paul's delegates

A man's gotta know his limitations, sadly, you reached yours early on.
As retirement nears, I am thinking of going back to school and starting a second career.

LMAO How ignorant you are......What is going to happen when you find out mommy and daddy wont support you all your life? I have more then enough education ..... Does it shock you that a person can move up in a job even when starting at the bottom???Or did you think I should put my grand kids in debt for selfishness of thinking I am to good to work my way up? ....Hey guess what? Your not special....There are millions of lazy fucks like you out there....They are protesting in central park.

LOL, it doesn't shock me at all, I am sure people around you have done so quite often.

You keep mixing me up with you. Sorry I am not a loser kid in my mommas basement.
LMAO How ignorant you are......What is going to happen when you find out mommy and daddy wont support you all your life? I have more then enough education ..... Does it shock you that a person can move up in a job even when starting at the bottom???Or did you think I should put my grand kids in debt for selfishness of thinking I am to good to work my way up? ....Hey guess what? Your not special....There are millions of lazy fucks like you out there....They are protesting in central park.

LOL, it doesn't shock me at all, I am sure people around you have done so quite often.

You keep mixing me up with you. Sorry I am not a loser kid in my mommas basement.
Keep believing in the lottery sonny, more than one has pulled himself out of his self imposed mire, you can too. Gotta go, its been amusing.
It is sad the 300 rabid Paul supporters wont be voting to save America.


You might want to do some fact checking. Oh, and "voting to save america"?????


You mean Mitt Romney and his plan to restore financial order somewhere in the year 2033 supposing everything economically is in a vacuum is savign america??

You guys are worse than Obama supporters. I see you've found your new messiah though.

Saving America has many factors and one of the important ones is firing our president....But dont let that bother you from throwing a tantrum at Paul losing....By the way where was the giant show of Paul support?????Kept looking for it.....

You'll see it in November, Doofus...

You might want to do some fact checking. Oh, and "voting to save america"?????


You mean Mitt Romney and his plan to restore financial order somewhere in the year 2033 supposing everything economically is in a vacuum is savign america??

You guys are worse than Obama supporters. I see you've found your new messiah though.

Saving America has many factors and one of the important ones is firing our president....But dont let that bother you from throwing a tantrum at Paul losing....By the way where was the giant show of Paul support?????Kept looking for it.....

You'll see it in November, Doofus...
Naw I will see it before when all you bots show your support for Obama
Enough of the Ron Paul shit...It's OVER...
Nobody cares.
Threads like this are the result of knee jerk reactionary people getting their feelings hurt.
It's a cold cruel world out there. Sometimes ya have to take a bite from the shit sandwich.
Enough of the Ron Paul shit...It's OVER...
Nobody cares.
Threads like this are the result of knee jerk reactionary people getting their feelings hurt.
It's a cold cruel world out there. Sometimes ya have to take a bite from the shit sandwich.

Fuck that! Sometimes you gotta burn down the restaurant!
Enough of the Ron Paul shit...It's OVER...
Nobody cares.
Threads like this are the result of knee jerk reactionary people getting their feelings hurt.
It's a cold cruel world out there. Sometimes ya have to take a bite from the shit sandwich.

Fuck that! Sometimes you gotta burn down the restaurant!
That is against the law. :evil:

Do you think those few thousand Ron Paul loyalists give a rat's ass about the country?
I took the term 'shit sandwich' figuratively, didn't you?

Is it so hard for you reactionary Neo-Cons to figure out that the 'restaurant' is figurative, as well?

And if you morons think you can shit on us like you have all fucking year and then expect us to come licking your hand like a homeless hound dog you're dumber than you look, think, talk and act.

FUCK YOU AND FUCK ROMNEY!! I'm writing in Ron Paul, as are many others. Many more will vote for Gary Johnson, and Mitt will lose come November!

Just remember dumbfucks, you did it to yourselves!
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I took the term 'shit sandwich' figuratively, didn't you?

Is it so hard for you reactionary Neo-Cons to figure out that the 'restaurant' is figurative, as well?

And if you morons think you can shit on us like you have all fucking year and then expect us to come licking your hand like a homeless hound dog you're dumber than you look, think, talk and act.

FUCK YOU AND FUCK ROMNEY!! I'm writing in Ron Paul, as are many others. Many more will vote for Gary Johnson, and Mitt will lose come November!

Just remember dumbfucks, you did it to yourselves!
Umm..I did nothing of the sort.
Your complaint is duly noted.

Newsflash....Ron Paul did not have a snowball's chance in July of winning the GOP nomination nor would he win the general election. He is emotional and when excited speaks in shrill tone. Not presidential at all.
Ron Paul is better suited as a mover and shaker. He would be better off behind the scenes helping to set policy.
How do you know Romney does not have Paul in mind for a cabinet post?
Are you people so childish that because for no other reason except that you are pissed off, scuttle the election and insure Obama a second term?
So your guy didn't win the nomination..So what? That's life. You look at the larger picture and move on.
Fuck me? No FUCK YOU....Your guy is on the outside looking in.
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I took the term 'shit sandwich' figuratively, didn't you?

Is it so hard for you reactionary Neo-Cons to figure out that the 'restaurant' is figurative, as well?

And if you morons think you can shit on us like you have all fucking year and then expect us to come licking your hand like a homeless hound dog you're dumber than you look, think, talk and act.

FUCK YOU AND FUCK ROMNEY!! I'm writing in Ron Paul, as are many others. Many more will vote for Gary Johnson, and Mitt will lose come November!

Just remember dumbfucks, you did it to yourselves!

Do you need a hankey??????
I took the term 'shit sandwich' figuratively, didn't you?

Is it so hard for you reactionary Neo-Cons to figure out that the 'restaurant' is figurative, as well?

And if you morons think you can shit on us like you have all fucking year and then expect us to come licking your hand like a homeless hound dog you're dumber than you look, think, talk and act.

FUCK YOU AND FUCK ROMNEY!! I'm writing in Ron Paul, as are many others. Many more will vote for Gary Johnson, and Mitt will lose come November!

Just remember dumbfucks, you did it to yourselves!

Do you need a hankey??????

No, but you will in 2 months... :D
I took the term 'shit sandwich' figuratively, didn't you?

Is it so hard for you reactionary Neo-Cons to figure out that the 'restaurant' is figurative, as well?

And if you morons think you can shit on us like you have all fucking year and then expect us to come licking your hand like a homeless hound dog you're dumber than you look, think, talk and act.

FUCK YOU AND FUCK ROMNEY!! I'm writing in Ron Paul, as are many others. Many more will vote for Gary Johnson, and Mitt will lose come November!

Just remember dumbfucks, you did it to yourselves!
Umm..I did nothing of the sort.
Your complaint is duly noted.

Newsflash....Ron Paul did not have a snowball's chance in July of winning the GOP nomination nor would he win the general election. He is emotional and when excited speaks in shrill tone. Not presidential at all.
Ron Paul is better suited as a mover and shaker. He would be better off behind the scenes helping to set policy.
How do you know Romney does not have Paul in mind for a cabinet post?
Are you people so childish that because for no other reason except that you are pissed off, scuttle the election and insure Obama a second term?
So your guy didn't win the nomination..So what? That's life. You look at the larger picture and move on.
Fuck me? No FUCK YOU....Your guy is on the outside looking in.

I got a newsflash for you, dumbass. The fact that the RNC had to disenfranchise Ron Paul supporters at several state conventions, disenfranchise Ron Paul delegates at the national convention and after that change the fucking rules in the middle of the game tells me that your premise is as full of holes as a block of Swiss cheese. The part that really pisses me off, as well as many other RP supporters, is that these changes, forced through on a fraudulent voice vote over the objections of hundreds of delegates, denied Ron Paul the opportunity to SPEAK at the convention.

It was a fraud, a farce and a fucking that we will not soon forget, and it's going to cost Mitt Romney and the rest of you RINO pukes the Presidency.

Asinine Mittiots, the whole damned lot of you!
I took the term 'shit sandwich' figuratively, didn't you?

Is it so hard for you reactionary Neo-Cons to figure out that the 'restaurant' is figurative, as well?

And if you morons think you can shit on us like you have all fucking year and then expect us to come licking your hand like a homeless hound dog you're dumber than you look, think, talk and act.

FUCK YOU AND FUCK ROMNEY!! I'm writing in Ron Paul, as are many others. Many more will vote for Gary Johnson, and Mitt will lose come November!

Just remember dumbfucks, you did it to yourselves!

Do you need a hankey??????

No, but you will in 2 months... :D
I had you pegged as an Obamabot when you first got here. Thanks for finally proving it, you big fat lousy lying jerk who's lying through his teeth about voting for anyone but Obama.

I was totally, 100% on key target. I just knew it!!!!!! :woohoo:

Liar shows true colors. And I also know you don't really care so much as a whit for Ron Paul, big fat pussy liar.

Bwahahahahaha!!!!!! You can't fool alla the people alla the time. Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!
Do you need a hankey??????

No, but you will in 2 months... :D
I had you pegged as an Obamabot when you first got here. Thanks for finally proving it, you big fat lousy lying jerk who's lying through his teeth about voting for anyone but Obama.

I was totally, 100% on key target. I just knew it!!!!!! :woohoo:

Liar shows true colors. And I also know you don't really care so much as a whit for Ron Paul, big fat pussy liar.

Bwahahahahaha!!!!!! You can't fool alla the people alla the time. Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!

This post only proves your ignorance, Becki. I voted for McCain last time even though he's a RINO pig because I didn't want Obama to win. If you RNC bastards had any integrity whatsoever I would have held my nose and voted for Romney this time, but you idiots just couldn't help yourselves. You spent the last year calling me and the rest of the Ron Paul supporters every name in the book, and when that didn't dissuade enough of us you turned around and blatantly FUCKED us in the primaries, the state conventions and the national.

Now, because we're smart enough not to stay in an obviously abusive relationship, you want to try and claim that we support the biggest Socialist piece of shit to come down the pike since Woodrow Wilson? You're fucking delusional, girl!
And they still insult. Then watch them fucking blame us in November. :lmao:

You guys just truly do not fucking get it at all. It's sad.

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