RNC steals Paul's delegates

ron paul and santorum may have both beaten Romney in the primary/caucus here in Maine....that's the State I know more about....not certain on other states.

I'm not arguing that it would have made a difference when all was said and done, but I do know that cheating and fraud took place by the RNC in my State....and this, along with the ohio initial results announced by the RNC chairman (who was later forced to resign)of romney winning right prior to Maine's caucus, only later to be found that Santorum won in ohio.....and not Romney....probably influenced the remaining states that voted, and gave romney a ''push'' that he hadn't earned....
Interesting, Care; that's what I hear from Paulites in one-on-one conversation, that that was Romney's modus operandus. I think, when candidates go into an election looking for fraud or cheating they will find it whether it exists or not, to bolster and justify their continuing on.

The apparatus set up by the Paulites to monitor all caucuses on the ground and call in results to a central clearing house yielded nothing. Romney had everything to lose by cheating; Paulites had much to gain. It's all balderdash, as is this issue right now to steal Paul delegates. My research in reputable sources (WashPo, WTs) doesn't show the contemplated changes to be retroactive to the process, but to the process going forward.
I don't know if romney ordered the RNC to cheat as they did in my State....it could have been the RNC that chose to do this all on their own....but what I do know is that they DID CHEAT in my state and they arranged the cheating by telling ALL CAUCUS leaders to NOT TAKE A PUBLIC COUNT of the votes and just send them in to head quarters.....but a few of the caucus heads DID DO A PUBLIC COUNT, contrary to what they were told, and when they saw the tally of their votes on the RNC's site by precinct, the numbers changed, in all cases, taking ron Paul and Santorum votes and giving them to Romney. THAT'S A FACT....American Horse...and it's wrong wrong wrong for the Party, to take away the citizen's right of their vote counting....if these few precincts had not disregarded the RNC request of not doing public counts, we would never have known about the cheating that took place.

Care, a lie can run around the world before the truth gets its boot on, and that's constistently the case.
Interesting, Care; that's what I hear from Paulites in one-on-one conversation, that that was Romney's modus operandus. I think, when candidates go into an election looking for fraud or cheating they will find it whether it exists or not, to bolster and justify their continuing on.

The apparatus set up by the Paulites to monitor all caucuses on the ground and call in results to a central clearing house yielded nothing. Romney had everything to lose by cheating; Paulites had much to gain. It's all balderdash, as is this issue right now to steal Paul delegates. My research in reputable sources (WashPo, WTs) doesn't show the contemplated changes to be retroactive to the process, but to the process going forward.
I don't know if romney ordered the RNC to cheat as they did in my State....it could have been the RNC that chose to do this all on their own....but what I do know is that they DID CHEAT in my state and they arranged the cheating by telling ALL CAUCUS leaders to NOT TAKE A PUBLIC COUNT of the votes and just send them in to head quarters.....but a few of the caucus heads DID DO A PUBLIC COUNT, contrary to what they were told, and when they saw the tally of their votes on the RNC's site by precinct, the numbers changed, in all cases, taking ron Paul and Santorum votes and giving them to Romney. THAT'S A FACT....American Horse...and it's wrong wrong wrong for the Party, to take away the citizen's right of their vote counting....if these few precincts had not disregarded the RNC request of not doing public counts, we would never have known about the cheating that took place.

Care, a lie can run around the world before the truth gets its boot on, and that's constistently the case.

What is 'consistently the case' is that in state after state vote counts were falsified, rules were broken, delegates were disallowed and blatant fraud was perpetrated against Ron Paul and his supporters.

Trying to deny it with the evidence in plain sight makes you a hack of the highest order.
I didn't bother to read 24 pages, after the first 3 it was obvious where the thread was going.

You fucking Republitard motherfuckers condone downright cheating as long as it's cheating that benefits YOUR candidate, you are the worst fucking pieces of shit on the planet! What the fuck are you so afraid of, anyway? You've got to break every rule in the book to squash a large AND GROWING segment of the party that wants to finally see some REAL change in 'Business as usual'?

Do you even realize how morally bankrupt that makes you?

Puke ass motherfuckers, I hope your own children turn against you and your ignorant fascist ways. I hope they put you into Obamacare rest homes where you'll be cheaply medicated until the day that the world is no longer burdened with your presence.

You bastards support the stifling of legitimate voices? You will reap what the fuck you sow, and may God have mercy on your worthless souls.
To the contrary, Mr. Pinestra. We have in Gov. Romney a man who saved his state from bankruptcy at a crucial moment, and he has created a page on spending to assure people like you he is serious about cutting spending. Won't you please read the page? Governor Romney's plan to stop overspending and reduce Federal spending

We're doing what we can with what we have. We think that can be done with voting in conservatives in each state that wants to lead the way in balancing America's budget, in cutting spending, and in balancing the budget. Our national debt is knocking on the door of sixteen trillion dollars. That's not right. Since Obama took office, that has catapulted up by 5 trillion in four years. That is not a good thing, considering we already had a huge debt and needed him to develop a methodology for us to fiscally downsize the debt.

Obama is not competent enough to understand that overspending is what is causing the two downgrades on America, and his friends are now buying gold in hopes to protect their money from what yet more planned debt would cause if we left him in office.

Obama cannot blame his new debts on anybody else right now. He is squandering middle class people's money.

Make him stop it. Vote Republican.

So tell me Miss Becki, what is your opinion of the OP and the fact that Romney's lawyers and the Establishment Republicans are engaged in some SERIOUS cheating to stifle Ron Paul and his supporters.
It is out of character for the Republican party to break its own rules, and that is my opinion. This is not the time or place for wise people to break rules. Why would our good people with zeroed-in counsel ever start breaking our own rules now? I just don't see it, and it wouldn't make sense for us to break our own primary rules. Representative Paul is a beloved American and conservative Republican we value and respect. I think he is well aware of how much we appreciate his fiscal responsibility and his encouragement of other republicans to tow the mark and vote responsibly when it comes to doing what is right and correct. All of us have nothing but love and high regard for such a good Representative from the great state of Texas. He makes us better people with his wisdom. :)
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Romney lawyers took away Ron Paul's win in Maine making Paul ineligible - Wilmington Elections 2012 | Examiner.com

I will never vote Republican again. This pathetic thievery is just sickening.

Just for this I am seriously considering voting for Obama. You want to fuck with us. You done pissed off a hornets nest.

Where the fuck is Occuped?

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The Paulites took advantage of loopholes to mob little-attended delegate-selection events, and thus grabbed delegates far out of proportion to the votes Paul got. The GOP is closing the loopholes. The Democrats already have the same kind of anti-mobbing rules in place.

So, much ado about nothing. And the GOP is adopting some goldbug nuttery into their platform to appease the Paulites, to lure them back into the fold.
I don't know if romney ordered the RNC to cheat as they did in my State....it could have been the RNC that chose to do this all on their own....but what I do know is that they DID CHEAT in my state and they arranged the cheating by telling ALL CAUCUS leaders to NOT TAKE A PUBLIC COUNT of the votes and just send them in to head quarters.....but a few of the caucus heads DID DO A PUBLIC COUNT, contrary to what they were told, and when they saw the tally of their votes on the RNC's site by precinct, the numbers changed, in all cases, taking ron Paul and Santorum votes and giving them to Romney. THAT'S A FACT....American Horse...and it's wrong wrong wrong for the Party, to take away the citizen's right of their vote counting....if these few precincts had not disregarded the RNC request of not doing public counts, we would never have known about the cheating that took place.

Care, a lie can run around the world before the truth gets its boot on, and that's constistently the case.

What is 'consistently the case' is that in state after state vote counts were falsified, rules were broken, delegates were disallowed and blatant fraud was perpetrated against Ron Paul and his supporters.

Trying to deny it with the evidence in plain sight makes you a hack of the highest order.

Sorry for you, but in regards to the thread and your post ^^ I'll just consider the source as the old saw goes.
Care, a lie can run around the world before the truth gets its boot on, and that's constistently the case.

What is 'consistently the case' is that in state after state vote counts were falsified, rules were broken, delegates were disallowed and blatant fraud was perpetrated against Ron Paul and his supporters.

Trying to deny it with the evidence in plain sight makes you a hack of the highest order.

Sorry for you, but in regards to the thread and your post ^^ I'll just consider the source as the old saw goes.

Deny, deflect, disavow.... The SOP for liars, cheats and their sycophants.
If the GOP "gives back" to Ron Paul the delegates belonging to Ron Paul then:

(a) Ron Paul will win the GOP Presidential nomination.
(b) Ron Paul will still lose the GOP Presidential nomination.
(c) aardvarks.

No poll to follow.
If the GOP "gives back" to Ron Paul the delegates belonging to Ron Paul then:

(a) Ron Paul will win the GOP Presidential nomination.
(b) Ron Paul will still lose the GOP Presidential nomination.
(c) aardvarks.

No poll to follow.

Man this bong is heavy

What was the question again?
If the GOP "gives back" to Ron Paul the delegates belonging to Ron Paul then:

(a) Ron Paul will win the GOP Presidential nomination.
(b) Ron Paul will still lose the GOP Presidential nomination.
(c) aardvarks.

No poll to follow.

Man this bong is heavy

What was the question again?

I expect Ron Paul to yell like Howard Dean.

Romney lawyers took away Ron Paul's win in Maine making Paul ineligible - Wilmington Elections 2012 | Examiner.com

I will never vote Republican again. This pathetic thievery is just sickening.

Just for this I am seriously considering voting for Obama. You want to fuck with us. You done pissed off a hornets nest.

Where the fuck is Occuped?

Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Occuped C.S.A
Posts: 846
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Dissent is a sock? I thought that wasn't allowed.
Most of you are completely missing the point. It wasn't Ron Paul that was cheated. It was US. It was the people that gave up their time and went out to get elected as delegates. It was the people who spent the money to go to state conventions and make speeches and get themselves elected to national delegations then spend thousands on plane tickets and hotels, taking time off from work to get involved in this process only to be denied their rightful place at the convention. That's pretty shitty, not to mention all the people who worked with these delegates and voted for them and expect to be represented by them. I guess you may all be ok with that but you can't be surprised when all those people affected are not.
FYI, Ben Ginsberg is the God Damned Jew lawyer who is calling the shots in the Romney's campaign efforts to offend Ron Paul supporters.
Interesting, Care; that's what I hear from Paulites in one-on-one conversation, that that was Romney's modus operandus. I think, when candidates go into an election looking for fraud or cheating they will find it whether it exists or not, to bolster and justify their continuing on.

The apparatus set up by the Paulites to monitor all caucuses on the ground and call in results to a central clearing house yielded nothing. Romney had everything to lose by cheating; Paulites had much to gain. It's all balderdash, as is this issue right now to steal Paul delegates. My research in reputable sources (WashPo, WTs) doesn't show the contemplated changes to be retroactive to the process, but to the process going forward.
I don't know if romney ordered the RNC to cheat as they did in my State....it could have been the RNC that chose to do this all on their own....but what I do know is that they DID CHEAT in my state and they arranged the cheating by telling ALL CAUCUS leaders to NOT TAKE A PUBLIC COUNT of the votes and just send them in to head quarters.....but a few of the caucus heads DID DO A PUBLIC COUNT, contrary to what they were told, and when they saw the tally of their votes on the RNC's site by precinct, the numbers changed, in all cases, taking ron Paul and Santorum votes and giving them to Romney. THAT'S A FACT....American Horse...and it's wrong wrong wrong for the Party, to take away the citizen's right of their vote counting....if these few precincts had not disregarded the RNC request of not doing public counts, would never have known about the cheating that took place.

Care, a lie can run around the world before the truth gets its boot on, and that's constistently the case.


http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/239222-the-gop-cheaters-ron-paul-won-the-state-of-maine.htmlit should have said RNC instead of GOP
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Most of you are completely missing the point. It wasn't Ron Paul that was cheated. It was US. It was the people that gave up their time and went out to get elected as delegates. It was the people who spent the money to go to state conventions and make speeches and get themselves elected to national delegations then spend thousands on plane tickets and hotels, taking time off from work to get involved in this process only to be denied their rightful place at the convention. That's pretty shitty, not to mention all the people who worked with these delegates and voted for them and expect to be represented by them. I guess you may all be ok with that but you can't be surprised when all those people affected are not.

I thought this was worth repeating. Hopefully someone out there in Romneyland is listening.
Most of you are completely missing the point. It wasn't Ron Paul that was cheated. It was US. It was the people that gave up their time and went out to get elected as delegates. It was the people who spent the money to go to state conventions and make speeches and get themselves elected to national delegations then spend thousands on plane tickets and hotels, taking time off from work to get involved in this process only to be denied their rightful place at the convention. That's pretty shitty, not to mention all the people who worked with these delegates and voted for them and expect to be represented by them. I guess you may all be ok with that but you can't be surprised when all those people affected are not.

I thought this was worth repeating. Hopefully someone out there in Romneyland is listening.

I've come to see Romney's entire campaign as simply an "insurance" move by the establishment. I don't think most of the people who finance our politics really care whether they have a Democrat or a Republican in the White House, as along as the basic power structures aren't threatened.
Most of you are completely missing the point. It wasn't Ron Paul that was cheated. It was US. It was the people that gave up their time and went out to get elected as delegates. It was the people who spent the money to go to state conventions and make speeches and get themselves elected to national delegations then spend thousands on plane tickets and hotels, taking time off from work to get involved in this process only to be denied their rightful place at the convention. That's pretty shitty, not to mention all the people who worked with these delegates and voted for them and expect to be represented by them. I guess you may all be ok with that but you can't be surprised when all those people affected are not.

I thought this was worth repeating. Hopefully someone out there in Romneyland is listening.

I've come to see Romney's entire campaign as simply an "insurance" move by the establishment. I don't think most of the people who finance our politics really care whether they have a Democrat or a Republican in the White House, as along as the basic power structures aren't threatened.

Heads or tails, it's still the same coin!
I don't know if romney ordered the RNC to cheat as they did in my State....it could have been the RNC that chose to do this all on their own....but what I do know is that they DID CHEAT in my state and they arranged the cheating by telling ALL CAUCUS leaders to NOT TAKE A PUBLIC COUNT of the votes and just send them in to head quarters.....but a few of the caucus heads DID DO A PUBLIC COUNT, contrary to what they were told, and when they saw the tally of their votes on the RNC's site by precinct, the numbers changed, in all cases, taking ron Paul and Santorum votes and giving them to Romney. THAT'S A FACT....American Horse...and it's wrong wrong wrong for the Party, to take away the citizen's right of their vote counting....if these few precincts had not disregarded the RNC request of not doing public counts, would never have known about the cheating that took place.

Care, a lie can run around the world before the truth gets its boot on, and that's constistently the case.


http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/239222-the-gop-cheaters-ron-paul-won-the-state-of-maine.htmlit should have said RNC instead of GOP
Care, I did a search with the key words "republican voter fraud indictment maine" and no such indictments exist or are recorded in the press. One indictment came up, and that was in Illinois' done for Thaddeus McCotter to get him in the primary with fraudulent signatures, much like in Indiana where fraud was perpetrated to get Obama's name on the primary ballot in 2008, forging even former Democrat Indiana governor Joe Kernan. as a Obama signatory.

Those people were indicted and will serve sentences.
Former Indiana Democratic Governor: Not My Signature on Obama Petition

All this so called fraud is suspicious to me; it seems as likely that firebrands for Paul could as easily skew numbers as would less obsessive, more practical, and less ideal participants in the process.

(and I did look at your links)
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It would have hurt the party not one whit to have seated the delegates that went to the also ran candidates and let their names be placed in nomination. The windsock would have been nominated overwhelmingly anyway. A tip of the hat to people who cared enough to get involved. Instead, they chose to be heavy handed jackasses and gave further credence to the "what difference does it make" people who have become indifferent to the outcomes. Stalin had no less control over the Communist party. Win or lose, and I hope the Paul voters withdraw all future support from the GOP as it chooses the road to irrelevance, nothing will change with the outcome of this election.

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