RNC steals Paul's delegates

Ron Paul didn't actually win any delegates in Primaries....he stole them in caucuses

Yes, he "stole" them by engaging in the political process as setup by the various Republican Parties in the states, following the rules that they established, and having supporters willing to do more than simply show up and cast a ballot.

What a jerk.
Does it matter whether he could win or not Politico?

It matters because people keep spoutng fantasy nonsense about him getting the most votes. He didn't period. So to keep saying it means they're either a troll or mentally ill.
Does it matter whether he could win or not Politico?

It matters because people keep spoutng fantasy nonsense about him getting the most votes. He didn't period. So to keep saying it means they're either a troll or mentally ill.
ron paul and santorum may have both beaten Romney in the primary/caucus here in Maine....that's the State I know more about....not certain on other states.

I'm not arguing that it would have made a difference when all was said and done, but I do know that cheating and fraud took place by the RNC in my State....and this, along with the ohio initial results announced by the RNC chairman (who was later forced to resign)of romney winning right prior to Maine's caucus, only later to be found that Santorum won in ohio.....and not Romney....probably influenced the remaining states that voted, and gave romney a ''push'' that he hadn't earned....
Well... How many is it going to take for you to admit that the republicans are manipulating politics to support a given individual, rather than to what society has chosen to represent them within the republican party?

How many threads is it going to take before you admit that he didn't get enough votes from 'society' to win?
Does it matter whether he could win or not Politico? Voter fraud and cheating is just that, fraud and cheating, and should not be swept aside just because the person who was cheated against couldn't win anyway, no??? Or are you saying voter fraud and cheating is just A-OK if the person was going to lose anyway?

And why did the RNC need to cheat and commit voter fraud to help Romney win, IF Romney was going to 'win' irregardless of Ron Paul and Santorum in Maine?
Smart woman.
Does it matter whether he could win or not Politico?

It matters because people keep spoutng fantasy nonsense about him getting the most votes. He didn't period. So to keep saying it means they're either a troll or mentally ill.
Well... I don't think transparency is uncalled for here. There is absolutely no way to prove or disprove that without actually counting votes yourself. And... A few districts did do just that and have SHOWN that the republican party out right lied and changed numbers.

David Bismark: E-voting without fraud | Video on TED.com
We value this wonderful Republican man in Texas. :)

Yeah, that's why your political machine has spent the last 6 years lying about him, denigrating him and defrauding him of his legitimate support.

You fucking party hacks, REGARDLESS of monogram, make me sick to my fucking stomach!

Lies like how he used underhanded means to get pork??? Or how he voted yes to sends troops to war yet consistently voted no for them to get paid or bullets or armor???? Or how he consistently blames America for terrorism???? Or how he ignorantly thinks Iran should get the bomb???? Or how he said we should cut the military to pay for healthcare in 2008?

You are correct! These ARE all lies!
Well... How many is it going to take for you to admit that the republicans are manipulating politics to support a given individual, rather than to what society has chosen to represent them within the republican party?

How many threads is it going to take before you admit that he didn't get enough votes from 'society' to win?

How can you be sure? If they will cheat him of delegates then why not votes? See Maine and Iowa for starters. There were other irregularities as well.
Guys, don't you think it's a little dishonest when you are a libertarian and you're running as a Republican?

No more dishonest than being a libertarian and running as a Democrat. A political party has no inherent ideology in and of itself. Why does one have to be a conservative to be a Republican?
Ron Paul didn't actually win any delegates in Primaries....he stole them in caucuses

Yes, he "stole" them by engaging in the political process as setup by the various Republican Parties in the states, following the rules that they established, and having supporters willing to do more than simply show up and cast a ballot.

What a jerk.

Agree...Ron Paul is a jerk

And a sneaky delegate stealing weasel who makes a mockery of the political process.

The man is an embarrassment
We value this wonderful Republican man in Texas. :)

Yeah, that's why your political machine has spent the last 6 years lying about him, denigrating him and defrauding him of his legitimate support.

You <Freudian Second Stage Reference omitted> party hacks, REGARDLESS of monogram, make me sick to my <Second Stage Freudian Reference Omitted> stomach!
Yeah, that's why your political machine has spent the last 6 years lying about him, denigrating him and defrauding him of his legitimate support.

He had some Republican support. 10-14%, I think as I recall, sometimes more, and sometimes less. He made a few statements that worried his own supporters, and they started supporting someone else. I don't know. The person I was for dropped out, and I am a very independent Republican, a little right of center except for fiscally. There, I'm pretty far right. I have beliefs that some things are wrong, but I basically think freedom means letting people make up their own minds. That means I acknowledge not having a lot of control over other people. I've been a registered Republican after I married a Republican man, so as to not cancel out his vote, which was around 1971. I'm still independent, but I do like the conservatism of several Republican friends who are way right.

I sense a huge hostility on your part toward everyone who isn't a close follower of Representative Paul. Sorry, he's not in my voting district, so he really isn't on my radar, although I adore some of his supporters. ;)
Ron Paul didn't actually win any delegates in Primaries....he stole them in caucuses

Yes, he "stole" them by engaging in the political process as setup by the various Republican Parties in the states, following the rules that they established, and having supporters willing to do more than simply show up and cast a ballot.

What a jerk.

Agree...Ron Paul is a jerk

And a sneaky delegate stealing weasel who makes a mockery of the political process.

The man is an embarrassment

I thought he was a great American Patriot. He exercises his First Amendment rights, he understands the Constitution, he's well thought of by many people on the right, even those of us who aren't very libertarian but who may like their conservatism that would free us from a national debt. And I hear he's a really, really good man.
How can Ron Paul complain about the RNCstealing delegates that he stole in the first place?
Ron Paul didn't actually win any delegates in Primaries....he stole them in caucuses

Yes, he "stole" them by engaging in the political process as setup by the various Republican Parties in the states, following the rules that they established, and having supporters willing to do more than simply show up and cast a ballot.

What a jerk.

Agree...Ron Paul is a jerk

And a sneaky delegate stealing weasel who makes a mockery of the political process.

The man is an embarrassment

Yeah, that's why your political machine has spent the last 6 years lying about him, denigrating him and defrauding him of his legitimate support.

You fucking party hacks, REGARDLESS of monogram, make me sick to my fucking stomach!

Lies like how he used underhanded means to get pork??? Or how he voted yes to sends troops to war yet consistently voted no for them to get paid or bullets or armor???? Or how he consistently blames America for terrorism???? Or how he ignorantly thinks Iran should get the bomb???? Or how he said we should cut the military to pay for healthcare in 2008?

You are correct! These ARE all lies!

I am sure you wish it was.

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