RNC steals Paul's delegates

i know for a FACT they cheated in Maine and stole the voters votes for ron paul and santorum and gave them to Romney....

So what? Ron Paul had a ZERO chance of beating Obama. Of course you being a flaming lib, would like nothing better than to see a weak candidate such as Ron Paul( see Senator Mc Cain) as an opponent.

Yeah, because the plastic man is such a strong candidate. :rolleyes:
Ron Paul was screwed. He didn't have the chance to lose. The rnc is making sure of that.But what comes around goes around, they screwed us now we screw them come November. Difference is ours has a lasting affect of 4 more years of Obama. :) we will just get another Liberty candidate in 2016.

He lost the primary. He had every chance in the world to convince people to vote for him. You want to know what his biggest obstacle was?


While I have talked to plenty of great Ron Paul supporters it was his arrogant, condescending, supporters like yourself who cant tolerate anyone disagreeing with them without treating them like a piece of crap who turned people off from Ron Paul.

Because of your inability to be a decent human being you turns off tons of people who might otherwise have listened to what you had to say. Because no one cares about what you know and believe in until they know how much you care.

Well Ron Paul himself turned me off of him but his supporters sure as hell didn't help.
I see it like this. If the RNC and Romney campaign are this scared of the RP delegates and RP himself that they have to cheat,lie and steal to win...its obvious to me that they are grasping for straws,they are losing power and they know it. We have control over state parties and committee's and chairmanships the old guard is losing its power and its trying to take down whoever it can with it...

Who really cares what the republicans are doing? They certainly are NOT the party of Ron Paul or Gary Johnson, and others like them. They are pretty much the party of rush limbaugh and sean hannity. It's pretty obvious, you can see how they mocked him during the debates.

Keep the Libertarian party mindset and grow the party. That's what I want to do. I think that there's an untapped market that the Libertarians could market to all the while keeping their same platform.
So if Paul isn't a republican why was he so dishonest to run as one?
I don't care who he endorses. I also don't think anyone but his supporters who already have watched him get run over by the RNC (the supporters as well) will listen to Ron Paul talk about it.

Case in point - the entire crew of GOP supporters in here who keep trying to make a mockery out of the cheating by the RNC because

"Ron Paul wasn't going to win anyway." :rolleyes:

What the fuck does he need delegates for?????? Or do you think having a winner is a bad thing????? Paul lost ...He needs to get over it.
I didn't bother to read 24 pages, after the first 3 it was obvious where the thread was going.

You fucking Republitard motherfuckers condone downright cheating as long as it's cheating that benefits YOUR candidate, you are the worst fucking pieces of shit on the planet! What the fuck are you so afraid of, anyway? You've got to break every rule in the book to squash a large AND GROWING segment of the party that wants to finally see some REAL change in 'Business as usual'?

Do you even realize how morally bankrupt that makes you?

Puke ass motherfuckers, I hope your own children turn against you and your ignorant fascist ways. I hope they put you into Obamacare rest homes where you'll be cheaply medicated until the day that the world is no longer burdened with your presence.

You bastards support the stifling of legitimate voices? You will reap what the fuck you sow, and may God have mercy on your worthless souls.
i know for a FACT they cheated in Maine and stole the voters votes for ron paul and santorum and gave them to Romney....

So what? Ron Paul had a ZERO chance of beating Obama. Of course you being a flaming lib, would like nothing better than to see a weak candidate such as Ron Paul( see Senator Mc Cain) as an opponent.

Yeah, because the plastic man is such a strong candidate. :rolleyes:

He is far stronger than a crazy old man who blames his own country for Terrorism.....Obama would ride him like a rented mule.
So what? Ron Paul had a ZERO chance of beating Obama. Of course you being a flaming lib, would like nothing better than to see a weak candidate such as Ron Paul( see Senator Mc Cain) as an opponent.

Yeah, because the plastic man is such a strong candidate. :rolleyes:

He is far stronger than a crazy old man who blames his own country for Terrorism.....Obama would ride him like a rented mule.

Color me shocked, Ron Paul's position is too complex for you to grasp.
He is far stronger than a crazy old man who blames his own country for Terrorism.....Obama would ride him like a rented mule.

Color me shocked, Ron Paul's position is too complex for you to grasp.
Don't be, life behind a convenience store counter is but one of his limitations.

Jealousy over me being employed ???? Pretty soon you will be out of school and have to get your own job. Only a scumbag tries to insult a man feeding his family with hard work....Go back to your Progressive camp, conservatives dont really need haters like you.
Color me shocked, Ron Paul's position is too complex for you to grasp.
Don't be, life behind a convenience store counter is but one of his limitations.

Jealousy over me being employed ???? Pretty soon you will be out of school and have to get your own job. Only a scumbag tries to insult a man feeding his family with hard work....Go back to your Progressive camp, conservatives dont really need haters like you.

Keep trying sonny, you'll figure it out some day.

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