RNC steals Paul's delegates

Republicans have only won the popular presidential vote in one election in the last 20 years.....2004.

That is why they want to suppress the vote soooo bad.
There are some things about RP that I really like, But I can say the same for Romney.
There are some things about RP I don't like, and the same with Romney.
End of the day, we really need to get rid of Obama, and RP never had a chance.
As long as we have politics with only two viable parties, a third party won't work unless there is a fourth party. The third party will only splinter one of the two original parties which leaves the door open for the other party.
Well... Who's fault is that?

Yours? Mine? The Republican party for it's refusal to introduce some things that we both agree on?

Edit: I mean wouldn't it just make sense to change the party platform to something that will gain the greatest amout of support? Unless... Oh... Unless... It believes that people will vote the lesser of two evils forever... Well... That's not me. Not anymore. I think people like me are growing in numbers. It's going to take a loss for them to understand that. I don't mind if they lose.

Yes, you're right, Obama would make a much better president Than Mitt with his social ideology, after all it's just not that much different than Paul's.....right? :eusa_whistle:
Uhhh... Socially yes... Obama is closer to Paul's social ideology than Mitt is. But just like Willard they are still miles apart.

Edit: Don't confuse Paul's beliefs with his social ideology. Paul is against abortion. But he says it's not his place to tell anyone what to do on that matter. He's right.
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Well... How many is it going to take for you to admit that the republicans are manipulating politics to support a given individual, rather than to what society has chosen to represent them within the republican party?

do you think the majority of society chose Ron Paul?
No I don't. but I think it was more than enough to lose the election for Willard.

Well what you think and the reality of the situation are two different things. Reality wins.
Republicans have only won the popular presidential vote in one election in the last 20 years.....2004.

That is why they want to suppress the vote soooo bad.

Once again you have posted a comment that does not dignify a response.
It does not rise to the level of ridiculous.
do you think the majority of society chose Ron Paul?
No I don't. but I think it was more than enough to lose the election for Willard.

Well what you think and the reality of the situation are two different things. Reality wins.
*shrugs* Believe or don't... You're a big boy, figure it out. One of us is right, and the other is wrong. I've been wrong before... Maybe I am this time too.
Romney lawyers took away Ron Paul's win in Maine making Paul ineligible - Wilmington Elections 2012 | Examiner.com

I will never vote Republican again. This pathetic thievery is just sickening.

Just for this I am seriously considering voting for Obama. You want to fuck with us. You done pissed off a hornets nest.
the republicans stole VOTES for ron paul and gave them to romney, they cheated, voter fraud at it's best, then they held the ron paul voters out of the convention and picked delegates, without a quorum...they cheated again....
It's interesting that the alleged libertarian faction of the Republican party that supported Paul for president doesn't seem to want to support the republican party's nominee. Either the "stolen delegates" whiners are so far in the political extreme sore loser stratosphere and never cared about the republican party or they are really part of the democrat party dirty tricks agenda. My guess is the latter.
Well what you think and the reality of the situation are two different things. Reality wins.
*shrugs* Believe or don't... You're a big boy, figure it out. One of us is right, and the other is wrong. I've been wrong before... Maybe I am this time too.

Then what the hell are arguing about?...
You define this as an argument? We would actually have to address each others points for that to happen.
Romney lawyers took away Ron Paul's win in Maine making Paul ineligible - Wilmington Elections 2012 | Examiner.com

I will never vote Republican again. This pathetic thievery is just sickening.

Just for this I am seriously considering voting for Obama. You want to fuck with us. You done pissed off a hornets nest.
the republicans stole VOTES for ron paul and gave them to romney, they cheated, voter fraud at it's best, then they held the ron paul voters out of the convention and picked delegates, without a quorum...they cheated again....
ANd this is is just one example of the lib mantra come the first Tuesday in November.
Just when the talking heads on the alphabet news channels will squeal with utter panic that it looks like Romney has a chance at winning, you libbies will start crying "no fair" and then hire tons of attorneys to file suits based on your belief that your side somehow got cheated....Cry me a fucking river. Boo fucking hoo hoo...
It's interesting that the alleged libertarian faction of the Republican party that supported Paul for president doesn't seem to want to support the republican party's nominee.
Eh... Kind of correct. Independents who normally would have voted for a republican were gunning for Paul to win the nomination. Not because Paul was a republican, but because he was Ron Paul.

Either the "stolen delegates" whiners are so far in the political extreme sore loser stratosphere and never cared about the republican party or they are really part of the democrat party dirty tricks agenda. My guess is the latter.
Uhh... It's more like the majority, not all, gives two shits about the republican party. Just wanted a candidate with a shot that was worth something supported by republicans. That didn't happen. *shrugs*
Romney lawyers took away Ron Paul's win in Maine making Paul ineligible - Wilmington Elections 2012 | Examiner.com

I will never vote Republican again. This pathetic thievery is just sickening.

Just for this I am seriously considering voting for Obama. You want to fuck with us. You done pissed off a hornets nest.
the republicans stole VOTES for ron paul and gave them to romney, they cheated, voter fraud at it's best, then they held the ron paul voters out of the convention and picked delegates, without a quorum...they cheated again....
ANd this is is just one example of the lib mantra come the first Tuesday in November.
Just when the talking heads on the alphabet news channels will squeal with utter panic that it looks like Romney has a chance at winning, you libbies will start crying "no fair" and then hire tons of attorneys to file suits based on your belief that your side somehow got cheated....Cry me a fucking river. Boo fucking hoo hoo...
I'll never understand the stance of "oh you crying" or "whining/boohoo"... I mean seriously... It's the internet. You are a poo-poo head. I mean that is essentially the same thing with the same effect. I mean what's the point?

Address it or don't... But if you don't really address it I would suggest that people just call you a Poo-poo head. LOL Why not? Stupid should beget stupid.
And spending 20%, which is a best case scenario that will never happen, of GDP is still spending.
What would your preference be to get spoiled rotten America off the spending tit? At least Romney will be breaking it to us gently.

And it is a start, n'est ce pas?
I'd rather have the flue for a week than a cold for a decade.

Edit: And I would LOVE some attention to a sound dollar as well.
Flu has too many risks, and so would a severe economic upheaval as you are describing with exceedingly bad consequences for the developing world. Leave them alone. The starving people in Africa and India have enough on their plates without losing yet more.

We're not going to have a cold for a decade, we're going to pay off the national debt by using a budget and a can-do formula soon-to-be President-elect Romney will provide. Additionally, we're going for a balanced budget enforcement and good times for people who want jobs, including all the people who've graduated from college for the past couple of years who cannot find employment in their fields due to corporate cut-backs. Businesses do not like the texture of government scraping them for more than they make in a bad year.

America has a sunny economic future with soon-to-be President-elect Romney's plan to cut spending.

For the first time in 4 years, Romney will deliver a budget he expects his congress to deliver back an acceptance and each do his or her share of belt tightening to pay down the war debt, spend nothing we don't have to, yet care for vets, medically challenged and retired folks and get the sluggish Obama scare out of America's system. :)

Our college grads will now have jobs! :woohoo:

Ain't America grand! :clap2:

Ron Paul will be glad he gave up his votes, enjoy his retirement, and put his efforts back into his home community, or who knows? He may just get tapped for contributing his input to many conservative matters in the years ahead. We value this wonderful Republican man in Texas. :)
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What would your preference be to get spoiled rotten America off the spending tit? At least Romney will be breaking it to us gently.

And it is a start, n'est ce pas?
I'd rather have the flue for a week than a cold for a decade.

Edit: And I would LOVE some attention to a sound dollar as well.
Flu has too many risks, and so would a severe economic upheaval as you are describing with exceedingly bad consequences for the developing world. Leave them alone. The starving people in Africa and India have enough on their plates without losing yet more.

We're not going to have a cold for a decade, we're going to pay off the national debt by using a budget and a can-do formula soon-to-be President-elect Romney will provide. Additionally, we're going for a balanced budget enforcement and good times for people who want jobs, including all the people who've graduated from college for the past couple of years who cannot find employment in their fields due to corporate cut-backs. Businesses do not like the texture of government scraping them for more than they make in a bad year.
I don't see that happening without a sound dollar.

America has a sunny economic future with soon-to-be President-elect Romney's plan to cut spending.
Yeah... History doesn't support that. He did after all vote for bail out. And then say let it fail. Then tried to take credit for it. I'm sorry... People have to prove things to me. Not just say things. His history does not suggest he'll do what he says.

For the first time in 4 years, Romney will deliver a budget he expects his congress to deliver back an acceptance and each do his or her share of belt tightening to pay down the war debt, spend nothing we don't have to, yet care for vets, medically challenged and retired folks and get the sluggish Obama scare out of America's system. :)

Our college grads will now have jobs! :woohoo:

Ain't America grand! :clap2:
I hope you are right if he gets elected. I don't think you are... but I'll be happy to be wrong.

Edit: And did you notice about when the 500 billion a year cuts were going to take place? 2016... Um... The year of the next election? How can that not be a red flag "hello?!?!?!" type of thing here?
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Republicans have only won the popular presidential vote in one election in the last 20 years.....2004.

That is why they want to suppress the vote soooo bad.

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since John Quincy Adams, the GOP has won the popular vote 20 times, the widest margin being Harding with a + 26.17% margin.

The Democrats have won the popular vote 21 times, the widest margin being FDR, 2nd term, with a margin of +24.26%.

Sounds like historically, it's been pretty even.

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