RNC steals Paul's delegates

Every accusation you've made here is a crock of ignorant bullshit, and anyone who gives a SHIT about truth knows you're lying your ass off. You've swallowed so much NeoCon bullspunk I'm surprised you haven't puked up a baby elephant.


If you are going to worship a man you stupid fuck know who you are worshiping.

So you spout off Neocon lies like 4th of July fireworks and I'm the 'stupid fuck'?

Whatever you say, stooge.

Tell you what, Cartoon Boy. Why don't you back up your bullshit accusations with some actual facts and we'll see who the stupid fuck is, alrighty?

And yet not one thing I posted was a lie.
Libertarianism is a philosophy and not inherently a political party. The libertarian party is only 40 years old or so but libertarian ideas have been around for hundreds of years now. A political party has specific goals that they want to achieve and they do this by electing delegates to a convention who then decide on the platform or goals. They also elect candidates that they will try to get into office to promote their goals.

There are more things in the republican platform that I agree with than the Democratic party platform. They more closely align with my libertarian philosophy and my conservative viewpoint on government. So you see, I can be a conservative libertarian and a republican all at the same time.

What is being said here in this thread basically is that people don't owe any party their votes and the attitudes expressed in this thread towards people like me, in this thread, aren't winning us over.
If you are going to worship a man you stupid fuck know who you are worshiping.

So you spout off Neocon lies like 4th of July fireworks and I'm the 'stupid fuck'?

Whatever you say, stooge.

Tell you what, Cartoon Boy. Why don't you back up your bullshit accusations with some actual facts and we'll see who the stupid fuck is, alrighty?

And yet not one thing I posted was a lie.

yet another lie unless you can back up your claims but be prepared to be refuted.
So you spout off Neocon lies like 4th of July fireworks and I'm the 'stupid fuck'?

Whatever you say, stooge.

Tell you what, Cartoon Boy. Why don't you back up your bullshit accusations with some actual facts and we'll see who the stupid fuck is, alrighty?

And yet not one thing I posted was a lie.

yet another lie unless you can back up your claims but be prepared to be refuted.

Have at it .
Libertarianism is a philosophy and not inherently a political party. The libertarian party is only 40 years old or so but libertarian ideas have been around for hundreds of years now. A political party has specific goals that they want to achieve and they do this by electing delegates to a convention who then decide on the platform or goals. They also elect candidates that they will try to get into office to promote their goals.

There are more things in the republican platform that I agree with than the Democratic party platform. They more closely align with my libertarian philosophy and my conservative viewpoint on government. So you see, I can be a conservative libertarian and a republican all at the same time.

What is being said here in this thread basically is that people don't owe any party their votes and the attitudes expressed in this thread towards people like me, in this thread, aren't winning us over.
Say it again.
Seriously dude, how many threads are you going to start about Paul's delegates?
Well... How many is it going to take for you to admit that the republicans are manipulating politics to support a given individual, rather than to what society has chosen to represent them within the republican party?

There are some things about RP that I really like, But I can say the same for Romney.
There are some things about RP I don't like, and the same with Romney.
End of the day, we really need to get rid of Obama, and RP never had a chance.
As long as we have politics with only two viable parties, a third party won't work unless there is a fourth party. The third party will only splinter one of the two original parties which leaves the door open for the other party.
It would be nice if American conservatives could come together, but some people are like some other factions in the world. Getting 98% of what they want is not good enough.

Thanks for a thoughtful post.

I would remind conservative voters is that we just saw 5 Trillion dollars heisted from America's future in the form of national debt spending for four years, and the axe falling on another trillion in spending is imminent before this year ends. USDebtClock. The full extent of the US National debt is $15,985,825,000 right now.

This could have been hedged way back with the President presenting a budget that represented a balance between receipt of taxes and spending. We are in debt because of overspending.

Obama is not going to cooperate with pulling in the national belt.

Please fix the problem. Vote for Mitt Romney.

Here is Mitt Romney's page on what he is going to do about this issue of government overspending.

Please read the page and pray for our nation to balance a budget and pray that the Congress refrains from past and present overspending.

Then please vote in Republicans who will agree to vote on balancing the budget and have discipline in fiscal matters by agreeing to not spend so much money the interest on the debt exceeds the ability to repay the debt.

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I didn't bother to read 24 pages, after the first 3 it was obvious where the thread was going.

You fucking Republitard motherfuckers condone downright cheating as long as it's cheating that benefits YOUR candidate, you are the worst fucking pieces of shit on the planet! What the fuck are you so afraid of, anyway? You've got to break every rule in the book to squash a large AND GROWING segment of the party that wants to finally see some REAL change in 'Business as usual'?

Do you even realize how morally bankrupt that makes you?

Puke ass motherfuckers, I hope your own children turn against you and your ignorant fascist ways. I hope they put you into Obamacare rest homes where you'll be cheaply medicated until the day that the world is no longer burdened with your presence.

You bastards support the stifling of legitimate voices? You will reap what the fuck you sow, and may God have mercy on your worthless souls.
To the contrary, Mr. Pinestra. We have in Gov. Romney a man who saved his state from bankruptcy at a crucial moment, and he has created a page on spending to assure people like you he is serious about cutting spending. Won't you please read the page? Governor Romney's plan to stop overspending and reduce Federal spending

We're doing what we can with what we have. We think that can be done with voting in conservatives in each state that wants to lead the way in balancing America's budget, in cutting spending, and in balancing the budget. Our national debt is knocking on the door of sixteen trillion dollars. That's not right. Since Obama took office, that has catapulted up by 5 trillion in four years. That is not a good thing, considering we already had a huge debt and needed him to develop a methodology for us to fiscally downsize the debt.

Obama is not competent enough to understand that overspending is what is causing the two downgrades on America, and his friends are now buying gold in hopes to protect their money from what yet more planned debt would cause if we left him in office.

Obama cannot blame his new debts on anybody else right now. He is squandering middle class people's money.

Make him stop it. Vote Republican.
If you are going to worship a man you stupid fuck know who you are worshiping.

So you spout off Neocon lies like 4th of July fireworks and I'm the 'stupid fuck'?

Whatever you say, stooge.

Tell you what, Cartoon Boy. Why don't you back up your bullshit accusations with some actual facts and we'll see who the stupid fuck is, alrighty?

And yet not one thing I posted was a lie.

Then by all means give us your EVIDENCE, or are you exempt from that kind of thing?
So you spout off Neocon lies like 4th of July fireworks and I'm the 'stupid fuck'?

Whatever you say, stooge.

Tell you what, Cartoon Boy. Why don't you back up your bullshit accusations with some actual facts and we'll see who the stupid fuck is, alrighty?

And yet not one thing I posted was a lie.

Then by all means give us your EVIDENCE, or are you exempt from that kind of thing?
just what I thought ... You know nothing about Ron Paul
I didn't bother to read 24 pages, after the first 3 it was obvious where the thread was going.

You fucking Republitard motherfuckers condone downright cheating as long as it's cheating that benefits YOUR candidate, you are the worst fucking pieces of shit on the planet! What the fuck are you so afraid of, anyway? You've got to break every rule in the book to squash a large AND GROWING segment of the party that wants to finally see some REAL change in 'Business as usual'?

Do you even realize how morally bankrupt that makes you?

Puke ass motherfuckers, I hope your own children turn against you and your ignorant fascist ways. I hope they put you into Obamacare rest homes where you'll be cheaply medicated until the day that the world is no longer burdened with your presence.

You bastards support the stifling of legitimate voices? You will reap what the fuck you sow, and may God have mercy on your worthless souls.
To the contrary, Mr. Pinestra. We have in Gov. Romney a man who saved his state from bankruptcy at a crucial moment, and he has created a page on spending to assure people like you he is serious about cutting spending. Won't you please read the page? Governor Romney's plan to stop overspending and reduce Federal spending

We're doing what we can with what we have. We think that can be done with voting in conservatives in each state that wants to lead the way in balancing America's budget, in cutting spending, and in balancing the budget. Our national debt is knocking on the door of sixteen trillion dollars. That's not right. Since Obama took office, that has catapulted up by 5 trillion in four years. That is not a good thing, considering we already had a huge debt and needed him to develop a methodology for us to fiscally downsize the debt.

Obama is not competent enough to understand that overspending is what is causing the two downgrades on America, and his friends are now buying gold in hopes to protect their money from what yet more planned debt would cause if we left him in office.

Obama cannot blame his new debts on anybody else right now. He is squandering middle class people's money.

Make him stop it. Vote Republican.

So tell me Miss Becki, what is your opinion of the OP and the fact that Romney's lawyers and the Establishment Republicans are engaged in some SERIOUS cheating to stifle Ron Paul and his supporters.
Does it matter whether he could win or not Politico?

It matters because people keep spoutng fantasy nonsense about him getting the most votes. He didn't period. So to keep saying it means they're either a troll or mentally ill.
ron paul and santorum may have both beaten Romney in the primary/caucus here in Maine....that's the State I know more about....not certain on other states.

I'm not arguing that it would have made a difference when all was said and done, but I do know that cheating and fraud took place by the RNC in my State....and this, along with the ohio initial results announced by the RNC chairman (who was later forced to resign)of romney winning right prior to Maine's caucus, only later to be found that Santorum won in ohio.....and not Romney....probably influenced the remaining states that voted, and gave romney a ''push'' that he hadn't earned....
Interesting, Care; that's what I hear from Paulites in one-on-one conversation, that that was Romney's modus operandus. I think, when candidates go into an election looking for fraud or cheating they will find it whether it exists or not, to bolster and justify their continuing on.

The apparatus set up by the Paulites to monitor all caucuses on the ground and call in results to a central clearing house yielded nothing. Romney had everything to lose by cheating; Paulites had much to gain. It's all balderdash, as is this issue right now to steal Paul delegates. My research in reputable sources (WashPo, WTs) doesn't show the contemplated changes to be retroactive to the process, but to the process going forward.
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It matters because people keep spoutng fantasy nonsense about him getting the most votes. He didn't period. So to keep saying it means they're either a troll or mentally ill.
ron paul and santorum may have both beaten Romney in the primary/caucus here in Maine....that's the State I know more about....not certain on other states.

I'm not arguing that it would have made a difference when all was said and done, but I do know that cheating and fraud took place by the RNC in my State....and this, along with the ohio initial results announced by the RNC chairman (who was later forced to resign)of romney winning right prior to Maine's caucus, only later to be found that Santorum won in ohio.....and not Romney....probably influenced the remaining states that voted, and gave romney a ''push'' that he hadn't earned....
Interesting, Care; that's what I hear from Paulites in one-on-one conversation, that that was Romney's modus operandus. I think, when candidates go into an election looking for fraud or cheating they will find it whether it exists or not, to bolster and justify their continuing on.

The apparatus set up by the Paulites to monitor all caucuses on the ground and call in results to a central clearing house yielded nothing. Romney had everything to lose by cheating; Paulites had much to gain. It's all balderdash, as is this issue right now to steal Paul delegates. My research in reputable sources (WashPo, WTs) doesn't show the contemplated changes to be retroactive to the process, but to the process going forward.

You are correct that the change from plurality from 5 states to 10 was for 2014 I believe but the issues we are concerned about are the underhanded way they took delegates from ME,MA and LA. The circulation of false slates at caucuses. Shutting down caucuses without voting on delegates and then appointing them later. Taking ballot boxes away to count them in secret then taking several days to report the results. Misreporting results and not correcting the results when it's pointed out. Declaring a state for a candidate when only 80% of precincts have reported and the difference is a mere 100 or so votes. Ordering a caucus shutdown because of weather and rescheduling it after the deadline for it to be included in the results. Ignoring roberts rules of order in caucuses and conventions and flagrant procedural violations like calling for adjournment before slates have been voted on and then asking for a standing count when everyone is already standing and then calling in a swat team when people get pissed. Then on top of it having the man who tries to reconvene the caucus arrested.

You are all right though, Ron Paul never had a chance. It wasn't because he doesn't have support though. It's because the results were determined before the voting began and the caucuses and conventions had to be engineered to achieve those results.
So much of the party operations out in the hinterlands (and everywhere else for that matter) are really not professionally run. They screw up, they over react (weather, fear OWS demostratons, safety, take unnecessary security precautions), and the reason is because they are ordinary people, they are not professionals. Nothing conspiratorial about it, but of course there is always a small opportunity for that, and that is complicated and made worse because appearances are everything.
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So much of the party operations out in the hinterlands (and everywhere else for that matter) are really not professionally run. They screw up, they over react (weather, fear OWS demostratons, safety, take unnecessary security precautions), and the reason is because they are ordinary people, they are not professionals. Nothing conspiratorial about it, but of course there is always a small opportunity for that, and that is complicated and made worse because appearances are everything.

It's funny how it these incidents always seemed to happen where Ron Paul was poised to win. I could concede the point if there were a few isolated incidents but that's why there is a committee that oversees challenges to the conventions and caucuses. The problem is that even where there has been documented proof that the rules were violated they didn't accept the full slate if it was Ron Paul's slate like in OK but then they throw out the entire slate of Maine and appoint their own people without just cause. These actions don't garner much confidence in the governance of the party.

As of right now you have a fairly large number of people out in the general public that feel like they have been cheated out of their vote by republicans. So what does the party do? Kick them when they are down and tell them to get in line. This isn't going to sit well.
It matters because people keep spoutng fantasy nonsense about him getting the most votes. He didn't period. So to keep saying it means they're either a troll or mentally ill.
ron paul and santorum may have both beaten Romney in the primary/caucus here in Maine....that's the State I know more about....not certain on other states.

I'm not arguing that it would have made a difference when all was said and done, but I do know that cheating and fraud took place by the RNC in my State....and this, along with the ohio initial results announced by the RNC chairman (who was later forced to resign)of romney winning right prior to Maine's caucus, only later to be found that Santorum won in ohio.....and not Romney....probably influenced the remaining states that voted, and gave romney a ''push'' that he hadn't earned....
Interesting, Care; that's what I hear from Paulites in one-on-one conversation, that that was Romney's modus operandus. I think, when candidates go into an election looking for fraud or cheating they will find it whether it exists or not, to bolster and justify their continuing on.

The apparatus set up by the Paulites to monitor all caucuses on the ground and call in results to a central clearing house yielded nothing. Romney had everything to lose by cheating; Paulites had much to gain. It's all balderdash, as is this issue right now to steal Paul delegates. My research in reputable sources (WashPo, WTs) doesn't show the contemplated changes to be retroactive to the process, but to the process going forward.
I don't know if romney ordered the RNC to cheat as they did in my State....it could have been the RNC that chose to do this all on their own....but what I do know is that they DID CHEAT in my state and they arranged the cheating by telling ALL CAUCUS leaders to NOT TAKE A PUBLIC COUNT of the votes and just send them in to head quarters.....but a few of the caucus heads DID DO A PUBLIC COUNT, contrary to what they were told, and when they saw the tally of their votes on the RNC's site by precinct, the numbers changed, in all cases, taking ron Paul and Santorum votes and giving them to Romney. THAT'S A FACT....American Horse...and it's wrong wrong wrong for the Party, to take away the citizen's right of their vote counting....if these few precincts had not disregarded the RNC request of not doing public counts, we would never have known about the cheating that took place.
I don't know if romney ordered the RNC to cheat as they did in my State....it could have been the RNC that chose to do this all on their own....but what I do know is that they DID CHEAT in my state and they arranged the cheating by telling ALL CAUCUS leaders to NOT TAKE A PUBLIC COUNT of the votes and just send them in to head quarters.....but a few of the caucus heads DID DO A PUBLIC COUNT, contrary to what they were told, and when they saw the tally of their votes on the RNC's site by precinct, the numbers changed, in all cases, taking ron Paul and Santorum votes and giving them to Romney. THAT'S A FACT....American Horse...and it's wrong wrong wrong for the Party, to take away the citizen's right of their vote counting....if these few precincts had not disregarded the RNC request of not doing public counts, we would never have known about the cheating that took place.
Libertarianism is a philosophy and not inherently a political party. The libertarian party is only 40 years old or so but libertarian ideas have been around for hundreds of years now. A political party has specific goals that they want to achieve and they do this by electing delegates to a convention who then decide on the platform or goals. They also elect candidates that they will try to get into office to promote their goals.

There are more things in the republican platform that I agree with than the Democratic party platform. They more closely align with my libertarian philosophy and my conservative viewpoint on government. So you see, I can be a conservative libertarian and a republican all at theb same time.

What is being said here in this thread basically is that people don't owe any party their votes and the attitudes expressed in this thread towards people like me, in this thread, aren't winning us over.
One of the curious things about campaign years is the talk of platforms. Much noise is made by partisans of all stripes "our platform says...". Meanwhile the candidate and his campaign shun all mention of the platform and pretend its non existance.
The national debt isn't the problem. the national debt did NOT cause this depression

Declining incomes of the middle class coupled with increasing cost of energy, plus the insanity of the BANSTERS scam to defraud investors certainly did.

Of course, these problems are now causing the national debt to rise.

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