Robert Muller appointed special counsel!

Will you accept the conclusions of Mueller's investigation

  • yes

    Votes: 34 89.5%
  • no

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
Odd how the Democrats never did this for the Clinton investigation.

There appears to be big differences between Conservatives and Democrats.

Whatever issue there is so be it, from all accounts none of it involves Trump himself and none of it affected the vote. There has been no evidence as suggested by Clapper, Pelos and a number of government officials to date. It has become a circus and witch hunt, hopefully completed fairly and's been FAR too long.

Finally. My guess is if Flynn is found guilty of something, Trump will pardon him and life will go on. After this long a period of time this needs to be put to rest and the focus back on improving America.

Believe me, if Hillary had won the turd knockers would not be screaming Russian collusion now would they?

Believe me, if Hillary had won- and there was a memo circulating that she had tried to get the FBI to stop investigating one of her administration- I- and all of you Trumpsters- would be calling for a special investigator.

Hell- you Trumpsters would be calling for a noose....
The Dep. Atty Gen. has appointed a special prosecutor for the "Russia" probe, removing the DoJ from the process.

What impact will this have?
GREAT! Now Schumer and Schiff can shut the fuck up and we can get healthcare and a tax-cut done. Don't remember much about Mueller but he's got no dog in the hunt which will be a relief. Let's hope he takes a look at the Clinton/Podesta ties to the Kremlin while he's at it. That's your collusion...nothing Trump did.

Hey- I am fine with him looking at possible Clinton ties with Russia while she was in office- along with Trump- and his families ties with Russia.

Now if Trump can shut the fuck up- and actually work on his agenda rather than tweeting his snowflake ass about Comey and whining to Coast Guard cadets how about how he is sooooooo picked on......and perhaps skip a golf game or two..
Odd how the Democrats never did this for the Clinton investigation.

There appears to be big differences between Conservatives and Democrats.

Whatever issue there is so be it, from all accounts none of it involves Trump himself and none of it affected the vote. There has been no evidence as suggested by Clapper, Pelos and a number of government officials to date. It has become a circus and witch hunt, hopefully completed fairly and's been FAR too long.

Finally. My guess is if Flynn is found guilty of something, Trump will pardon him and life will go on. After this long a period of time this needs to be put to rest and the focus back on improving America.

Believe me, if Hillary had won the turd knockers would not be screaming Russian collusion now would they?

Believe me, if Hillary had won- and there was a memo circulating that she had tried to get the FBI to stop investigating one of her administration- I- and all of you Trumpsters- would be calling for a special investigator.

Hell- you Trumpsters would be calling for a noose....
Memo? Goddamn! Bill Clinton met clandestinely with Loretta Lynch on the Tarmac in Phoenix and in two days Comey had decided NOT to prosecute her and you need a fucking memo? Jeezus!
Everyone who was actually in the room says WaPo story about Trump revealing classified info to Russians is false

"They ran with a story using nothing but anonymous sources who were not present in the meeting. That left every single White House official who was present to come forward independently to correct the Post's reporting. There were three of them - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell. All three say the Post's story is false."

Relax. Muller is cool.
What are the odds of the Prevaricator-in-Chief firing the Special Prosecutor in Nixon fashion some time after WH records NOT covered by Executive Privilege are subpoenaed? Just musing here?
I'd say 50/50 as of now. It depends where the winds blow.
Odd how the Democrats never did this for the Clinton investigation.

There appears to be big differences between Conservatives and Democrats.

Whatever issue there is so be it, from all accounts none of it involves Trump himself and none of it affected the vote. There has been no evidence as suggested by Clapper, Pelos and a number of government officials to date. It has become a circus and witch hunt, hopefully completed fairly and's been FAR too long.

Finally. My guess is if Flynn is found guilty of something, Trump will pardon him and life will go on. After this long a period of time this needs to be put to rest and the focus back on improving America.

Believe me, if Hillary had won the turd knockers would not be screaming Russian collusion now would they?

Believe me, if Hillary had won- and there was a memo circulating that she had tried to get the FBI to stop investigating one of her administration- I- and all of you Trumpsters- would be calling for a special investigator.

Hell- you Trumpsters would be calling for a noose....
Like the one she sent her husband to meet with Lynch and suddenly got a series of crimes listed but a final Comey decision of oh well fuck it. No charges. Not like that guy is a stand up prosecutor.

So basically you're saying we should be concerned because this is happening now to Trump because if it was shrillary we would be all up on it when in reality the exact thing happened with the pig in a pantsuit and nothing happened. Oh yeah, and the nothing happened because of the same guy we're supposed to take seriously this time.
The Dep. Atty Gen. has appointed a special prosecutor for the "Russia" probe, removing the DoJ from the process.

What impact will this have?

It's not a Special Prosecutor it's a Special Counsel there is a difference, Clinton appointed the only other Special Counsel to investigate the FBI's mishandling of the Waco Branch Davidians happening.

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