Robert Muller appointed special counsel!

Will you accept the conclusions of Mueller's investigation

  • yes

    Votes: 34 89.5%
  • no

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
GREAT! Now Schumer and Schiff can shut the fuck up and we can get healthcare and a tax-cut done. Don't remember much about Mueller but he's got no dog in the hunt which will be a relief. Let's hope he takes a look at the Clinton/Podesta ties to the Kremlin while he's at it. That's your collusion...nothing Trump did.
You need to give your name to Mueller as a witness....since you know so much.
Odd how the Democrats never did this for the Clinton investigation.

There appears to be big differences between Conservatives and Democrats.

Whatever issue there is so be it, from all accounts none of it involves Trump himself and none of it affected the vote. There has been no evidence as suggested by Clapper, Pelos and a number of government officials to date. It has become a circus and witch hunt, hopefully completed fairly and's been FAR too long.

Finally. My guess is if Flynn is found guilty of something, Trump will pardon him and life will go on. After this long a period of time this needs to be put to rest and the focus back on improving America.

Believe me, if Hillary had won the turd knockers would not be screaming Russian collusion now would they?

Believe me, if Hillary had won- and there was a memo circulating that she had tried to get the FBI to stop investigating one of her administration- I- and all of you Trumpsters- would be calling for a special investigator.

Hell- you Trumpsters would be calling for a noose....
Memo? Goddamn! Bill Clinton met clandestinely with Loretta Lynch on the Tarmac in Phoenix and in two days Comey had decided NOT to prosecute her and you need a fucking memo? Jeezus!

Two days later Comey decided not to prosecute Lynch? What are you smoking?

Bill Clinton met so 'clandestinely' with Lynch that we all knew about it- including Comey.

But hell- by your logic- that means Trump must be guilty of obstruction of justice- since he met with Comey- and Flynn was not indicted for anything.
Oh stfu, you are a worthless waste of time!

Poor little snowflake lol
Mueller and Comey have worked together in high stakes ethical situations before.

Trump is so in trouble.
So former FBI Director Mueller has been appointed Special investigator by the DOJ.

Will you accept the conclusions of his investigation- regardless of whether they support Trump or not?

I will.

Stand up and be counted- so when the time comes and the investigation is complete- you can proudly show you aren't a hypocrite.
Bullshit you will!
Ok, Miss Cleo.......
Looks like we are going to find out a lot more.

Except it's not a Special Prosecutor is it it's a Special Counsel, the latter does not have carte blanche and must report everything to the Deputy Attorney General who then makes the decision if the Special Counsel can or cannot proceed with certain things.

A Special Prosecutor does not have to do any of that reporting and does have carte blanche.

But thanks for starting like the 20th thread already, get ready for the merge into the existing thread.

And to illustrate that unlike a Special Prosecutor, the Special Counsel is not carte blanche:

"Mueller’s power is not unlimited. While Justice Department rules say he is not under the “day-to-day supervision” of Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general can still request an explanation for any prosecutorial or investigative act Mueller undertakes. If Rosenstein finds the step “inappropriate or unwarranted under established [Justice] Department practices,” he can order Mueller to not pursue it. Rosenstein must provide a written explanation to Congress if he issues such an order."

The above contained within the below article:

What the Special Counsel Appointment Means
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Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it

You must mean Pence. Where was he, he knows how Wash works, sitting back and waiting for Trump to fall so he could take the reins. I have no love lost for Trump, but Pence obviously did nothing to help him.
On the contrary, we need a lot of questions answered by someone we can trust. If the answers are not what we thought they would be, so be it. At least we will know. For the word of the senile old orange clown is worthless, he has just been caught in too many lies.
Well let's see. He's not black, gay, nor jewish so I guess this is okay. One thing is certain:

This opens up an independent investigative path of: ♦The DNC leaking (Seth Rich), and ♦The impetus of the “Russian Dossier“, and ♦The Obama White House “surveillance and leaking” (Susan Rice/Evelyn Farkas), all the way to ♦John Podesta, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and the Obama White House.

Remember, FBI Director James Comey specifically stated (March 20th) that he intentionally withheld notification of congress for the FBI counterintelligence operation that began in July 2016 and was premised on the ‘vast russian conspiracy theory‘.

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice only needed to confirm one aspect of the intelligence unmasking story for all of the dots to connect. She made that confirmation within two minutes of her interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.

Brilliant – Justice Department Appoints Robert Mueller To Investigate 2016 Russian Election Interference…

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