Robert Regan, GOP Candidate Who Told Women to 'Enjoy' Rape, Loses Race

You can see the evil in the eyes of the Michigan governor. A reckoning in our nation would have her put into the hinterlands and hunted down. She deserves no better.
For once you address the OP and not something you can hear on the wind. But you are still crazy. And a rape enabler.

Well here is a taster for the GOP. Misoginy is not a vote winner amongst normal folk.

You have the loon vote wrapped up. Now you just need to crack that normal educated demographic.
First, he told a really really bad joke…. extremely moronic joke.

Second, this is great news. It has shown the GOP has grown and shuns losers like this scumbag.

The Demorats still support black racists, woke pedos, communist, antiAmericans, antisemites and proven mental midgets like AOC.

So we have learned, Demorats have not!
"You can see the evil in the eyes of the Michigan governor."
"Evil in her eyes"???
You can see that?
Through your TV set?

I'm impressed. an impressive set of woke sensitivity.

May I ask (not that I expect good poster 22lcidw to respond, as he's disappeared into the Boy's John on other occasions when asked to explain his assertions).....anyway, good poster 22, is this woke sensitivity of yours a god given thing? inherited? or developed through education, training, practice, and repetition?

Batter up, mein freund.

The Demorats still support black racists, woke pedos, communist, antiAmericans, antisemites and proven mental midgets like AOC.

I didn't know that.
Can the good poster Hook20 give us a vetted list of examples (and not just some one-offs of the nutter-universe)....anyway, give us a good sampling of each of these 'supported' categories.

My avatar has no desire to put you on the spot, however, this venue is sort of an Adult Swim venue where serious people talk about serious things.

We just want to be re-assured poster Hook hasn't wandered into the deep end of the pool, inadvertently.
Speaking of hiding out in the Boy's John till the upperclassman have moved off......we still have this hanging query to poster JBrownson, from post #11:

Poster JBrownson: "Of course not the Gestapo Governor would throw them in the dungeon if they did. She is medieval wacko.

Query, from post #11:

"A 'medieval wacko'?
I hadn't read that anywhere....except here.
So, what is the basis for asserting that that Governor is this medieval thingy?"

Saddle up, Skippy.
Show us how your pony trots.
I’m not surprised at all to hear this come from a republicans mouth.

Next, district attorneys in Republican state will start letting rapists free on no bail

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