Robots being declared citizens? Is that even logical?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm sure every kid once in their life time attempted to create a robot, time machine, or something like that. Now its possible.

Now Robots can be a citizen in society? Robots walking around and living amongst us? Should we feel safe?
Will they take over our jobs? Will Robots have the same rights and laws to follow?
I think its a cool idea creating a robot with artificial intelligence, but creating a robot so advanced and human like, it can be a citizen? I don't agree with it one bit.

Saudi Arabia granted a robot named Sophia, citizenship. Making her the first robot ever to be considered a citizen anywhere. With technology becoming more and more advanced, making things that we once thought was impossible, possible. Shoot, maybe one people will be able to travel back in time?

Just 17 years ago, the turn of the millennium, everyone thought it was going to be the end of the world, that computers would go haywire, shut down, and everything else people thought. The past 17 years, Technology itself, reached plenty milestones, and made a lot of things easier. Now your cell phone is the world in the palm of your hand. Your cell phone can pretty much do anything and everything. It will even talk back to you.

I remember when you could buy music on compact dicks and movies on dvd for the first time. I remember dial up for internet connection, how long it would take sometimes, and now if the wifi starts to slow down, after a few seconds we become impatient. I remember playing snake, one of the few games that were on cell phones. Now you can find pretty much any information about anything.

Through out witnessing technology advance as quickly as it did, there was always talk about artificial intelligence(AI), that creating robots with AI was only a matter of time. But making a robot so advanced that it could be declared an actual citizen, is unbelievable.

Yea it might sound cool, but the first thing that went through my head, were scenes out of the terminator movies and kept picturing Arnold Swarzenager blowing up cars and riding on his motorcycle down the street.

Here are some questions people have and are concerned about Robots with AI being a citizen.

1.Unemployment. What happens after the end of jobs?
2.Inequality. How do we distribute wealth created by machines?
3.Humanity. How do machines affect our behavior and interactions?
4.Artificial stupidity. How can we guard against mistakes?
5.Racist Robots. How do we eliminate AI bias?
6.Security. How do we keep AI safe from adversaries?
7.Evil genies. How do we protect against unintended consequences?
8.Singularity. How do we stay in control of a complex intelligent system?
9.Robot Rights. How do we define the humane treatment of AI?

Robots with AI, that can interact on their own, and smarter then humans, integrated into society isn't really a smart idea.
What makes them think that they wont be smart enough to know they are different and group with other robots, and begin to see how bad the world could be, turn on the human race?
I know there will be humans out there that will mess with the robots and that might trigger them to respond violently. The will eventually see how the world is and what makes scientist think they will accept that kind of behavior and not get involved? What if a human kills a robot? Since they are a citizen will that person be charged with murder?

I cant see anything good coming out of making AI robots citizens and be part of society.

What do you think?

I wasn't able to insert a link that I wanted to but if you go to and search for "first robot declared citizen, Sophia, in Saudi Arabia"

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