Robots could become 'electronic persons' with rights, obligations under draft EU plan


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Considering how big socialism and quasi-communism has taken over Canada over the last 25 years, these robots will probably experience a higher degree of liberty than the average Canadian...

Europe's growing army of robot workers could be classed as "electronic persons" and their owners liable to paying social security for them if the European Union adopts a draft plan to address the realities of a new industrial revolution.

Robots are being deployed in ever-greater numbers in factories and also taking on tasks such as personal care or surgery, raising fears over unemployment, wealth inequality and alienation.

Their growing intelligence, pervasiveness and autonomy requires rethinking everything from taxation to legal liability, a draft European Parliament motion, dated May 31, suggests.

Some robots are even taking on a human form. Visitors to the world's biggest travel show in March were greeted by a lifelike robot developed by Japan's Toshiba and were helped by another made by France's Aldebaran Robotics.
Not quite the angle of your post I think, but I suppose that's similar to the "robotics tax" that's being floated by American's to "replace lost revenue" for the government...

I say the government can stop spending so much.
Not quite the angle of your post I think, but I suppose that's similar to the "robotics tax" that's being floated by American's to "replace lost revenue" for the government...

I say the government can stop spending so much.
Well there is that too, but if 85% of all jobs are eventually taken by robotic labor, we will need a Robotics tax.
If ya gonna try to claim corporations are people, this is whatcha gonna get, my friend.
JimBowie1958 To pay for what? I mean if robots take over the workforce then the cost of regulating businesses becomes far less labor intensive. If robots take over military, there again less costs. I see no reason why the government too cannot adjust to the lack of money.

(To head it off; I'm afraid I don't believe in the utopian idea that the people can sit around on their butts and pursue artistic bullshit while the government pays for everything else. Kind of like it pisses me off that our government pays people $30/h to hold up a stop sign at a construction site - say what?!? Hire on of those sign twirlers like Papa John's - those bitches make min wage no benefits.)
Great. Black robots with slow processors rioting over discrimination bullshit.
Muslim robots with built-in explosives.
JimBowie1958 To pay for what? I mean if robots take over the workforce then the cost of regulating businesses becomes far less labor intensive. If robots take over military, there again less costs. I see no reason why the government too cannot adjust to the lack of money.

Social Security and other welfare programs will not diminish, and if we have a UBI that will need funding as well.

If we end up with 85% U6 unemployment, what do you think people will do? Just starve?

(To head it off; I'm afraid I don't believe in the utopian idea that the people can sit around on their butts and pursue artistic bullshit while the government pays for everything else.

No, people will be probably making most of their own needs via 3D printing, hydroponic farming and nano-manufacturing, then trading what they make for some of what they cannot make..
JimBowie1958 SSI is a fucking mess agreed. We need to turn that shit back to private 401k's and stop giving the government another "untouchable" fund to fucking raid for their socialist bullshit. The entire program should be phased out, so should government pensions and retirement. My parents make a /shit ton/ of money off government pensions - perhaps even excessive amounts due to various federal deals - I love them, I know they're not scamming the system or anything, but the fact remains it's a bit crazy (not to mention they also invested in their own retirement funds so... well basically they can wipe with gold leaf if they want. Family joke regarding dyed toilet paper heh)

No I think the people are going to have to find other jobs in the private sector. It's not that there's not shit to be done by human hands and minds, its that the government has attacked the ability of people to start those businesses and run them imo.

We're going to end up back in a more... idk "homeopathic" style of living - where folks do as you said, printing their own products, and perhaps growing their own food or whatever, maybe even trade as you say - but in such a case the need for government goes down as well. We'll have to break this government mandate bullshit that stops people from doing it as well - like muni's having laws against gardens, or using rainwater as your water source instead of city water/waste, being without "provided" electricity [aka banning putting solar panels on the roof's or putting a turbine in the yard]

ALL of that crap is because of government interference and it needs to butt the fuck out of "progress" - because that progress is coming no matter what, see robots replacing workforce.
Considering how big socialism and quasi-communism has taken over Canada over the last 25 years, these robots will probably experience a higher degree of liberty than the average Canadian...

Robot workers could become 'electronic persons' with rights under draft EU plan

Europe's growing army of robot workers could be classed as "electronic persons" and their owners liable to paying social security for them if the European Union adopts a draft plan to address the realities of a new industrial revolution.

Robots are being deployed in ever-greater numbers in factories and also taking on tasks such as personal care or surgery, raising fears over unemployment, wealth inequality and alienation.

Their growing intelligence, pervasiveness and autonomy requires rethinking everything from taxation to legal liability, a draft European Parliament motion, dated May 31, suggests.

Some robots are even taking on a human form. Visitors to the world's biggest travel show in March were greeted by a lifelike robot developed by Japan's Toshiba and were helped by another made by France's Aldebaran Robotics.

I plan on profiting from the wave of the Future. Just brought 10000 shares of CyberDyne.
^ They do artificial limbs as well, yea? (Can we say fall back plan? I wonder how long it'll take people to try to ban robotic replacement of employees and whom will be in power to oppose/support them at that time.)

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