Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

00536 Apr 24, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #536 “Let them vote pro choice, there is a thing called principle that is lost on the left. I would rather lose an election while standing for the unborn, than to go along with the wrong ideology just to win!”

00537 Apr 24, 2023 ¥ OhPleaseJustQuit ¥ “Wisely said!” {to: 00,536 frnknstn}

NFBW: One in five Republicans are pro-choice. They will tire of losing because you want government to cause harm to all women in unwanted pregnancies, with it being reported that black women are three times more likely to die during childbirth than white women.

So do families and women who are severely harmed or killed during childbirth they did not want get compensated by you because your ideology forced them to give birth against their choice to terminate?

If only one woman dies because of your ideology being forced on them, it is not a wise ideology
NFBW: One in five Republicans are pro-choice. They will tire of losing because you want government to cause harm to all women in unwanted pregnancies, with it being reported that black women are three times more likely to die during childbirth than white women.

So do families and women who are severely harmed or killed during childbirth they did not want get compensated by you because your ideology forced them to give birth against their choice to terminate?

If only one woman dies because of your ideology being forced on them, it is not a wise ideology
You come across as very confused.
Apr 24, 2023 ¥ F ¥ #536 “I would rather lose an election while standing for the unborn, than to go along with the wrong ideology”

Apr 24, 2023 NFBW #8,441 {to: 00,536}
“you want government to cause harm to all women in unwanted pregnancies, with it being reported that black women are three times more likely to die during childbirth than white women.

Apr 24, 2023 ¥ Frankenstein ¥ #8,442
{to: 08,441} You come across as very confused.

We cannot be confused when we have facts. Your stated ideology is to rescue unborn fetuses from being aborted by its mother at a stage of development when it does not have neurological capability to have consciousness or lung capability to breathe air or heart capability to circulate blood. When a woman at about 8 weeks chooses not to assume the risk of allowing that fetus to develop it is her human right to protect her life from being harmed or killed.

The fetus cannot harm you in any way but you want the government to deny every women who becomes pregnant to have no choice even if she seeks to avoid injury and death.

Your ideology causes harm to my fellow citizens whom I regard as equals.,

My ideology causes no harm to living organism outside the womb.

I am not confused about harm.

If you believe the sanctity of life begins at conception do not abort what you conceive.

I believe the sanctity of life begins when science says human consciousness is possible.,

When a woman aborts her fetus prior to that, the state had no interest in being involved.

I am confused about any of this.
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We cannot be confused when we have facts.
FACT: That's not always true! [you are very confused]... but we'll go with that anyway...
Your stated ideology is to rescue unborn fetuses from being aborted by its mother at a stage of development when it does not have neurological capability to have consciousness or lung capability to breathe air or heart capability to circulate blood. When a woman at about 8 weeks chooses not to assume the risk of allowing that fetus to develop it is her human right to protect her life from being harmed or killed.
FACT: the above is proof of your confusion
The fetus cannot harm you in any way but you want the government to deny every women who becomes pregnant to have no choice even if she seeks to avoid injury and death.
FACT: No I don't
Your ideology causes harm to my fellow citizens whom I regard as equals.,
FACT: I am prochoice [or at least lean that way], but if you would like me to agree with ^that/this^ I will be happy to oblige [but just for this post]
My ideology causes no harm to living organism outside the womb.
FACT: if your ideology is the opposite of mine then you are making the case for pro-life.
I am not confused about harm.
FACT: then that would be the only thing.
If you believe the sanctity of life begins at conception do not abort what you conceive.
FACT: good advice
I believe the sanctity of life begins when science says human consciousness is possible.,
Like everyone else you can believe whatever you want on this issue, but out of curiosity when does your science say life begins?

Much like your "beliefs" and your "science" you should take a look at the post you attributed to me and give it a real good non liberal think and try to figure out if you got something wrong....Confused much?
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00536 Apr 24, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #536 “Let them vote pro choice, there is a thing called principle that is lost on the left. I would rather lose an election while standing for the unborn, than to go along with the wrong ideology just to win!”

00537 Apr 24, 2023 ¥ OhPleaseJustQuit ¥ “Wisely said!” {to: 00,536 frnknstn}

NFBW: One in five Republicans are pro-choice. They will tire of losing because you want government to cause harm to all women in unwanted pregnancies, with it being reported that black women are three times more likely to die during childbirth than white women.

So do families and women who are severely harmed or killed during childbirth they did not want get compensated by you because your ideology forced them to give birth against their choice to terminate?

If only one woman dies because of your ideology being forced on them, it is not a wise ideology
One woman eh, so is it that you might think maybe that "to hell with the million's of would have been new comer's that were developing in the womb until being snuffed out by a possible "legalized" serial killer in this world ?????? .......... These new citizen's in route to being born, could actually be a new founder of a cure for Cancer, and a founded of cure's for far more such tragic thing's that are hurting human beings before their time ????
Not to add to your confusion but I'm pro-choice and believe pro-life has that the side you're on?

ClaireH said: Why do you oppose abortion?

Sep 16, 2022 NFBW #5,171 “I do not support abortion in my personal life. As a secular humanist I believe viable humans have an obligation to make the precious experience of human existence among all viable humans as perfect as possible. When a man and women partake of the pleasure of sex without concern that the woman can get pregnant, they fall short of seeking human perfection or enlightened existence as a common goal of being human. •••• I am not responsible for what other people do when they fall short in the pursuit of enlightenment as long as they do not violate the life and property and liberty of other viable human beings going about the business of life.

APRIL 24, 2023 NFBW I’m pro-“none of my business” what a woman does regarding her conscience and her body except when the decision is to abort as birth control. She should make it before 20 weeks .

I believe a fetus has a right to life only through its mother. It has a right to life when the mother gives it by her choice and her choice alone to assume the risk of giving birth a the end of a full term.

In my personal life and relationships I believe a real man does not risk impregnating a woman if having a kid is not part of the plan.

I’m a rational theist like Washington Adams and Jefferson? I’m basically a secular humanist on abortion. See my post 05,171 above,

Thanks for asking Frankeneinstein - comments and critical thoughts are welcome.
It's a meaningless [as well as disingenuous] opinion if you don't MYOB when it comes to the other side of the debate...why don't ya just stay out of it altogether?
I think Roe v Wade was a reasonable compromise when it came up with viability being the end of constitutional federal restrictions on state regulation of the medical procedure of abortion at 28 weeks. And because of all pregnancies that are terminated 92% are performed before 12 weeks. The remainder are likely with cause abortions.

I think it’s fair to say that I mind my own business with plenty of time for women to decide in privacy with her doctors what she wants to do. For fifty years that arrangement was settled law. Six Catholics on the Supreme Court didn’t mind their constitutional business so I’m not dissatisfied with the way I am minding mine.
It's a meaningless [as well as disingenuous] opinion if you don't MYOB when it comes to the other side of the debate

I can’t mind my own business when the anti-choice group-think’s agenda is to cause harm to my fellow Americans. It’s about harm. The government has to respect liberty and do no harm to individuals. just because they were born with over a million eggs in their bodies the Government and religious zealots have no right to do harm to them.

Pro-choice does no harm to my fellow citizens
Nov 11, 2022 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #292 ..btw, when pressed to make a choice I support choice (on demand) but I don't lie about why.

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW {to: 00,292 frnknvstn} Will you tell me why you support “choice (on demand)”, without lying?
" Pretending To Know Better With Missing Facts Of Evidence "

* Legalism Hermeneutics Of Rhetorical Hubris *

Yet, a person can be charged with the death of an unborn child. So, you are incorrect to assume the state can't have a say in what happens to an unborn child. Also, it was a group of judges that are part of the 3 separate and equal parts of our government, that decided it's okay for the state to approve of killing unborn children and for a long time, supporting institutions that kill the unborn.
You appear to be confusing legal jargon and the sedition of scotus dobbs decision with facts of truth , and public rhetoric surrounding the actual constitutional basis and understanding for abortion choice , as presented by this republican remains suppressed .

The death penalty is not technically possible for a perpetrator for killing an unborn , and that is stated explicitly in code , as to encode that a death penalty is available would evoke a suit with a ruling based on a live birth requirement for equal protection .

As a zygote , or embryo , or zygote has not met a live birth requirement , it is not entitled to equal protection with a citizen , which is a fact of truth .

Any perceived legal jargon describing offense against a zygote , or embryo , or fetus are in fact of truth an offense against the self ownership element of individualism that entitled to the mother , through a credo of e pluribus unum espousing independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals , and the penalties can be commensurate with the offense and within us 8th amendment .

The mother can not be charged with a criminal offense for authorizing an abortion .
This bears repeating.
Apr 25, 2023 NFBW #545 {{ to: 00,541 Frankenstein post #541 }} “Do you forgive your version of God Frankenstein for personally killing One out of Five of every single “innocent child” who is conceived? •••• Catholics worship a God who commits murder twenty percent of the time and convicts the survivors of original sin.”​

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW: Thanks postman.

Lot’s of thoughts here on BackAgain ’s thread where he started it but doesn’t want the politics and constitutional relevance of “religion” being discussed on the subject of abortion for some weird reason.

Lot’s of white Christian males who sanctimoniously oppose women having autonomy over their own body ( when it is always the woman’s fault if they get knocked up by an overloaded aroused heterosexual male) shy away from discussing their oppression when anything about an aooetntky never aroused Jesus is brought up.

I’d like to see Dobbs be the epiphany in American politics when we all realized that the Republican Party structured and institutionalized it own demise. We can chronicle the sun setting on the MAGA drenched Republican Party and the salvation of our Constitutional Republic from the comfort of this thread.

Thanks for the bump.
Apr 25, 2023 NFBW #545 {{ to: 00,541 Frankenstein post #541 }} “Do you forgive your version of God Frankenstein for personally killing One out of Five of every single “innocent child” who is conceived? •••• Catholics worship a God who commits murder twenty percent of the time and convicts the survivors of original sin.”​

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW: Thanks postman.

Lot’s of thoughts here on BackAgain ’s thread where he started it but doesn’t want the politics and constitutional relevance of “religion” being discussed on the subject of abortion for some weird reason.

Lot’s of white Christian males who sanctimoniously oppose women having autonomy over their own body ( when it is always the woman’s fault if they get knocked up by an overloaded aroused heterosexual male) shy away from discussing their oppression when anything about an aooetntky never aroused Jesus is brought up.

I’d like to see Dobbs be the epiphany in American politics when we all realized that the Republican Party structured and institutionalized it own demise. We can chronicle the sun setting on the MAGA drenched Republican Party and the salvation of our Constitutional Republic from the comfort of this thread.

Thanks for the bump.
Does the woman have a choice as to whether to allow access to her vagina, from said overloaded aroused heterosexual male? Yes? thought so!
00536 Apr 24, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #536 “Let them vote pro choice, there is a thing called principle that is lost on the left. I would rather lose an election while standing for the unborn, than to go along with the wrong ideology just to win!”

00537 Apr 24, 2023 ¥ OhPleaseJustQuit ¥ “Wisely said!” {to: 00,536 frnknstn}

NFBW: One in five Republicans are pro-choice. They will tire of losing because you want government to cause harm to all women in unwanted pregnancies, with it being reported that black women are three times more likely to die during childbirth than white women.

So do families and women who are severely harmed or killed during childbirth they did not want get compensated by you because your ideology forced them to give birth against their choice to terminate?

If only one woman dies because of your ideology being forced on them, it is not a wise ideology
I do not believe one in five republicans are pro choice! How is a woman being pregnant more harmful, than removing healthy child from womb, risking all sort of medical issues? This has nothing to do with race, it has more to do with having self control than anything, if you do not want to be pregnant be safe, if your precautions do not work, do not kill the human you created.
I think Roe v Wade was a reasonable compromise when it came up with viability being the end of constitutional federal restrictions on state regulation of the medical procedure of abortion at 28 weeks . And because of all pregnancies that are terminated 92% are performed before 12 weeks. The remainder are likely with cause abortions.
Personally I have no problem with it on demand for any reason, but we need to stop pretending there is a compassionate side to abortion and just admit that convenience is what drives the pro-choice argument.
I think it’s fair to say that I mind my own business with plenty of time for women to decide in privacy with her doctors what she wants to do.
Yeah and I think everyone else minds their own business just as well as you do
For fifty years that arrangement was settled law.
and now the other side feels it is settled law.
Six Catholics on the Supreme Court didn’t mind their constitutional business so I’m not dissatisfied with the way I am minding mine.
My point was that you are not minding your own business and the ^above^ is an admission of that...I was just dissatisfied with it because you claimed you were...if you think those justices were not minding their own business then you cannot lay claim to "minding your own business" since you agree that it is the same thing the justices didn't do.
I can’t mind my own business when the anti-choice group-think’s agenda is to cause harm to my fellow Americans.
I understand much the same way I understand the pro-life folks not being able to just stand by and watch what they believe to be infanticide...but do not pretend you are just minding your own business.
It’s about harm.
It's about convenience.
The government has to respect liberty and do no harm to individuals. just because they were born with over a million eggs in their bodies the Government and religious zealots have no right to do harm to them.
in fact government should have no part in this at all
Pro-choice does no harm to my fellow citizens
I understand much the same way I understand pro-lifers seeing it as infanticide.
Jan 25, 2023 ¥frnknvstn¥ #74 “They saved the nation in 2016...or at least Trump did, that may carry him/them for the rest of the century.”

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW #8,451 “I can’t mind my own business when the anti-choice group-think’s agenda is to cause harm to my fellow Americans.”

08458 Apr 25, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,458 {to: 08,451 nfbw} “I understand much the same way I understand the pro-life folks not being able to just stand by and watch what they believe to be infanticide...but do not pretend you are just minding your own business.”

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW {to: 00,074 fvstn} Whatever you think Trump “saved” us from in 2016 it carry him in 2020 unless you agree with anti-choice MAGA that he won 2020 but was cheated out of it.

Apr 25, 2023 NFBW {to: 08,451 fvstn} The interrelationship that underlies the killing of a living human organism in a womb that cannot be “alive” without the functioning contribution of a person’s neurological, respiration and circulatory system is not morally or legally or in the history of common law defined as infanticide.

Why are MAGA’s mostly white Christians who are nowhere’s near the majority of the multi-color if all good Christians entitled to force their “bereft of legality” definition of infanticide on the whole country?

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