Roger Stone, Trump's buddy, lived in the Russian hacker's pocket


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Those who voted for Hillary? I have no idea. Both Clinton and Trump were, are, will be forever in the eyes of Just Political God as corrupt as hell.
CBS Evening News: Trump Ally Roger Stone Contacted Russian Hacker "At Least 16 Times During The 2016 Campaign"

MSM media, CBS evening news, says Roger Stone contacted the Russian hacker(s) at least 16 times we know of, and probably much much more.

Now don't be lying, you trumpenfreekensteens. It was not alright for Clinton, and it was not right for Trump unless you want Trump to be like Clinton. Hmmm?
Only 16 times? Obama was caught talking to high security risks under surveillance 1,227 times.

"Privacy advocate Sen. Rand Paul told a national TV audience Sunday that President Donald Trump’s claim to have been wiretapped may be explained by “a backdoor search” of records taken through surveillance ostensibly targeting foreigners.

About that, the Kentucky Republican could be correct, according to legal experts and dissident former National Security Agency officials. Authorities can store and search without warrants the communications of Americans if they were not targeted.

But in making his point, Paul said that authorities had in this manner listened to the conversations of President Barack Obama hundreds of times.

“And so they did this to President Obama. They 1,227 times eavesdrop[ped] on President Obama's phone calls,” Paul said on the CBS program “Face the Nation.”

Paul’s office says the figure comes from a 2014 article in The Washington Post that analyzed a sample of thousands of intercepts from 2009-2012, many involving Americans, that were provided by exiled whistleblower Edward Snowden."
tmt, that is fake news you post.

But if you buy it and excuse Trump, then you want Trump to be just a white Obama.
tmt, that is fake news you post.

But if you buy it and excuse Trump, then you want Trump to be just a white Obama.
Fake news? Rand Paul was citing a story in the Washington Post about the NSA files Snowden published. According to James Clapper, Obama's Director of National Intelligence, the nonsense about Trump and Russia is fake news.

Full Clapper: 'No Evidence' of Collusion Between Trump and Russia

In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says that there wasn't evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump earlier this year.

Full Clapper: 'No Evidence' of Collusion Between Trump and Russia
Everyone has said they have not seen the FBI or intel agency investigations, a much more sinister outlook on Trumpworld.
Why was stone in communications with both the hacker(s) and WL at all?

The fact that WL informed Stone, ( and no doubt the Trump campaign by extension), of the Podesta release before it happened, certainly proves cooperation if not outright collusion.

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