Roger Stone: you can't scream election fraud if you lose, you need "absolutely solid documented proof", Trump having big rallies doesn't prove fraud


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
it's hilarious that Roger Stone just betrayed Trump, Italians stab in the back, Stone stabs his enemies in the front

Trump admitted he would only accept the results if he won.
Look, can we clear up something here. Trump not only knew he lost, he knew he was going to lose. Which is why he set up this whole shitshow, "Possession is nine-tenths the law, Trump really believed that bullshit. He was pushing that narrative before the first person voted, the January 6th committee has documented that.

Look, he didn't care if Pence was strung up on a gallows, if Pelosi was drawn and quartered, if Congress itself was burned to the ground. He didn't give two shits. Those were "his" people, brain dead stupid shits that don't have the flippin common sense to realize Trump is a damn conman, always has been, always will be, and honestly, your IQ has to be below 100 for fall for his stupid shit. You think he cares about you? He don't even care about his own flesh and blood and will throw them under the bus at the drop of a hat to protect his own ass. Is he really the horse you want to hitch your cart to?
You people can believe whatever you like but if you think the same bullshit can be done again without ALL OF US having serious negative consequences then you've lost your mind. The idea that you can simply disregard the beliefs of roughly half of the voting public and ignore their complaints, is childish and there will be repercussions you can't just "ignore".
You people can believe whatever you like but if you think the same bullshit can be done again without ALL OF US having serious negative consequences then you've lost your mind. The idea that you can simply disregard the beliefs of roughly half of the voting public and ignore their complaints, is childish and there will be repercussions you can't just "ignore".
Well, we can be pretty sure that many Republicans who lose are going to claim their loss was rigged, so you guys will have PLENTY of chances to threaten the country with violence!

So you'll have LOTS of fun!

There is entirely too much focus on FRAUD. Fraud is proven votes by people who were imaginary, dead, or couldn't legally vote. The Democrat operatives who cooked up the scheme to steal this election KNEW that everyone challenging it would be looking for FRAUDulent votes. So there are no fraudulent votes to be found.

But that's not the end of the story. In Pennsylvania where I live, the State Constitution and all applicable laws basically say that there are only two (2) ways to vote: In person on Election Day, or by certified Absentee Ballot. The United States Constitution says that THE ONLY AUTHORITY THAT CAN CHANGE THE ELECTION LAWS IS THE STATE LEGISLATURE.

The State legislature is controlled by Republicans, but the Governor and the AG are Democrats.

Enter: The Pandemic. The People have both rational and irrational fears of catching cooties and dying.

The Democrats (Secretary of State, AG, and Governor), with no input whatsoever from the legislature, completely gutted the election procedures making up rules for mail-in ballots. Then they ignored their own rules to accept votes from massively-Democrat districts, even though they didn't even meet the minimal security requirements of the revised procedures (which were illegal and unconstitutional). And the way the mail-in's were handled, the envelopes were separated from the ballots and discarded, so there was no way of auditing the results.

The end result was an election where the decisive votes came from Philadelphia, - some districts being 98-100% D - and the ballots that gave Biden the win were illegal. That's not my opinion; it's a fact. And of course THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF FRAUD!

When challenged in court, these procedures were deemed perfectly OK by the PA Supreme Court, which oddly enough is 5 Democrats, 2 Republicans.

So based on that fact pattern, the results in Pennsylvania were described in all Media as perfectly legitimate.

Similar fact patterns occurred in Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona. Ballot boxes being stuffed by third parties (in violation of state laws), ballots harvested from nursing homes where half the residents are non compos mentis, mail-in ballots with minimal or no security, huge numbers of untraceable ballots arriving in the middle of the night, and on and on and on.

Courts around the country, when confronted with these challenges, declined to hear the cases on the merits (lack of standing, not timely, premature, etc.), because they wanted no part of participating in another Bush-v-Gore fiasco like in Y2K.

But no proof of FRAUD! Because it was planned that way.

A lack of provable fraud does not mean that the election was not stolen.

Just sayin'.
amazing op calls this stabbed in the back (or in the front!!!!!!!!)!
how so?

Stone is merely repeating FACTS. Everyone knows you can't argue with what he said. He just said that having rallies doesn't prove vote fraud. Well DUH.. who doesn't know that?

and who doesn't know that you have to have facts to back up allegations of... just whatever.

another breathless "bombshell" that's just a dud

thrown out there for the sake of hackery

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