Ryan / Washington Establishment GOP Serve Up a Slice of 'F* YOU' Budget Pie to Trump

Damned right there is a reason. The Dems knew that the GOP had talked themselves into a corner considering the Government shutdown, and took advantage of it. The GOP was looking at a slaughter of their candidates if they shut down the government when they had control of both Houses.
I disagree, in part, with the second part of your statement. They would only be looking at a slaughter if they allowed the democrats to control the narrative again about a shutdown, falsely blaming the GOP...AGAIN.

It is amazing how the Democrats told the GOP, when they took control of both houses of Congress and the WH, that 'elections have consequences', they 'won', the GOP had to 'get in the back of the bus', and to the victor go the spoils...yet now the hypocrites are declaring elections have no consequences and they still get whatever they want.

Even more amazing is how the GOP cowards are going along with it.
I didn't read the 4 pages of bickering, but this is what I saw yesterday in statements from the Dems and the Repubs and their pundits:
Both sides got some of the things that were important to them. Both sides feel it went pretty well. The hard liners that are pulling this country apart insist on calling a WIN or a LOSE instead of a COMPROMISE.
Rather than reading the comments on this message board to try to ascertain what is in the CR, you should research the info and listen to several different news reports. (Not trying to be mean / nasty)

This CR was not a 'compromise'.

1. The first thing it was is a betrayal of a promise made to Conservatives by Paul Ryan and the other Washington Establishment GOP who agreed to the last CR with the promise that once - specifically this April (NOW) - the GOP had control of the House and Senate they would stand and fight for the budget. Ryan, after rolling over again - having lied again to the Conservative who gave the GOP control of the House and Senate again, is now promising Conservatives the GOP will draw a line in the sand and fight for the budget...in SEPTEMBER.

'Carrot at the end of a stick', 'moving the goal posts',...whatever analogy you want to use, it amounts to the same thing. Conservatives need to smarten the hell up and get faster at recognizing lying assholes.

2. It is not what they were promised. It gives Democrats, who are the minority in both Houses, everything they want while giving Conservatives NOTHING they were promised. I will give Democrats props for using the GOP's 'Kryptonite' - threatening to shut down the government then blaming the GOP for it. Right up front the GOP signaled to the Democrats, 'We will not allow a govt shutdown' well in advance of budget negotiations, too. The Democrats went into discussions knowing they could get everything they wanted by threatening a shutdown...and did.

THAT leads me to one question for the lying / betraying Paul Ryan:

After telling the Democrats you would not risK a government shutdown, after the GOP has caved and given Democrats everything they want every time Democrats threaten a shutdown, WHY THE HELL SHOULD AMERICANS BELIEVE YOUR BULLSHIT NOW ABOUT HOW YOU DID NOT FIGHT THIS TIME BUT WILL 'STAND UP AND FIGHT' IN SEPTEMBER?!

A challenge to Ryan's leadership should be issued right now and a 'No Confidence' vote given to remove him as Speaker of the House, At the very least Ryan is an incompetent coward unwilling to stand up and fight to represent the base that gave the GOP control of the House and Senate. At the worst, Ryan is a traitor to the GOP and to the Conservative base, allowing his own bias and hatred for Trump and opposition to his promises/agenda get in the way and drive him into helping the Democrats get everything they want. (IMHO)
I listened to enough to know what I said is not inaccurate. The majority of the people did not WANT a shutdown, Easy. Both sides prevented it by kicking the can six months down the road. I'm sick to death of the partisan bickering so why would I read more details about either side? You present one spin and Debbie Wasserman-Shultz presents another. It doesn't actually get me or any of you any farther. Dem's are glad that Planned Parenthood and NIH are still funded, and Trump is happy he got increased border security and military funding.
I didn't read the 4 pages of bickering, but this is what I saw yesterday in statements from the Dems and the Repubs and their pundits:
Both sides got some of the things that were important to them. Both sides feel it went pretty well. The hard liners that are pulling this country apart insist on calling a WIN or a LOSE instead of a COMPROMISE.
Rather than reading the comments on this message board to try to ascertain what is in the CR, you should research the info and listen to several different news reports. (Not trying to be mean / nasty)

This CR was not a 'compromise'.

1. The first thing it was is a betrayal of a promise made to Conservatives by Paul Ryan and the other Washington Establishment GOP who agreed to the last CR with the promise that once - specifically this April (NOW) - the GOP had control of the House and Senate they would stand and fight for the budget. Ryan, after rolling over again - having lied again to the Conservative who gave the GOP control of the House and Senate again, is now promising Conservatives the GOP will draw a line in the sand and fight for the budget...in SEPTEMBER.

'Carrot at the end of a stick', 'moving the goal posts',...whatever analogy you want to use, it amounts to the same thing. Conservatives need to smarten the hell up and get faster at recognizing lying assholes.

2. It is not what they were promised. It gives Democrats, who are the minority in both Houses, everything they want while giving Conservatives NOTHING they were promised. I will give Democrats props for using the GOP's 'Kryptonite' - threatening to shut down the government then blaming the GOP for it. Right up front the GOP signaled to the Democrats, 'We will not allow a govt shutdown' well in advance of budget negotiations, too. The Democrats went into discussions knowing they could get everything they wanted by threatening a shutdown...and did.

THAT leads me to one question for the lying / betraying Paul Ryan:

After telling the Democrats you would not risK a government shutdown, after the GOP has caved and given Democrats everything they want every time Democrats threaten a shutdown, WHY THE HELL SHOULD AMERICANS BELIEVE YOUR BULLSHIT NOW ABOUT HOW YOU DID NOT FIGHT THIS TIME BUT WILL 'STAND UP AND FIGHT' IN SEPTEMBER?!

A challenge to Ryan's leadership should be issued right now and a 'No Confidence' vote given to remove him as Speaker of the House, At the very least Ryan is an incompetent coward unwilling to stand up and fight to represent the base that gave the GOP control of the House and Senate. At the worst, Ryan is a traitor to the GOP and to the Conservative base, allowing his own bias and hatred for Trump and opposition to his promises/agenda get in the way and drive him into helping the Democrats get everything they want. (IMHO)
I listened to enough to know what I said is not inaccurate. The majority of the people did not WANT a shutdown, Easy. Both sides prevented it by kicking the can six months down the road. I'm sick to death of the partisan bickering so why would I read more details about either side? You present one spin and Debbie Wasserman-Shultz presents another. It doesn't actually get me or any of you any farther. Dem's are glad that Planned Parenthood and NIH are still funded, and Trump is happy he got increased border security and military funding.

Agree - no one wants a shut down, but the Democrats are always the ones who cause it because, like spoiled children, they want what they want, they will not negotiate, and they know if they threaten it they will get their way. And why should the Democrats do anything different - it works.

It is about damn time the American people come to grips with the fact this happens all the time, and it is the Democrats doing it. This cycle can NOT be allowed to continue because it is even more damaging to the nation that some temporary shutdown. Those REALLY causing the shutdown should be the ones punished, not the ones being blamed for it.

During the last govt shutdown, not only did the democrats cause it, Barak Obama then ordered his administration to make it as painful as possible on the American people while blaming the GOP for it. he even tried to shut down historical sites the govt did not even own. Instead of hammering the asshole for it, the 'All-In' media helped him blame the GOP for it.
I didn't read the 4 pages of bickering, but this is what I saw yesterday in statements from the Dems and the Repubs and their pundits:
Both sides got some of the things that were important to them. Both sides feel it went pretty well. The hard liners that are pulling this country apart insist on calling a WIN or a LOSE instead of a COMPROMISE.
Rather than reading the comments on this message board to try to ascertain what is in the CR, you should research the info and listen to several different news reports. (Not trying to be mean / nasty)

This CR was not a 'compromise'.

1. The first thing it was is a betrayal of a promise made to Conservatives by Paul Ryan and the other Washington Establishment GOP who agreed to the last CR with the promise that once - specifically this April (NOW) - the GOP had control of the House and Senate they would stand and fight for the budget. Ryan, after rolling over again - having lied again to the Conservative who gave the GOP control of the House and Senate again, is now promising Conservatives the GOP will draw a line in the sand and fight for the budget...in SEPTEMBER.

'Carrot at the end of a stick', 'moving the goal posts',...whatever analogy you want to use, it amounts to the same thing. Conservatives need to smarten the hell up and get faster at recognizing lying assholes.

2. It is not what they were promised. It gives Democrats, who are the minority in both Houses, everything they want while giving Conservatives NOTHING they were promised. I will give Democrats props for using the GOP's 'Kryptonite' - threatening to shut down the government then blaming the GOP for it. Right up front the GOP signaled to the Democrats, 'We will not allow a govt shutdown' well in advance of budget negotiations, too. The Democrats went into discussions knowing they could get everything they wanted by threatening a shutdown...and did.

THAT leads me to one question for the lying / betraying Paul Ryan:

After telling the Democrats you would not risK a government shutdown, after the GOP has caved and given Democrats everything they want every time Democrats threaten a shutdown, WHY THE HELL SHOULD AMERICANS BELIEVE YOUR BULLSHIT NOW ABOUT HOW YOU DID NOT FIGHT THIS TIME BUT WILL 'STAND UP AND FIGHT' IN SEPTEMBER?!

A challenge to Ryan's leadership should be issued right now and a 'No Confidence' vote given to remove him as Speaker of the House, At the very least Ryan is an incompetent coward unwilling to stand up and fight to represent the base that gave the GOP control of the House and Senate. At the worst, Ryan is a traitor to the GOP and to the Conservative base, allowing his own bias and hatred for Trump and opposition to his promises/agenda get in the way and drive him into helping the Democrats get everything they want. (IMHO)
I listened to enough to know what I said is not inaccurate. The majority of the people did not WANT a shutdown, Easy. Both sides prevented it by kicking the can six months down the road. I'm sick to death of the partisan bickering so why would I read more details about either side? You present one spin and Debbie Wasserman-Shultz presents another. It doesn't actually get me or any of you any farther. Dem's are glad that Planned Parenthood and NIH are still funded, and Trump is happy he got increased border security and military funding.

Agree - no one wants a shut down, but the Democrats are always the ones who cause it because, like spoiled children, they want what they want, they will not negotiate, and they know if they threaten it they will get their way. And why should the Democrats do anything different - it works.

It is about damn time the American people come to grips with the fact this happens all the time, and it is the Democrats doing it. This cycle can NOT be allowed to continue because it is even more damaging to the nation that some temporary shutdown. Those REALLY causing the shutdown should be the ones punished, not the ones being blamed for it.

During the last govt shutdown, not only did the democrats cause it, Barak Obama then ordered his administration to make it as painful as possible on the American people while blaming the GOP for it. he even tried to shut down historical sites the govt did not even own. Instead of hammering the asshole for it, the 'All-In' media helped him blame the GOP for it.
Coulda sworn I heard the moron in our WH say we need a good gov't shutdown
I told you people the GOP establishment was corrupt, why do you think they opposed Trump during the election. The Trump win has forced the GOP establishment to show its true colors. Trump is trying to put lipstick on this pig of a budget, what else can he do he can't force those dicks in congress to do the people's will.

I'll tell you what comes next, having fooled Trump into supporting this budget with promises of funding his initiatives later this year, later this year they will fuck Trump over by reneging. Then Trump is likely to pop a freaking gasket and go on the warpath.
Coulda sworn I heard the moron in our WH say we need a good gov't shutdown
I kinda agree with him. The GOP should call the democrats' bluff, and when they shut down the govt the GOP should expose the Democrats as selfish, self-serving spoiled children who lost an election yet are still demanding to have everything their way and being willing to punish the entire country to get it.
Coulda sworn I heard the moron in our WH say we need a good gov't shutdown
I kinda agree with him. The GOP should call the democrats' bluff, and when they shut down the govt the GOP should expose the Democrats as selfish, self-serving spoiled children who lost an election yet are still demanding to have everything their way and being willing to punish the entire country to get it.
Even if what you say is true and I doubt it is the GOP are the prime self servers as far as shutting our gov't down
Even if what you say is true, and I doubt it is, the GOP are the prime self servers as far as shutting our gov't down
Really? Then why is the Democrats who are always threatening to shut down the govt to get their way while it is always the GOP giving in, backing down, and declaring they are not willing to shut down the govt? The facts / history don't seem to support your opinion.
The "US" media will always blame the GOP regardless.

Blamed HW when Dems had Congress, and blamed Congress when Clinton had WH.

Nobody should fear that, as the media's "credibility" is at historic well earned lows.
Even if what you say is true, and I doubt it is, the GOP are the prime self servers as far as shutting our gov't down
Really? Then why is the Democrats who are always threatening to shut down the govt to get their way while it is always the GOP giving in, backing down, and declaring they are not willing to shut down the govt? The facts / history don't seem to support your opinion.
Do YOU remember Easy??
Republicans Threaten Government Shutdown With Political Games

Unfortunately, Republicans appear to be unable – or unwilling – to learn from the past. Despite the risk that comes with playing games with our country’s economy, several Republicans are indicating they want to threaten a government shutdown in order to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT): “This is the last stop before ObamaCare fully kicks in on Jan. 1 of next year for us to refuse to fund it … If Republicans in both houses simply refuse to vote for any continuing resolution that contains further funding for further enforcement of ObamaCare, we can stop it. We can stop the individual mandate from going into effect,” [“Fox and Friends,” 7/22]

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC): “We have 64 of my colleagues on this letter and we’re asking the leadership not to bring anything to the floor that has funding for ObamaCare in it.” [The Hill, 7/23]

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL): “You want to delay implementation? Don’t fund it. If we have a six-month continuing resolution, we should defund the implementation of ObamaCare by those six months … I will not vote for a continuing resolution unless it defunds ObamaCare.” [The Hill, 7/23]

And they are not alone. As The Hill notes:

Several influential members of the Republican conference are backing the controversial tactic, including Senate Republican Whip John Cornyn (Texas) and Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the second- and third-ranking members of the GOP leadership, respectively.”

Perhaps they don’t remember, but the last time Republicans urged a government shutdown, they were blamed by a majority of Americans for these reckless tactics. And of course there’s the fact that according to a United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll, “Most Americans Don’t Want Congress to Repeal Obamacare.”
Q: What does Caitlyn Jenner and Paul Ryan, and the Washington Establishment GOP have in common?

A: NONE of them have any B@LLS

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and the rest of the Washington Establishment GOP absolutely HATE being in power, especially being in control of BOTH houses of Congress. They HATE having to lead, something they are both too incompetent and too frightened / gutless to do.

How else can you explain how they can control both the House and the Senate while having a Republican President and STILL rolling over with their legs spread to humiliated, diminished, depleted, minority part Democrats, giving them everything THEY want in the budget (No money for the wall, No cuts to sanctuary cities, Funding for Planned Parenthood)?

How else can you explain it? I've got one idea:

Most people always assume there is a huge moral, ethical, and ideological difference between Democrats and Republican POLITICIANS. There's NOT.

No matter which party is in power for decades now, no matter which party's politicians are in the minority, the Liberal agenda continues to advance, always moving forward. Oh, Conservatives score little victories every now and then, like defeating Hillary Clinton to win the Presidency. Having control of the House, the Senate, and the White house should be a HUGE victory.

Throw in the fact that the Democratic party is IMPLODING - 1,000+ seats/election lost in 8 years, back-to-back historic record-setting elections, deplorable seditious acts of violence / calls for military coups / Presidential assassination, exposed as having perpetrated Felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine and/or overthrow the newly elected President, and the attest revelation of how they created the entire 'Trump-Russia Collusion'' story to escape their shame from Hillary losing again and the DNC-Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Pakistani spy scandal that was yet another SELF-INFLICTED WOUND, and the GOP should be bitch-slapping the Democrats on Capitol hill while having their way with them right now.

Instead, the GOP leadership, under Paul Ryan, is getting ready to present the only budget option as one that mentions no spending on THE WALL, has no mention of cuts to sanctuary Cities, and funds the Liberal 'Baby-Murder Mill', Planned Parenthood. It was as if, despite controlling all of Congress, Ryan just 'dropped trou', bent over his desk, and offered his ass up to Nancy Pelosi.


1. GOP Leadership - the same old Washington Establishment GOP that continues to run the GOP, despite the movement and agenda the people supported by / when they elected trump, wants the same thing the Liberal Democrats want - they support the Liberal Democrat agenda. This partly explains why they TALK a good game, vote hundreds of times to repeal/replace the ACA when it doesn't count and folds when it does, for example. It partly explains why they never put up a fight, never stand up for what the people really want, and always - in the end - push and pass the Liberal snowflake agenda. Conservatives - even now, after winning the House, Senate, and the WH - have been betrayed!

2. Ryan and the Washington Establishment GOP - who never liked Trump, who tried to destroy Trump in the primaries, and who even now publicly oppose him - is going along with the Democrats to undermine and oppose what Trump and the American people who elected him want him to accomplish.

Smaller, less controlling government is bad for Ryan and the professional politicians. They love the status quo. They have established their own political Utopia in which they enrich themselves, Un-Constitutionally Exempt themselves from laws they don't even like, and are able to avoid nasty things like being indicted and actually punished for crimes. Trump is just as much their enemy as he is to the snowflakes.

The ONLY explanation for why Ryan could for one second believe that Trump would be / is going to be 'ok' with accepting any such budget as THIS one - which amounts to Ryan giving Trump the finger right in front of his face - is that Ryan does not give a damn what Trump wants and is openly defying / undermining him, even to the point of working with the Democrats and giving them what they want.

This reported budget Ryan is about to present to the Senate and to Trump is proof, IMO, that Ryan is a traitor and is openly, publicly, defiantly serving up a big ol' slice of 'F* YOU' Pie to Trump, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind - especially Trump's - as to where he stands.



What a TRAITOR! He is and has always been nothing but Boehner's 'Sith Apprentice'!

Bored with winning: New spending bill has no money for the wall, no cuts to sanctuary cities, funding for Planned Parenthood - Hot Air


There is one reason why the 'Liberal Agenda continues to advance' under Republicans:

The 'Liberal Agenda' is based on knowledge, intelligence and the responsibilities of the government per the U.S. Constitution.

The Republican and Alt-Right campaign promises are based on ignorance, stupidity, and lack of any belief in government responsibility. Each Repug or wingnut seems to believe that government is for and by himself exclusively.

The repugs (and Trump) will say ANYTHING to get elected. They appeal to the ignorant, the stupid, and the excessively self-centered to get into office (not to mention just plain mean people).

But once in office the intelligent Republican politicians know that if they live up to the nonsense that they professed to get elected it will cause major catastrophes in this country and throughout the world.

So now that they're in power they have to APPEAR to be trying to live up to their campaign promises while they wiggle, wiggle out of them.

The fact is that all the programs that the Dems started are good for America and the world, but the Repugs can't admit that or they'd never get elected.

Of course there are many repugs and alt-right that are too stupid to realize this and really want to live up to their campaign promises. These people need to cause major catastrophes before their happy. If they succeed they'll SPIN IT and blame those catastrophes on ANYONE but themselves.
Even if what you say is true, and I doubt it is, the GOP are the prime self servers as far as shutting our gov't down
Really? Then why is the Democrats who are always threatening to shut down the govt to get their way while it is always the GOP giving in, backing down, and declaring they are not willing to shut down the govt? The facts / history don't seem to support your opinion.
Do YOU remember Easy??
Republicans Threaten Government Shutdown With Political Games

Unfortunately, Republicans appear to be unable – or unwilling – to learn from the past. Despite the risk that comes with playing games with our country’s economy, several Republicans are indicating they want to threaten a government shutdown in order to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT): “This is the last stop before ObamaCare fully kicks in on Jan. 1 of next year for us to refuse to fund it … If Republicans in both houses simply refuse to vote for any continuing resolution that contains further funding for further enforcement of ObamaCare, we can stop it. We can stop the individual mandate from going into effect,” [“Fox and Friends,” 7/22]

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC): “We have 64 of my colleagues on this letter and we’re asking the leadership not to bring anything to the floor that has funding for ObamaCare in it.” [The Hill, 7/23]

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL): “You want to delay implementation? Don’t fund it. If we have a six-month continuing resolution, we should defund the implementation of ObamaCare by those six months … I will not vote for a continuing resolution unless it defunds ObamaCare.” [The Hill, 7/23]

And they are not alone. As The Hill notes:

Several influential members of the Republican conference are backing the controversial tactic, including Senate Republican Whip John Cornyn (Texas) and Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the second- and third-ranking members of the GOP leadership, respectively.”

Perhaps they don’t remember, but the last time Republicans urged a government shutdown, they were blamed by a majority of Americans for these reckless tactics. And of course there’s the fact that according to a United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll, “Most Americans Don’t Want Congress to Repeal Obamacare.”

Yes, I remember this. It's called Liberal Propaganda, and it is exactly what I have been talking about when I have mentioned how the Liberals have done a much better job at controlling the media, always blaming the GOP when the govt is shut down.

Several Republicans in the past have advocated calling the Democrats' bluff, actually letting them shut the govt down if they don't get what they want.

Trump is actually calling for that now due to a minority group in government who has lost over 1,000 elections and 2 back-to-back historic elections demanding they want everything they want or will force a govt shutdown. In doing so now, Democrats - the same ones who declared 'elections have consequences' and told the GOP to get in the back of the bus' - are demonstrating what spoiled hypocrites they are.

As your own post above said / says: "...they were blamed..." Blaming the GOP is what the Democrats always do, and stupid Americans continue to buy the same ol' Liberal spin / lies. The GOP, quite frankly, suck at 'PR' and getting the real story out.

The real stories with this latest CR are:

1. GOP Lies To Constituents - Sold Last 'CR' With Promise To Fight For April 17 Budget But Folded Like Cheap Suits'

2. GOP Moronically Told Dems In Advance They Would Cave...AGAIN...If Dems Threatened Govt Shutdown

3. Minority Party Dems Threaten Govt Shutdown...AGAIN....GOP Caves...AGAIN

That's it. 'Wash, Rinse, Repeat'. The cycle goes on and on and on....and why wouldn't it? It works for the Democrats. If it's broke, don't fix it.

Ryan and the Washington Establishment GOP have proven time and again that keeping their own jobs by not getting blamed for anything is more important to them than what they supposedly claim they stand for and more important that keeping their promises to their Constituents / base.
The 'Liberal Agenda' is based on knowledge, intelligence and the responsibilities of the government per the U.S. Constitution.

Yeah, thanks for the opinion, Dick, but let's take a closer look at that comment by comparing it to some of Obama's and the democrats' actions when Obama was President:

1. ACA:
- The Democrats did not read it before they voted to pass it.
- Dems would not let anyone else read it before they passed it.
- "It will pay for itself."
- "It will not cost a dime."
- "If you like your policy / doctor you can keep your policy / doctor"

This piece of Liberal Agenda was NOT based on knowledge, intelligence, or responsibilities of the govt as per the Constitution.

2. Obama refusing to enforce Existing Law - such as Illegal Immigration
- The President is tasked with upholding and enforcing the law. Instead Obama's Liberal agenda included refusing to enforce existing law, creating 'laws' that benefitted illegals but that did not apply to US citizens, protecting Federal Law-breaking Sanctuaries, protecting in human trafficking, engaging in human trafficking, shipping illegals into communities and dumping them there without notifying state / local agencies they were coming, etc...

This piece of Liberal Agenda was NOT based on knowledge, intelligence, or responsibilities of the govt as per the Constitution.

3. Obama supplied, financed, armed, trained, protected, and defended TERRORISTS and Drug Cartels, injected himself into foreign governments to help overthrow those govts and help TERRORISTS take over, and dragged the US into 2 UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized WARS....

NONE of these pieces of Liberal Agenda (or was it just BARRY'S agenda) were based on knowledge, INTELLIGENCE, or responsibilities of the govt AS PER THE CONSTITUTION.
The 'Liberal Agenda' is based on knowledge, intelligence and the responsibilities of the government per the U.S. Constitution.

Yeah, thanks for the opinion, Dick, but let's take a closer look at that comment by comparing it to some of Obama's and the democrats' actions when Obama was President:

1. ACA:
- The Democrats did not read it before they voted to pass it.
- Dems would not let anyone else read it before they passed it.
- "It will pay for itself."
- "It will not cost a dime."
- "If you like your policy / doctor you can keep your policy / doctor"

This piece of Liberal Agenda was NOT based on knowledge, intelligence, or responsibilities of the govt as per the Constitution.

2. Obama refusing to enforce Existing Law - such as Illegal Immigration
- The President is tasked with upholding and enforcing the law. Instead Obama's Liberal agenda included refusing to enforce existing law, creating 'laws' that benefitted illegals but that did not apply to US citizens, protecting Federal Law-breaking Sanctuaries, protecting in human trafficking, engaging in human trafficking, shipping illegals into communities and dumping them there without notifying state / local agencies they were coming, etc...

This piece of Liberal Agenda was NOT based on knowledge, intelligence, or responsibilities of the govt as per the Constitution.

3. Obama supplied, financed, armed, trained, protected, and defended TERRORISTS and Drug Cartels, injected himself into foreign governments to help overthrow those govts and help TERRORISTS take over, and dragged the US into 2 UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized WARS....

NONE of these pieces of Liberal Agenda (or was it just BARRY'S agenda) were based on knowledge, INTELLIGENCE, or responsibilities of the govt AS PER THE CONSTITUTION.

If you truly believe that no one in Congress read the ACA before they voted on it you're to stupid for words.

I really don't have to go beyond that to know that you're among the morons that the Repugs have completely dup'd.

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