Rohani prepared to shut Iran nuclear plant if West lifts sanctions


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
By*Haaretz and*Reuters. Published 19:46 16.09.13

"Iranian president*Hassan Rohani*is reportedly prepared to shutter the Fordow uranium enrichment facility, as part of a possible deal with the United States and Europe. "

"In exchange, Rohani would seek the removal the harsh economic sanctions facing the Islamic Republic, according to Der Spiegel, the German weekly news magazine.

"Salehi's comments, in a speech at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and to reporters afterwards, were in line with the less confrontational signals coming from Tehran since Rohani succeeded hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president. But, like Rohani, Salehi stressed that Iran would never "compromise" over what the Islamic state sees as its inalienable right to a civilian nuclear energy program.".

Rohani prepared to shut Iran nuclear plant if West lifts sanctions - Middle EastIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

It is reported that according to the Der Spiegel report, Rohani plans to announce his offer before the United Nations General Assembly, a meeting scheduled for the end of September. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif *is set to meet EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton next week and give her the details of Rohani's proposition.

Well, I guess only time will confirm if this report is true and the extent to which Iran is willing to negotiate their right to develop nuclear power.

We all need to remember there are absolutely no international laws that prevent nations from producing nuclear power for civilian purposes. That is a right all nations have.

There are multiple sites in Iran where nuclear power is reportedly being developed.

Sanctions always hurt ordinary civilians worst. They result in such things as malnutrition in children and an inability for people to get medicine needed to maintain life. In Iraq, according to UN agencies over a number of years sanctions killed millions of people.
Moscow, Tehran to sign agreement on building new nuclear power plant – Iranian FM

"Iran has held consultations with the Russian side and soon an agreement of mutual understanding will be signed on the construction of a new nuclear power plant,”*Ali Akbar Salehi, Iranian foreign minister and former nuclear chief, said on Sunday. He reiterated that Iran’s nuclear program is purely peaceful, as the country needs nuclear power for electricity generation and medicine.The statement comes ahead of the first meeting between Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rouhani and Russian President Vladimir Putin on September 13. The talks are part of a Eurasian summit taking place in Kyrgyzstan’s capital of Bishkek, a Russian presidential aide said Friday.“After Rouhani’s election as president, the Iranian government sent us a proposal to hold a Rouhani-Putin meeting within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Bishkek,”*Yury Ushakov said.Russian parliament speaker Sergey Naryshkin said during his visit to Iran on August 4 that Russia intends to expand cooperation in civilian nuclear power after Iran’s nuclear power plant at Bushehr is fully commissioned in September."

"The construction of Bushehr - the first civilian nuclear plant in the Middle East - was started in 1975 by German companies, but the work was stopped in 1979 after the Islamic revolution of Iran. A contract for finishing the plant was signed between Iran and the Russian Ministry for Atomic Energy in 1995. Bushehr nuclear power plant launched in 2011 has no link to nuclear weapons production and cannot be used to develop such technology."

Moscow, Tehran to sign agreement on building new nuclear power plant ? Iranian FM ? RT News
Iran will not close Fordo nuclear facility, ISNA news agency reported citing an "informed official". According to the report, the official -on the condition of anonymity- dismissed western media information which claimed that Rouhani would offer to close Fordo if West eases sanctions.On September 16, Der Spiegel reported that has learned from intelligence sources that Iran's new president Hassan Rouhani, is reportedly prepared to decommission the Fordo enrichment plant and allow international inspectors to monitor the removal of the centrifuges. In return, he could demand that the United States and Europe rescind their sanctions against the Islamic Republic, lift the ban on Iranian oil exports and allow the country's central bank to do international business again.

Official: Iran to not close Fordo nuclear facility - Trend.Az

This report appearing in Haaretz that is addressed in the OP might be just Zionist Propaganda.
Shut the plant, verify it is shut, and send the inspectors on an unfettered one year inspection of the country.

If at the end of the year, all is well, then end sanctions.

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