Roll-your-own cigarette stores going up in smoke


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
On Friday, President Barack Obama is expected to sign into law a federal highway bill with a section that redefines tobacco manufacturers to include any business with a roll-your-own cigarette machine and taxes those products at the same rate as packaged smokes.

Since 2009, RYO stores have been selling cigarettes with far lower taxes than packaged cigarettes.

Why? In 2009, Congress more than doubled the federal excise tax on cigarettes, and, to bring RYO tobacco in line with packaged smokes, raised the tax on RYO tobacco from $1.10 a pound to $24.78 a pound. Yet it raised the tax on pipe tobacco by a far smaller amount — from $1.10 to $2.83 a pound.

And RYO stores popped up across the country.

Since the 2009 tax increases, Congress’ Government Accountability Office says RYO tobacco sales have fallen 74 percent while pipe tobacco sales have exploded, jumping from 3.2 million pounds to 30.5 million pounds a year, according to government reports.

The GAO concluded the increase was due to consumers switching to pipe tobacco for their machine rolled cigarettes and not to a sudden jump in pipe smoking.

The GAO found that a carton of RYO cigarettes cost half as much, or even less, than a carton of discount cigarettes at a store because of the lower taxes.

Roll-your-own cigarette stores going up in smoke - Chicago Sun-Times

"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes." - Barack Obama
Roll-your-own cigarette stores going up in smoke

On Friday, President Barack Obama is expected to sign into law a federal highway bill with a section that redefines tobacco manufacturers to include any business with a roll-your-own cigarette machine and taxes those products at the same rate as packaged smokes.

The move comes a month after Illinois increased taxes on such roll-your-own machine-made cigarettes.

Marcia Smith, 47, of Lake County, decided after the state tax increase that she should move her Smokes & Such tobacco shops in Skokie and Gurnee to Wisconsin, where taxes on rolled cigarettes are lower.
If Obama signs the law, she said she’ll shut her doors.

The machines, which cost about $33,000 each, allow customers to pick their own tobacco and pour it into a device that can roll the tobacco into a carton, or about 200 cigarettes, within minutes.

Valenti opened three Cig tobacco stores about a year ago to supplement his work as an independent construction contractor.

He operated two stores in Chicago and one in Worth but closed down one of his stores and moved two shortly before Cook County raised RYO taxes. Now, the issue has followed him out to the suburbs, where he lives and co-owns stores in west suburban Westmont in DuPage County and Mokena in Will County.

“They’re basically making us follow the same regulations as big tobacco,” Valenti said, “But [we can’t] reap the same rewards.”

Valenti calls it a “killing” of small businesses and said closing his stores means his 21 employees lose their jobs.

Roll-your-own cigarette stores going up in smoke - Chicago Sun-Times

Say what you like about smoking, it's legal in this country, and this is another example of Obama KILLING another small business in what TWO DEMOCRATS ARE ALREADY ADMITTING IS A DEPRESSION (Biden and Waxman).

Liberals will applaud this, because they are big time nannies who think "the government should get out of the bed room" but just be in EVERY OTHER CHOICE WE MAKE IN OUR LIVES INCLUDING NOW OUR HEALTHCARE! Hypocrites!

I don't smoke. I have never smoked. My husband (Thank God) quit seven years ago, after smoking was killing him with asthma (which he developed from smoking)

I don't encourage smoking. BUT, it is a LEGAL product in the United States and the government can't have it both ways. Either BAN the damn stuff or leave it alone!

Stop trying to tax it out of buiness, because you don't have the courage to ban it, and at the same time kill small business like tobacco shops and the like.
Obama is a fool but he does not pass laws, congress does. I am all for any law congress pases as long as it applies to them as well as to me. To waste time on an issue like this is foolish with so many real issues to face.
Already a thread on it . . . looks like no one responded there either.!
Lolberal dweebs are more lit up over having to show an ID to vote, than active destruction of economic activity by the fascist-in-chief.
Roll-your-own cigarette operations to be snuffed out - Business -

A tiny amendment buried in the federal transportation bill to be signed today by President Barack Obama will put operators of roll-your-own cigarette operations in Las Vegas and nationwide out of business at midnight.

Robert Weissen, with his brothers and other partners, own nine Sin City Cigarette Factory locations in Southern Nevada, including six in Las Vegas, and one in Hawaii. He said when the bill is signed their only choice is to turn off their 20 RYO Filling Station machines and lay off more than 40 employees.

The unemployment rate in Las Vegas is 11.6. I'm sure the newly unemployed with be thanking obama for their funemployment.
Don't blink but soon they'll be shutting down or handcuffing fast food companies, soda companies, junk food companies, etc across the nation in the name of saving taxpayer money for Obamacare "costs."

Everyone should eat healthy will be the salespitch so $8 Big Macs after taxes will be the way to quell your hunger for a Big Mac.

They've started in NYC with their attack on fast food and soda.
I touched on this in one of the unemployment threads yesterday.

While number of people losing their jobs because of this is relatively small, I imagine it is of little consequence to them.

I also found this intriguing:

"The man who pushed for this bill is Sen. (Max) Baucus from Montana, and he received donations from Altria, a parent company of Philip Morris. Interestingly enough, there are also no RYO machines in the state of Montana. It really makes me question the morals and values of our elected speakers."

Why something like this was buried in a transportation bill is beyond me...

Of course I am no fan of the tactic of sticking little amendments onto bills, especially amendments that have absolutely nothing to do with the bill in question. It a sneaky practice I think should be abolished.
Don't blink but soon they'll be shutting down or handcuffing fast food companies, soda companies, junk food companies, etc across the nation in the name of saving taxpayer money for Obamacare "costs."

Everyone should eat healthy will be the salespitch so $8 Big Macs after taxes will be the way to quell your hunger for a Big Mac.

They've started in NYC with their attack on fast food and soda.

do you think they will shut down Popeye's and KFC?

They'll probably just put the "fat tax" on those stores in white dominated neighborhoods.

Whatever fast food is most popular to whitey, like say toast.

Don't blink but soon they'll be shutting down or handcuffing fast food companies, soda companies, junk food companies, etc across the nation in the name of saving taxpayer money for Obamacare "costs."

Everyone should eat healthy will be the salespitch so $8 Big Macs after taxes will be the way to quell your hunger for a Big Mac.

They've started in NYC with their attack on fast food and soda.

do you think they will shut down Popeye's and KFC?
Both of you (first two posts)are idiots. Even the article is disengenuous. The ammendment was backed by the tobacco companies.. In the article it said that the tobacco companies did so to increase taxes. What a lying little slice of shit THAT is. Rolling your own saved smokers money that the tobacco companies wanted to pocket... that's all.. it has NOTHING to do with least nothing concerning the tobacco companies.

The reason why Obama will sign this into law is that this is they way legislation is made. Are you suggesting that a major bill is held up or not signed because of the harm done to this very UNPOPULAR industry. Most people do not smoke at all. If you were so concerned about the rights of smokers there would be no smoking bans in bars and many cities thruout the country.

The hypocracy in this thread is suffocating.
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it's just plain wrong....max should be ashamed! the rolled cigs are chemical free, no additives vs phillip morris as example...they should not be taxed in the same manner....and no one general...I don't believe in 'sin taxes'....not for liquor etc either...
I touched on this in one of the unemployment threads yesterday.

While number of people losing their jobs because of this is relatively small, I imagine it is of little consequence to them.

I also found this intriguing:

"The man who pushed for this bill is Sen. (Max) Baucus from Montana, and he received donations from Altria, a parent company of Philip Morris. Interestingly enough, there are also no RYO machines in the state of Montana. It really makes me question the morals and values of our elected speakers."

Why something like this was buried in a transportation bill is beyond me...

Of course I am no fan of the tactic of sticking little amendments onto bills, especially amendments that have absolutely nothing to do with the bill in question. It a sneaky practice I think should be abolished.

I agree, hjmick. If it is important enough to be passed by Congress, it should be important enough to be brought to the floor and discussed, then voted upon by the entire house and senate.
You fucking idiot, I am talking about the liberals hellbent on forcing everyone into being healthy and this is just a first step.

Tobacco is one area they want to curtail so this move is one step. Next is the fast food, soda, junk food, etc because of "saving" costs under Obamacare and helping people save their own lives.

Because some people are 300 lbs, I should pay more for a soda and cheeseburger via some health tax wetdream you have.

Both of you (first two posts)are idiots. Even the article is disengenuous. The ammendment was backed by the tobacco companies.. In the article it said that the tobacco companies did so to increase taxes. What a lying little slice of shit THAT is. Rolling your own saved smokers money that the tobacco companies wanted to pocket... that's all.. it has NOTHING to do with least nothing concerning the tobacco companies.

The reason why Obama will sign this into law is that this is they way legislation is made. Are you suggesting that a major bill is held up or not signed because of the harm done to this very UNPOPULAR industry. Most people do not smoke at all. If you were so concerned about the rights of smokers there would be no smoking bans in bars and many cities thruout the country.

The hypocracy in this thread is suffocating.
I've been rolling my own either at these shops or my own machine for 2 years now. This will double the cost of my bad habits, all because tobacco companies want to squeeze out the little guys and politicians are addicted to the tax dollars.
I'm off to another shop now for tubes and tobacco. In stead of rolling my carton in 3 minutes, I'll roll a pack in 6 or 6 while I watch the tube.
Friggin LIBERALS! you bitch about conservative wanting control over your uterus but have no problem deciding what I can do with my lungs
The Insanity of Sin Taxes. The Government pretends they are trying to limit stupid Behavior with Taxes, but when they actually do is get the Government Dependent on Income from Stupid Behavior.

Both of you (first two posts)are idiots. Even the article is disengenuous. The ammendment was backed by the tobacco companies.. In the article it said that the tobacco companies did so to increase taxes. What a lying little slice of shit THAT is. Rolling your own saved smokers money that the tobacco companies wanted to pocket... that's all.. it has NOTHING to do with least nothing concerning the tobacco companies.

The reason why Obama will sign this into law is that this is they way legislation is made. Are you suggesting that a major bill is held up or not signed because of the harm done to this very UNPOPULAR industry. Most people do not smoke at all. If you were so concerned about the rights of smokers there would be no smoking bans in bars and many cities thruout the country.

The hypocracy in this thread is suffocating.

On Friday, President Barack Obama is expected to sign into law a federal highway bill with a section that redefines tobacco manufacturers to include any business with a roll-your-own cigarette machine and taxes those products at the same rate as packaged smokes.

Since 2009, RYO stores have been selling cigarettes with far lower taxes than packaged cigarettes.

Why? In 2009, Congress more than doubled the federal excise tax on cigarettes, and, to bring RYO tobacco in line with packaged smokes, raised the tax on RYO tobacco from $1.10 a pound to $24.78 a pound. Yet it raised the tax on pipe tobacco by a far smaller amount — from $1.10 to $2.83 a pound.

And RYO stores popped up across the country.

Since the 2009 tax increases, Congress’ Government Accountability Office says RYO tobacco sales have fallen 74 percent while pipe tobacco sales have exploded, jumping from 3.2 million pounds to 30.5 million pounds a year, according to government reports.

The GAO concluded the increase was due to consumers switching to pipe tobacco for their machine rolled cigarettes and not to a sudden jump in pipe smoking.

The GAO found that a carton of RYO cigarettes cost half as much, or even less, than a carton of discount cigarettes at a store because of the lower taxes.

Roll-your-own cigarette stores going up in smoke - Chicago Sun-Times

"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes." - Barack Obama

Awesome, OBama closed a tax loophole.

Right wingers want the loopholes closed, right?

BTW - most of the stores that people get roll-your-own tobacco from make most of their income from selling bongs
Both of you (first two posts)are idiots. Even the article is disengenuous. The ammendment was backed by the tobacco companies.. In the article it said that the tobacco companies did so to increase taxes. What a lying little slice of shit THAT is. Rolling your own saved smokers money that the tobacco companies wanted to pocket... that's all.. it has NOTHING to do with least nothing concerning the tobacco companies.

The reason why Obama will sign this into law is that this is they way legislation is made. Are you suggesting that a major bill is held up or not signed because of the harm done to this very UNPOPULAR industry. Most people do not smoke at all. If you were so concerned about the rights of smokers there would be no smoking bans in bars and many cities thruout the country.

The hypocracy in this thread is suffocating.

I'm against smoking bans in restaurants, bars, outdoors, etc. It should be up to the business owner to decide whether to permit it in their business or not. Enough people complain the business will go no smoking; not many complaints it stays. No, I don't smoke and always found it gross when eating out and the smoke drifted from the 'non smoking section' into my mouth and yet I strongly believe it should be up to the business owners to make this decision.


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